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B:Uganda is the fifth largest coffee producer in the world and its coffee sector earns almost 60 percent of the country's total foreign exchange revenue.China has a population of 1.3 billion.If each of them drinks a cup of Uganda's coffee in a month,my country's economy will be boosted greatly.


B:One month ago,a Ugandan company signed a contract with a Chinese company to set up a coffee shop in Beijing.Both sides agreed that if initial cooperation is successful,they will set up joint ventures to undertake both coffee production and processing in Uganda.


B:Besides the coffee industry,there are many other fields in which Uganda and China can cooperate,such as agriculture,mining,manufacturing,infrastructure,tourism and so on.China's technology in some fields is suitable for Uganda's conditions,for instance, its agriculture machinery can serve very well Uganda's agriculture sector.The medium-and small-sized tractors made in China can also be used here for land cultivation and transportation.


B:Agriculture is the mainstay of Uganda's economy,which contributes 45 percent of the country's gross domestic product and 80 percent of its export revenue. However, only 8 million out of 40 million hectares of the arable land in the country have been cultivated so far. If China can help us cultivate 20 million hectares of the arable land, Uganda's economy would stride forward by big steps.


B: On foreign investment in this country, Uganda is indeed a promising country to attract more investors who target Africa as their investment location. Uganda, located in East Africa, has become a bridge linking with Central Africa. In this region, there are some of Africa's most economically stable and important countries. This location, at the heart of sub-Saharan Africa, gives Uganda commanding importance as a base for regional trade and investment. After years of economic reform, the country has achieved macroeconomic stability characterized by low inflation, stable exchange rates and consistently high economic growth. Uganda currently ranks as the fastest growing economy in sub-Saharan Africa. Official statistics show that actual investment in Uganda's agro- processing, manufacturing, energy, tourism, fisheries and many others have reached over 2 billion US dollars in the recent decade.

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On August 31, 1997, Lady Diana Spencer, former wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, was kille

d with her companion Dodi Fayed in a car accident in Paris.

Tests conducted by French police indicated that the driver, who also died in the crash, was intoxicated and likely caused the accident while trying to escape the paparazzi photographers who consistently tailed Diana during any public outing.

Sixteen years earlier, nearly four billion people in 74 countries had tuned in to witness the marriage of Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, to Lady Diana, a young English school teacher. Married in a grand ceremony at St Paul's Cathedral in the presence of 2,650 guests, the couple's romance was for the moment the envy of the world.

However, before long the fairy-tale couple grew apart, an experience that was particularly painful under the ubiquitous eyes of the world's tabloid media.

In August 1996, two months after Queen Elizabeth II urged the couple to divorce, the prince and princess reached a final agreement.

In exchange for a generous settlement, and the right to retain her apartments at Kensington Palace and her title of princess, Diana agreed to relinquish the title of "Her Royal Highness" and any future claims to the British throne.

In the year between the divorce and her fatal car accident, the popular princess seemed well on her way of achieving her dream of becoming "a queen in people's hearts."









What we need is a "Culture of Tolerance", a way to reconcile the need for identity with an

open and outward-looking spirit. Tolerance does not mean indifference towards those we see as "others" than ourselves, towards their culture and religion, background or origin. Tolerance requires that we have some knowledge arid understanding of these others.

When familiar structures disappear, borders become irrelevant and the language of the market invades every aspect of dally life, people increasingly look to their cultural roots. They seek to reassert their identity-in terms of language, ethnic origin, religion or cultural heritage. To want to know who and what you are is a natural and very powerful human need. It is a need, I believe, responsible leaders should respond to, got suppress, because only the right kind of response will prevent people from turning to the false and dangerous supporter of nationalism, fundamentalism or xenophobia. However—and this is crucial— responsible leaders must resist the temptation to exploit this need for their own purposes. The frightening scenario of escalating cultural conflict in a world of soon seven billion people should be a strong incentive for all of us to look for practical ways to foster cooperation.

We are required to provide honest answers to tough questions which I do not want to suppress. What are different religious groups ready to contribute to this joint effort? Is there a readiness to seriously discuss the tensions and contradictions that arise from a strict interpretation of different religions on the one hand and fundamental human rights as we understand them on the other? Can we reach a consensus on the rights of women, on their full participation in society, on their equal right to education and training? Is there a broad consensus to unambiguously condemn any religious justification of suicide attacks? Can we work together to find a peaceful and just agreement on the question of Jerusalem, thereby resolving one of the most difficult issues of the Middle East conflict? An agreement which will provide a peaceful solution that satisfies all the faithful, one that is worthy of the three great religions? Those are questions we cannot evade if we are serious about preventing cultural and political faultiness.

We must engage in a dialogue among civilizations, a commitment to the peaceful resolution of differences, to tolerance and mutual respect. That is a challenge that requires a clear understanding, however, of our own fundamental values, values we must defend but also live up to.

Our world will always be defined by the diversity of our societies and cultural traditions. If there is respect and tolerance for our differences, they will enrich all our lives. But if such differences are exploited for political ends, they may cause untold harm.

What is the real meaning of tolerance and dialogue in this whole process? This dialogue can only succeed, if Orient and Occident engage in it on equal terms. Tolerance, then, means respecting the fact that civilizations are different. Dialogue, as I see it, means seeking a common understanding of those values that will guide us through the twenty-first century.

