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Let’s take the light rail as it is the most time- and money-saving way of getting there.





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【填空题】Performance Assessments Engineer: Hey, Wen...

【填空题】Performance Assessments Engineer: Hey, Wendy. Did you look over the new test results? Intern: I haven't had a chance to yet. Engineer: Let's take a look together. I think you'll be surprised. Intern: Really? Why is that? Engineer: Well, this manufacturer claimed their new (1) were fifteen percent faster, right? Intern: Right. Is that not true? Engineer: Not according to our tests. It failed to meet several important (2). Intern: So they lied about their product? Isn’t that illegal? Engineer: They didn't lie, exactly. See, the computer does work faster. But only under certain conditions. Intern: I'm not sure I get what you're saying. Engineer: Let me explain. They tested their computer with a light (3). Intern: I see what you mean. It's faster, but that's because it has less work to do. Engineer: Exactly. We ran tests with real (4). When we checked the weighted arithmetic mean, it's less than one percent faster. Intern: So let me (5) I understood, the test they used doesn't follow the reproducibility rule? Engineer: That's exactly right.




Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:Man: Hew! This rowing is hard work. Let's have the boat toward the old light house now.

Woman: Good idea. We can rest there a while and eat our lunch. Then we can climb to the top platform. where the light is before we visit the museum at the base of the light house tower.

Man: Whenever I come out here, I think about the family who used to live on the little island and take care of the light every night. What a lonely life that must have been.

Woman: Yeah. To help ships find their way along shoreline at night, they had to constantly make sure that the windows up around the light were clean and free of ice and snow.

Man: Dirty soot must have been a problem. Didn't they bum candles up there?

Woman: No they use electricity, I think.

Man: I understand the United States Coast Guard takes care of the most modem lighthouses.

Woman: Yeah, but the lights are automatic nowadays. The lighthouse is still a friendly sight at night though.

Man: Here we are. This lighthouse is the friendliest sight I have seen today. I am exhausted.

What are the two speakers doing while having this conversation ?

A.They are visiting a lighthouse.

B.They are rowing a boat.

C.They are lightening a candle.

D.They are having lunch.



(. ) at a yellow light()

A.Slow down and stop

B.Stop and wait

C.Let’s go



SECTION ACONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:Man: Hew! This rowing is hard work. Let's have the boat toward the old light house now.

Woman: Good idea. We can rest there a while and eat our lunch. Then we can climb to the top platform. where the light is before we visit the museum at the base of the light house tower.

Man: Whenever I come out here, I think about the family who used to live on the little island and take care of the light every night. What a lonely life that must have been.

Woman: Yeah. To help ships find their way along shoreline at night, they had to constantly make sure that the windows up around the light were clean and free of ice and snow.

Man: Dirty soot must have been a problem. Didn't they bum candles up there?

Woman: No they use electricity, I think.

Man: I understand the United States Coast Guard takes care of the most modem lighthouses.

Woman: Yeah, but the lights are automatic nowadays. The lighthouse is still a friendly sight at night though.

Man: Here we are. This lighthouse is the friendliest sight I have seen today. I am exhausted.

What are the two speakers doing while having this conversation ?

A.They are visiting a lighthouse.

B.They are rowing a boat.

C.They are lightening a candle.

D.They are having lunch.



听力原文:AGENT: Well, I'll keep your requirements in mind and let you know when something comes up. Wait a minute... there is vacant office space on the tenth floor of this very building. Would you care to take a look? It has only just become available but I haven't started marketing it yet because it's in need of a bit of a makeover. The floor area is about the right size...

MR RICH: Good, let's see it then.

AGENT: Well, what do you think? Elevator access is great and the lobby area is roomy enough for that disability vehicle you were telling me about.

MR RICH: Oh, I don't know, there are too many small offices. Would we be able to take out a few of these walls and make bigger work areas?

AGENT: I don't see why not--most of them are just partitions—obviously load-bearing walls can't be touched but there aren't many of those to worry about.

MR RICH: What about kitchen and dining facilities? We like our staff to feel comfortable eating at work--if they go out for lunch, it often leads to extended lunch hours and lost time.

AGENT: Come this way--this is the kitchen.

MR RICH: Oh, it's a bit poky; we'd need to enlarge it somehow. What's behind the wall here?

AGENT: That's just a storeroom. You could take out that wall and expand into that space.

MR RICH: Then what would we do for a storeroom?

AGENT: Ah, well, see that tiny office near the entrance? It has no external windows or natural light—it would make an ideal storeroom.

