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&8226;You work for a company that sells electrical goods. You have recently visited a pote

ntial supplier in Slovakia.

&8226;Read the following memo below on which you have made some handwritten notes.

&8226;Use the information in the memo to write a short report discussing whether your company should deal with the supplier or not.

&8226;Write 120-140 words.

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更多“&8226;You work for a company t…”相关的问题


&8226;Read the article below about service production and the questions on the opposite pa


&8226;For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

The importance of satisfaction and morale

Broadly speaking, job satisfaction is the degree of enjoyment that people derive from performing their jobs. If people enjoy their work, they are relatively satisfied; if they do not enjoy their work, they are relatively dissatisfied. In turn, satisfied employees are likely to have high morale -- the overall attitude that employees have toward their workplace. Morale reflects the degree to which they perceive that their needs are being met by their jobs. It is determined by a variety of factors, including job satisfaction and satisfaction with such things as pay benefits, coworkers, and promotion opportunities.

(8) Some large firms, for example, have instituted companywide programs designed specifically to address employees' needs. Employees at SAS institute, a large software development company in North Carolina, enjoy private offices, a free health clinic, two on-site day-care centers, flexible work hours with 35-hour work weeks, a company-subsidized cafeteria, and year-end bonuses and profit sharing. Managers at Hyatt Hotels report that conducting frequent surveys of employee attitudes, soliciting employee input, and -- most important -- acting on that input give their company an edge in recruiting and retaining productive workers. (9) For example, First Tennessee, a midsize regional bank, believes that work and family are so closely related that family considerations should enter into job design. Thus, it offers such benefits as on-site child care.

When workers are satisfied and morale is high, the organization benefits in many ways. Compared with dissatisfied workers, for example; satisfied employees are more committed and loyal. (10) In addition, they tend to have fewer grievances and engage in fewer negative behaviors (complaining, deliberately slowing their work pace, and so forth) than dissatisfied counterparts. Finally, satisfied workers tend not only to come to work every day but also to remain with the organization. By promoting satisfaction and morale, then, management is working to ensure more efficient operations.

Conversely, the costs of dissatisfaction and poor morale are high. Dissatisfied workers are far more likely to be absent for minor illnesses, personal reasons; or a general disinclination to go to work. (11) High levels of turnover have many negative consequences, including the disruption of production schedules, high retraining costs and decreased productivity.

(12) The results of one recent study shows that companies with the highest levels of satisfaction and morale significantly outperformed the 300 largest US companies over both 5 and 10 years. Of course, many other factors contributed to the performance of both sets of companies, but these differences nevertheless can not be ignored.

A Low morale may also result in high turnover -- the ratio of newly hired to currently employed workers.

B In turn, satisfied employees are likely to have high morale -- the overall attitude that employees have toward their workplace.

C In fact, evidence suggests that job satisfaction and employee morale may directly affect a company's performance.

D Such employees are more likely to work hard and to make useful contributions to the organization.

E Managers of smaller businesses realize that the personal touch can reap big benefits in employee morale and even devotion.

F Companies can involve employee morale and job satisfaction in a variety of ways.

G In



It produces about 27,000 canons of matches a year.



听力原文: Thank you for your invitation. Our company is willing to explore with your corpo

ration the possibility of closer ties through joint ventures. Here, let me propose a toast to the success of our negotiations and to our friendship and future




&8226;Read the article below about career planning.&8226;Choose the best sentence from bel

&8226;Read the article below about career planning.

&8226;Choose the best sentence from below the passage to fill each of the blanks.

&8226;For each gap (8-12), mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not use arty letter more than once.

Advice on Staff Career Development

For many employees, automatic promotion up the ranks of a company is becoming increasingly rare. A new study suggests that, in response, employers need to consider how they can help staff develop their careers.

Employers need to rethink their approach to career management completely, according to the latest research by the Institute of Employment Studies. The new study finds that in fact there is little opportunity for individual career development in many large organizations. The main reasons for this, it concludes, are the recent cuts in the number of middle-management posts, and the changes that have taken place in the responsibilities of personnel departments. The Institute of Employment Studies makes it clear that it is not good practice for companies to hand over career development-to individual employees and then simply leave them to get on with it. (8)

So how should employers help their staff develop a career? Most employees have come to accept that career development is not always the same thing as upward promotion and a higher salary. (9) They must also ensure that these opportunities are extended to all their staff and not just to selected individuals.

