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"This company will not be training any more pilots in the foreseeable future, since we hav

e 400 trained pilots on our waiting list who are seeking employment. The other five major companies each have roughly the same number of trained pilots on their waiting lists, and since the projected requirement of each company is for not many more than 100 additional pilots, there will be no shortage of personnel despite the current upswing in the aviation industry. " Which one of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the accuracy of the above conclusion?

A.Most of the trained pilots who are on a waiting list for a job are on the waiting lists of all the major companies.

B.In the long run, pilot training will become necessary to compensate for ordinary attrition.

C.If no new pilots are trained, there will be an age imbalance in the pilot work force.

D.The quoted personnel projections take account of the current upswing in the aviation industry.

E.Some of the other major companies are still training pilots but with no presumption of subsequent employment.

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更多“"This company will not be trai…”相关的问题


The function of government is to satisfy the genuine wants of the masses, and government c

annot satisfy those wants unless it is informed about what those wants are. Freedom of speech ensures that such information will reach the ears of government officials. Therefore, freedom of speech is indispensable for a healthy state. Which one of the following, if true, would NOT undermine the conclusion of the argument?

A.People most often do not know what they genuinely want.

B.Freedom of speech tends ultimately to undermine social order, and social order is a prerequisite for satisfying the wants of the masses.

C.The proper function of government is not to satisfy wants, but to provide equality of opportunity.

D.Freedom of speech is not sufficient for satisfying the wants of the masses: social order is necessary as well.

E.Rulers already know what the people want.



Advertisement: For sinus pain, three out of four hospitals give their patients Novex. So w

hen you want the most effective painkiller for sinus pain, Novex is the one to choose. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the advertisement s argument?

A.Some competing brands of painkillers are intended to reduce other kinds of pain in addition to sinus pain.

B.Many hospitals that do not usually use Novex will do so for those patients who cannot tolerate the drug the hospitals usually use.

C.Many drug manufacturers increase sales of their products to hospitals by selling these products to the hospitals at the lowest price the manufacturers can afford.

D.Unlike some competing brands of painkillers, Novex is available from pharmacies without a doctor" s prescription.

E.In clinical trials Novex has been found more effective than competing brands of painkillers that have been on the market longer than Novex.



Companies considering new cost-cutting manufacturing processes often compare the projected

results of making the investment against the alternative of not making the investment with costs, selling prices, and share of market remaining constant. Which of the following, assuming that each is a realistic possibility, constitutes the most serious disadvantage for companies of using the method above for evaluating the financial benefit of new manufacturing processes?

A.The costs of materials required by the new process might not be known with certainty.

B.In several years interest rates might go down, reducing the interest costs of borrowing money to pay for the investment .

C.Some cost-cutting processes might require such expensive investments that there would be no net gain for many years, until the investment was paid for by savings in the manufacturing process.

D.Competitors that do invest in a new process might reduce their selling prices and thus take market share away from companies that do not.

E.The period of year chosen for averaging out the cost of the investment might be somewhat longer or shorter, thus affecting the result.



Conservationists have believed that by concentrating their preservation efforts on habitat

s rich in an easily surveyed group of species, such as birds, they would thereby be preserving areas rich in overall species diversity. This belief rests on a view that a geographical area rich in one group of species will also be rich in the other groups characteristic of the entire regional climate zone. Which of the following findings about widely scattered tracts 10 kilometers by 10 kilometers in a temperate climate zone would most seriously challenge the conservationists assumptions?

A.The tracts show little damage from human intrusion and from pollution by human activities.

B.Where a certain group of species, such as birds, is abundant, there is also an abundance of the species, such as insects, on which that group of species feeds, or in the case of plants, of the land and water resources it requires.

C.The area of one of the tracts is generally large enough to contain a representative sample of the organisms in the region.

D.There is little overlap between the list of tracts that are rich in species of butterflies and the list of those that are rich in species of birds.

E.The highest concentration of individuals of rare species is found where the general diversity of species is greatest.



According to a recent cross-cultural study, married people in general have longer life exp

ectancies than do people who divorce and do not remarry. This fact indicates that the stress associated with divorce adversely affects health. Which of the following, if true, points to a weakness in the argument above?

