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Without a good organizational structure, a business would suffer no smooth communication and would accomplish very little and will often fail in a short period of time.

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更多“Without a good organizational …”相关的问题


A business woman will be eating alone a good deal, why is it better to choose good restaurants?

Because they______.



Most Americans would prefer an organizational system in which they are responsible for______.



How to Deal with Difficult People

In New York one day, a businesswoman got into a taxi. Because it was rush hour and she was hurrying for a train, she suggested a route. "I have been a cabby for 15 years !" the driver yelled. "You think I don't know the best way to go?"

The woman tried to explain that she hadn't meant to offend him, but the driver kept on yelling. She finally realized he was too upset to be reasonable. So she did the unexpected. "You know, you are fight," she told him. "It must seem dumb for me to assure you don't know the best way through the city."

Taken aback, the driver flashed his rider a confused look in the rear view mirror, turned down the street she wanted and got her to the train on time. "He didn't say another word the rest of the fide," she said, "until I got out and paid him. Then he thanked me."

When you encounter people like this cab driver, there's an irresistible (不可抗拒的) urge to lose your temper. This can lead to prolonged argument, soured friendship, lost career opportunities and broken marriage. As a clinical psychiatrist, I've discovered one simple but extremely likely principle that can prevent virtually any conflict or other difficult situation from becoming a recipe for disaster.

The key is to put yourself in the other person's shoes and look for the truth in what that person is saying. Find a way to agree. The result may surprise you.


Steve's 14-year-old son, Adam, had been irritable for several days. When Steve asked why, Adam snapped, "Nothing's wrong! Leave me alone!" and stalked off to his room.

We all know people like this. When there's a problem, they may sulk (生闷气) or act angry and refuse to talk. Maybe the boy is worried about something that happened at school. or he may be angry with his dad but afraid to bring it up because Steve gets defensive whenever he is criticized. Steve can pursue these possibilities the next time they talk by saying "I noticed you've upset, and I think it would help to get the problem out in the open. It may be hard because I haven't always listened very well. If so, I feel bad because I love you and don't want to let you down." If Adam still refuses to talk, Steve can take a different tack: "I'm concerned about what's going, on with you, but we can talk things over later, when you're more in the mood." This strategy allows both sides to win: Steve doesn't have to compromise on the principle that ultimately the problem needs to talked about and resolved. Adam saves face by being allowed to withdraw for a while.

Noisy Critics

Recently, I was counseling a businessman named Frank who tends to be overbearing when he's upset. Frank told me that I was too preoccupied with money and he shouldn't have to pay at each of our sessions. He wanted to be billed monthly.

I felt annoyed because it seemed Frank always had to have things his way. I explained that I had tried monthly billing, but it hadn't worked because some patients didn't pay. Frank argued that he had impeccable (没有缺点) credit and knew much more about credit and billing than I did.

Suddenly, I realized I was missing Frank's point. "You're right," I said. "I'm being defensive We should focus on the problem in your life and not worry so much about money." Frank immediately softened and began talking about what was really bothering him, which were some personal problems. The next time we met, he handed me a check for 20 sessions in advance.

There are times, of course, when people are unreasonably abusive (辱骂的) and you may need to just walk away from the situation. But if the problem is one that you want solved, it's important to allow the other person to salvage some self-esteem (自尊心). There's nearly always a grain of troth in the other person's point of view. If you acknowledge this, he or she will be less defensive and more lik






A future of temporary networks would seem to run counter to the wave of mergers sweeping the global economy. The headlines of the business press tell the story, "Compaq buys Digital"; "WorldCom buys MC1"; "Citibank merges with Travelers"; "Daimler-Benz acquires Chrysler" Yet when we look beneath the surface of all merger and acquisition activity, we see signs of a counter-phenomenon: the disintegration of the large corporation.

Twenty-five years ago, one in five US workers was employed by a Fortune 500 company. Today, the ratio has dropped to less than one in 10. Large companies are far less vertically integrated than they were in the past and rely more and more on outside suppliers to produce components and provide services. While big companies control ever larger flows of cash, they are exerting less and less direct control over actual business activity. They are, you might say, growing hollow.

Even within large corporations, decisions are increasingly being pushed to lower levels. Workers are rewarded not for efficiently carrying out orders but for figuring out what needs to be done and doing it. Many large industrial companies have broken themselves up into numerous independent units that transact business with one another almost as if they were separate companies.

