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I am very pleased to welcome so many of you to this Global Compact Summit. This is the lar

gest and highest-level gathering of leaders from business, labor and civil society ever held at. the United Nations. Indeed, far more of you were determined to attend than we anticipated in our wildest estimations. Our apologies go to those we could accommodate only in an overflow room, and to others whom, I regret, the limitations of space made it impossible for us to accommodate at all. //

Dear friends, we are travelers on a common, historic journey. We meet as stakeholders of the Global Compact, which has become by far the world's largest initiative promoting global corporate citizenship. Of all such efforts, the Global Compact alone is based on universal principles that have been accepted by all the world's leaders. And more than any other, it engages the developing countries, which are home to haft its participating fro, as, two thirds of its national networks—and four fifths of humanity. //

We come together in a spirit of cooperation and dialogue. We want to share experiences in implementing the Compact, building on lessons learned, and generate new ideas for its future directions. What is our ultimate destination? A world held together by strong bonds of community, where today there are only tenuous market transactions. A world in which the gaps between the rich and poor countries grow narrower, not wider, and where globalization provides opportunities for all people, not only the few. A world in which economic activities coexist in harmony with, and reinforce, human rights, decent working conditions, environmental sustainability and good governance. //

There is much good news to report about the journey so far. Four years ago, fewer than fifty companies met here at the United Nations to launch the Global Compact. Today, nearly 1,500 firms participate, from 70 countries. So, too, do the major international labor federations, representing more than 150 million workers worldwide. Fifty leaders of transnational non-governmental organizations, North and South, are also with us today, as are senior officials from some 20 countries. The number of core United Nations agencies involved in the Compact has also grown from three to five, and their executive heads are here as well. //






但是,周恩来一生取得那么多伟大成就靠什么呢? 靠的是努力,是刻苦,是呕心沥血,是鞠躬尽瘁,是对祖国、对党、对人民的无限忠诚。中国之大,人口之多,相信比周恩来聪明的人大有人在,但有几个能像周恩来那样永远留在人民心中呢?





下面你将听到外国媒体有关中国能源形势的一段讲话。Tight electricity supply is constraining Ch


Tight electricity supply is constraining China's economic growth—a situation likely to persist for three to four years until new capacity comes online. The energy shortfall has not yet severely hampered U.S. business operations in China, but this remains a distinct possibility. Shortages have now spread to two-thirds of China's provinces, affecting Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and other first-tier cities. Plants in China's manufacturing heartland, the Pearl River Basin and East China now experience frequent mandatory shutdowns.

Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces have imposed electricity rationing. Many plants have installed costly back-up diesel generators. Shanghai's demand for electricity outstrips supply by two to four million kilowatts. The tight supply is causing price increases at the front end of the manufacturing supply chain. High energy costs are a competitive disadvantage for China in the world marketplace. Quality, quantity, and security of supply also are essential for China's continued economic growth. Present restrictions on the direct sale of electricity, oil, and gas to industrial users promote inefficiency and non-competitiveness. Much of the current concern with the "overheating" of China's economy has been driven by the fear that the energy supply is not keeping up with the development of major energy-consuming industries.

China's rapid economic growth, especially in the construction and manufacturing sectors, is behind the electricity shortage. China's energy industry has doubled in absolute terms during the last ten years, but such growth has been insufficient to meet demand. It takes five to seven years to design, construct, and commission a major thermal power plant, seven to ten years to explore and develop an oilfield, and five years to develop a coalmine. All require extremely large capital investment.

Despite the fact that China has the world's second largest coal reserves and worldwide coal and coke prices are at eight-year highs, supply has not been able to keep up with demand. Efforts to raise electricity production in the near term have been hampered by deficient railroad capacity, which has prevented coal from reaching power stations. While coal price cycles usually do not coincide with oil prices, current high prices in both commodities have supply straining to meet demand. While China only imported 0.6 percent of world oil supplies in 1995, it now imports 3 percent of the world's oil. China, like the United States, is becoming increasingly vulnerable to disruptions in the world's supply of oil.



















B:Uganda is the fifth largest coffee producer in the world and its coffee sector earns almost 60 percent of the country's total foreign exchange revenue.China has a population of 1.3 billion.If each of them drinks a cup of Uganda's coffee in a month,my country's economy will be boosted greatly.


B:One month ago,a Ugandan company signed a contract with a Chinese company to set up a coffee shop in Beijing.Both sides agreed that if initial cooperation is successful,they will set up joint ventures to undertake both coffee production and processing in Uganda.


B:Besides the coffee industry,there are many other fields in which Uganda and China can cooperate,such as agriculture,mining,manufacturing,infrastructure,tourism and so on.China's technology in some fields is suitable for Uganda's conditions,for instance, its agriculture machinery can serve very well Uganda's agriculture sector.The medium-and small-sized tractors made in China can also be used here for land cultivation and transportation.


