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Applied to the skin in a transdermal patch (transdermal therapeutic delivery system), this

Applied to the skin in a transdermal patch (transdermal therapeutic delivery system), this drug is used to prevent or reduce the occurrence of nausea and vomiting that are associated with motion sickness.






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【简答题】Translate the sentence: He was wet to the skin.


A Meditation upon a Broomstick by Jonathan Swift T...

A Meditation upon a Broomstick by Jonathan Swift This single stick, which you now behold ingloriously lying in that neglected corner, I once knew in a flourishing state in a forest. It was full of sap, full of leaves, and full of boughs, but now in vain does the busy art of man pretend to vie with nature by tying that withered bundle of twigs to its sapless trunk. It is now at best but the reverse of what it was: a tree turned upside down, the branches on the earth, and the root in the air. It is now handled by every dirty wench, condemned to do her drudgery, and by a capricious kind of fate destined to make other things clean, and be nasty itself. At length, worn to the stumps in the service of the maids, it is either thrown out of doors or condemned to its last use of kindling a fire. When I behold this I sighed, and said within myself, “Surely mortal man is a broomstick!” Nature sent him into the world strong and lusty, in a thriving condition, wearing his own hair on his head, the proper branches of this reasoning vegetable, till the axe of intemperance has lopped off his green boughs, and left him a withered trunk; he then flies to art, and puts on a periwig, valuing himself upon an unnatural bundle of hairs, all covered with powder, that never grew on his head. But now should this our broomstick pretend to enter the scene, proud of those birchen spoils it never bore, and all covered with dust, through the sweepings of the finest lady’s chamber, we should be apt to ridicule and despise its vanity. Partial judges that we are of our own excellencies, and other men’s defaults! But a broomstick, perhaps you will say, is an emblem of a tree standing on its head; and pray what is a man but a topsy-turvy creature, his animal faculties perpetually mounted on his rational, his head where his heels should be, grovelling on the earth? And yet, with all his faults, he sets up to be a universal reformer and corrector of abuses, a remover of grievances, rakes into every slut’s corner of nature, bringing hidden corruptions to the light, and raises a mighty dust where there was none before, sharing deeply all the while in the very same pollutions he pretends to sweep away. His last days are spent in slavery to women, and generally the least deserving; till, worn to the stumps, like his brother besom, he is either kicked out of doors, or made use of to kindle flames for others to warm themselves by.



Question 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

If you think a high-factor sunscreen(防晒霜)keeps you safe from harmful rays, you may be wrong. Research in this week's Nature shows that while factor 50 reduces the number of melanomas(黑瘤)and delays their occurrence, it can't prevent them. Melanomas are the most aggressive skin cancers. You have a higher risk if you have red or blond hair, fair skin, blue or green eyes, or sunburn easily, or if a close relative has had one. Melanomas are more common if you have periodic intense exposure to the sun. Other skin cancers are increasingly likely with long-term exposure.

There is continuing debate as to how effective sunscreen is in reducing melanomas—the evidence is weaker than it is for preventing other types of skin cancer. A 2011 Australian study of 1,621 people found that people randomly selected to apply sunscreen daily had half the rate of melanomas of people who used cream as needed. A second study, comparing 1,167 people with melanomas to 1,101 who didn't have the cancer, found that using sunscreen routinely, alongside other protection such as hats, long sleeves or staying in the shade, did give some protection. This study said other forms of sun protection—not sunscreen—seemed most beneficial. The study relied on people remembering what they had done over each decade of their lives, so it's not entirely reliable. But it seems reasonable to think sunscreen gives people a false sense of security in the sun.

Many people also don't use sunscreen properly-applying insufficient amounts, failing to reapply after a couple of hours and staying in the sun too long. It is sunburn that is most worrying-recent shows five episodes of sunburn in the teenage years increases the risk of all skin cancers.

The good news is that a combination of sunscreen and covering up can reduce melanoma rates, as shown by Australian figures from their slip-slop-slap campaign. So if there is a heat wave this summer, it would be best for us, too, to slip on a shirt, slop on(抹上)sunscreen and slap on a hat.

1.What is people's common expectation of a high-factor sunscreen?

A.It will delay the occurrence of skin cancer.

B.It will protect them from sunburn.

C.It will keep their skin smooth and fair.

D.It will work for people of any skin color.