What underlies this trend? The answers lie in the basic economics of organizations. Business organizations are, in essence, mechanisms for co-ordination. They exist to guide the flow of work, materials, ideas and money, and the form. they take is strongly affected by the co-ordination technologies available. When it is cheaper to conduct transactions internally, within the bounds of a corporation, organizations grow larger, but when it is cheaper to conduct them externally, with independent entities in the open market, organizations stay small or shrink.

The co-ordination technologies of the industrial era—the train and the telegraph, the car and the telephone, the mainframe. computer and the fax machine—made internal transactions not only possible but advantageous. Companies were able to manage large organizations centrally, which provided them with economies of scale in manufacturing, marketing, distribution and other activities. It made economic sense to control many different functions and businesses directly and to hire the legions of administrators and supervisors needed to manage them. Big was good.

But with the introduction of powerful personal computers and broad electronic networks— the coordination technologies of the 21st century—the economic equation changes. Because information can be shared instantly and inexpensively among many people in many locations, the value of centralized decision-making and bureaucracy decreases. Individuals can manage themselves, co-ordinating their efforts through electronic links with other independent parties. Small becomes good.

In one sense, the new co-ordination technologies enable us to return to the pre-industrial organizational model of small, autonomous businesses. But there is one crucial difference: electronic networks enable these microbusinesses to tap into the global reservoirs of information, expertise and financing that used to be available only to large companies. The small companies enjoy many of the benefits of the big without sacrificing the leanness, flexibility and creativity of the small.

In the future, as communications technologies advance and networks become more efficient, the shift to e-lancing promises to accelerate. Should this happen, the dominant business organization of the future may not be a stable, permanent corporation but rather an elastic network that might sometimes exist for no more than a day or two. We will enter the age of the temporary company.

Why does the author say "the big companies are growing hollow" ?



About a century ago more people would not have appreciated the study of a foreign language as they do today. Gone are those days when patriotism towards one's own language was a major obstacle to learning foreign languages, a time when most nations were trying to throw their alien rulers out of their countries in their freedom struggles. Gone are those days when people were proud of their mother or father tongues and considered that their languages alone will suffice the need to survive. Language skills today have become as important as other business and career skills like IT, vocational or professional skills. Thus learning a foreign language today has become essential for an individual whether it is for careers, growing a business, or even to make an impression.

All that one needs to possess these days is a drive to learn a foreign language and there are all kinds of institutes and courses that teach various foreign languages like French, German, Spanish, and Japanese. Today's world economy has bridged the barriers of race, sex, color and religion and the world has become a smaller place. Today's businesses also demand language skills to expand and grow in other countries. Tens and hundreds of businesses world wide are expanding and growing their businesses by promoting them in countries other than their countries of origin. The tremendous growth of the Internet has further increased the demand for language skills. In Canada an official rule also says that all commercial establishments must have their websites created both in English and French, the official languages of the country.

Language can also ease race and border barriers. You are more welcome in an alien nation if you know the language of the people there and can converse in their tongue. People in these countries immediately respect you and think you care about their culture as much as they do because in any culture language is the key identity.

One of the reasons for not studying a foreign language in the past is______.

A.it was too difficult

B.it was not allowed

C.it was taught by foreign rulers

D.it was seen as disloyalty



About a century ago more people would not have appreciated the study of a foreign language as they do today. Gone are those days when patriotism towards one's own language was a major obstacle to learning foreign languages, a time when most nations were trying to throw their alien rulers out of their countries in their freedom struggles. Gone are those days when people were proud of their mother or father tongues and considered that their languages alone will suffice the need to survive. Language skills today have become as important as other business and career skills like IT, vocational or professional skills. Thus learning a foreign language today has become essential for an individual whether it is for careers, growing a business, or even to make an impression.

All that one needs to possess these days is a drive to learn a foreign language and there are all kinds of institutes and courses that teach various foreign languages like French, German, Spanish, and Japanese. Today's world economy has bridged the barriers of race, sex, color and religion and the world has become a smaller place. Today's businesses also demand language skills to expand and grow in other countries. Tens and hundreds of businesses world wide are expanding and growing their businesses by promoting them in countries other than their countries of origin. The tremendous growth of the Internet has further increased the demand for language skills. In Canada an official rule also says that all commercial establishments must have their websites created both in English and French, the official languages of the country.

Language can also ease race and border barriers. You are more welcome in an alien nation if you know the language of the people there and can converse in their tongue. People in these countries immediately respect you and think you care about their culture as much as they do because in any culture language is the key identity.

One of the reasons for not studying a foreign language in the past is______.

A.it was too difficult

B.it was not allowed

C.it was taught by foreign rulers

D.it was seen as disloyalty

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