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What are the main drug targets for treatment of hypertension?

A、Decrease cardiac output; decrease total peripheral resistance.

B、Decrease cardiac output; decrease total blood volume.

C、Decrease total peripheral resistance; decrease total blood volume.


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根据材料回答{TSE}题: 第三篇Hypertension Drugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke Australian doctors declared Monday that a cocktail of simple antihypertensive drugs can lower therisk of patients suffering a repeat stroke hy more than a thir D. This is the result of their research. Theresearch, presented at a medical conference in Italy over the weekend, has been valued highly as a ma-jor breakthrough in stroke prevention. Strokes kill 5 million people a year, and more than 15 million suffer non-fatal strokes that oftenleave them with useless limbs, slurred speech and other serious disabilities. One in five stroke survi-vors goes on to have a second, often fatal, stroke within five years of the first. An international six-year study of 6, 100 patients directed from Sydney University found that bytaking two blood pressure-lowering drugs, the risk of secondary strokes can be reduced by up to 40per cent. Even taking one of the commonly available drugs can cut the risk by a third, the study said.The drugs are the diuretic indapamide and the ACE inhibitor1 perindopril, better known by its brandname Coversyl. The combination was effective even in patients who did not have high blood pressure,the researchers said. They even found that the risk of another stroke could be cut by three quarters a-mong the one-in-ten patients who had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, the worst type of stroke, wherethere is direct bleeding into the brain. Stephen McMahon, who presented the research at the Milan congress of the European Society ofHypertension, said about 50 million people were alive who had suffered at least one stroke. "If most ofthose patients were able to get access to this treatment, it would result in3 maybe the avoidance of half a million strokes a year," the professor told Australia's ABC Radio. McMahon said doctors had long known that lowering the blood pressure of those with hyperten-sion could help prevent strokes. "What we have shown for the first time is that it do.es not really mat-ter what your blood pressure is; if you have had a stroke, then lowering blood pressure will producelarge benefits, to begin with--even for people whose blood pressure is average or below average," hesaid. MeMahon said the Milan gathering had heralded the research as a "major breakthrough in the careof patients with strokes—perhaps the biggest step forward that we have made in the last couple of dec-ades". {TS} How many-peoples surviving the first stroke may suffer another attack during the following five years? A. More than 33% of them. B. Up to 40% of them. C. 20% of them.. D. 10% of them.



根据材料回答下列各题: 第三篇Hypertension Drugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke Australian doctors declared Monday that a cocktail of simple antihypertensive drugs can lower therisk of patients suffering a repeat stroke hy more than a thir D. This is the result of their research. Theresearch, presented at a medical conference in Italy over the weekend, has been valued highly as a ma-jor breakthrough in stroke prevention. Strokes kill 5 million people a year, and more than 15 million suffer non-fatal strokes that oftenleave them with useless limbs, slurred speech and other serious disabilities. One in five stroke survi-vors goes on to have a second, often fatal, stroke within five years of the first. An international six-year study of 6, 100 patients directed from Sydney University found that bytaking two blood pressure-lowering drugs, the risk of secondary strokes can be reduced by up to 40per cent. Even taking one of the commonly available drugs can cut the risk by a third, the study said.The drugs are the diuretic indapamide and the ACE inhibitor1 perindopril, better known by its brandname Coversyl. The combination was effective even in patients who did not have high blood pressure,the researchers said. They even found that the risk of another stroke could be cut by three quarters a-mong the one-in-ten patients who had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, the worst type of stroke, wherethere is direct bleeding into the brain. Stephen McMahon, who presented the research at the Milan congress of the European Society ofHypertension, said about 50 million people were alive who had suffered at least one stroke. "If most ofthose patients were able to get access to this treatment, it would result in3 maybe the avoidance of half a million strokes a year," the professor told Australias ABC Radio. McMahon said doctors had long known that lowering the blood pressure of those with hyperten-sion could help prevent strokes. "What we have shown for the first time is that it do.es not really mat-ter what your blood pressure is; if you have had a stroke, then lowering blood pressure will producelarge benefits, to begin with--even for people whose blood pressure is average or below average," hesaid. MeMahon said the Milan gathering had heralded the research as a "major breakthrough in the careof patients with strokes—perhaps the biggest step forward that we have made in the last couple of dec-ades". How many-peoples surviving the first stroke may suffer another attack during the following five years? A. More than 33% of them. B. Up to 40% of them. C. 20% of them.. D. 10% of them.







Which is not the main morphological change of hypertension?

A、Hydrophic degeneration

B、Hyaline degeneration

C、Fibrinoid necrosis

D、Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis



What are the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis?


Which of the following is NOT suggested by the writer to control hypertension?

