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A child watching television experiences a procession of sights and sounds that flash from

the screen just long enough for the eyes and ears to take them in. Unlike the pages of a book, which can be read as slowly or as quickly as the child wishes, television images appear with a relentless velocity that stunts rather than enhances the childs powers of imagination. The view expressed above is based on an assumption. Of the following, which can best serve as that assumption?

A.When allowed to choose a form. of entertainment, children will prefer reading to watching television.

B.A child"s imagination cannot be properly stimulated unless the child has access both to television and to books.

C.A child"s imagination can develop more fully when the child is able to control the pace of its entertainment.

D.Children should be taught to read as soon as they are able to understand what they see on television.

E.A child"s reaction to different forms of sensory stimuli cannot be predicted, since every child is different.

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更多“A child watching television ex…”相关的问题


The world s annual food production slightly exceeds the amount of food required to provide

a minimally adequate diet for the worlds population. To predict that insufficient food production will cause a hunger crisis in the future is nonsense. Any hunger crisis will result from a distribution problem rather than a production problem. The statement above assumes which of the following?

A.The world"s food requirements are greater than they will be in the future.

B.A shortfall in the world"s food production can be prevented by a better distribution system.

C.The world"s food production will continue to be sufficient to meet or exceed needs.

D.The distribution of the world"s existing food supply will be improved in the future.

E.The world hunger crisis will not exist in the future.



When limitations were in effect on nuclear-arms testing, people tended to save more of the

ir money, but when nuclear-arms testing increased, people tended to spend more of their money. The perceived threat of nuclear catastrophe, therefore, decreases the willingness of people to postpone consumption for the sake of saving money. The argument above assumes that

A.the perceived threat of nuclear catastrophe has increased over the years.

B.most people supported the development of nuclear arms.

C.people"s perception of the threat of nuclear catastrophe depends on the amount of nuclear-arms testing being done.

D.the people who saved the most money when nuclear-arms testing was limited were the ones who supported such limitations.

E.there are more consumer goods available when nuclear-arms testing increases.



The ice on the front windshield of the car had formed when moisture condensed during the n

ight. The ice melted quickly after the car was warmed up the next morning because the defrosting vent, which blows only on the front windshield, was turned on full force. Which of the following, if true, most seriously jeopardizes the validity of the explanation for the speed with which the ice melted?

A.The side windows had no ice condensation on them.

B.Even though no attempt was made to defrost the back window, the ice there melted at the same rate as did the ice on the front windshield.

C.The speed at which ice on a window melts increases as the temperature of the air blown on the window increases.

D.The warm air from the defrosting vent for the front windshield cools rapidly as it dissipates throughout the rest of the car.

E.The defrosting vent operates efficiently even when the heater, which blows warm air toward the feet or faces of the driver and passengers, is on.



When a group of children who have been watching television programs that include acts of v

iolence is sent to play with a group of children who have been watching programs that do not include acts of violence, the children who have been watching violent programs commit a much greater number of violent acts in their play than do the children who have been watching nonviolent programs. Therefore, children at play can be prevented from committing violent acts by not being allowed to watch violence on television. The argument in the passage assumes which one of the following?

A.Television has a harmful effect on society.

B.Parents are responsible for the acts of their children.

C.Violent actions and passive observation of violent actions are not related.

D.There are no other differences between the two groups of children that might account for the difference in violent behavior.

E.Children who are treated violently will respond with violence.



When permits for the discharge of chemicals into a waterway are issued, they are issued in

terms of the number of pounds of each chemical that can be discharged into the waterway per day. These figures, calculated separately for each chemical for which a permit is issued, are based on an estimate of the effect of the dilution of the chemical by the amount of water flowing through the waterway. The waterway is therefore protected against being adversely affected by chemicals discharged under the permits. The argument depends on the assumption that

A.relatively harmless chemicals do not interact with each other in the water to form. harmful compounds.

B.there is a swift flow of water in the waterway that ensures rapid dispersion of chemicals discharged.

C.there are no chemicals for which discharge into waterways is entirely prohibited.

D.those who receive the permits do not always discharge the entire quantity of chemicals that the permits allow.

E.the danger of chemical pollution of waterways is to be e-valuated in terms of human health only and not in terms of the health of both human beings and wildlife.



