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It's important to a good working relationship.





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Is Continuing Ed for You?

Continuing education is important for everyone now, in all fields. Almost as soon as you've completed a field of study and begun working -- new ideas, approaches and techniques will be under discussion. To stay current in your discipline and to assure work success and career progression, it's imperative you stay on top of emerging techniques and technologies that affect your work area.

Even if you have worked in the same field for years and have accumulated a rich repertoire of experience, Continuing Ed is vital. Many occupations are now adopting "skill standards" that will formally define the knowledge desired or required for that field. In order to assure your ongoing career stability, you'll want to be sure to keep current and at least meet, if not exceed, defined "skill standards".

Certification, in a wide variety of fields, is becoming more and more common these days, too. Even if you're already in the occupation -- if today's new hires are expected to be certified in particular areas, it will be to your advantage to certify yourself as well.

Ongoing education is one of the surest routes to promotion and it increases job security. It also enhances opportunity on the job market when you're seeking a new job. And, carefully planned, it can provide a good insurance policy against obsolescence. If trends indicate that your career field or industry is in a downturn, with continuing education, it's possible to acquire new skills and successfully move into another occupation or industry. Reality is: There's no way to lose with continuing education.

So, exactly what is "continuing education"? It can take many forms. For those in certain career areas (i e., legal/medical) there are certain prescribed courses one must take within a certain timeframe. in order to remain licensed. In other areas, like technology, there are new languages, new operating systems and the like released continually that may be important to learn about for your particular field or business niche. For some, achieving specific certifications is vital. But, sometimes, Continuing Ed is less specific. Sometimes it's up to you to decide what courses/new learning will benefit you in your current job or on the job market as a whole.

The reason for the necessity of continuing education is that______

A.you have to stay current in your discipline

B.new ideas and technologies are to be discussed

C.you have just completed your studies

D.you are just beginning to work



Is Continuing Ed for You?

Continuing education is important for everyone now, in all fields. Almost as soon as you've completed a field of study and begun working--new ideas, approaches and techniques will be under discussion. To stay current in your discipline and to assure work success and career progression, it's imperative you stay on top of emerging techniques and technologies that affect your work area.

Even if you have worked in the same field for years and have accumulated a rich repertoire of experience, Continuing Ed is vital. Many occupations are now adopting "skill standards" that will formally define the knowledge desired or required for that field. In order to assure your ongoing career stability, you'll want to be sure to keep current and at least meet, if not exceed, defined "skill standards".

Certification, in a wide variety of fields, is becoming more and more common these days, too. Even if you're already in the occupation--if today's new hires are expected to be certified in particular areas, it will be to your advantage to certify yourself as well.

Ongoing education is one of the surest routes to promotion and it increases job security. It also enhances opportunity on the job market when you're seeking a new job. And, carefully planned, it can provide a good insurance policy against obsolescence. (If trends indicate that your career field or industry is in a downturn, with continuing education, it's possible to acquire new skills and successfully move into another occupation or industry.) Reality is: There's no way to rose with continuing education.

So, exactly what is "continuing education" ? It can take many forms. For those in certain career areas (i. e., legal/medical) there are certain prescribed courses one must take within a certain timeframe. in order to remain licensed. In other areas, like technology, there are new languages, new operating systems and the like released continually that may be important to learn about for your particular field or business niche. For some, achieving specific certifications is vital. But, sometimes, Continuing Ed is less specific. Sometimes it's up to you to decide what courses/new learning will benefit you in your current job or on the job market as a whole.

The reason for the necessity of Continuing Education is that

A.you have to stay current in your discipline.

B.new ideas and technologies are to be discussed.

C.you have just completed your studies.

D.you are just beginning to work.



听力原文:Are you thinking about further study? Well, listen to this before you make a decision. It will help you decide if going on to tertiary study is right for you and it will help you make good decisions for the right reasons. It includes information about student life, what it will cost and the different ways you can support yourself.

What should you think about first? Well, obviously you're thinking about tertiary study and it's one of the biggest decisions you'll make in your life—what you decide now will affect the rest of your life. It's the last year of high school for most of you and you're busy and under pressure. Perhaps you're thinking of going abroad, getting a job, or working for just a year or two to save some money before getting back to study.

Let's assume you're choosing to continue studying next year. It's important that you set yourself goals and plan how you're going to achieve them. First off, career goals: What career do you want to pursue or what is it your parents want you to do? Then, you need to think about employment opportunities at the end of your study. Will your qualification assist you in finding a rewarding job? Thirdly, course selection--exactly what qualifications will you need: for instance, a degree, a diploma or something else? Now, we're down to study goals--the number of papers you can study at a time and what sort of grades you would like to attain.

Complete the summary below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

After high school some people travel, find a(an) (11) or take on temporary work to save mone3 for further education.

If you decide to go straight on to more study, to start with you should think about your (12)

You'll also need to consider whether your (13) will help you eventually get a good job. After course selection, you should decide on study goals: how many papers to take and what (14) you want to achieve.




•Read the information below about Maureen Dowd.

•Choose the correct word to fill in each gap, from A, B or C below.

•For each question 29-40, mark one letter (A, B or C) an your Answer Sheet.

This working life by Maureen Dowd

In the world of business, it is not always easy for women to do the same things as mot. Consider the working dinner.

In order to do your job well, it's important to, sometimes see clients and business contacts away (29) the office, in a more relaxed atmosphere, you can get to know your business partner (30) . In the end, after alt, people do business with people they like.

Women start out (31) a disadvantage because, unless you're Nancy Lopez or Martina Navratilova, it's (32) to invite men out for a game of golf or tennis. Men usually prefer (33) play sports with other men.

