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If a child on a diet ______ suffers from measles, a severe illness may ensue.

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__________ 查看材料A.A meager diet may keep you t

__________ 查看材料

A.A meager diet may keep you thin.

B.It means an extra 11 million tons of carbon dioxide.

C.The obese child was picked last.

D.US economist Martin Schmidt suggests a tax on fast food delivered to people"s cars.

E.Science has shown that they have limited personal control over their weight.

F.No one asked whether there was really a cause-and-effect relationship.



Directions: Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best answer for each statement from the three choices marked A, B and C.

Directions: Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best answer for each statement from the three choices marked A, B and C.

It sounds like an infomercial from late-night TV: Follow this four-step plan and improve your memory in just 14 days!

But researchers have indeed found a way to improve memory function in older people. After a two-week study that involved brainteasers (脑筋急转弯), exercise and diet changes, study participants' memories worked more efficiently.

Here's the program:

Memory Training: brainteasers, crossword puzzles and memory exercises that emphasized verbal skills throughout the day.

Healthy Diet: Five meals daily included a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fats, whole grains and antioxidants (抗氧化剂). Eating frequent meals prevents dips in blood glucose (血糖), the primary energy source for the brain.

Physical Fitness: Brisk daily walks and stretching. Physical fitness has been found in other research to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Stress Reduction: Stretching and relaxation exercises. Stress causes the body to release cortisol (皮质醇), which can impair memory and has been found to shrink the memory centers in the brain.

1. Researchers spent fourteen days finding a way to improve people’s memory().



C.Not Mentioned

2.What is TRUE about the ABC rule for online shopping()?

A.It’s a very easy rule, as easy as learning ABC

B.It’s the basic safety rule for online shopping provided by the writer

C.It’s the first letter of the three rules: About me, Benefits, Choices, hence ABC

D.All of the above

3.Either the dean or the principal()the meeting.



C.are attending

D.have attended

4.Mistake is acceptable during the process of paper cutting().



C.Doesn’t say

5.Many a child()to walk before he can speak.




D.have learned

6.The author quoted the three adjectives used by the guide to describe Istanbul because().

A.the author knows Istanbul very well

B.the author’s ambitions of sightseeing dwindled away after Italy

C.Istanbul is so characteristic that it’s hard to describe it in one word

D.the author is very interested in Istanbul



Forget fit, tanned and sporty—the new generation of Australians is fast becoming fat, pa
le and lazy. A love of junk food, television and computer games has sent the countrys waistline ballooning, with Australians weighing in as the world s fattest【M1】______ nation after the United States. Rather than hitting the beaches, thousands of young Australians are heading to the couch with a【M2】______ bag of popcorn, with one child in every four classifying as【M3】______ overweight or obese. The trend is squashing the widely-held imagery of Australians being sun-bronzed and superfit. " The rate【M4】______ of obesity, particularly among children, seems to be going up faster in Australia than anywhere else in the world, and we dont【M5】______ know why," said Dr Peter Williams, the president of the Dietitians【M6】______ Association of Australia. A sedentary lifestyle. and a changing diet has doubled the number of obese Australians and treble the army of fat children in【M7】______ the past decade, pushing direct health costs related to childhood obesity to about $380 million a year. Data shows childhood obesity in Australia is rising at the rate of one percent a year, a trend suggests half of all young Australians will be overweight by【M8】______ 2025. Australias rapid weight gained has health agencies and state【M9】______ governments racing to find ways to encourage people to get on their feet and shed some kilometers—while sending the【M10】______ weight-loss industry skipping to the bank, pocketing $1 billion a year.




Nutritional statements that depend on observation or anecdote should be given serious cons
ideration, but consideration should also be given to the physical and psychological quirks of the observer. The significance attached to an experimental conclusion depends, in part, on the scientific credentials of the experimentalist; similarly, the significance of selected observations depends, again in part, on the preconceptions of the observer.

Regimes that are proposed by people who do not look as if they enjoyed their food, and who do not themselves have a well-fed air, may not be ideal for normal people. Graham Lusk, who combined expert knowledge with a normal appreciation of good food, describes how he and Chittenden, who advocated a low-protein diet, spent some weeks in Britain eating the rations of the 1914-1918 war and then got more ample rations on board ship. Lusk attributed his sense of well-being to the extra meat he was eating; Chittenden attributed it to the sea air.

