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Astronomers have discovered what may be five planets orbiting Tau Ceti, the closest singl

e star beyond our solar system whose temperature and luminosity nearly matches the suns. If the 【M1】______ planets are there, one of them is about the right distance from the star to support mild temperatures, oceans of liquid water, and even life. Tau Ceti is only 12 light-years from Earth, just three times as far as our suns nearest stellar neighbor, Alpha Centauri. Tau Ceti assembles the sun so much that astronomer Frank Drake, who has 【M2】______ long sought radio signals from possible extraterrestrial civilizations, made it his first target back in 1960. Unlike most stars, that are 【M3】______ faint, cool, and small, Tau Ceti is a bright G-type yellow main-sequence star like the sun, a trait that only one in 25 stars boasts of. Moreover, unlike Alpha Centauri, which also harbors a 【M4】______ G-type star and even a planet, Tau Ceti is single, therefore theres 【M5】______ no second star in the system whose gravity could yank planets away. Astronomer Mikko Tuomi of the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom and his colleagues analyzed more than 6,000 observations of Tau Ceti from telescopes in Chile, Australia, and Hawaii. As the researchers will report in Astronomy & Astrophysics, slight changes in Tau Cetis motion through space suggest that the star may be responding to gravitational tugs from five planets that are only about two to seven times as massive as Earth. If thats right, all five planets lie close to their star than Mars 【M6】______ does ours; however, Tau Ceti emits only 45% as much light as the 【M7】______ sun, so each planet receives less warmth than a planet would at the same distance from our sun. Tau Cetis three innermost planets — designated b, c, and d — are probably too hot to support life, being such close to the star that they require only 14, 35, and 【M8】______ 94 days to complete an orbit. The farthest of the three, d, is about as close to Tau Ceti as Mercury is to the sun. Its fourth 【M9】______ planet — planet e — that the scientists suggest might be another life-bearing world, even though its about four times as massive as Earth. If you live there, youd see a yellow sun in the sky, but your 【M10】______ year would last just 168 days.


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Kissing is so common though we rarely ask why humans touch 【M1】______ their lips together

to show affection. One obvious answer is that it feels good. Densely packed nerve endings make your lips some of the most acutely sensitive regions of your entire body, and a few 【M2】______ things get them more riled up than a kiss. But where in humanitys evolutionary history putting our faces together come to be regarded 【M3】______ as a display of lust, care, friendship and love? One of the most compelling hypotheses surroundings the 【M4】______ emergence of kissing in humans and kiss-like behavior. in other species are tied to the widespread practice of passing pre-chewed or 【M5】______ regurgitated food from the mouth of one animal to another. Birds do it. Chimps do it. Many humans even do it. The pass of food from 【M6】______ one creature to another is certainly an intimate form. of interaction. Though this behavior. can be regarded as altruistic is debatable, but 【M7】______ the fact that caring for ones young and securing a mate are both crucial to an organisms ability to pass its genes on subsequent 【M8】______ generations supports the argument that this behavior. would be evolutionarily encouraged. The science of kissing is a fascinated thing to think about and 【M9】______ Philematology(the science and study of kissing)is becoming an increasingly popular area of study, for researchers strive to sort out 【M10】______ the mysteries of love and attraction. Though plenty of unanswered questions remain, perhaps its sufficient to say that kissing remains an excellent and exciting human pastime.




How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other word, the origin of language i

s a mystery. All we really know is 【M1】______ men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express 【M2】______ thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they can 【M3】______ communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to present 【M4】______ those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or written in letters we call words. The power of words, then, lies on their associations — the 【M5】______ things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the long we live, the more 【M6】______ certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increase. 【M7】______ Great writers- are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully on 【M8】______ our minds and feelings. This charming and telling use of words is that we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of 【M9】______ words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should nevertheless learn to choose our words 【M10】______ carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and rude.




Its only an arguably very willful misinterpretation of the ancient Mayan calendar to conc

lude the world ends on 21 December 2012. The question is why so many people are drawn by these tales 【M1】______ of impending destruction? Theres more reason to think it will 【M2】______ immediately lead to a planet-wide liquidation sale than if your desk calendar reaches the end of the year before youve bought a new one. Why are we so determined to think our days are numbered, and so willing to bend the facts to fit our delusions? My whole 【M3】______ unscientific theory is what stems from our understandable difficulty 【M4】______ grasping the walk-on part we all hold amid the sprawling enormity 【M5】______ of deep time. It is not easy to get our head round the Earth having 【M6】______ existed for billions of years, and with our own life in comparison 【M7】______ being an almost insignificant instant in the middle of it all. Thus 【M8】______ fleeting and so far from either end of the story that many of us behave like individual black holes, mentally warping time to write ourselves into the grand finale. Sooner or later, those who are convinced of our imminent doom will inevitably be proved right. The planet cant last forever — astronomers predict the planet only has around another 7.5 billion years when it is engulfed by the Sun and humans will likely have 【M9】______ disappeared much earlier. If we do have only the briefest lines in a seemingly interminable epic, shouldnt we make most of it while we 【M10】______ are on stage?