You might think that restaurants are the perfect playing field. But they can be dangerous ground. (34) people from the office see two men they know having dinner together, they think it's business. If colleagues see a woman dining with a man, they often (35) if it's another kind of business.

I'm still locking (36) the perfect solution. Breakfasts are out because I find it impossible to be pleasant at 7 a. m. over a bowl of muesli. I love lurching, but that's usually a bad time for busy people, (37) if they are on the road. So that brings us back to dinner.

One answer is to take another colleague or client to dinner (38) no one can think it is a tete-a-tete. Of course, this isn't always convenient. So when I can't do this, I take guys out to dinner one-on-one-to places where I'm most (39) to see colleagues. The more your colleagues see you doing working dinners with different man, the (40) they know it is part of your business style.







Questions 29-40

?Read the information below about Maureen Dowd.

?Choose the correct word to fill in each gap from A, B or C below.

?For each question (29-40), mark one letter (A, B or C).

The Working Life of Maureen Dowd

In the world of business, it is not always easy for women to do the same things as men.Consider the working dinner.

In order to do your job well, it's important to sometimes see clients and business contacts away (29) the office. In a more relaxed atmosphere, you can get to know your business partner (30) In the end, after all, people do business with people they like.

Women start out (31) a disadvantage because,unless you're Nancy Lopez or Martina Navratilova,it's (32) to invite men out for a game of golf or tennis.Men usually prefer (33) play sports with other men.

You might think that restaurants are the perfect playing field.But they can be dangerous ground. (34) people from the office see two men they know having dinner together,they think it's business.If colleagues see a woman dining with a man,they often (35) if it's another kind of business.

I'm still looking (36) the perfect solution.Breakfasts are out because I find it impossible to be pleasant at 7 a.m.over a bowl of muesli.I love lunching,but that's usually a bad time for busy people, (37) if they are on the road.So that brings us back to dinner.

One answer is to take another colleague or client to dinner (38) no one can think it is a tete-a-tete.Of course,this isn't always convenient.So when I can't do this,I take guys out to dinner to one-on-one places where I'm most (39) to see colleagues.The more your colleagues see you doing working dinners with different men,the (40) they know it is part of your business style.







Visiting US President George W. Bush said in Beijing on Friday that both China and the United States should encourage bilateral contacts and exchanges to promote mutual understanding.

"It's important for our political leaders to come to China," said Bush, who gave a speech on Friday morning at Qinghua University, one of the most prestigious universities in China.

His working visit to China and discussions with Qinghua students "help promote" Sine-US relations, Bush said in response to a student's question about what he would do to promote Sine-US relations.

"Many people in my country are very interested in China," he said, adding that these Americans want to learn more about China's culture and the Chinese people.

He said that he would keep encouraging such contacts and exchanges between the two countries.

Bush said that he would describe back home what he had seen here and that China as a great nation not only has a "great history" but also an "unbelievably exciting future."

The president said that the 2008 Olympic Games would make a significant opportunity for the rest of the world to understand China, which enables more people to come to China and feel the modernization taking place, and many more people will see it on the television.

Bush arrived in Beijing on Thursday for a two-day working visit to China.

What does the word "prestigious" in the second paragraph probably mean?







Impatience characterizes young intellectual workers. They want to make their mark【C1】______. So it's important to get【C2】______to them in a challenging manner the idea【C3】______big achievements rarely come easily and quickly. Point out that the little successes are essential. Show that they【C4】______turn become the foundation on【C5】______reputations are built and from which more important tasks can be accomplished.

A variety of job assignments,including job or project rotation, also keep a job【C6】______becoming dull. Whereas it's natural for some individuals to want to move ahead immediately to more difficult assignments,【C7】______proper guidance they can continue to learn and to gain versatility by working on a number of jobs that are essentially【C8】______the same complexity. This way they gain breadth, if not depth.

Probably the greatest offense to guard【C9】______when dealing with younger specialists is to reject ideas out of hand. You must listen--and listen objectively--to their suggestions. Avoid【C10】______overcritical. You want to nurture an inquiring mind with a fresh approach. You'll frustrate it quickly if you revert too often【C11】______"We've tried that before and it won't【C12】______here. "

One sure way to disenchant【C13】______college graduates is flagrantly misusing their talents. Expect them to do some routine work,of course. But don't make their【C14】______work just one long series of errands. This includes such break-in assignments【C15】______performing routine calculations, digging up【C16】______material,【C17】______operating reproduction equipment. One large manufacturing company recently interviewed a number of【C18】______engineers who had left them. The company found that the overwhelming complaint was that the company not only did not offer work that【C19】______challenging but also expected【C20】______too little from them in the way of performance.




听力原文: Along with jogging and swimming, cycling is one of the best all-round forms of exercise. It can help to increase your strength and energy, giving you more efficient muscles and a stronger heart. But increasing your strength is not the only advantage of cycling. Because you are not carrying the weight of your body on your feet, it's a good form. of exercise for people with painful feet or backs. However, with all forms of exercises it is important to start slowly, and build up gradually. Doing too much too quickly can damage muscles that aren't used m working. If you have any doubts about taking up cycling for health reasons, talk to your doctor and ask his/her advice.

Ideally you should be cycling at least two or three times a week. For the exercise to be effective, when cycling you should become a little out of breath. Don't worry if you begin to lose your breath; You might think this could be dangerous and there might be something wrong with your heart, but this is simply not true. Shortness of breath shows that the exercise is having the desired effect. However, if you find you are in pain, then you should stop and take a rest.


A.Exercising is very important for people to have good health.

B.Cycling can strengthen people's muscles.

C.Cycling is one of the best forms of exercise.

D.It is desirable for people to cycle at least two or three times a week.

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