When young animals are reared for sale as meat, the desirable amount of protein in their food is a simple matter of economics. Protein is expensive, so the amount given is increased up to the level at which the increased rate of growth is offset by the increased cost of the diet. As already mentioned, the efficiency with which protein is used to build the body diminishes as the percentage of protein in the diet increases. In practice, the best diets seem to contain between 15 and 25 per cent protein. It is not certain that maximum growth rate is desirable in children; some experiments with rats suggest that rapid growth is associated with a shorter ultimate expectation of life.

There are practical and ethical obstacles to human experiments in which the effect of protein can be measured. Children do not grow as fast as the young animals in which there is a commercial interest. Their need for protein is therefore presumably smaller, but there is no evidence that the desirable protein level, after weaning, is less than 15 per cent. An argument against this percentage of protein is that in human milk only 13 per cent of the solid material is protein. That protein is, however, of better quality than any protein likely to be given to infants that are not weaned on cow's milk.

Furthermore, milk, like other products of evolution, is a compromise. Mothers are not expendable. A species would not long survive if mothers depleted their own proteins so much in the course of feeding the first child that the prospects of later children were seriously jeopardized. Human milk is no doubt a good food, but the assumption that it is necessarily ideal is stretching belief in the beneficence and perfection of Nature too far.

When considering nutritional statements, apart from statements that depend on observation, we should also consider______.

A.the strange low-protein diet

B.the unusual character of the observer

C.the unexpected meals provided by the observer

D.the ample rations of the 1914 - 1918 war



A scientist In today's society we are now seeing more children under the age of twelve dev
eloping eating disorders. It is estimated that 40% of nine year olds have already dieted and we are beginning to see four and five year olds expressing the need to diet. It's a shame that children so young are being robbed of their childhoods. Why is it that so many young children are becoming obsessed with dieting and their weight? I feel the family environment has a lot to do with it, along with the fact that children are constantly being exposed to the message society gives about the importance of being thin.

Children raised in a dysfunctional family are at a higher risk for developing an eating disorder. In a home where physical or sexual abuse is taking place, the child may turn to an eating disorder to gain a sense of control. If they can't control what is happening to their bodies during the abuse, they can control their food intake or their weight. Self imposed starvation may also be their way of trying to disappear so they no longer have to suffer through the abuse.

Children may also develop eating disorders as a way of dealing with the many emotions that they feel, especially if they are raised in a home that does not allow feelings to be expressed. Children who are compulsive eaters are usually using food to help them deal with feelings of anger, sadness, hurt, loneliness, abandonment, fear and pain. If children are not allowed to express their emotions, they may become emotional eaters. Also, if parents are too involved in their own problems, the child may turn to food for comfort.

Children are at a risk for developing an eating disorder if the parents themselves are too preoccupied with appearance and Weight. If the parents are constantly dieting and expressing dislike towards their own bodies, the child will receive the message that appearance is very important. In some families the parents mistake baby fat for actual fat and may try to impose a diet on the child. Not only is that not right, it's cruel.

As parents you need to set a good example for your children, which means that you yourself should be involved in healthy eating patterns. Another thing to remember about children is that they eat when they are hungry and they stop when they are full. Never force a child to eat if they don't want to. Too many families still force children to remain at the table until they have eaten everything on their plate. Doing that could cause the child to hate meal times and develop an unhealthy attitude towards food.

Exercise is also an important part of everyone's life and we need to help our children become involved in physical activity, which means the parents themselves should participate in healthy exercise. Help the child to find activities they enjoy and activities the whole family can enjoy. They should be taught that physical activity is important in maintaining a strong and healthy body, but they should not be given the message that exercise is important in maintaining a slim figure.

What kind of message does the society give to the children who are becoming obsessed with dieting and their weight?

A.It is important to be thin.

B.It is fashionable to have diet.

C.It's a shame that children are being robbed of their childhoods.

D.It's a shame that children are developing eating disorders.