2.What does the research in Nature say about a high-factor sunscreen?

A.It is ineffective in preventing melanomas.

B.It is ineffective in case of intense sunlight.

C.It is ineffective with long-term exposure.

D.It is ineffective for people with fair skin.

3.What do we learn from the 2011Australian study of 1,621 people?

A.Sunscreen should be applied alongside other protection measures.

B.High-risk people benefit the most from the application of sunscreen.

C.Irregular application of sunscreen does women more harm than good.

D.Daily application of sunscreen helps reduce the incidence of melanomas.

4.What does the author say about the second Australian study?

A.It misleads people to rely on sunscreen for protection.

B.It helps people to select the most effective sunscreen.

C.It is not based on direct observation of the subjects.

D.It confirms the results of the first Australian study.

5.What does the author suggest to reduce melanoma rates?

A.Using both covering up and sunscreen.

B.Staying in the shade whenever possible.

C.Using covering up instead of sunscreen.

D.Applying the right amount of sunscreen.



【单选题】A 20-month-old boy is diagnosed with Hutch...

【单选题】A 20-month-old boy is diagnosed with Hutchinson-Gilford progerial syndrome (HGPS), a severe form of early-onset premature aging. Fetal and early postnatal development are normal, but there is now severe failure to thrive, some lipoatrophy, bony abnormalities, a small, beaked nose and receding mandible, hair loss, and speckled hypopigmentation with some areas of tight hard skin. His neurological and cognitive tests are normal. Genetic analysis shows a single spontaneous mutation in codon 608 of the LMNA gene, which encodes both lamin A and lamin C. Which one of the following would you most likely expect to be a direct effect in cells obtained from this patient?

A、Increased heterochromatin

B、Interference with microtubule treadmilling

C、Increased synthesis of rRNA in the nucleolus

D、Loss of ability to adhere to the basement membrane through integrins

E、Aberrations in nuclear architecture



Computer and Its Kind??计算机及其种类??A computer ...

Computer and Its Kind



??A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions, or program, and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by compiling and correlating other forms of information.

??The modern world of high technology could not have come about except for the development of the computer. Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout society in the storage and handling of data, from secret governmental files to banking transactions to private household accounts[1]. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing through the techniques of automation, and they have enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of research and applied technology, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow's weather reports, and their use has in itself opened up new areas of conjecture. Database services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources[2]. The same advanced techniques also make the invasions of privacy and restricted information sources possible, and computer crime has become one of the many risks that society must face if it is to enjoy the benefits of modern technology.


Types of Computers

??1. Microcomputer

??A microcomputer is a desktop or notebook size computing device that uses a microprocessor as its Central Processing Unit, or CPU. Microcomputers are also called Personal Computers (PCs) , home computers, small business computers, and micros. The smallest, most compact are called laptops. When they first appeared, they were considered single user devices, and they were capable of handling only 4, 8, or 16 bits of information at one time. More recently the distinction between microcomputers and large, mainframe computers as well as the smaller mainframe type systems called minicomputers has become blurred, as newer microcomputer models have increased the speed and data handling capabilities of their CPUs into the 256 bit, or even much more bit multiuser range.

??Microcomputers are designed for use in homes, schools, and office settings. Within the home, they can serve both as a tool for home management balancing the family checkbook, structuring the family budget, indexing recipes and as a recreational device playing computer games, cataloging records and books. School children can use microcomputers for doing their homework, and in fact many public schools now employ the devices for programmed learning and computer literacy[3]courses. Small businesses may purchase microcomputers for word processing, bookkeeping, the storage and handling of mailing lists and so on.

??Desktop Computer

??A desktop computer is a personal computer in a form intended for regular use at a single location, as opposed to a mobile laptop or portable computer. Prior to the wide spread of microprocessors a computer that could fit on a desk was considered remarkably small. Today the phrase usually indicates a particular style of computer case. Desktop computers come in a variety of styles ranging from large vertical tower cases to small form factor models that can be tucked behind an LCD[4]monitor. In this sense the term "desktop" refers specifically to a horizontally-oriented case, usually intended to have the display screen placed on top to save space on the desk top. Most modern desktop computers have separate screens and keyboards. A specialized form of desktop case is used for home theater PC systems, incorporating front-panel mounted controls for audio and video.

??Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)[5]

??A personal digital assistant (PDA) is a handheld computer, also known as a palmtop computer. Newer PDAs also have both color screens and audio capabilities, enabling them to be used as mobile phones, smartphones, web browsers, or portable media players. Many PDAs can access the Internet, intranets or extranets via Wi-Fi[6], or Wireless Wide-Area Networks (WWANs[7]). Many PDAs employ touch screen technology.


??A Tablet PC is a laptop mobile computer, equipped with a touchscreen or graphics tablet/screen hybrid technology which allows the user to operate the computer with a stylus or digital pen, or a fingertip, instead of a keyboard or mouse. This form factor offers a more mobile way to interact with a computer. Tablet PCs are often used where normal notebooks are impractical or unwieldy, or do not provide the needed functionality.


??A laptop (also known as a notebook) is a personal computer designed for mobile use small enough to sit on one's lap. A laptop includes most of the typical components of a typical desktop computer, including a display, a keyboard, a pointing device, a touchpad, also known as a trackpad, or a pointing stick, as well as a battery, into a single small and light unit. The rechargeable battery required is charged from an AC/DC adapter and typically stores enough energy to run the laptop for several hours.

??2. Minicomputer

??A minicomputer is a mid-level computer built to perform complex computations while dealing efficiently with a high level of input and output from users connected via terminals. Minicomputers also frequently connect to other minicomputers on a network and distribute processing among all the attached machines. Minicomputers are used heavily in transaction processing applications and as interfaces between mainframe computer systems and wide area networks.

??3. Mainframe Computer

??A mainframe computer is a high level computer designed for the most intensive computational tasks. Mainframe computers are often shared by multiple users connected to the computer via terminals. The most powerful mainframes, called supercomputers, perform highly complex and time-consuming computations and are used heavily in both pure and applied research by scientists, large businesses, and the military.

??4. Others


??A server usually refers to a computer that is dedicated to providing a service. For example, a computer dedicated to a database may be called a "database server". "File servers" manage a large collection of computer files. "Web servers" process web pages and web applications. Many smaller servers are actually personal computers that have been dedicated to providing services for other computers.

??A server is a computer program that provides services to other computer programs and their users in the same or other computer. The physical computer that runs a server program is also often referred to as server.

??Services can be supplied centrally by the use of a server; in other cases all the machines on a network have the same status with no dedicated server, and services are supplied peer-to-peer[10].


??Workstations are computers that are intended to serve one user and may contain special hardware enhancements not found on a personal computer.

??It is a high-end microcomputer designed for technical or scientific applications. Intended primarily to be used by one person at a time, they are commonly connected to a local area network and run multi-user operating systems. The term workstation has also been used to refer to a mainframe computer terminal or a PC connected up to a network.

??Historically, workstations had offered higher performance than personal computers, especially with respect to graphics and CPU power, memory capacity and multitasking ability. They are optimized for display and manipulation of different types of complex data such as?3D mechanical design,?engineering simulation (e. g. computational fluid dynamics), animation and rendering of images, and mathematical plots. Consoles consist of a high resolution display, a keyboard and a mouse at a minimum, but also offer multiple displays, graphics tablets, SpaceBalls, etc. Workstations are the first segment of the computer market to present advanced accessories and collaboration tools.

??·Embedded computers

??Embedded computers are computers that are a part of a machine or device. Embedded computers generally execute a program that is stored in non-volatile memory and is only intended to operate a specific machine or device. Embedded computers are very common. Embedded computers are typically required to operate continuously without being reset or rebooted, and once employed in their task the software usually cannot be modified. An automobile may contain a number of embedded computers; however, a washing machine and a DVD player would contain only one. The central processing units (CPUs) used in embedded computers are often sufficient only for the computational requirements of the specific application and may be slower and less expensive than CPUs found in personal computers.


??In computer science, supercomputers are large, extremely fast, and expensive computers used for complex or sophisticated calculations, typically, machines capable of pipelining instruction execution and providing vector instructions. A supercomputer can, for example, perform the enormous number of calculations required to draw and animate a moving spaceship in a motion picture[11]. Supercomputers are also used for weather forecasting, large scale scientific modeling, oil exploration and so on and so like.