A.Overall life expectancies differ among countries, even among countries with similar cultures.

B.People often show signs of stress when undergoing a divorce.

C.Life expectancy varies with age-group, even among married people.

D.Stress of many kinds has been shown to affect health adversely.

E.Adults who have never married have shorter life expectancies than do married people of the same age.



Radioactive radon gas emanating from rock such as granite puts inhabitants of houses built

on such rock at greater risk of lung cancer the longer the inhabitants are exposed. Protective steps should be taken if radon measurements exceed 4 pic-ocuries per liter; this recommendation is based on 70 years of occupancy by any one person. If a 65-year-old homeowner concludes from the information above that radon testing for the new home she has purchased will not be necessary, then each of the following, if true, weakens the homeowners argument EXCEPT:

A.Houses in which the homeowner previously lived were in an area where elevated radon levels have been found.

B.Houses near the homeowner"s new home have radon levels much higher than the 4 picocuries per liter threshold, levels that require immediate action to reduce exposure to any occupants.

C.The homeowner"s granddaughter, who is eventually to inherit the new house, now lives there with her children.

D.The homeowner smokes cigarettes, and smoking increases the radon-exposure risks over those given in the information.

E.The strata underlying the homeowner"s new home are known to be of rock different from the kinds from which radon emanates.



Until 1984 only aspirin and acetaminophen shared the lucrative nonprescription pain-reliev

er market. In 1984, however, ibuprofen was expected to account for fifteen percent of all nonprescription pain-reliever sales. On that basis business experts predicted for 1984 a corresponding fifteen percent decrease in the combined sales of aspirin and acetaminophen. The prediction mentioned in the last sentence above was based on which of the following assumptions?

A.Most consumers would prefer ibuprofen to both aspirin and acetaminophen.

B.Aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen all relieve headache pain and muscular aches, but aspirin and ibuprofen can also cause stomach irritation.

C.Before 1984 ibuprofen was available only as a prescription medicine.

D.The companies that manufacture and sell aspirin and acetaminophen would not also manufacture and sell ibupro-fen.

E.The introduction of ibuprofen would not increase total sales of nonprescription pain relievers.



Fragments of charred antelope bone have recently been found at a million-year-old settleme

nt of Homo erectus, an early human species. This discovery demonstrates that humans were making controlled use of fire to cook meat at a very early stage of their development. The argument above makes which of the following assumptions?

A.Every human species since Homo erectus has made controlled use of fire.

B.Homo erectus could not have eaten antelope meat unless the meat had been cooked.

C.Early human settlements can be identified by the presence of charred antelope bones.

D.The diet of Homo erectus consisted in large part of antelope meat.

E.The antelope bones were charred in a fire controlled by humans.



In March 300 college students turned out in Washington to protest against proposed cuts in

student loan funds. Another 350,000 collegians flocked to Floridas sun-drenched beaches during March for "spring break. " Since the Florida sun-seekers were more numerous, they were more representative of today s students than those who protested in Washington, and therefore Congress need not heed the appeals of the protesting students. The argument above makes which of the following assumptions?

A.The students who vacationed in Florida did not oppose the cutting of student loan funds by Congress.

B.The students who vacationed in Florida were not in agreement with the opinion of the majority of United States citizens about the proposed cut in loan funds.

C.The students who protested in Washington were more seriously concerned about their education than were the students who vacationed in Florida.

D.The students who neither protested in Washington in March nor vacationed in Florida in March are indifferent to governmental policies on education.

E.The best way to influence congressional opinion about a political issue is to communicate with one"s elected representative in Washington.



Last year, support for the social and behavioral sciences represented only about three per

cent of the governments total budget for research funds in the United States. Thus, the particularly sharp reductions imposed on such programs this year seem dictated not by financial constraints but by social philosophy. Which of the following is an assumption on which the conclusion of the passage above is based?

A.The government funds allocated for research in the social and behavioral sciences are not sufficient for the work that needs to be done.

B.The social and behavioral sciences are as valuable as the physical and biological sciences.

C.The current reductions will stop research in the social and behavioral sciences.

D.Government funding is the primary source of research money in the United States.

E.Three percent is an insignificant portion of the government"s total budget for research funds.

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