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When he was arrested, Terry_________in crime for years.A. had involvedB. should be invo

A.A. had involved

B.B. should be involved

C.C. must be involved

D.D. had been involved

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更多“When he was arrested, Terry___…”相关的问题


We knew the boss________be angry if we didn’t finish the work in time.A. shallB. willC.

We knew the boss________be angry if we didn’t finish the work in time.

A. shall

B. will

C. would

D. ought to



The police asked them to describe the________ woman looked like.A. howB. whatC. thatD.

The police asked them to describe the________ woman looked like.

A. how

B. what

C. that

D. who



(句子释义)But nothing becomes an icon more than a tragic and early death — such as M

(句子释义)But nothing becomes an icon more than a tragic and early death — such as Martin Luther King Jr. , John F. Kennedy, and Princess Diana.

A. Many icons were cut off in the promising stage of their careenr.

B. An unnatural death turns an ordinary person into an icon.

C. When a celebrity dies young in an accident, he becomes an icon overnight.

D. The most important ingredient in the making of an icon is a tragic death at an early age.



All theories______from practice and in turn serve practice.







People's ideas about cats and dogs vary from culture to culture

(汉译英)People's ideas about cats and dogs vary from culture to culture. For many people in the US and Europe, they are pets (宠物). People keep them and treat them like members of their families, and there are also special shops that sell food for pets. Yet in other parts of the world cats and dogs are treated differently. There, people hold a practical attitude toward these animals, who not only work for people but also are killed for food. People own cats and dogs because cats keep away mice and dogs are ideal、animals that . help guard their property. They also love these animals, but seldom see them as equal to family members.



Debbie Fields is at a party with her husband, Randy Fields, a well-known economist.

Debbie Fields is at a party with her husband, Randy Fields, a well-known economist. The guests flatter Randy, eager to hear his economic forecast. But when the same guests discover that Debbie is a housewife, they suddenly remember conversations they desperately need to have on the other side of the room. They treat Debbie like an absolute zero.

Finally, the host turns to Debbie with questions about her life and future plans. She tries hard, but cannot come up with any definite answers. Finally, he asks in an annoyed tone, "What do you intend to do with your life?"

"I'm mostly trying to get orientated."

"The word should be oriented(寻找方向).Learn to use the English language!"

Debbie feels hurt. She decides not to live in anyone else's shadow. She will find something of her own to do. But what? What Debbie had always loved doing was making chocolate chip cookies. She had experimented with recipes(配方) since she was 13 years old-adding more butter, less flour, more and different kinds of chocolate until she hit upon an ideal combination, Now, she has this idea. She will open up a little store and sell her cookies.

"Bad idea,"Randy's business friends say, their mouths full of cookies."It'll never work."They shake their heads as they lick the last bits of chocolate from their fingers. "Forget it." Randy feels the same way. So do the loan officers she approaches for financing. But she sets her heart on her cookie business.

At 9:00 a.m. on August 18,1977,Debbie opened her cookie shop.But nobody came to buy her cookies.By noon she was desperate. She loaded up a tray and began walking around the street where her shop was located, trying to give away cookies.It worked. Once people tried the cookies, they loved them and came back to the shop for more. By the end of the day, she had sold $50 worth. On day two, she took in $75.The rest is cookie history.

Today, with over 600 stores and 1,000 employees, "Mrs.Fields Cookies" has sales in the multi-millions.A mother of five, Debbie continues to share her winning philosophy with businessmen around the world.

26.That the guests "suddenly remember conversations they desperately need to have on the other side of the room" (para. 1) .

A. shows how well-known Randy Fields is

B .indicates their interest in economic affairs

C .is an excuse to get away rom Debbie Fields

D .suggests how women are looked down upon

27. Judging by what he says,the host .

A. dislikes professional women

B. appreciates good housewives

C .admires Debbie Fields very much

D.thinks little of Debbie Fields' life

28 .When she decided to start her own cookie business, Debbie Fields met with .

A. support

B .disapproval



29."The rest is cookie history" (para. 7) means .

A. it is the beginning of the cookie business

B .it is not difficult to start a cookie business

C .what follows is history-making in cookie business

D .what happens after that is recorded in history books

30.The story of Debbie Fields shows .

A. the low self-esteem of women

B .the importance of marketing

C .women's contributions to their family

D .the significance of careers for women



Some multimedia companies predict that, in a few years' time,

Some multimedia companies predict that, in a few years' time, production of newspapers and magazines will have been halved, for we will he turning to our computers to get the latest news. To publishers, this means the arrival of the e-book.

But is this the end of the book and the newspaper? I doubt it. I do not think anything can replace the book. This is partly because, although some people believe that technology is capable of anything, it isn't yet! To begin with, the Internet is slow. Even though work is constantly being carried out to solve this problem, demand for the Internet is increasing too fast for scientists to keep up. What is more, it takes much longer for us to read on the computer. Research shows that we read 50% more quickly on paper than on a computer screen.

In addition, it seems that we like the feel of books and magazines-we like to put them in our bags or pockets and take them out on the bus or the train on the way to work. We like to sit and read in the park or on the beach. For many of us, the idea of Sunday morning without a cup of coffee and some newspapers is unimaginable.

We like to decorate our rooms with them, too .How many of us would exchange what we have now-a row of books in a bookcase, or a pile of magazines on the coffee table-for a row of little screens?

Nevertheless, by the time e-books have become as widely available as printed ones, it is likely that at least some of us will have changed our minds.

21 .According to some multimedia companies, production of newspapers and magazines .

A. will be reduced by half

B .has been reduced by half

C .will be increased by 50%

D .has been increased by 50%

22.According to the passage, people read .

A. as quickly on paper as on the computer

B .half as quickly on paper as on the computer

C .50% more quickly on the computer than on paper

D .50% more quickly on paper than on the computer

23 .The third paragraph is mainly related to .

A. technical problems

B.reading habits

C.functions of books

D.prices of books

24.How many reasons does the passage provide for books as against e-books?





25 .Judging by the passage, the author .

A.prefers books to e-books

B. likes e-books better than books

C. loves both books and e-books

D.welcomes the arrival of e-books



A picture in today's newspaper shows the body of a shark hanging with its head down

(完形填空)A picture in today's newspaper shows the body of a shark hanging with its head down. A scale is measuring it _11_ . The lines below the picture _12_ that the shark is a very big one.It is perhaps one of the biggest ever caught in the area. The person who brought in the fish looks extremely _13_ .He had won a battle _14_ one of nature's fiercest creatures.

Some people, _15_ , do not approve of catching sharks. They do not think all sharks are terrifying enemies.They _16_ that some snakes threaten people more than sharks do .Scientists say that sharks are_17_ in the ocean. They eat injured and diseased fish. Their hunting ensures that other fish do not become too_18_ iii number. So, in a way, sharks_19_other creatures in the ocean.

Scientists worry that sharks are in _20_of dying out. It is estimated that fishing operations kill more than one million sharks every year.

11,A. size B.length C.width D. weight

12. A.say B.tell C.remark D.describe

13.A.sad B.pleased C.confused D.skillful

14.A.at B.in C.for D. with

15.A. however B.besides C.therefore D.further

16.A. guess B.argue C.assume D.predict

17.A. careless B. acceptable C. valuable D.useless

18.A. great B.weak. C.strong D.small

19.A. develop B.protect C.threaten D.endanger

20.A. shape B.place C.danger D.position







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