Farmers in the developing world would hate price fluctuations. It makes them hard to plan

ahead. But most of them have little 【M1】______ choice: they sell at the price the market sets. Farmers in Europe, the US and Japan are luckier: they receive massive government subsidies in the form. of guaranteeing prices or direct handout. 【M2】______ Agricultural production in most poor countries accounts up to 【M3】______ 50% of GDP, compared to only 3% in rich countries. But most farmers in poor countries grow just enough for themselves and their families. These who try exporting to the West find their goods 【M4】______ whacked with huge tariffs or competed against cheaper subsidized 【M5】______ goods. Agriculture is one of the few areas in which the Third World can compete with. Land and labor are cheap, and as farming 【M6】______ methods develop, new technologies should improve output. This is a 【M7】______ pie-in-the-sky speculation. The biggest success in Kenyas economy over the past decade has been the boom in exports of cut flowers and vegetables to Europe. Poor countries have long suspected that the rich world urges trade liberalization only so it can wangle their way into new markets. 【M8】______ And now Kenya is considered to be slightly over rich to qualify for 【M9】______ the least-developed country status that allows African producers to avoid paying stiff European import duties on selected agricultural products. With trade barriers in the place, the horticulture industry in【M10】______ Kenya may shrivel as quickly as a discarded rose.




Some years ago, on the windswept Atlantic coast of Ireland, a couple of elder farmers cam

e up to my familys cottage. There was 【M1】______ tea and whiskey and turf was blazing in the grate. Late in evening, 【M2】______ one of them suddenly started to sing. Just his voice in the silence, high and reedy. At moments like that, song becomes the soundtrack of our lives. Man all starts with our first music — our mothers voice. 【M3】______ Around the world, every Saturday in the stands and every Sunday in the pews, people join together in song. Birthdays, marriages and deaths are solemnized until people open their mouths and sing. 【M4】______ When music involves a voice, if you love Callas or Adele or 【M5】______ Queen, all instruments are always the second fiddle. The voice is a 【M6】______ fingerprint, a personal stamp capable of endless variety. Borrowing the plosives and fricatives of speaking language, it imparts a feeling, 【M7】______ a mood or a story. Nearly all music bears the mark of the voice. When you hear the sinuous melody of a Chopin prelude, you are hearing the piano agitate the voice. 【M8】______ Singing is good for us. Exertion and concentration fortifies the mind and invigorates the body. If only you cannot muster the 【M9】______ confidence to join the local choral society, wait until the coast is clear, shut yourself safely behind the bathroom door and get under the shower. Then open your mouth, fill up your lung, and launch into【M10】______ a stonking good tune. The music is there inside you. You just need to find your voice.




Who was the best president? That we can even ask the question is thanks to George Washing

ton who shaped the role on his own 【M1】______ battle-hewn hands. Elected unanimously, he assured the job 【M2】______ reluctantly and batted away efforts to make him a king. His humility ensured the institution was built to the last. 【M3】______ It would have been easy for the first boss of a new government to have grown tipsy with power. So after years of fighting against 【M4】______ hunger and defeated as a revolutionary hero on the battlefield, 【M5】______ Washington was not seduced by pomp. He rejected an array of flowery titles, preferring the simplicity of Mr. President. Not only did he drone on at the lectern, but he swiftly appointed an 【M6】______ ideologically balanced cabinet of advisers, including Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Mindful of precedent, he personally ensured his executive power is checked by the legislative and judicial 【M7】______ branches of government. After decades of public service, Washington pined for a quiet life at home in Virginia, and hoped to retire after one four-year term in office. He succumbed to take a second term in the interests of 【M8】______ national unity, but was then glad to hand over the reins to his electing successor, John Adams. 【M9】______ Few American children are spared some malarkey about a young George Washington who cannot tell a lie. These tales are 【M10】______ largely invented to explain Washingtons integrity as an adult. Americas first president was not a witty intellectual or a scintillating orator, but he was uniquely honorable at a vulnerable time for the nascent republic.




