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Wrtie a summary of Act III Scene 2

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Write a summary of Act Scene 1. Please note 1. tha...

Write a summary of Act Scene 1. Please note 1. that your summary should have a title such as The Summary of Act I Scene 1. 2 that the summary should include three parts, the beginning part, the body part, and the ending part;. 3.that the summary begins with one or two sentences about the main topic you are going to write; 4. that in the summary, present tense is used when you are discussing the events in the play; and the ending part is the concluding sentense or sentences of your summary. 5. that when writing the summary, you are not allowed to tell your ideas about the text; 6. that plagiarism is not allowed when writing the summary. 7. Citation more than two words should be quoted; otherwise the writing shall be regarded as a crime of plagiarism.



A summary of the physical and chemical nature of life must begin; not on the Earth, but in the Sun; in fact, at the Sun’s very center. It’s here that is to be found the source of the energy that the Sun constantly pours out into space as light and heat. This energy is liberated at the center of the Sun as billions upon bil lions of nuclei hydrogen atoms collide with each other and fuse together to form. nuclei of helium, and, in do ing so, release some of the energy that is stored in the nuclei of atoms. The output of light and heat of the Sun requires that some 600 million tons of hydrogen be converted into helium in the Sun every second. This the Sun has been doing for several thousands of millions of years.

The nuclear energy is released at the Sun’s center as high - energy gamma radiation, a form. of electro magnetic radiation like light and radio waves only of very much shorter wavelength. This gamma radiation is absorbed by atoms inside the Sun, to be reemitted at slightly longer wavelengths. This radiation, in its turn, is absorbed and reemitted. At the energy filters through the layers of the solar interior, it passes through the X - ray part of the spectrum, eventually becoming light. At this stage, it has reached what we call the solar sur face, and can escape into space, without being absorbed farther by solar atoms. A very small fraction of the Sun's light ,ma heat is emitted in such directions that, after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth.

A simple magnifying glass, focusing the Sun’s rays, can scoarch, a piece of wood or set a Scrap of paper on fire. Solar radiation can also be concentrated on a much larger scale. It can burn a hole through thick steel plate, for example, or simulate the thermal shock of a nuclear blast. It can, that is, with the help of a super reflector of the sort that has been set up by French scientists high in the Pyreness. The world’s largest solar furnace is a complex of nearly 20,000 mirrors. It can concentrate enough sunlight to create temperatures in excess of 6000 degrees Fahrenheit.

The furnace’s appearance is as spectacular as its power. Its glittering eight - story - high reflector towers over very old houses. Anchored against a concrete office and laboratory building, the huge reflector consists of nearly 9000 separate mirrors. For the furnace to operate, these small mirrors must be adjusted so that their light will meet exactly at a focal point 59 feet in front of the giant reflector.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.The production of solar light and heat.

B.The physical and chemical nature of life.

C.The conversion of Hydrogen to helium.

D.Radiation in the X - ray part of the spectrum.



A survey has showed that the daughters of the generation of feminists want nothing more than a happy marriage and family in the countryside. The average 29-year-old women now long for a return to the lifestyle. of a 1950s housewife. The modern women are more realistic. Research into the attitudes of 1500 women with an average age of 29 found that 61 percent believe it is “unhelpful” and “annoying” for the women to deal with jobs, motherhood and social lives at the same time. More than two-thirds agree that the man should be the main provider in a family, while 70 percent do not want to work as hard as their mother’s generation. On average, the women questioned want to settle down with their partner by 30 and have their first child a year later. So, after decades of increasing divorce rates and a rise in birth outside marriage, it appears the current generation of mothers is returning to more traditional social values. As the survey showed, nine out of ten young women would rather be married when they have children, while 75 percent believe that modern couples do not make an enough effort to stay together when there is something wrong between them. A quarter of those questioned intend to give up work and be a full-time mother when they start a family, with just one percent saying their career will remain a “top priority” once they have children.

11.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Most of women prefer to be part-time mothers.

B. Women’s attitude toward the change of motherhood.

C. Some women try to juggle motherhood and careers.

D. It would be too hard for men to be the sole provider in a family.

12.How does the writer support her idea?

A. With lots of charts and pictures.

B. With statistics and examples.

C. By analysing everything clearly to the readers.

D. By reasoning with those who don’t agree with her.

13.What does the survey mentioned in the passage show?

A. Women want equal rights with men.

B. Women put career in the first place.

C. Women want nothing more than a happy marriage.

D. Women prefer domestic life in the modern cities.

14.What does the word “survey” mean?

A. It means the act of looking or observing.

B. It means the act of looking around and questioning.

C. It means the act of supervising.

D. It means the act of examining

15.The following are all reasons for women to become full-time mothers except_______.

A. they have realized it’s not good for them to have jobs and families

B. they don’t want to work as hard as their mother’s generation

C. they know it’s impossible for them to be superwomen

D. they try to prove that it will do good to their families if they are full-time mothers



Most people feel the need to make sure everyone in a group is comfortable before they start a business meeting. This pre-discussed conversation—small talk—can cover a wide range of topics, some of 【C1】______ may not be related to agenda for the meeting. In most countries, building personal connections is a 【C2】______ first step in making sure that business goes 【C3】______ People often use this phase of interaction to observe and 【C4】______ the character of their colleagues.

In the Middle East, business men like to get to know new 【C5】______ before starting a meeting. They often judge people's response to certain topics by observing their eyes, 【C6】______ they need to be able to sit or stand very close to the person. Small talk tends to continue until the people involved are comfortable enough to move close to one 【C7】______ In Latin American and Asian countries, people also want to 【C8】______ if an acquaintance can be trusted. For them, business is 【C9】______ with an individual, not a company, so it's important to have an honest 【C10】______ before any business is discussed.

In the United States, 【C11】______ ,most business people prefer an extremely limited small talk period. When they arrive for a meeting, they expect to begin the business discussion 【C12】______ away, perhaps after just a few minutes of greetings and 【C13】______ . Most Americans feel that time is as valuable as 【C14】______ , so talking extensively about the weather, hobbies, or the plane trip is 【C15】______ as a waste of time. They are likely to become impatient if the subject turns away from the business of the day.

however which acquaintances so relationship

determine introductions crucial see right

assess smoothly conduct money another




Yuthachai, the inventor of biodiesel, is currently the general manager of a US-Thailand joint venture in Bangkok.



C.Not mentioned



Some of the data from a survey on national stereot...

Some of the data from a survey on national stereotypes in some European countries is summarized below: Germans Liked themselves best of all. Most Europeans agreed that the Germans had the highest proportion of good qualities. They considered themselves very tolerant, but nobody else did. French Not really admired by anyone except the Italians. Other Europeans found them conservative, withdrawn, brilliant, superficial. Also, not very friendly. British Mixed reactions. Some found them calm, reserved, open-minded, others thought they were insular and superior. The British most admired the Dutch. Italians Generally considered by everyone to be lazy and untrustworthy, an d the Italians agreed! Most also found them to be charming, hospitable and noisy. The Italians admired the French. Hardly anyone loved the Italians except the French. Dutch Most admired people in Europe—except by their neighbours—the Belgians. Everyone agreed that the Dutch are hardworking, thrifty, good-natured, tolerant and business-minded. The opinions seem to be most divided on___.

A、the British.

B、the Germans

C、the Italians.

D、the Germans.

E、the Belgians

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