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The teacher divided the students into small groups_________ability.A.in terms ofB.regardle

The teacher divided the students into small groups_________ability.

A.in terms of

B.regardless of

C.due to

D.according to

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A.It helps the teacher organize extra-curricula activities easily.B.It helps establish

A.It helps the teacher organize extra-curricula activities easily.

B.It helps establish the reputation of the whole school.

C.It helps build a positive teacher-student relationship.

D.It helps unify a divided class into a cooperative one.



The teacher divided the students into small groups_________ability.

A、in terms of

B、regardless of

C、due to

D、according to



Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Last month, the Florida Board of Education approved a program that will link increases in teachers' pay to improvements in students' test scores. The program will take effect next school year. It increases a teacher's pay if his or her students increase their scores on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. The test measures reading and mathematics knowledge. It is now used to decide if students will pass to the next grade level. The state gives extra money to schools whose scores are good or have increased from the year before. Normally, the money is divided among the school workers.

The new program requires all school districts in the state to list the top ten percent of teachers in each subject area. These teachers will receive an increase of five percent in their yearly pay. For an average teacher, that would be about two thousand dollars. Those who teach reading and mathematics will be judged on the test scores only. That is, how much their students have improved since the year before. Some teachers say the quality of teaching decrease if teachers are forced to compete with each other for money and praise. They fear that teachers will refuse to work in schools where many children have learning problems or do not speak English well.

Those who support the new pay programs say teachers must be judged the way other professionals are by the results of their work. And they say that using student test scores is a hue measure of a teacher's performance.


A.It is used to measure students' reading knowledge

B.It is used to measure students' mathematics knowledge

C.It is used judge the teacher's performance

D.It is used to decide if students will pass to the next grade



MatterLook at all the things around us: chairs, desks, cupboards, papers and pens in our c


Look at all the things around us: chairs, desks, cupboards, papers and pens in our classroom; motor cars, bicycles and buses in the streets; trees, plants and animals in the countryside; birds, aeroplanes and clouds in the sky; fishes, seaweeds and corals in the sea; stars, the moon and the sun in outer space. These and all other things including the human body, are examples of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space and has weight.

What Is Matter Made of ?

Since ancient times, learned men or philosophers have thought about matter and what it is made up of. One group of philosophers thought that matter was made .up of a substance called "hyle" (实质). Another group of philosophers said that matter was made up of four substances, namely earth, water, air and fire. A third group believed that matter was made up of very tiny particles which were too small to be seen. These particles were so small that they could never be further divided into smaller particles. They gave the particles the name atoms which means "those which cannot be divided". The difference between the various kinds of atoms and the ways in which they were joined were supposed to result in the different kinds of matter.

All these ideas arose purely from the mind and were not based on investigation. For many years, people believed in the second idea. But actually it is the third idea that is nearer to our present concept of matter.

Dalton's Atomic Theory

In the early nineteenth century, Dalton, an English school teacher, stated in this atomic theory that matter was made up of tiny, indivisible particles, which he also called atoms. His laboratory work showed him that atoms could neither be divided into smaller parts nor could they be destroyed. He pictured matter as being made up of tiny solid spherical atoms. Today the idea of the atoms has been accepted. But further work has shown that contrary to Dalton's findings, atoms are made up of even smaller particles.



Mrs. Cox teaches English in a large high school located in the inner area of a big city on
the West Coast. Ever since she was a young girl, Mrs. Cox had wanted to become a teacher. She has taught eight years now and hasn't changed her mind.

After she graduated from high school, Mrs. Cox went on to college. Four years later, she received her bachelor's degree (B. A. ) in English and her teaching certificate. Then she was qualified to teach in the secondary schools of her state. In the summers, Mrs. Cox takes more classes. Someday she hopes to get a master's degree (M. A. ). With an M. A. , she will receive a higher salary.

The school day at Mrs. Cox's high school, like that in many high schools in the United States, is divided into six periods of one hour each. Mrs. Cox must teach five of these six periods. During her free period, which for her is from 2 to 3 p.m. , Mrs. Cox must meet with parents, order supplies, make out examinations, check assignments, and take care of many other things. In short, her free period isn't really free at all. Mrs. Cox works steadily from the time she arrives at school in the morning until the time she leaves for home late in the afternoon.

Mrs. Cox wants to be a teacher because______.

A.she likes teaching

B.she is a young girl

C.she has many problems to deal with

D.she doesn't mind what she is doing



听力原文:M: As a teacher, can you give us some idea on how the English school system works

W: First of all, most children start school at the age of five and they can't leave school until the age of sixteen. But now we have a new system where children aren't divided off at the age of eleven, instead, they could take the exams at the age of sixteen.

M: (23) Do you think that's an improvement to the system?

W: Well ,it's supposed to be much better because it stops separating children at the age of eleven and gives them a better chance. (22)In fact, what usually happens is that those children who would have gone to a grammar school tend to be at the top end of the comprehensive system and those that would have gone to secondary modern school find themselves at lower levels of the school.