The brains of identical twins are genetically identical. When only one of a pair of ide

ntical twins is a schizophrenic, certain areas of the affected twins brain are smaller than corresponding areas in the brain of the unaffected twin. No such differences are found when neither twin is schizophrenic. Therefore, this discovery provides definitive evidence that schizophrenia is caused by damage to the physical structure of the brain. Which one of the following is an assumption required by the argument?

A.The brain of a person suffering from schizophrenia is smaller than the brain of anyone not suffering from schizophrenia.

B.The relative smallness of certain parts of the brains of schizophrenics is not the result of schizophrenia or of medications used in its treatment.

C.The brain of a person with an identical twin is no smaller, on average, than the brain of a person who is not a twin.

D.When a pair of identical twins both suffer from schizophrenia, their brains are the same size.

E.People who have an identical twin are no more likely to suffer from schizophrenia than those who do not.



The interview is an essential part of a successful hiring program because, with it, job ap

plicants who have personalities that are unsuited to the requirements of the job will be eliminated from consideration.The argument above logically depends on which of the following assumptions?

A.A hiring program will be successful if it includes interviews.

B.The interview is a more important part of a successful hiring program than is the development of a job description.

C.Interviewers can accurately identify applicants whose personalities are unsuited to the requirements of the job.

D.The only purpose of an interview is to evaluate whether job applicants" personalities are suited to the requirements of the job.

E.The fit of job applicants" personalities to the requirements of the job was once the most important factor in making hiring decisions.



Armtech, a temporary-employment agency, previously gave its employees 5 paid vacation days

after each 700 hours worked. Armtechs new policy is to give its employees 0 paid vacation days after each 1, 200 hours worked. Therefore, this new policy is more generous to Armtech employees in giving them more vacation days per hour worked than the old policy did. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.Most current Armlech employees approve of the company"s new vacation policy.

B.A few Armtech employees leave the company before having worked 700 hours.

C.Most Armlech employees were not aware that the company planned to change its vacation policy until after it had already done so.

D.A significant portion of Armlech employees stay with the company long enough to work for 1 ,200 hours.

E.Armtech"s new vacation policy closely matches the vacation policies of competing temporary employment agencies.



Bracken, a poisonous weed, is spreading and damaging much pastureland in the Northern Hemi

sphere. One potentially inexpensive and self-sustaining countermeasure is to introduce natural enemies of the plant; therefore, some scientists have proposed to control bracken by a release of bracken-eating moths native to the Southern Hemisphere into bracken-infested areas in the Northern Hemisphere. If the scientists proposal for controlling bracken is adopted, which of the following is a necessary condition for its success?

A.That bracken in the Northern Hemisphere grows in approximately the same climates and soil conditions in which it grows in the Southern Hemisphere.

B.That the released moths will feed on weeds other than bracken that are native to the Northern Hemisphere.

C.That the livestock that will return to pastures now lost to bracken will develop immunities to the diseases caused by bracken.

D.That the released moths will survive in sufficient numbers to build a population large enough to reduce bracken and retard its growth.

E.That traditional methods of control, such as burning, cutting, and chemical spraying, will not become less expensive or labor-intensive than they are now.



In Bassaria a group of that countrys most senior judges has criticized the uniform. mandat

ory sentences recently introduced for certain specific crimes. The judges argue that such sentences, by depriving them of all discretion in setting sentences, make it impossible for them to consider either aggravating or extenuating circumstances and so make it impossible to achieve true justice —the fitting of the severity of the punishment to the gravity of the particular crime. Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest evidence for the claim that in Bassaria the newly introduced mandatory sentences are not necessarily a change for the worse with respect to achieving true justice as defined in the argument?

A.Before mandatory sentencing, judges in eastern Bassaria imposed strikingly different sentences from those in western Bassaria for equally grave instances of the same kind of offense.

B.In Bassaria the frequency of crimes that have been made subject to mandatory sentences is lower now than it was just prior to the introduction of mandatory sentencing.

C.The law introducing mandatory sentences was passed in the legislature of Bassaria by a large majority and is unlikely to be repealed in the foreseeable future.

D.There used to be a wide difference between the minimum and the maximum sentences allowed by law in cases of crimes now subject to mandatory sentences.

E.In Bassaria judges are appointed for life and are thus not easily influenced by political pressure groups.

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