Human Nutrition and DietThe scope of human nutrition extends far beyond the classical stud

Human Nutrition and Diet

The scope of human nutrition extends far beyond the classical study of the physiological and biochemical processes involved in nourishment; i.e. , how substances in food are converted into energy and body tissues. Human nutrition has come to involve all the effects on humans of any component found in food; these include most chronic degenerative diseases (dental decay, coronary heart disease, some cancers, etc. ), which are now major targets of research activity. The scope of nutrition extends to the effects of food on human function; e.g. , mental function, athletic performance, resistance to infection, and fetal health and development. There is a growing interaction between nutritional science and genetics because of the diversity of human chemical make-up and because food components of which most people are unaware can have marked effects on some individuals. Last, nutrition also considers why people choose to eat the foods they do, even after they have been advised that doing so may be unhealthy. The study of food habits and people's attitudes, beliefs, likes, and dislikes overlaps with the social sciences of physiology, anthropology, sociology, and economics. Dietetics is the application of nutrition in the health sciences.

The principal evidence that an organic compound is essential is that it consistently cures a specific deficiency disease. An inorganic clement is essential if it regularly occurs in the body and is demonstrated to have a function (such as being an integral part of an enzyme). Humans require oxygen, water, food energy, protein, 14 other organic compounds (vitamins and essential fatty acids), and some 18 inorganic elements, as well as carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen.

Growing children need more protein per kilogram of body weight than do adults. Protein requirement at all ages is increased by infections not only because there is an increased utilization of protein but also because illness usually impairs the appetite and thus reduces dietary intake of all substances, including protein. In many countries children are weaned on a diet of cereal paps with little or no supplement of milk or other protein containing foods. Such a diet at the least retards growth and development. If a child on such a diet suffers from an acute infection, notably measles or gastroenteritis (胃肠炎), a severe illness may ensue. The death rate from protein-calorie malnutrition in many poverty stricken communities is high. Primary protein deficiency is not common among adults, for whom cereals in general satisfy the protein requirement.

Iron is required for the synthesis of hemoglobin (血红蛋白), the oxygen-binding pigment in red blood ceils. Normally the iron liberated from old ceils is retained and can be reutilized. When, however, there is chronic bleeding from wounds or there is severe and prolonged menstruation, the normal amount of dietary iron may be insufficient to replenish the body's supply. Losses of iron in the menses, the needs of a fetus, and the inevitable loss at labour and in the milk of a lactating (哺乳期的) woman increase the iron requirements of women during their reproductive life.

Calcium is the most obvious and persistent of the mineral nutrients, yet it is more difficult to measure the adequacy of its intake than for other nutrients. More than 99 percent of the body's calcium is in the skeleton, where it not only provides structural support but also is a large reservoir for maintaining a constant calcium concentration in plasma. Several hormones are all involved in this regulation. The amount of calcium in the bones is nearly 30 grams at birth and builds up to about 1,200 grams in an adult. Hence, an average of 180 milligrams of calcium must be retained in the body throughout childhood, and the individual daily amounts should reach 400 milligrams during the adolescent growth spurt. Absorption of calcium, like that of man






回答{TSE}题: Obesity Causes Global Warming The list of ills attributable to obesity keeps
growing: Lastweek,obese people were accused of causing global warming. This conclusion comes from Sheldon Jacobson of the Universityof Illinois, US, and a doctoral student,Laura McLay. Their study calculates howmuch extra gasoline is needed to haul fat Americans arounD.The answer, theysay, is a billion gallons of gas per year. 46__________ There has been calls for taxes on junk food in recentyears. 47__________"We taxcigarettes partly because of their health cost", Schmidt said."Similarly,leading a lazy lifestyle. will end up costing taxpayers more. US political scientist Eric Oliver said his first instinct wasto laugh at these gas and fast food arguments. But such claims are gettingattention. At the US Obesity Society's annual meeting, one personcorrelated obesity with car accident deaths,and another correlated obesity withsuicides. 48__________"The funnything was that everyone took it seriously, "Oliver said. In a 1960s study,children were shown drawings of children withdisabilities and without them,and a drawing of an obese chilD.They were askedwhich they would want for a friend ? 49__________ Three researchers recently repeated the study using collegestudents. Once again,almost no one,not even obese people,liked the obeseperson. "Obesity was stigmatized,"the researchers said. But,researchers say,getting thin is not like quitting smoking.People struggle to stop smoking, and,in the end,many succeeD.Obesity isdifferent. But,not because obese people don't care. 50__________Genes also playa part. A.A meager diet may keep you thin. B.It means an extra 11 million tons of carbon dioxide. C. The obese child was picked last. D.US economist Martin Schmidt suggests a tax on fast fooddelivered to people's cars. E. Science has shown that they have limited personal controlover their weight. F. No one asked whether there was really a cause-and-effectrelationship. {TS} 46__________

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