This kind of "intercultural dialogue" is a very ambitious goal. To achieve it, we must all begin work at home, within our own societies. We for our part are striving to develop and practice the kind of tolerance I have described. That needs time and in some cases requires difficult judgments.

Once we have reached a clear and solid consensus on those values we hold in common, it is up to political leaders to endorse these rights. They must defend this spirit of openness in society, defend it against the modem fundamentalisms that seek to impose their own absolute truths. For me, this also means people must be free to practice their religion. The way minorities



女士们、先生们! 这是我第三次访问非洲。非洲自然资源丰富,发展潜力巨大。尽管经历了数百年的殖民统







B:Well,the two Chinese astronauts have toured space on board Shenzhou-6 and conducted experiments during their flight.People have been following the mission with great interest.Today,I am very excited to meet the two astronauts face to face.


B:I listened to the speech by Colonel Yang Liwei,the first Chinese astronaut,in 2003,and I feel privileged to have this one more opportunity to pay respects to your space heroes and share the joys of their Success.


B:The Success of Shenzhou-6 marks a new era in China's scientific and technological development.I sincerely hope that there will be continued and tremendous success in the space flight industry of your country.









Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me start by telling you the story of Beatrice Gakuba. In Rwanda

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me start by telling you the story of Beatrice Gakuba. In Rwanda in Africa, I met a remarkable woman whose hard work and determination symbolize the talents and dreams of millions of Africans.

Beatrice Gakuba left a comfortable life in the West to start a flower-growing business in her native Rwanda. Against enormous odds, her small farm grew, creating jobs for nearly 200 rural women. When I asked Beatrice Gakuba why she decided to take on such a daunting challenge, she replied, "I came here to grow beautiful flowers on the ashes of genocide." Her biggest obstacle to creating even more jobs is not a lack of skilled workers or entrepreneurial spirit; it is a weak infrastructure that makes electricity unreliable and transportation unaffordable.

Through sound policies, Rwanda has come a long way from its years of pain and conflict. In a new report, Rwanda is cited by the World Bank as a model for Africa in reforming business regulations. In the last seven years, Rwanda's economy grew an average of more than 6 percent annually. Some other African countries are on the right track. To transform. Africa into a continent of hope, they need our help.

The responsibility for doing more and better cannot be left to the developing world alone. It demands more than high profile meetings. It demands urgent result.

Today, we have a choice.

The direction we take now can help make a difference for the millions of people trapped in extreme poverty. For many, it can be a difference between life and death.

We promised here five years ago, to help bring hope, dignity and opportunity into the lives of the poorest. We promised to measure and achieve results. As we gather here today, let us not forget the Beatrice Gakubas of the world, who stand poised to transform. their countries.

Today, we stand accountable to them.

Thank you.



A: 首先祝贺您荣膺本届奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。您知道,我们中国人一直有一个“奥斯卡情结”。能否请您谈


B: Thanks. Actually I've been an ardent fan of Chinese kungfu movies. And you know, some talented Chinese directors, like Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and of course, An Lee, have already shown the great charm and potential of Chinese movies. They took in the last decade or so almost all film awards one by one, big or small, except Oscar. So, I can predict with great confidence they will win a heap of Oscar titles in ten years' time.

A: 有人说,一年一度的奥斯卡金像奖没什么特别的,它只不过是一场游戏罢了。请问您怎么看?

B: To some extent, yes. It is a game, a grand, happy game by Americans and in the American way. When it is finished, you needn't think about it any longer. It may benefit many people and boost their celebrity. For example, if an actor wins an Oscar, he or she will be able to sign five films the next year, each valued more than 10 million US dollars. All these are concrete things, but these aside, it is only a game, nothing special.

A: 虽说是一场游戏,但为什么每年都会在全球范围内搞得沸沸扬扬,引发出那么多话题呢?

B: Well, the reason is quite obvious — the American film industry is too strong! Most American films are commercial and they dominate the globe with their high box-office income and large market share. So Americans happily play such a grand game every year, making the whole world reel around it. My keenest feeling is only when a country becomes a decisive force on the international arena can its cultural products be influential. I believe that's the real reason why you Chinese, or even people all over the world, are unable to shake off their Oscar complex.









加强区域能源合作共创亚太美好未来 资源节约与综合利用司副司长 刘显法 2002年7月25日各位来宾、

加强区域能源合作 共创亚太美好未来

资源节约与综合利用司副司长 刘显法





展望新世纪,人口、资源、环境成为世界各国经济和社会发展中面临的三大问题,而其核心是 资源问题,特别是能源资源的可持续发展问题。亚太地区有将近世界一半的人口,能源消费总量占 世界消费总量的20%以上,随着经济的快速发展,这个比例还会进一步增加。亚太地区能源生产消 费方式及其变化,必将对世界能源发展带来深刻的影响。提高能源利用效率、加大可再生能源开发 力度和采用新能源技术是解决能源和环境问题的最现实、最经济的途径,也是亚太地区可持续发展 战略的重要组成部分。[TONE]∥[TONE]

二十一世纪前十年将是中国经济结构战略性调整的关键时期,为此,我们将采取完善法规、加 快企业技术改造、加强技术开发和推广应用、加强宣传教育培训等措施,以及财政、金融激励政策, 同时进一步加强国际交流与合作,学习借鉴国外先进经验和技术,为推进我国能源可持续发展,减 少污染物排放、保护环境做出更大贡献。



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