B:Agriculture is the mainstay of Uganda's economy,which contributes 45 percent of the country's gross domestic product and 80 percent of its export revenue. However, only 8 million out of 40 million hectares of the arable land in the country have been cultivated so far. If China can help us cultivate 20 million hectares of the arable land, Uganda's economy would stride forward by big steps.


B: On foreign investment in this country, Uganda is indeed a promising country to attract more investors who target Africa as their investment location. Uganda, located in East Africa, has become a bridge linking with Central Africa. In this region, there are some of Africa's most economically stable and important countries. This location, at the heart of sub-Saharan Africa, gives Uganda commanding importance as a base for regional trade and investment. After years of economic reform, the country has achieved macroeconomic stability characterized by low inflation, stable exchange rates and consistently high economic growth. Uganda currently ranks as the fastest growing economy in sub-Saharan Africa. Official statistics show that actual investment in Uganda's agro- processing, manufacturing, energy, tourism, fisheries and many others have reached over 2 billion US dollars in the recent decade.



On August 31, 1997, Lady Diana Spencer, former wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, was kille

d with her companion Dodi Fayed in a car accident in Paris.

Tests conducted by French police indicated that the driver, who also died in the crash, was intoxicated and likely caused the accident while trying to escape the paparazzi photographers who consistently tailed Diana during any public outing.

Sixteen years earlier, nearly four billion people in 74 countries had tuned in to witness the marriage of Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, to Lady Diana, a young English school teacher. Married in a grand ceremony at St Paul's Cathedral in the presence of 2,650 guests, the couple's romance was for the moment the envy of the world.

However, before long the fairy-tale couple grew apart, an experience that was particularly painful under the ubiquitous eyes of the world's tabloid media.

In August 1996, two months after Queen Elizabeth II urged the couple to divorce, the prince and princess reached a final agreement.

In exchange for a generous settlement, and the right to retain her apartments at Kensington Palace and her title of princess, Diana agreed to relinquish the title of "Her Royal Highness" and any future claims to the British throne.

In the year between the divorce and her fatal car accident, the popular princess seemed well on her way of achieving her dream of becoming "a queen in people's hearts."









What we need is a "Culture of Tolerance", a way to reconcile the need for identity with an

open and outward-looking spirit. Tolerance does not mean indifference towards those we see as "others" than ourselves, towards their culture and religion, background or origin. Tolerance requires that we have some knowledge arid understanding of these others.

When familiar structures disappear, borders become irrelevant and the language of the market invades every aspect of dally life, people increasingly look to their cultural roots. They seek to reassert their identity-in terms of language, ethnic origin, religion or cultural heritage. To want to know who and what you are is a natural and very powerful human need. It is a need, I believe, responsible leaders should respond to, got suppress, because only the right kind of response will prevent people from turning to the false and dangerous supporter of nationalism, fundamentalism or xenophobia. However—and this is crucial— responsible leaders must resist the temptation to exploit this need for their own purposes. The frightening scenario of escalating cultural conflict in a world of soon seven billion people should be a strong incentive for all of us to look for practical ways to foster cooperation.

We are required to provide honest answers to tough questions which I do not want to suppress. What are different religious groups ready to contribute to this joint effort? Is there a readiness to seriously discuss the tensions and contradictions that arise from a strict interpretation of different religions on the one hand and fundamental human rights as we understand them on the other? Can we reach a consensus on the rights of women, on their full participation in society, on their equal right to education and training? Is there a broad consensus to unambiguously condemn any religious justification of suicide attacks? Can we work together to find a peaceful and just agreement on the question of Jerusalem, thereby resolving one of the most difficult issues of the Middle East conflict? An agreement which will provide a peaceful solution that satisfies all the faithful, one that is worthy of the three great religions? Those are questions we cannot evade if we are serious about preventing cultural and political faultiness.

We must engage in a dialogue among civilizations, a commitment to the peaceful resolution of differences, to tolerance and mutual respect. That is a challenge that requires a clear understanding, however, of our own fundamental values, values we must defend but also live up to.

Our world will always be defined by the diversity of our societies and cultural traditions. If there is respect and tolerance for our differences, they will enrich all our lives. But if such differences are exploited for political ends, they may cause untold harm.

What is the real meaning of tolerance and dialogue in this whole process? This dialogue can only succeed, if Orient and Occident engage in it on equal terms. Tolerance, then, means respecting the fact that civilizations are different. Dialogue, as I see it, means seeking a common understanding of those values that will guide us through the twenty-first century.

This kind of "intercultural dialogue" is a very ambitious goal. To achieve it, we must all begin work at home, within our own societies. We for our part are striving to develop and practice the kind of tolerance I have described. That needs time and in some cases requires difficult judgments.

Once we have reached a clear and solid consensus on those values we hold in common, it is up to political leaders to endorse these rights. They must defend this spirit of openness in society, defend it against the modem fundamentalisms that seek to impose their own absolute truths. For me, this also means people must be free to practice their religion. The way minorities



女士们、先生们! 这是我第三次访问非洲。非洲自然资源丰富,发展潜力巨大。尽管经历了数百年的殖民统



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