Nick Bridges, who is Director of Human Resources Policy at the Bank of Eastern England, believes there is more talk than action in this area. (10) One way, he believes, for companies to show how serious they are about individual learning is lo make it an official part of company practice, as the Bank of Eastern England has done. (11) This document, he points out, has made the role of managers clear, and the company has also invested huge amounts of money educating managers so that they can then train their staff.

Another company, British Chemicals. has contracted an independent organization to help staff with confidential career advice. According to John rates, the head of Individual Learning and Development at British Chemicals. there is an important role for outside agencies to play in the career management process. He adds that it is company policy for managers to give all staff 'roadmaps' which show possible career routes within the company structure. (12) This has worked especially well. he says, for staff who are used to depending on their line managers for guidance.

Many large organizations now recognize that career development cannot be regarded in isolation, and must be part of an overall business strategy. Human Resources has a real role to play in building a strong workforce which meets a company's long-term business needs and makes it more competitive.

A. Its policy statement says that by 2006, eighty percent of its stall' will have a professional qualification.

B. He argues that while Human Resources managers are saying the way forward is through self-managed learning and self-development, they are still failing to provide adequate learning resources.

C. This change of attitude means employers need to place more emphasis on giving staff the chance to develop a range of skills through horizontal job moves.

D. It points out that employees need to know what the overall company's vision is in order to achieve it.

E. The problem that often arises is that, while they are increasingly encouraged to manage their own careers, they arc not provided with the knowledge and training to do this.

F. They are able to sec that, contrary to expectations, jobs in different fields are similar



听力原文:Woman: Good morning - HPR Bank. Customer Services Division. How may I help you?Ma

听力原文:Woman: Good morning - HPR Bank. Customer Services Division. How may I help you?

Man: Good morning. My name's George Bliss. I'm the Financial Director of Arundel Holdings. I've got a query on our business account.

Woman: Just a moment. I'll get it up on screen. Can you give me the account number?

Man: Certainly. It's 456 - 30 - 421.

Woman: And your identification code?

Man: Hamlet.

Woman: Right, Mr Bliss. What's the problem?

Man: Well, I received a statement from you this morning and there's a difference between that and our records. The statement shows a debit of£15,000 on June 10th, but no one here signed anything for that amount, so I'd like to know what's going on.

Woman: Yes, mmm, here it is - £15,000. That's odd. It says cheque number 3-0-6-9-8-4.

Man: Yes, I can see that on the statement, but that can't be right. All our cheques begin with 5-0. It's not one of our cheques. You must have debited our account by mistake.

Woman: I'm very sorry about that, Mr Bliss. I'll sort it out immediately. Could I just...

&8226;Look at the notes below.

&8226;You will hear a man telephoning a bank about a problem with an account.



CUSTOMER: George Bliss, (5)______ of Arundel Holdings


PROBLEM: No record in his office of a (7)______ of

£15,000 on June 10th.

Also, can't be one of their (8)______

- they all begin with 50. Want us to investigate.



?Read the article below about employees.?Choose the best sentence from the opposite page t

?Read the article below about employees.

?Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

?For each gap 8--12, mark one letter (A--G) on your Answer Sheet.

?Do not use any letter more than once.


An employee life cycle is the steps the employees go through from the time they enter a company until they leave. Often Human Resources professionals focus their attention on the steps in this process in hopes of making an impact on the company's bottom line. That is a good thing for them to do. Their goal is to reduce the company's cost per employee hired. Employees are one of a company's largest expenses these days. Unlike other major capital costs (buildings, machinery, technology, etc.) human capital is highly volatile. You, as a manager, are in a key position to reduce that volatility using the condensed employee life cycle of HIAR ( pronounced hire)--Hire, Inspire, Admire, Retire.

Hire: This first step is probably the most important. It is important to hire the best people you can find. (8) The cost of replacing a bad hire far exceeds the marginal additional cost of hiring the best person in the first place.

