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By the twenty-first century, more people will be descendants of the non-Western groups t

hat anthropologists have traditionally studied. Its easy to see that solutions for future problems will depend 【M1】______ increasingly on understanding non-Western cultural background. The Southern Hemisphere is steadily increasing their share of world population, and the 【M2】______ fastest population growth rates are in Third World cities. Rural migrants move to slums, where they live in hovels that lack utilities and public sanitation facilities. Growing with 12 to 20 percent each year, the world 【M3】______ slum population will double in three to six years. If current demographic trends continue, urban population increase and the concentration of city dwellers in slums will be accompanied by increased rates of crime and 【M4】______ water, air, and noise pollution. These problems will be most severe in the less-developed countries. Therefore, 【M5】______ they will also affect the United States, which shares a front with Mexico, one of the worlds fastest growing 【M6】______ nations. As a result of petroleum — and chemical — dependent mechanized farming, the global food supply increased dramatically from the 1950s through the mid-1980s. Now, moreover, food production and food distribution 【M7】______ are not keeping up with world population growth. The gap will surely widen up if current trends continue. 【M8】______ Children will go on dying as starvation substitutes for more human means of limiting population growth. 【M9】______ Todays African famine areas provide a glimpse of things to come. From the global perspective, birth control and family planning are essential if resources are to be sufficient, if starvation, pestilence, and war are 【M10】______ not to stalk the earth during the third millennia.


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The groundwater system is similar to a river system. Therefore, instead of having channel

s that 【M1】______ connect different parts of the drainage basin, the groundwater system has connecting pores. Some soils and rock have connecting pores where water can move 【M2】______ through. Soils and rock are permeable and water can 【M3】______ pass through them this way. Sandstone is a common permeable rock. Soil or rock that have many large connected pores 【M4】______ is very permeable. Water can pass through it easily. Soil or rock that has few or small pores is not permeable 【M5】______ because water cant easily pass through. Some material, such as clay, has very small pores or no pores at all. Water cant pass through this impermeable material. How deep into Earths crust do you suppose groundwater can go? That depends on the permeability of soil and rock. Groundwater will keep going to lower 【M6】______ elevations until it reaches a lay of impermeable rock. 【M7】______ When this happens, the impermeable rock acts like a dam and the water cant move down any deep. So, it 【M8】______ begins filling up the pores in the rocks over the 【M9】______ impermeable layer. A layer of permeable rock that transmits water freely is an aquifer. The area where all of the pores in the rock are completely filled in water is 【M10】______ the zone of saturation. The upper surface of this zone is the water table.




Some deviant uses of technology are criminal, though not all participants see it that wa

y. Downloading of music, typically protected by copyrights, is widely accepted. The pirating of software, motion 【M1】______ pictures, and CDs have become big business. At conventions and swap【M2】______ meets, pirating copies of movies and CDs are sold openly. Some of the【M3】______ products are obviously counterfeiting, but many come in sophisticated 【M4】______ packaging, completely with warranty cards. When vendors are willing 【M5】______ to talk, they say they merely want to be compensated for their time and the cost of materials, or that the software they have copied is in the public domain. Since most of these black market activities are clearly illegal, 【M6】______ many consumers and small-time pirates are proud of their behavior. They may even think themselves smart for figuring a way to avoid the 【M7】______ "unfair" prices charged by "big corporations." Few people see the pirating of a new software program or a first-run movie as a threat to the public good, as they would embezzle from a bank. Similarly, most【M8】______ businesspeople who "borrow" software from another department, even though they lack of a site license, do not think they are doing anything【M9】______ wrong. No social stigma attaches with their illegal behavior. 【M10】______




Schools are highly bureaucratic organizations. Many teachers rely in 【M1】______ the rules

and regulations of schools to maintain order. Fortunately, the【M2】______ need for control and discipline can take precedent over the learning 【M3】______ process. Teachers may focus on obedience to the rules as end itself. If【M4】______ this occurs, students and teachers alike become victims of the hidden curriculum. The term hidden curriculum refers to standards of behavior. that are deemed properly by society and are taught subtly in schools. 【M5】______ According to this curriculum, children must speak until the teacher calls【M6】______ on them and must regulate their activities according to the clock or bells. In addition, they are expected to concentrate on their own work rather than assist on other students who learn more slowly. A hidden 【M7】______ curriculum is evidential in schools around the world. For example, 【M8】______ Japanese schools offer guidance sessions during lunch that seeks to 【M9】______ improve the classroom experience but also to develop healthy living skills. In effect, these sessions instill values and encourage behavior. useful for the Japanese business world, such like self-discipline and 【M10】______ openness to group problem solving and decision making.




