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A severe illness in conjunction with the hot weather______(使这个婴儿非常虚弱).

A severe illness in conjunction with the hot weather______(使这个婴儿非常虚弱).

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更多“A severe illness in conjunctio…”相关的问题


His illness first ________ itself as severe stomach pains and headaches.A.manifeste

His illness first ________ itself as severe stomach pains and headaches.







If a child on a diet ______ suffers from measles, a severe illness may ensue.



The fundamental reason for his illness has never been discovered.







A severe illness()the hot weather has left the babu very weak。

A.in accordance with

B.in line with

C.in conjunction with

D.in agreement with



All casualties such as personnel injuries or illness, oil spills, accidental fire, collisi
on,stranding, and unusually severe weather damage, whether at sea, in port, or in shipyard, must be promptly ______ to the company.







(单选)Which of the following best describes "Brainstorming" as discussed in this unit?

A、A way of exploring someone’s thoughts and feelings

B、An invasive medical procedure

C、A technique for documenting and making a simple evaluation of thoughts or ideas related to an essay topic etc.

D、An illness of the mind, especially for those with emotional disorders, which is becomes particularly acute during severe weather such as electrical storms



Tranquilizers calm a person by acting on the nervous system. They belong to a group of
drugs called anti-anxiety and hypnotic drugs. Such drugs formerly were referred to as depressants.

2. There are two types of tranquilizers-anti-psychotic drugs and anti-anxiety drugs. Anti-psychotic drugs are used to treat patients with severe mental illness psychose. Antianxiety drugs are used to treat various emotional problems, particularly anxiety.

3. Physicians prescribe anti-psychotic drugs to treat a mental illness that is characterized by illogical, unpredictable thinking. The drugs reduce the confusion and excitement experienced by the patient. Anti-anxiety drugs relax the muscles and reduce tension. They are prescribed mainly for the treatment of anxiety. Physicians also use anti-anxiety drugs to calm children who must undergo surgery.

4 .Tranquilizers calm a person without causing much drowsiness if taken in a small enough dose. Larger doses may make the user sleepy as well as calmer. However, even the use of mild tranquilizers over a long period of time may make the user dependent on these drugs. Besides, some tranquilizers have undesirable side effects. They may cause muscle weakness and general fatigue. In addition, tranquilizers may cause drowsiness, especially if a person drinks alcoholic beverages before or after taking the drugs. A per- son should not drive a motor vehicle for several hours after taking a tranquilizer.

5. Therefore, physicians usually prescribe a small doze of tranquilizers at a time. Patients who suffer from insomnia have to visit physicians from time to time for the medicine. Drugstores do not sell tranquilizers to people without the physician's prescription. You must have heard of stories about individuals taking an excessive dose of tranquilizers to commit suicide. Tranquilizers must be taken in accordance with the physician' s instructions.

A. The physician's instructions must be followed when tranquilizers are administered

B. Physicians prescribe anti-psychotic drugs to treat patients who suffer illness of the mind

C. Taking excessive tranquilizers is a sure way of commit- ting suicide

D. Anti-psychotic drugs are sued to treat severe mental illnesses, antianxiety drugs various emotional problems.

E. The various effects of tranquilizers

F. Patients who suffer from insomnia must not take tranquilizers

Paragraph 2______.



The Interaction of Body and Mind The concept of psychosomatic illness Psycho, refers to mi

The Interaction of Body and Mind

The concept of psychosomatic illness

Psycho, refers to mind, and soma, to body. Psychosomatic illness is the occurrence of bodily symptoms(症状) which are psychological or emotional in origin.

Mind and body are not separate; one affects and is affected by the other. Who has not experienced some physical manifestation of emotional stress? Such experiences as a headache after a quarrel and urinary frequency or diarrhea before an examination are not uncommon, and for most people they are of a temporary nature. The symptoms disappear and are forgotten after the crisis has passed. No treatment may be needed, or the patient may use simple remedies to relieve the discomfort. One person may find that a leisurely walk is the best cure for a headache; another may take aspirin.

Certain conditions have been considered classic examples of psychosomatic illness: pepticulcer, eczema, colitis, and asthma. Personality profiles have been developed to describe the typical characteristics of persons who develop such illness. Another point of view is that human beings are more complex and varied in their responses than such profiles would indicate, and that the type of illness a patient develops in relation to stress varies with many additional factors, such as heredity and environment. Much remains to be learned about the relationship between stress and physical illness.