Future Developments

??One ongoing trend in computer development is microminiaturization, the effort to compress more circuit elements into smaller and smaller chip space. Researchers are also trying to speed up circuitry functions through the use of superconductivity, the phenomenon of decreased electrical resistance observed as objects exposed to very low temperatures become increasingly colder[12]. The fifth-generation computer, the effort to develop computers that can solve complex problems in what might eventually be called creative ways, is another trend in computer development, the ideal goal being true artificial intelligence[13].

??Quantum Computer

??A quantum computer[14], quite different from classical current computers, is a device that harnesses physical phenomenon unique to quantum mechanics to realize a fundamentally new mode of information processing. In a quantum computer, the fundamental unit of information called a quantum bit (or qubit), is not binary but rather more quaternary in nature.?A qubit can exist not only in a state corresponding to the logical state 0 or 1 as in a classical bit, but also in states corresponding to a blend or superposition of these classical states. In other words, a qubit can exist as a 0, a 1, or simultaneously as both 0 and 1, with a numerical coefficient representing the probability for each state.

??DNA Computer

??DNA computing[15]is a form of computing which uses DNA, biochemistry and molecular biology, instead of the traditional silicon-based computer technologies. DNA computing, or. more generally, molecular computing, is a fast developing interdisciplinary area and is fundamentally similar to parallel computing in that it takes advantage of the many different molecules of DNA to try many different possibilities at once. And DNA computers are faster and smaller than any other computer built so far.

??Optical Computer[16]

??An optical computer is a computer that uses light instead of electricity (i. e.photonsrather thanelectrons) to manipulate, store and transmit data. Optical computer technology is still in the early stages: functional optical computers have been built in the laboratory, but none have progressed past the prototype stage.

??Molecule Computer

??A molecular computer that uses enzymes to perform calculations has been built and it is believed enzyme-powered computers could eventually be implanted into the human body and used to, for example, tailor the release of drugs to a specific person's metabolism.

??It used two enzymes to trigger two interconnected chemical reactions. Two chemical components-hydrogen peroxide[17]and glucose[18]-were used to represent input values A and B. The presence of each chemical corresponded to a binary 1, while the absence represented a binary 0. The chemical result of the enzyme-powered reaction was determined optically.


??[1]... from secret governmental files to banking transactions to private household accounts.

??①from... to:从……到。

??②banking transactions to:对……的金融交易此处指银行转账,大意为:从政府的秘密文件到银行对私人家庭账户的账目往来。

??[2]... make available a great variety of information sources. 本句和下一句均为倒装句,在宾语过长而其补语太短的情况下,常使用这一结构。原结构应为“to make sth. available/possible”。

??[3]computer literacy计算机扫盲。“literacy”,原意为“识字,扫盲,有读和写的能力”,这里引申为“使用计算机的基本能力”。

??[4]LCD (liquid crystal display)液晶显示,通过将具有极性分子结构的液体混合物夹在两个透明的电极间构成的显示方式。

??[5]Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)个人数字助理。它是一种轻便的掌上型计算机,既有通信功能,又有个人组织功能,包括日历、笔记、数据库、计算器等。

??[6]Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)无线保真,是一种可以将个人电脑、手持设备,如PDA、手机等终端以无线方式互相连接的技术。Wi-Fi一词由Wi-Fi产业联盟(Wi-Fi Alliance)提出。

??[7] WWAN (Wireless Wide-Area Networks)无线广域网,WWAN技术是使得笔记本电脑或者其他的设备装置在蜂窝网络覆盖范围内可以在任何地方连接到互联网,其下载速度可以与DSL相媲美。



??[10]peer-to-peer (P2P.)点对点技术,又称对等互联网络技术,是一种网络新技术,依赖网络中参与者的计算能力和带宽,而不是把依赖都聚集在较少的几台服务器上。P2P网络通常用于通过Ad Hoc连接来连接节点,也被使用在类似VoIP等实时媒体业务的数据通信中。纯点对点网络没有客户端或服务器的概念,只有平等的同级节点,同时对网络上的其他节点充当客户端和服务器。也有些专家称P2P是点对点技术,但其实是错的,实应解作群对群(Peer-to-Peer)。在虚拟私人网络VPN(Virtual Private Network)中,也有P2P这个名称,它才应解作点对点(Point-to-Point)。

??[11]motion picture电影。

??[12]..., the phenomenon of decreased electrical resistance observed as objects exposed to very low temperatures become increasingly colder. 此处,过去分词“observed”用作定语,修饰名词“the phenomenon”,它所带的状语从句中的过去分词短语“exposed to”修饰名词“objects”。可以翻译成“当暴露于超低温的物体的温度越来越低时,即可观察到电阻值降低的现象”。