M: Do you think that the present school system is an efficient way of educating children?

W: (24) Of course one of our great problems in England is that we have very large classes and it would be very nice if we could reduce them by at least half.

M: Do you think the subjects that children study are adapted to present-day society?

W: (25) It would be very good if more children at school had the opportunity of learning about the society they live in economic terms and in social terms. So that they are much more aware of the problems that we face today.


A.Those who were at the age of 16.

B.Those who failed the eleven plus exam.

C.Those who did well in the eleven plus exam.

D.Those who were not qualified for secondary school.



Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash,
affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cognitive(认识派的)researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others.

The latter view has gained many supporters, especially among educators. But the careful use of small monetary(金钱的)rewards speaks creativity in grade -school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements(刺激)indeed aid inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

"If kids know they're working for a reward and can focus on a relatively challenging task, they show the most creativity," says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark. "But it's easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards."

A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary a chievement ends up with uninspired students, Eisenberger holds. As an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and restore failing grades.

In earlier grades, the use of so-called token economies, in which students handle challenging problems 'and receive performance-based points toward valued rewards, shows promise in raising effort and creativity, the Delaware psychologist claims.

Psychologists are divided with regard to their attitudes toward ______.

A.the choice' between spiritual encouragement and monetary rewards

B.the amount of monetary rewards for students' creativity

C.the study of relationship between actions and their consequences

D.the effects of external rewards on students' performance



听力原文:M: Janet, as a teacher, can you give us some ideas on how the English school syst
em works?

W: Well, first of all, most children start school at the age of five and they can't leave school until the age of sixteen. They will go to primary school from the age of five until eleven. And previously, they used to take an eleven plus examination which would then determine whether they would go to a grammar school or alternatively a secondary school. But now we have a new system where children aren't divided off at the age of eleven, instead, they could take the exams at the age of sixteen.

M: Do you think that's an improvement on the system?

W: Well, theoretically, it's supposed to be much better because it stops separating children at the age of eleven and give them a better chance.

M: Do you think that the present school system is an efficient way of educating children?

W: Well, if you accept that, you know, there have to be schools, it seems to work fairly efficiently. Of course one of our great problems in England is that we have very large classes and, it would be very nice if we could reduce to twenty students in a class, and so that each child could get more individual attention.

M: Janet, do you really think that your students gain a lot from their education?

W: I think they do, but in education, I think, emphasis should be put on broadening their horizon of mind, instead of acquiring basic knowledge and skills.


A.The English examination system.

B.The improvement in English education.

C.The English school system.

D.The curriculum of English schools.



听力原文: The subjects studied in an American university generally cover a very wide field
. In his first year (when he is called a "freshman") and his second year (as a "sophomore") a student must usually follow courses in a very wide range of subjects in the arts and sciences, including some courses which are compulsory for all students. In his third ("junior" ) year and his fourth year (as a "senior" ) a student may specialize in his main subjects, and he may follow courses of vocational interest. There may, for example, be a Course in poultry marketing and even another in advanced poultry marketing.

In a big university there may be several thousand students taking a compulsory course at the same time. There are various ways of dealing with such a course: we may take as an illustration a sociology course, with say 3,000 students. The students would be divided into about eighty separate classes, each meeting three times a week. There might be a single textbook provided for all the students following the course; or, instead of an ordinary textbook, a specially printed course-book prepared by a committee of the teachers. In preparation for each meeting of the class the teacher might ask the students to read five or ten pages, in order to discuss them and thus find out how well the students had done their work. This is only an example of one method followed: some universities make use of closed-circuit television techniques, including two-way devices, which enable students to put questions to a lecturer in another room. A Maximum of discussion, rather than formal teaching, is widely accepted as an ideal to be aimed at, even amid the difficulties imposed by the great numbers of students involved.

What's a student in his second year called.?







听力原文:M: As a teacher, can you give us some idea on how the English school system works

W: First of all, most children start school at the age of five and they can't leave school until the age of sixteen. But now we have a new system where children aren't divided off at the age of eleven, instead, they could take the exams at the age of sixteen.

M: Do you think that's an improvement to the system?

W: Well ,it's supposed to be much better because it stops separating children at the age of eleven and gives them a better chance. In fact, what usually happens is that those children who would have gone to a grammar school tend to be at the top end of the comprehensive system and those that would have gone to secondary modern school find themselves at lower levels of the school.

M: Do you think that the present school system is an efficient way of educating children?

W: Of course one of our great problems in England is that we have very large classes and it would be very nice if we could reduce them by at least half.

M: Do you think the subjects that children study are adapted to present-day society?

W: It would be very good if more children at school had the opportunity of learning about the society they live in economic terms and in social terms. So that they are much more aware of the problems that we face today.


A.Those who were at the age of 16.

B.Those who failed the eleven plus exam.

C.Those who did well in the eleven plus exam.

D.Those who were not qualified for secondary school.

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