A.Drug treatments

B.Weight loss





请根据以下内容回答{TSE}题: Smoke Gets in Your Mind 1 Lung cancer, hypertension, heart disease, birth defects we are all too familiar with the dangers of smoking. But add to that list a frightening new concern. Mental illness. According to some controversial new findings, if smoking does not kill you, it may, quite litter, drive you to despair. 2 The tobacco industry openly pushes its product as something to lift your mood and soothe anxity. But the short-term feel-good effect may mask the truth: that smoking may worsen or even trigger exiety disorders, panic attacks and depression, perhaps even schizophrenia. 3 Cigarettes and mental illness have always tended to go together. An estimated 1.25 billion people smoke worldwide. Yet people who are depressed or anxious are twice as likely to smoke, and up to 88 per cent of those with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia smokers. A recent American survey concluded that around half of all cigarettes burn in the fingers of those with mental illness. 4 But the big question is why? The usual story is that the illness comes first. Mentally ill people take up smoking, or smoke more to alleviate some of their distress. Even when smoking seems to start before the illness, most doctors believe that early but invisible symptoms of the disorder spark the desire to light up. But perhaps something more sinister is going on. 5 A growing number of researchers claim that smoking is the cause, not the consequence of clinical depression and several forms of anxiety. "We know a lot about the effects of smoking on physical health, and now we are also starting to see the adverse effects in new research on mental illness," says Naomi Breslau, director of research at the Henry Ford Health Care System in Detroit. 6 Breslau was one of the first to consider this heretical possibility. The hint came from studies, published in 1998, which followed a group of just over 1,000 young adults for a five-year period. The 13 per cent who began the study with major depression were around three times more likely to progress from being light smokers to daily smokers during the course of the study, though there was no evidence that depression increased the tendency to take up smoking. But a history of daily smoking before the study commenced roughly doubled the risk of developing major depression during the five year period Smoking, it seems, could pre-date illness. 7 At first Breslau concluded that whatever prompts people to smoke might also make them depressed. But as the results of other much larger studies began to back the statistical link, she became more convinced than ever that what she was seeing were signs that smoking, perhaps the nicotine itself, could somehow affect the brain and cause depression. 8 One of these larger studies was led by Goodman, a pediatrician. She followed the health of two groups of teenagers for a year. the first group of 8,704 adolescents were not depressed, and might or might not. have been smokers, while the second group of 6,947 were highly depressed and had not been smokers in the past month. After a year her team found that although depressed teenagers were more likely to have become heavy smokers, previous experimentation with smoking was the strongest predictor of such behaviour, not the depression itself. What is more important is that teenagers who started Out mentally fit but smoked at least one packet per week during the study were four times more likely to develop depression than their non-smoking peers. Goodman says that depression does not seem to start before cigarette use among teens. "Current cigarette use is however, a powerful determinant of developing high depressive symptoms. " 9 Breslau, too, finds that smokers are as much as four times more likely to have an isolated panic attack and three times more likely to dew, top longer-term panic disorder than non smokers, It's a hard message to get across, because many smokers say they Become anxious when they quit, not when they smoke. But Breslau says that this is a shot lived effect of withdrawal which masks the reality that. in general, smokers have higher anxiety levels than non smokers or ex smokers. {TS}Paragraph 3__________



The author suggests that Americans suffer from hypertension as a result of______。

A. too much salt

B. emotional stress

C. salt-free cuisine

D. ailments



听力原文: Coffee can be considered one of nature's greatest gifts.It gives mental and emotional clarity without harmful side effects,and it contains a wealth of nutrients.Yet,when most people drink coffee,they are not thinking that the beverage is improving their health.In fact,some may even feel a little guilty,since some believe coffee isn't good for you at all.

The truth of the matter is: coffee,like anything else,can cause problems if too much is consumed.In the short-term,too much coffee will cause sleeping problems and hypertension.In the long-term,too much coffee will cause stomach problems as well as teeth staining.

As far as the benefits,moderate consumption of coffee,which means 1 to 4 cups a day,provides your body with a wealth of antioxidants.These substances are responsible for eliminating free radicals.They are the chemical byproducts produced any time your body does something.A small number of them can help serve as a buffer against negative elements,but if they aren't kept in check,they can cause health problems.Antioxidants ensure that this doesn't happen.

Even the caffeine content within coffee can be beneficial toward your health.One way it does this is by cleaning the water of your body's cells,which keeps your weight down while cleaning out impurities.

Why do some people feel guilty when they drink coffee?

A.They are not allowed to drink coffee.

B.They think coffee does no good to them.

C.They think coffee is too expensive.

D.They should not drink coffee when working.



What carl you learn about hypertension from the passage?

A.Moderate amount of alcoholis good for blood pressure contr01.

B.American people have a less opportunity to develop hypertension.

C.Regular blood pressure monitoring can reduce the risk of diabetes.

D.Controlling blood pressure properly can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.



Many millions of people have high blood pressure(hypertension 高血压). What's so frightening about this so called silent killer is that it often does not produce (51) for years, secretly damaging arteries and organs throughout the body until it erupts (爆发) in the form. of stroke, heart attack, congestive heart failure(充血性尽力衰竭) or kidney disease. (52) left untreated, even mild hypertension can reduce the life expectancy of a 35-year-old (53) several years. (Readings of 140 to 159 over 90 to 99 are mildly high; about 120/80 is normal. )

That's why high blood pressure is commonly treated with anti-hypertensive drugs. But studies (54) that in some people an increase in calcium(钙) consumption can help (55) blood pressure without medication(药物治疗)。

Calcium also seems to help prevent high blood pressure. (56) the results of 13-year survey (57) by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, James H. Dwyer, associate professor of (58) medicine at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, found that people who consumed 1300 milligrams of calcium a day were 12 percent (59) likely to develop hypertension than those (60) only 300 mg. a day. In people under age 40, risk was reduced by up to 25 percent.

Soon doctors may (61) some hypertension patients to increase their calcium intake, (62) the way they now advise sodium(钠) restriction. "It's (63) to add food or supplements than to go on a low-sodium diet," (64) Dr. David McCarron, professor of medicine at Oregon Health Sciences University. "Our studies show that people who try the low-sodium (65) don't stay with it very long. "






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