Traditional plant breeding involves crossed varieties of the 【M1】______ same species in w

ays they could cross naturally. For example, disease-resistant varieties of wheat have been crossed with highly-yield wheat to combine these properties. This type of 【M2】______ natural gene exchange is safe and fairly unpredictable. 【M3】______ Genetic engineering(GE)involves exchanging genes between unrelated species that cannot naturally exchange genes with each other. GE can involve the exchange of genes between vastly different species, e. g. putting scorpion toxin genes into maize or fish antifreeze genes into tomatoes. It is possible that a scorpion toxin gene, even when it is in maize DNA, will still get the organism to produce scorpion toxin — but what other effects may 【M4】______ have on this alien environment? We are already seeing this 【M5】______ problem — adding human growth hormone genes to pigs certainly makes them grow — but it also gives them arthritis and makes them cross-eyed, that was entirely unpredictable. 【M6】______ It will be obvious, for example, that gene for human 【M7】______ intelligence will not have the same effect if inserted into cabbage as 【M8】______ it had in human DNA — but what side-effect would it have? In other word, is GM(Genetically Modified)food safe to eat? The 【M9】______ answer is that nobody knows because long-term tests have not been carried out. The current position of the UK Government is that "There is no evidence of long-term dangers from GM food." In the US, the 【M10】______ American Food and Drug Administration is currently being prosecuted for covering up research that suggested possible risks from GM foods.




Many people dream of having a smarter brain. Princeton neurobiologist Joseph Z. Tsien fo

und the key. In September he announced that he built a better mouse by altering a gene that 【M1】______ affects learning and memory. A similar process of gene manipulation might conceivably be used one day to boost up 【M2】______ intelligence in humans. The secret lies in a feature of brain cells which called the 【M3】______ nomda receptor, which Tsien likes to a cylindrical tube or window 【M4】______ that mediates the flow of information. When the window is open, chemicals called neurotransmitters flow through easily and memory is registered or stored. Tsien noticed that the receptor 【M5】______ worked more efficiently when teamed with the gene NR2B, so he introduced extra NR2B genes into a batch of fertilized mouse eggs. In a normal mouse, the memory window is open in just 【M6】______ 150-thousandths of a second. In Tsiens specifically engineered 【M7】______ mice, the window opens for 250-thousandths of a second, long enough to make a remarkable impression in memory retention. 【M8】______ When he pitted his mice with common mice, they won paws down. 【M9】______ Ordinary mice could recognize a Lego block for 12 hours, but smart mice could remember the block for up to three days. "Thats a profound enhancement," Tsien says. Can it be done with humans? Maybe, so genetic engineering 【M10】______ will have to make some extraordinary advances first. And some thorny ethical issues will have to be resolved. Meanwhile, Tsien promises to keep his furry little geniuses locked up in a lab, far from your larder. "Otherwise," he says, "you might need a smart cat or a smart mousetrap to catch them."




It is not, by no means, the worlds oldest company. There are 【M1】______ Japanese hotels d

ated back to the 8th century, German breweries that 【M2】______ hail from the 11th and an Italian bank with roots in the 15th. What is unusual about IBM, which celebrates its 100th birthday this week, is that it has been so successful and so long in the fast-moving field of 【M3】______ technology. How has it done it? IBMs secret is that it is built around an idea that transcends any special product or technology. Its strategy is to package technology 【M4】______ for use by businesses. At first this meant making punch-card tabulators, but IBM moved on to magnetic-tape systems, mainframes, PCs, and most recently services and consulting. Building a company around an idea, other than a specific technology, makes it easier to 【M5】______ adapt when industry platform. shifts occur. True, IBMs longevity is also due, in parts, to dumb luck. It 【M6】______ almost came unstuck early because its bosses were hesitant to 【M7】______ abandon punch cards. And it had a near-death experience in 1993 since its bosses realized that the best way to package technology for 【M8】______ use by businesses was to focus on services. An elegant organizing idea is of use if a company cannot come up with good products or 【M9】______ services, and if it has clueless bosses. But on the basis of this simple 【M10】______ formula — that a company should focus more on an idea than a technology, which of todays technology giants might still be standing tall a century after their founding?




Making your way gloomily to the airport after an action-packed holiday, it is easy to fee

l the days have flown by all too quick. But 【M1】______ there is no need to worry about because once you return to the daily 【M2】______ grind your break will suddenly seem like it lasted for a lifetime. So say psychologists who believe that the effect is thanks to the 【M3】______ different methods the brain uses to judge the passage of time. Learning to manipulate our perception of time could make our lives feel fuller and reassure these who feel that the years slip by faster as 【M4】______ they grow older. In a normal fortnight an ordinary person only accumulates 【M5】______ between six to nine new memories because so much of what we do 【M6】______ is routine. But on the holiday we can build up that number of 【M7】______ memories in a single day because everything we experience is new, meaning that when we look back it will seem to have lasted much longer than it really did. The same happens because we get older and time starts to speed 【M8】______ up. There are fewer memories of new things, and we do the same things over and over. 【M9】______ People who complain that years seem to whizz past with increasing speed could slow things down by making the most of our 【M10】______ weekends and breaking up their daily routine. Taking a different route to work, getting off the bus a stop early or avoiding having the same sandwich for lunch every day could make life seem a little slower.


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