MR RICH: Yes, you're right. The whole place is a bit dilapidated—obviously in need of that redecoration you were talking about—and I don't just mean a coat of new paint. I think all the light fittings would have to be modernized, those broken blinds have to be replaced and this old blue carpet definitely has to go.

AGENT: I agree. That's something we can negotiate with the owner. But...overall, do you think it would fit your requirements?

MR RICH: Well, you haven't given me any indication of what the lease would cost but before we get into that, what are the terms of the lease concerning length of tenancy?

AGENT: Well, generally in the city leases are never less than three years.

MR RICH: Oh? I mean we don't mind signing up for that period of time initially but we don't necessarily want to have to move after that—we've been in our last place for ten years, you know.

AGENT: Well, the usual agreement is a three by three by two—that's a contract for three years with entitlement to extension for three years and then another two years after that. But let me speak to the owner first.

MR RICH: Mum...and one more thing: we have to consider the time frame—remember my current lease is due to expire in August.

AGENT: Well, with reliable contractors, it shouldn't take more than a couple of months to do the necessary refit...

Complete the notes below.

  Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


  Good lift access

  Large lobby

  Removal of some (7) 

  (8) too small—make bigger

  Change office near entry to storeroom





  — (9) 

  Minimum length of lease (10) (with right of renewal)



听力原文:  A good way to see the USA is by car. Americans love their automobiles and in the past fifty years they have developed a vast network of roads and freeways to help them reach their destinations.

  As few visitors have their own cars, renting one is the next best thing. You will need a valid driver's license and either international credit cards, or a deposit.

  You should start out with a working knowledge of the road. Regulations vary from state to state and this can be very confusing to a newcomer. For example, in some states it is legal to turn right at a red light if there is no approaching traffic, while in other states you will be fined for this action. Throughout the country it is forbidden to pass a school bus when it has stopped to let off children.

  The size of the country may startle you at first and you may be surprised at the spectacular physical beauty. When the first pioneers began to expand west into the wildness, the natural resources of the land seemed inexhaustible. Nearly 1,000 million acres of land was covered by virgin forest. Much of this was burnt off for farmland and it soon became apparent that the government would have to take action or the natural beauty of the land would be lost forever.

A.A driver's license.

B.A passport.

C.An international credit card.

D.A deposit.



It seems true that the larger canvas-covered windows______.

A.were not as good as the first windows

B.let in the light and kept out the wind

C.did not let any air in

D.were as good as today's



听力原文:  A good way to see the USA is by car. Americans love their automobiles and in the past fifty years they have developed a vast network of roads and freeways to help them reach their destinations. As few visitors have their own cars, renting one is the next best thing. You will need a valid driver's license and either international credit cards, or a deposit.

  You should start out with a working knowledge of the road. Regulations vary from state to state and this can be very confusing to a newcomer. For example, in some states it is legal to turn right at a red light if there is no approaching traffic, while in other states you will be fined for this action. Throughout the country it is forbidden to pass a school bus when it has stopped to let off children.

  The size of the country may startle you at first and you may be surprised at the spectacular physical beauty. When the first pioneers began to expand West into the wildness, the natural resources of the land seemed inexhaustible. Nearly 1,000 million acres of land was covered by virgin forests. Much of this was burnt off for farmland and it soon became apparent that the government would have to take action or the natural beauty of the land would be lost for ever.

A.A driver's license.

B.A passport.

C.An international credit card.

D.A deposit.



(. ) at a green light()

A.Slow down and stop

B.Stop and wait

C.Let’s go



听力原文:W: Excuse me, I came to look at the apartment you have advertised in the paper.

M: Fine. Do you smoke or drink?

W: No. Why?

M: We don't allow that in our apartment. Are you a working girl?

W: I have a part-time job but I am a student. My parents are going to pay the rent.

M: OK. Let's go and take a look. We have two actually, 102 and 103. They are both two-bedroom apartments.

W: Oh, I didn't notice that in the advertisement. I'm going to be living alone. That's too big.

M: We do have a one-bedroom apartment but that will be empty in a couple of weeks. 201.

W: Can I see that one now?

M: I think it's OK. Miss Smith is out.

W: How much do you charge for rent?

M: $345 a month. And there's one month deposit. Of course you get that back if the apartment is in good condition when you move out.

W: That's a little more than I was planning on paying. I was thinking of $300 a month.

M: Here we are. Come in.

W: Oh, say, this is very nice. And it's really light in here.

M: The phone, stove and refrigerator go with the apartment. You have to pay the bills, of course.

W: I really like it.

M: Well?

W: I think I'll take it. It's a little more expensive but it's very convenient to go to the university.

M: Can you make a deposit today?

W: Yes. Will a hundred dollars do?

M: Fine.




D.not sure

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