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In order to have a good health care system, what should the American government do()。

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In order to have a good health care system, what should the American government do()。

A.Restrict the system of private care.

B.Protect the system of private care.

C.Make a new policy to deal with challenges.

D.Extend the private care system.



Here is a dialogue about receiving guests. Please ...

Here is a dialogue about receiving guests. Please put the sentence in order to make the dialogue between the guest and the floor attendant. ______A: You are welcome. ______G: Yes. Can you show me my room? ______A: Ah, your room is 602. It faces the garden. It’s lovely. ______G: Yes. Here you are. ______A: My pleasure. May I have a look at your room card? ______G: Wow, this is really what I want. ______A: Good evening, madam. Welcome to the 6thfloor. What can I do for you? ______G: Thank you. It is very kind of you. ______A: This way, madam, please. Let me help you with your luggage.



Questions 18-20Decide which are THREE ways a landlord can legally evict a tenant (other th

Questions 18-20

Decide which are THREE ways a landlord can legally evict a tenant (other than an excluded tenant) and write the appropriate letters on your answer sheet in any order.

A By moving into the property.

B By moving a member of his/her family into the property.

C By applying to your educational institution for your eviction.

D By waiting until the tenancy agreement expires.

E By giving you notice that you have to leave.

F By giving you at least 4 weeks' notice that you have to leave.

G By getting a court to issue an order for you to leave.

H By contacting a law centre or the Citizens' Advice Bureau.



听力原文: I just wanted to say well done for getting that contract. You did a great job an
d we know it wasn’t easy. What would you say to a celebratory meal? I know a very good restaurant near here. I’m sure we could get a table for lunch if you’re free.

—You will hear five recordings.

—For each recording, decide what the main reason is for the phone call.

—Write one letter (A—H) next to the number of the recording.

—Do not use any letter more than once.

—After you have listened once, replay each recording.

A booking a table

B cancelling a meeting

C placing an order

D selling something

E offering a lift

F congratulating someone

G checking an address

H making an appointment




给出一棵树的逻辑结构T=(N,R),其中:N={A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K} R={r} r={(A,B),(B,E),(B,F),(F,G),(F,H),(A,C),(C,I),(C,J),(J,K),(A,D)} Given a logical structure of a tree, T=(N, R), and N={A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K}, R={r}, r={(A,B), (B,E), (B,F), (F,G), (F,H), (A,C), (C,I), (C,J), (J,K), (A,D)} 试回答下列问题: Please answer these questions: (1)哪个是根结点?which is the root node? (2)哪些是F的孩子?which are the child nodes of Node F? (3)结点K的层次是多少? (注:根的层数为0,独根树深度为0,高度为1,其他题目同样如此;同一个选项的 答案如果有多个字母,按照字典序排列,且不要以空格分隔) (P.S. the level of the root node is 0, the depth of a tree, which only has a root node, is 0, and its height is 1. Other problems have the same regulations. If there are several alphabets in one question, order them by lexicographical order, and do not add spaces.)



给出一棵树的逻辑结构T=(N,R),其中: N={A,B,C,D,E,F,G...

给出一棵树的逻辑结构T=(N,R),其中: N={A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K} R={r} r={(A,B),(B,E),(B,F),(F,G),(F,H),(A,C),(C,I),(C,J),(J,K),(A,D)} 试回答下列问题: Given a logical structure of a tree, T=(N, R), and N={A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K}, R={r}, r={(A,B), (B,E), (B,F), (F,G), (F,H), (A,C), (C,I), (C,J), (J,K), (A,D)} Please answer these questions: (1)哪个是F的父结点?which is the parent node of Node F? (2)哪些是B的子孙?which are the offspring of Node B? (3)以结点C为根的子树的深度是多少?what is the depth of the sub-tree whose root node is Node C? (注:根的层数为0,独根树深度为0,高度为1,其他题目同样如此;各个选项之间的答案用空格分隔就好;同一个选项的答案如果有多个字母,按照字典序排列,且不要以空格分隔) (P.S. the level of the root node is 0, the depth of a tree, which only has a root node, is 0, and its height is 1. Other problems have the same regulations. If there are several alphabets in one question, order them by lexicographical order, and do not add spaces.)



A) present B) represent C) distinguishes D) discriminates E) judgments F) discounting G) under

A) present

B) represent

C) distinguishes

D) discriminates

E) judgments

F) discounting

G) underestimate

H) undervalued

I) prejudiced

J) confirm

K) maintain

L) suspect

M) stay

N) remain

O) reveals

To look at me, you would never guess I am in my late sixties. Most people(1)that. I just smile and say, "A lady never(2)her age." There are good reasons why a lady doesn't. Older women get ignored in our society. We are(3)and left to grow old without the company of others.

I understood from a very young age our society(4)against the old. Our society is(5)against women. And, our society makes(6)based on the color of a person's skin. I am an old black woman. I have to use my every advantage in order to(7)a vital part of my community. I have managed to stay fit, to(8)my looks while my wisdom increases. Often younger men(9)my abilities. However, I should tell you that I am very skilled in the art of politics. I was for many years the mayor of a large urban center in the Southern United States. After that I was elected by my district to(10)them in Congress. I advise other women over sixty not to give up! Old as we are, we have experience and know more about life. Let's not let our knowledge and experience go to waste.



Small communities,with their distinctive character—where life is stable and intensely
human—are disappearing. Some have _ 26 from the face of the earth,others are dying slowly,but all have27_changes as they have come into contact with an_ 28_machine civilization. The merging of diverse peoples into a common mass has produced tension among members of the minorities and the majority alike. The Old Order Amish,who arrived on American shores in colonial times,have _ 29_in the modern world in distinctive,small communities. They have resisted the homogenization _ 30_ more successfully than others. In planting and harvest time one can see their bearded men working the fields with horses and their women hanging out the laundry in neat rows to dry. Many American people have seen Amish families,with the men wearing broad-brimmed black hats and the women in long dresses,in railway or bus_ 31 _. Although the Amish have lived with 32_ America for over two and a half centuries,they have moderated its influence on their personal lives,their families,communities,and their values.

The Amish are often _ 33_by other Americans to be relics of the past who live a simple,inflexible life dedicated to inconvenient out-dated customs. They are seen as abandoning both modern

34_and the American dream of success and progress. But most people have no quarrel with the Amish for doing things the old-fashioned way. Their conscientious objection was tolerated in wartime,for after all,they are good farmers who __ 35_the virtues of work and thrift.

A) accessing F) perceived K) survived

B) conveniences G) practice L) terminals

C) destined H) process M) undergone

D)expanding I)progress N) universal

E) industrialized J) respective O) vanished



听力原文:I just wanted to say well done for getting that contract. You did a great job and

听力原文: I just wanted to say well done for getting that contract. You did a great job and we know it wasn't easy. What would you say to a celebratory meal? I know a very good restaurant near here. I'm sure we could get a table for lunch if you're free.

—You will hear five recordings.

—For each recording, decide what the main reason is for the phone call.

—Write one letter (A—H) next to the number of the recording.

—Do not use any letter more than once.

—After you have listened once, replay each recording.

A booking a table

B cancelling a meeting

C placing an order

D selling something

E offering a lift

F congratulating someone

G checking an address

H making an appointment



We have received the order that we _______ not use the lab for a couple of days.
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