??[13]...,the ideal goal being true artificial intelligence. 分词独立结构,句中起说明作用,可翻译成“理想的目标是真正的人工智能”。

??[14]quantum computer量子计算机,由理查德·费曼提出,是从物理现象的模拟而来的。量子电脑能做出对数运算,而且速度远胜传统电脑。这是因为量子不像半导体只能记录0与1,可以同时表示多种状态,一个40位元的量子电脑,就能解开1024位元电脑花上数十年解决的问题。

??[15]DNA computing,DNA运算,或译DNA计算,是一种电脑运算形式,利用DNA、生物化学以及分子生物学原理,而非传统上以硅为基础的电脑技术。

??[16]optical computer光学计算机,利用可见光或红外光而不是电流进行数据处理,从全息存储、激光存储或存储库输入数据的计算器,多用于指纹鉴定和图像清晰化的处理过程。

??[17]hydrogen peroxide过氧化氢:一种无色、重、具有很强氧化作用的液体H2O2




A 21-year-old female presents to the physician’s o...

A 21-year-old female presents to the physician’s office with complaints of very painful vulvar ulcers. The patient states she has had the symptoms for approximately 3 days, and they are worsening. She says that prior to the ulcerations, there was a burning and tingling sensation of the skin in the same area. She has noted similar symptoms like this before and has been told it is sexually transmitted. On examination you see multiple extremely tender, vesicular (blister-like) lesions on an erythematous (red) base on both labia major of the vulva. She has a moderate amount of tender inguinal lymph nodes bilaterally. The physician uses a swab to sample the ulcer and send it off for diagnostic analysis. 1.What is the most likely diagnosis? 2.If the test is for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), what method would be used to amplify the fragments of DNA sampled?



inflammation of the skin: ( )






【简答题】Write a product description of about 80-10...

【简答题】Write a product description of about 80-100 words for the flower tea(see the flower below).微信图片_20200216171018.pngFlower Tea I am happy to offer you this amazing flavor of artistic flower tea. This tea is made up of young tea leaves, sweet osmanthus, and jasmine flowers. It is really a modern tea, pleasant to the mouth as well as the nose. We selected this tea for its fragrant presentation and low pricing. Steep for about five minutes and then serve for a treat that is surely to bring a smile. This flower tea can relieve pains, nurse the internal system of the body, lower blood pressure and make the skin more smooth and beautiful.



【填空题】Read the following passages, and choose th...

【填空题】Read the following passages, and choose the best answer by making inferences. 1.In Sweden dog owners must pay for any damage their dog does. A Swedish Kennel Club official explains what this means; if your dog runs out on the road and gets hit by a passing car, you, as the owner, have to pay for any damage done to the car, even if your dog has been killed in the accident. From the text it can be inferred that in Sweden ____ . A. dogs are welcome in public places B. keeping dogs means asking for trouble C. many car accidents are caused by dogs D. people care much about dogs 2. One pioneer, in particular, who disagrees is David Tebbutt, the founder of Computertown UK. Although many people see this as a successful attempt to bring people closer to the computer, David does not see it that way. He says that Computertown UK was formed for just the opposite reason, to bring computers to people and make them "people -literate."...People don't have to learn computer terms, but the experts have to explain in plain language. The computers are becoming "people- liberate". We can infer from the text that "computer-literate" means _____ . A. being able to afford a computer B. being able to write computer programs C. working with the computer and finding out its value D. understanding the computer and knowing how to use it 3.It doesn't surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 35-year-old grandmother , or a 70-year-old man who has become a father for the first time. Public ideas are changing. If a 25-year-old man becomes general manager of a big firm, the writer of the text would most probably consider it ____ . A. normal B. wonderful C. unbelievable D. unreasonable 4. Robert Friedlander, an American, arrived in Xi'an on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Delhi, India. When he was 11, he read the book Marco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road. Now, after 44 years, he was on the Silk Road in Xi'an and his early dreams were coming true.Robert Friedlander's next destination were Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Urumqi, etc. He will complete his trip in Pakistan. Friedlander can be said to be _____ . A. clever B. friendly C. hardworking D. strong-minded

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