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Of the following, which is most likely attributable to the effect of endorphins as describ

ed in the passage?

A.After an injection of novocaine, a patient has no feeling in the area where the injection was given.

B.After taking ibuprofen, a person with a headache gets quick relief.

C.After receiving a local anesthetic, an injured person reports relief in the anesthetized area.

D.After being given aspirin, a child with a badly scraped elbow feels better.

E.After acupuncture, a patient with chronic back pain reports that the pain is much less severe.

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更多“Of the following, which is mos…”相关的问题


The sensation of pain cannot accurately be described as "located" at the point of an injur

y, or, for that matter, in any one place in the nerves or brain. Rather, pain signals—and pain relief—are delivered through a highly complex interacting circuitry. When a cell is injured, a rush of prostaglandin s sensitizes nerve endings at the injury. Prostaglandins are chemicals produced in and released from virtually all mammalian cells when they are injured: these are the only pain signals that do not originate in the nervous sys- tern. Aspirin and other similar drugs(such as indomethacin and ibuprofen)keep prostaglandins from being made by interfering with an enzyme known as prostaglandin synthetase, or cyclooxy- genase. The drugs effectiveness against pain is proportional to their success in blocking this enzyme at the site of injury. From nerve endings at the injury, pain signals move to nerves feeding into the spinal cord. The long, tubular membranes of nerve cells carry electrical impulses. When electrical impulses get to the spinal cord, a pain-signaling chemical known as substance P is released there. Substance P then excites nearby neurons to send impulses to the brain. Local anesthetics such as novo-caine and xylocaine work by blocking the electrical transmission along nerves in a particular area. They inhibit the flow of sodium ions through the membranes, making the nerves electrically quiescent; thus no pain signals are sent to the spinal cord or to the brain. Recent discoveries in the study of pain have involved the brain itself—the supervising organ that notices pain signals and that sends messages down to the spinal cord to regulate incoming pain traffic. Endorphins-—the brain s own morphine—are a class of small peptides that help to block pain signals within the brain itself. The presence of endor- phins may also help to explain differences in response to pain signals, since individuals seem to differ in their ability to produce endorphins. It now appears that a number of techniques for blocking chronic pain—such as acupuncture and electrical stimulation of the central brain stem—involve the release of endorphins in the brain and spinal cord.

The passage is primarily concerned with

A.analyzing ways that enzymes and other chemicals influence how the body feels pain.

B.describing the presence of endorphins in the brain and discussing ways the body blocks pain within the brain itself.

C.describing how pain signals are conveyed in the body and discussing ways in which the pain signals can be blocked.

D.demonstrating that pain can be influenced by acupuncture and electrical stimulation of the central brain stem.

E.differentiating the kinds of pain that occur at different points in the body" s nervous system.



According to the passage, the existence of good one volume reference works about Asian Ame

ricans could result in

A.increased agreement among professors of Asian American studies regarding the quality of the sources available in their field.

B.an increase in the number of students signing up for introductory courses in Asian American studies.

C.increased accuracy in writings that concern Asian American history and culture.

D.the use of introductory texts about Asian American history and culture in courses outside the field of Asian American studies.

E.the inclusion of a wider range of Asian American material in introductory reading lists in Asian American studies.



According to the Wynne — Edwards theory as it is described in the passage, epideictic beha

vior. displays serve the function of

A.determining roosting aggregations.

B.locating food.

C.attracting predators.

D.regulating sexual activity.

E.triggering hormonal changes.



It can be inferred from the passage that proponents of the density-dependent theory of pop

ulation control have not yet been able to

A.use their theory to explain the population growth of organisms with short life cycles.

B.reproduce the results of the study of Christian and Davis.

C.explain adequately why the numbers of a population can increase as the population"s rate of growth decreases.

D.make sufficiently accurate predictions about the effects of crowding.

E.demonstrate how predator populations are themselves regulated.



Why can human beings outlast many faster four legged animals when running long distances?

Perhaps because early humans evolved as hunters on the hot African savannas. Humans developed the ability to release heat by sweating, but most mammals must pant, a function hard to regulate while running. Also, four-legged animals must adopt a pace that lets them breathe once in mid-stride; otherwise, the impact of the front legs hitting the ground will prevent deep inhalation. Humans can vary the number of breaths per stride, set a pace unsuited to the prey, and so eventually exhaust it. The authors explanation of why human beings have evolved as superior distance runners would be most weakened if it were shown that

A.early humans typically hunted animals that were less well adapted than humans for long-distance running.