First, while language provides a means of saying and doing things, teaching is generally

being divorced from the use we make of language.【M1】______ We teach an unapplied system, rather than teach students directly to do【M2】______ things that they need to do through languages. Second, language is a social tool used by thinking social individuals. Hence we teach students【M3】______ to do and say things with language which is fundamentally insignificant【M4】______ to them as persons, and consequently they say these things formally and impersonally. A third great source of inefficacy is due to an effort to 【M5】______ teach all the students in a group at the same rate. We acknowledge that this is unfair to the capable student, but we probably do not realize the unfairness to the slow student, who is often taking as being 【M6】______ unintelligent. Theres no evidence that slow students are necessary 【M7】______ unintelligent, or unintelligent students are incapable of learning a 【M8】______ language. With proper designed courses, students, learning to do what【M9】______ they need to the language, can rise to unprecedented levels of 【M10】______ competence.




Children seem to lose hair as a response to feeling abandoned. The【M1】______ young man wh

ose squeaky voice was a standing joke to his friends unconsciously clung with a cold for weeks at a time because it made 【M2】______ him sound huskily. These are examples of a field of investigation called【M3】______ psychosomatics, which the mind and body are considered integrated 【M4】______ parts of the whole being, and all aspects are examined together. Studies【M5】______ have shown that a continuing state of emotional stress can hardly cause【M6】______ physical changes that lead to disease. The most provocative conclusion that had so far been productive, however, is that different character 【M7】______ types tend to get different diseases. Some investigators are piling impressive evidence to show that there is a significant link between the kind of person you are and the kind of body disease youre prone to. 【M8】______ The result of this study by the psychiatrist Dr. Floyd O Ring would appear to support the conclusion "People with some illnesses can be 【M9】______ picked out with a good percent of accuracy by personality alone." 【M10】______




Many typically "American" characteristics are a result of value. 【M1】______ There is a re

markable ethic diversity in the US. Among its population 【M2】______ of 300 million, 73% is White, 12% African American, 8% Hispanic. Many Americans dont like generalizations being made about them because they see themselves as very unique. Individualism is probably the most highly esteemed value in the American culture, and Americans may feel comfortable when given more help than they need, because 【M3】______ they see dependency as weakness. The focus on the individual has led to a more informal society. For example, phrases like "drop by any time" are other ways of saying goodbye. Honesty and frankness is more【M4】______ important to Americans than "saving face", and they may bring up impolite conversation topics which you may find embarrassed, 【M5】______ controversial or even offensive. This encourages them to dissolve misunderstandings themselves. Some behaviours have culturally associated to straightforwardness. For example, a firm handshake is 【M6】______ often interpreted as sign of sincerity, so is direct eye contact. To most【M7】______ Americans, honesty is always preferred for politeness. Punctuality is 【M8】______ considered an important attribution, and you will need to offer an 【M9】______ apology and explanation if you are more than 15 minutes late. Americans also value achievement and competition, but sports awards【M10】______ are often displayed in their homes.




Five vagabond children aged 10 to 13, died of carbon monoxide poisoning in a dumpster in

Bijie, Southwest Chinas Guizhou province, on Nov 16, 20 km away from their homes in a nearby village. Four of them dropped out school and refused to go back 【M1】______ despite of their teachers efforts to persuade them to do so. They 【M2】______ are brothers of poor families and their parents are peasants or migrant workers live hand-to-mouth. These children are typical 【M3】______ left-behind children who are victims of a lack of concern from parents and various psychological problems. As their custodians, the parents just could not afford to take their children with them. They had no choice or to leave the children with their 【M4】______ grandparents. The tragedys root cause lays in the development 【M5】______ model of China in the past several decades. Although surplus rural laborers can leave their hometown to look for better-paying jobs, their hukou, or household registrations, remain solid nailed in the 【M6】______ villages, which are linked with education, social security and 【M7】______ medical services. As China is pursuing more human-oriented development, institutional obstacles between urban and rural areas should be gradually eliminated. However, before this is realized, the governments of various levels and social organizations should do more to help the left-behind children and provide them for better 【M8】______ educations and emotional care. China has more than 200 million migrant workers. Their children should have as much chance as 【M9】______ their city counterparts to strive for better lives. The authorities and society should put the changes within their reach. So this huge 【M10】______ group of children will become more trouble for their families and society in the future.