Inspire: Once you have recruited the best employees to come to work on your team, the hard part begins. You have to inspire them to perform. to their capabilities. (9) That is where you will get their best effort and their creativity that will help your organization excel.

Admire: Once you have hired the best employees and have challenged and motivated them, you can not relax. (10) The same attention you paid to their work assignments, to their satisfaction levels, to their sense of being part of a great team, needs to continue for as long as they are in your group. As soon as you start to slack off, their satisfaction and motivation decrease. If you don't do something, they will become disenchanted and will leave. They will become part of the "employee turnover" statistic you were trying to avoid.

Retire: This is when you know you have been successful. When employees see your company as the employer of choice, they will join you. (11) As long as you continue to inspire, motivate, and challenge them, they will continue to contribute at the high levels you need in order to beat your competition. They Will be long-term employees; even staying with you and your company until they retire. (12) You will attract and retain the second and even third generation employees.

A This is not a time to be cheap.

B When they recognize you as a good boss and a real leader, they will stay around.

C To the extent that you can be a good boss, you can keep employees, keep them happy, and reduce the costs associated with employee turnover.

D Their goal is to reduce the company's cost per employee hired.

E The biggest mistake a manager can make is to ignore employees.

F You have to challenge and motivate them.

G They will refer other quality employees to your company, including their relatives.




听力原文:Woman: You know that some people will be there because they want to be and some w

ill be there because they have to be. So it helps if you start with a joke or something that captures their attention, and if you stop on a high note as well, you’ll find most people go away feeling good. If you find you’ve got time left, you can use that for questions from the audience.




听力原文:Woman: I’d advise making a clear outline of what you want to say beforehand on pa

per … to make sure you don’t forget anything. Then categorize the points and come up with words – like a code – that’ll remind you about what you want to say. Then practice it as much as you can, so that in the end you hardly have to look down and the audience can see your face.




听力原文:Philips: Hello, sally?Porter: Speaking.Philips: Mark Philips here. I’ve just had

听力原文:Philips: Hello, sally?

Porter: Speaking.

Philips: Mark Philips here. I’ve just had a memo from Jenny Hobbes about Diet Crus.

Porter: Again? I thought we’d taken the decision about that a year ago.

Philips: Well, she’s pointed out that there are about ten different brands on the shelves in the south-east at the moment. When we talked about it before there were only two or three.

Porter: Yes, the market was very slow. I still don’t think people are really interested in diet drinks, since there are so many things labeled as “diet”.

Philips: Well, er, I just thought you could check out the figures with, er, Daisy. I think she could get hold of a market survey.

Porter: All right, I’ll see what she comes up with.


To: Mark Philips

From: Jenny Hobbes

Date: May6, 2009

Subject: Diet Crus Market Research

A market research done recently showed that there are about ten different (5)______ on the shelves doing (6) ______ in the south-east at the moment. When we talked about this last year, there were only two or three.

Would you please check the (7)______ with Daisy? I think she could get hold of market (8)______ .




A request for further negotiations letter is much like your acceptance or rejection of let


The difference is that the request 【S1】______

for further negotiations shows that you would accept the offer

contingent on the result of negotiations. To begin with the letter, 【S2】______

thank the employer for the offer. Then state on your wish to discuss 【S3】______

things further. Thus you can do this in two ways. a direct request for 【S4】______

further negotiations or a conditional statement.

Next, it is important to stress for the points of your contract that 【S5】______

require further discussion. I list them all, so that the company can 【S6】______

prepare for their responses once instead of in a number of letters such 【S7】______

as this. Also, as it may be helpful for you to state the reasons for the 【S8】______

discussion of each point. This will give the employer a better

understanding of your specific needs. Depending on the type and 【S9】______

number of points when you are discussing, it may be beneficial to 【S10】______

format them in a list. This is sometimes an easier way to read and

organize the information than paragraph form.

In closing, it may be helpful to suggest on that the employer contact 【S11】______

you with their initial reactions to your unresolved issues. List your 【S12】______

contact information and when you may be reached. Restate your

general appreciation for the offer and maintain a sense of goodwill.


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