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Suppose you have invited Laura to your birthday tea party. But there is some emergency and
you have to cancel the party. Write her a note to 1) cancel the invitation, and 2) explain why. You should write about 100 words. Do not use your own name. Use "Li Ming" instead.



Part ASuppose you have made an appointment with your friend at 5 pm, but you have some urg

Part A

Suppose you have made an appointment with your friend at 5 pm, but you have some urgent business to attend to and have to cancel your appointment. Write a note to your friend:

1) explaining why you have to cancel your appointment

2) making an apology for that

3) telling him/her how you plan to make up for it

You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your note.

Use "Wang Lin" instead.



If you want to cancel your hotel booking after confirmation you have to cancel your reservationbefore the time limit according to the hotel policy.()


Directions :You shold write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section, on,

Directions :

You shold write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section, on, ANSWER SHEET2.

Part A

66. Suppose you had a bad cold during your last trip to a famous mountain. The tourist guide

has helped you a lot. Write a letter of thanks to the travel agency. Your letter should include:

1) a description of your case

2) thanks to the tourist guide and the travel agency

You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the let-

ter. Use "Wang Lin" instead.



Unit 2 Writing--AN EMAIL Writing (25 minutes) : 请前往句酷批改网(http://www.pigai.org)注册

Unit 2 Writing--AN EMAIL Writing (25 minutes) : 请前往句酷批改网(http://www.pigai.org)注册后登录作答。 Directions: Suppose you have travelled to a place on holiday. Now write an email to your close friend Bob, to tell him about your holiday or travel experience. Tell him where you have been, how you travelled, what time of year it was, who was with you and what happened. Write about 120 words.



You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to cancel your next project meeting bec You ar
e a Project Team Leader. You have had to cancel your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad. Write a memo to your project team: informing them of the cancellation and giving the reason stating a new date and time for the meeting requesting suggestions for the agenda. Write 40-50 words.



Part A Suppose you had a bad cold during your last trip to a famous mountain. The tourist

Part A

Suppose you had a bad cold during your last trip to a famous mountain. The tourist guide has helped you a lot. Write a letter of thanks to the travel agency. Your letter Should include:

1) a description of your case

2) thanks to the tourist guide and the travel agency

You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Wang Lin" instead.



根据以下资料,回答下列各题:Directions: The following paragraphs are given in a wrong orde
根据以下资料,回答下列各题:Directions: The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order.For Questions 41-45,you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list A-G to fill in each numbered box.The first and the last paragraphs have been placed for you in Boxes.Mark your answers Oil the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) A.So what do we do to be safer? Many smart people have tackled this question.Peter Pronovost at Johns Hopkins developed a checklist shown to bring hospital-acquiredinfections down to close to zero.There are rules against disturbing nurses while they dispense medications and software that warns doctors when patients’prescriptions will interact badly.There are policies designed to empower nurses to confront doctors if they see something wrong,even if a senior doctor is at fault. B.Here’S one theory.It is a given that American doctors perform. a staggering number oftests and procedures,far more than in other industrialized nations.and far more than we used to.Since 1996,the percentage of doctor visits leading to at least five drugs being prescribed has nearly tripled.and the number of M.R.I.scans quadrupled. C.Doctors make mistakes.They may be mistakes of technique,judgment.ignorance or even,sometimes,recklessness.Regardless of the cause,each time a mistake happens。 a patient may suffer.We fail to uphold our profession’s basic oath:“First.do no harm.” D.Herein lies a stunning irony.Defensive medicine is rooted in the goal of avoiding mistakes.But each additional procedure or test,no matter how cautiously performed,injects a fresh possibility of error.CT and M.R.I.scans can lead to false positives and unnecessary operations,which carry the risk of complications like infections and bleeding.The more medications patients are prescribed.the more likely they are to accidentally overdose or suffer an allergic reaction。 E.According to a l999 report by the Institute of Medicine,as many as 98.000 Americans were dying every year because of medical mistakes.Today,exact figures are hard to come by because states don’t abide by the same reporting guidelines,and few cases gain as much attention as that of Rory Staunton,the l2一year—old boy who died of septic shock this spring after being sent home from a New York hospital.But a reasonable estimate is that medical mistakes now kill around 200,000 Americans every year.That would make them one of the leading causes of death in the United States.Why have these mistakes been so hard to prevent? F.What may be even more important is remembering the limits of our power.More--more procedures,more testing,more treatment--is not always better.In l979,Stephen Bergman,under the pen name Dr.Samuel Shem,published rules for hospitals in his caustically humorous novel,The House of God.Rule N0.13 reads:“The delivery ofmedical care is to do as much nothing as possible.”First.do no harm. G.Certainly many procedures,tests and prescriptions are based on legitimate need.But many are not.In a recent anonymous survey,oIrthopedic surgeons said 24 percent of the tests they ordered were medically unnecessary.This kind of treatment is a form. of defensive medicine,meant less to protect the patient than to protect the doctor orhospital against potential lawsuits. ___________



Most students in grades K-12 attend school for 6 to 7 hours a day, 180 days per year. Some
schools offer extended learning by adding extra time to the school day or increasing the length of the school year. Some states are moving to this type of schedule in an attempt to increase student achievement. Is it worthwhile? Longer days allow for more instruction in core classes, individualized attention and additional tutoring time for struggling students. Schools that switched to longer days reported significant gains in language arts, math and science. The most notable change was a gain of about 20 percent more proficiency in math from 2006 to 2010. However, the additional time must be accompanied by quality instruction to have an impact. Longer school days also have positive implications for teachers, allowing for more collaboration with colleagues, planning time and opportunities for on-campus professional development. Some districts that use extended time have raised salaries and increased benefits to compensate teachers for the extra hours. Longer days can also help close the achievement gap between socioeconomic groups. Families who can afford it often supplement their childrens education with additional classes and tutoring. With longer days, children from less-wealthy families would have these same opportunities. Students in schools with extended days average seven hours of instruction in art, music and physical education, which is double the national average. Advocates of longer days argue that American students spend less time in school than their counterparts in other nations and are consequently lagging behind. In fact, American students attend school for 900 to 1,000 hours per year. Finland, which consistently performs well on standardized tests, averages 608 hours of instruction at the elementary level per year. By middle school, many American students have received many more instructional hours than students in Japan, Korea and Finland, yet these three countries continue to post high scores. Additional time in school means more energy costs, higher salaries and more resources. While adding time appears to have positive effects, it comes at a cost that some schools cannot afford. Adding time to the school day increases school budgets an additional 6 to 20 percent more per year. Cash-strapped schools may not be able to cover this additional cost without revising their budgets. The question that schools must answer is whether the additional instruction and enrichment time is worth the additional costs.

Some schools in the U.S. add extra time to the school day or school year to______.

A.demand larger school budgets

B.make more money out of the students

C.help take care of young students

D.improve students academically

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