Cigarettes leave you with more than a smoky scent on your clothes and fingernails. A new

study has found evidence tobacco 【M1】______ use can chemically modify and effect the activity of genes known 【M2】______ to increase the risk of developing cancer. The finding may give researchers a new tool to assessing cancer risk among people who 【M3】______ smoke. DNA isnt destiny. Chemical compounds that affect the functioning of genes can bind to our genetic material, turning certain genes on or of. These so-called epigenetic modifications 【M4】______ can influence variety of traits, such as obesity and sexual 【M5】______ preference. Scientists have even identified specific epigenetic patterns on the genes of people who smoke. None of the modified genes has a direct link to cancer, therefore, making it unclear 【M6】______ whether these chemical alterations increase the risk of developing the disease. In the new study, publishing in Human Molecular Genetics, 【M7】______ researchers analyzed epigenetic signatures in blood cells from 374 individuals enrolled in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. EPIC, which its known, is a massive 【M8】______ study aimed at linking diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors to the incident of cancer and other chronic diseases. Half of the 【M9】______ group consisted in people who went on to develop colon or breast 【M10】______ cancer 5 to 7 years after first joining the study, whereas the other half remained healthy.




Dolphin-assisted therapy for children with mental disabilities has made a splash in the

West, and China is now riding the experimental tide. More than 80 parents of children with severe mental disabilities have booked all of next years spots in the program.(Sessions only run in the summer because the water temperatures are too cold for the kids in other seasons.)However, newcomers must wait until 2014, says Liu【M1】______ Quansheng, manager of the parks owner, Zhejiang Aquarium Investment Group. Despite of the demand, dolphin-assisted therapy has not been 【M2】______ scientifically proven. Still, many experts and parents of special-needs children swear in it. While the science of dolphin-assisted therapys 【M3】______ assortment of purported benefits hasnt been verified, many believe at least some benefits come from the experiences emotional magic. "Once the children are in the pool theyre only focused on the dolphins. They love it, because the creatures let the kids touch and kiss them, grab their fins and swim with them." Most opponents agree on the merit of the fun factor. Some also 【M4】______ claim it boost peoples immune systems. And many experts contend the【M5】______ therapys benefits run deeper. Dolphins presence palpably changes water. Those which swim with the creatures report fizzing sounds, as if【M6】______ the marine mammals carbonate the water. The sound has been compared as popcorn, flames and sparklers. The marine animals 【M7】______ ultrasonic energy is four times powerful than scientific instruments 【M8】______ using to peer inside the body to make diagnoses, monitor pregnancies 【M9】______ and break in kidney stones, gallstones and cataract-clouded lenses. This【M10】______ is amplified by the water, which transmits sounds at 60 times airs efficiency. The ultrasonic energy then enters our bodies — which are, in turn, mostly water. But how — and if — this helps children with mental disabilities remains unclear.




Astronomers have discovered what may be five planets orbiting Tau Ceti, the closest singl

e star beyond our solar system whose temperature and luminosity nearly matches the suns. If the 【M1】______ planets are there, one of them is about the right distance from the star to support mild temperatures, oceans of liquid water, and even life. Tau Ceti is only 12 light-years from Earth, just three times as far as our suns nearest stellar neighbor, Alpha Centauri. Tau Ceti assembles the sun so much that astronomer Frank Drake, who has 【M2】______ long sought radio signals from possible extraterrestrial civilizations, made it his first target back in 1960. Unlike most stars, that are 【M3】______ faint, cool, and small, Tau Ceti is a bright G-type yellow main-sequence star like the sun, a trait that only one in 25 stars boasts of. Moreover, unlike Alpha Centauri, which also harbors a 【M4】______ G-type star and even a planet, Tau Ceti is single, therefore theres 【M5】______ no second star in the system whose gravity could yank planets away. Astronomer Mikko Tuomi of the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom and his colleagues analyzed more than 6,000 observations of Tau Ceti from telescopes in Chile, Australia, and Hawaii. As the researchers will report in Astronomy & Astrophysics, slight changes in Tau Cetis motion through space suggest that the star may be responding to gravitational tugs from five planets that are only about two to seven times as massive as Earth. If thats right, all five planets lie close to their star than Mars 【M6】______ does ours; however, Tau Ceti emits only 45% as much light as the 【M7】______ sun, so each planet receives less warmth than a planet would at the same distance from our sun. Tau Cetis three innermost planets — designated b, c, and d — are probably too hot to support life, being such close to the star that they require only 14, 35, and 【M8】______ 94 days to complete an orbit. The farthest of the three, d, is about as close to Tau Ceti as Mercury is to the sun. Its fourth 【M9】______ planet — planet e — that the scientists suggest might be another life-bearing world, even though its about four times as massive as Earth. If you live there, youd see a yellow sun in the sky, but your 【M10】______ year would last just 168 days.


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