Physical symptoms, such as palpitation, sweating, or disturbance of sleep, which reflect anxiety, may occur over a prolonged period. The symptoms may seem mysterious and threatening, because the patient is unaware of their cause. The patient whose heart beats more rapidly and forcefully as a manifestation of anxiety may report this symptom to his doctor, believing that something is wrong with his heart. Often the patient is not aware that he is anxious. He knows only that his heart keeps pounding for no apparent reason.

Almost any symptom can have its origin in emotional stress. Some patients almost invariably have the same stress when they become anxious. One may have diarrhea, another asthma, and a third may develop hives or eczema. Some people develop two or several different symptoms; often the symptoms are experienced in an alternating fashion.

The development of bodily symptoms is only one manifestation of anxiety. It may show up also symptoms that are primarily mental, such as the inability to concentrate or to remember. Such symptom too, vary in degree. Many people occasionally experience symptoms like moodiness or depression. When such symptoms are severe or long- lasting, they interfere with the functioning of individual in daily life and with his relationship with others.

Sometimes a person subconsciously develops an illness as a way of handling a desperate need, such as the need for affection. The only real cure is to satisfy the primary desire. An example is a woman who has pain in her heart, not because of organic heart disease, but because the symptom is a way of gaining, if only temporarily, the love and attention for which she longs. Her husband cannot leave her when she is so sick; her children are concerned. Her pain is just as severe as if it had a physical cause.

The reality of psychosomatic illness

Is the patient with psychosomatic illness really sick, or does he merely imagine he is sick? Many people, including the families of patients and members of the health professions, believe that physical illness which is influenced by emotional stress is less real, or wholly imaginary. Acknowledging the reality of the patients' illness is important; it is the first step in helping him.

Patients with psychosomatic illness are likely to be neglected. The same staff who give excellent care to other patients, not uncommonly ignore them. Some possible reasons may include the use of the term psycho as a prefix. Perhaps this conveys the idea






听力原文: In its most extreme form, poverty is a lack of basic human needs, such as adequa
te and nutritious food, clothing, housing, clean water, and health services./Extreme poverty can cause terrible suffering and death,/and even poverty can prevent people from realizing many of their desires./The world' s poorest people--many of whom live in developing areas of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe--struggle daily for food, shelter, and other necessities./They often suffer from severe malnutrition, infectious disease outbreaks, famine, and war./In wealthier countries--such as the United States, Canada, Japan, and those in Western Europe-- the effects of poverty may include poor nutrition, mental illness, drug dependence, crime, and high rates of disease./Extreme poverty, which threatens people' s health or lives, is also known as destitution or absolute poverty./Relative poverty is the condition of having fewer resources or less income than others within a society or country, or compared to worldwide averages./




听力原文: Recently, a man who was always in good health, spent a week in bed with severe f
lu. It was the worse illness in h is life. The previous Week, he and his wife separated. (30)It seems his unusual iii health was connected with his bad feeling.

(29)Humans have long been aware that our health is linked with our thought, emotions and relationships. Now science is catching up with our suspicion. A new field of scientific investigation has developed. It's the study of how our thoughts and feelings work with our immune and nervous systems.

There are already researchers at medical schools who are devoted to the study. They are discovering surprising connections between mind and body. One researcher has been working with breast cancer patients. She has been looking at the mental factors in their illness and treatment. (31)She 'has discovered that women who did not like to talk a bout the emotions created by their illness had more chance of dying in. five years after treatment. Of a group of 52 patients, 16 women died. All 16 women had said they usually found it difficult to talk to people about their illness. So, simply speaking, it is bad for your heath to keep negative feeling inside you. You need to talk about them to your family and friends.

Other research shows that stress really can make you sick. People who lead stressful lives are more likely to fall ill with colds and flus and other illnesses. But, if you have lots of good quality relationships With family and friends in your life, then you are less likely to fall ill, even though the circumstance of your life might be difficult.


A.How people fall iii.

B.The influence of people's emotions on their health.

C.A new method to care breast cancer.

D.Several ways to keep fit.

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