B.early humans were only one of a number of species that hunted prey on the African savannas.

C.early humans hunted mainly in groups by sneaking up on prey and trapping it within a circle.

D.hunting was just as essential for later humans in colder climates as it was for early humans on the African savannas.

E.human beings of today have retained the ability to run long distances but no longer hunt by chasing prey.



A steady decline in annual movie-ticket sales is about to begin. More than half of the tic

kets sold last year were sold to the age group under twenty-five years of age, representing twenty-seven percent of the population. However, the number of individuals under twenty-five will steadily decline during the next decade. Which of the following, if true, casts most doubt on the prediction above regarding future movie-ticket sales?

A.Medical advances have lowered the mortality rates for those who are forty to sixty years of age.

B.Many people gradually lose interest in going to the movies after they reach twenty-five years of age.

C.The number of movie theaters has been increasing, and this trend is expected to continue during the next ten years.

D.Movie-ticket sales tend to increase as the size of the work force increases, and the size of the work force will increase annually during the next decade.

E.Experts agree that people under twenty-five years of age will continue to account for more than half of the total number of tickets sold in each of the next ten years.



On the basis of figures it compiles, a citizens group argues that congressional members of

Party X authorize the spending of more taxpayer dollars than do congressional members of Party Y. The groups figures are based on an analysis of the number of spending bills for which members of Congress vote. The figures of the citizens group will be unreliable as a gauge of which party in Congress spends more taxpayer dollars if which of the following is true?

A.The group weighs all votes for spending bills equally, no matter how much taxpayer money is involved in each bill.

B.The group counts votes for all spending bills, including bills concerning the salaries of members of Congress.

C.Most spending bills that are introduced in Congress are passed by Congress.

D.Most spending bills that members of Party X vote for are written and sponsored by members of Party X.

E.All spending bills, before being voted on by Congress, must be approved by committees in which members of both parties participate.



Persons imprisoned for violent street crimes often commit the same crimes again after bein

g released. Persons imprisoned for white-collar crimes such as receiving bribes or embezzlement, however, typically do not, after being released, repeat the crimes for which they have been imprisoned. It is fair to conclude that imprisonment, while it often fails to change the behavior. of violent street criminals, does succeed in making white-collar criminals unwilling to repeal their crimes. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the conclusion stated above?

A.Statistics show that persons convicted of committing white-collar crimes rarely have a prison record.

B.The percentage of those who commit white-collar crimes and are imprisoned for doing so is lower than the percentage of those who commit violent street crimes and are imprisoned for doing so.

C.White-collar criminals whose prison sentences are shortened return to criminal activities at a slightly higher rate than white-collar criminals who serve their full sentences.

D.Persons released from prison after white-collar crimes are seldom given high positions or access to other people" s money.

E.Persons who commit violent street crimes seldom commit white-collar crimes, and vice versa.



A proposed ordinance requires the installation in new homes of sprinklers automatically tr

iggered by the presence of a fire. However, a home builder argued that because more than ninety percent of residential fires are extinguished by a household member, residential sprinklers would only marginally decrease property damage caused by residential fires. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the home builders argument?

A.Most individuals have no formal training in how to extinguish fires.

B.Since new homes are only a tiny percentage of available housing in the city, the new ordinance would be extremely narrow in scope.

C.The installation of smoke detectors in new residences costs significantly less than the installation of sprinklers.

D.In the city where the ordinance was proposed, the average time required by the fire department to respond to a fire was less than the national average.

E.The largest proportion of property damage that results from residential fires is caused by fires that start when no household member is present.



"This company will not be training any more pilots in the foreseeable future, since we hav

e 400 trained pilots on our waiting list who are seeking employment. The other five major companies each have roughly the same number of trained pilots on their waiting lists, and since the projected requirement of each company is for not many more than 100 additional pilots, there will be no shortage of personnel despite the current upswing in the aviation industry. " Which one of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the accuracy of the above conclusion?

A.Most of the trained pilots who are on a waiting list for a job are on the waiting lists of all the major companies.

B.In the long run, pilot training will become necessary to compensate for ordinary attrition.

C.If no new pilots are trained, there will be an age imbalance in the pilot work force.

D.The quoted personnel projections take account of the current upswing in the aviation industry.

E.Some of the other major companies are still training pilots but with no presumption of subsequent employment.

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