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Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Narcissus, a handsome young man, was walking through the woods one day when he heard a girl named Echo walking nearby. She had seen him before and fallen in love with him. But Echo could only repeat what someone else said to her. So when Narcissus asked, "Who's there? ' Echo could only reply, "There. ""Come here," called Narcissus. "Here" was the reply. When Echo finally appeared and tried to embrace Narcissus, he pushed her roughly aside, telling her not to bother him. This young man treated many other young women the same way because he felt that none was good enough for him. Soon the girlshoped that someone would treat Narcissus in the same way that he treated them.

One day, while looking in a pool of water, Narcissus saw his reflection. Believing it was that of a beautiful young woman, he fell in love with it and tried to hug it. His love, however, disappeared. He waited in the hope that "she" would return, and, of course, "she" did. Day after day he came to the pool, trying to get the beautiful woman to come out of the water. He got thinner and thinner, sadder and sadder, until finally he died at the side of the pool. When the girls came to remove his body from the pool, they found only a beautiful flower with white and yellow petals (花瓣) . Ever since it has been known as the Narcissus.


A.Because other girls often treated him in this way.

B.Because he had fallen in love with another girl.

C.Because Echo wouldn't try to embrace him.

D.Because he felt that Echo was not good enough for him.




In the dining room of my grandfather's house stood his heavy clock.Meals in the dining room were a(1)for our four generations to become one.My grandfather's clock always stood like a trusted old family friend,(2)us playing jokes and telling stories,which was already a(3)of our life.

When l was a child.the old clock interested me.I Watched and listened to it during

(4).1 was surprised how at(5)times of the day.The clock would strike three times,six times or more.with a wonderful great(6)that echoed throughout the house.The clock chimed year after year,a part of my(7),a part of my heart.

Even more(8)to me was my grandfather's special action each day.He meticulously(9)the clock with a special key each day.The key was magic to me.It(10)our

family’s magnificent clock ticking and striking all year round.

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听力原文: Israel has accused Russia of betrayal after President Vladimir Putin said he'd invite Hamas leaders to Moscow following the militant group's victory in Palestinian elections. One Israeli minister Meir Sheetrit said Mr. Putin has stabbed Israel in the back. Criticism echoed by the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman. "I do wonder what President Putin would feel like if any government in the world would invite Chechen leaders to discuss with them, their behavior. or their activities, and this I believe on the part of Russia and on the part of President Putin is a very unfortunate development which runs the risk of legitimizing terror. "The French Foreign Ministry has indicated its support for Russia's position saying the initiative could help achieve the objective of a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians.

France's stand of the conflict between Israel and Palestine is

A.to mediate between the two parties.

B.to distinguish them as two countries.

C.to invite Hamas leaders to Paris.

D.to legitimize terror in Palestine.



What do we learn about the boundaries of choice blindness?

A.The boundaries are impossible to be marked.

B.It occurs only when decisions are not important.

C.It could happen even in the significant events.

D.Brides won't have choice blindness in the weddings.



Part A

Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Usually when we hear the word "artist" we think of a person who paints pictures, but the word has a much wider meaning than that, for anyone who adds beauty to a thing has shown that he is an artist. In the publishing world, there are many artists besides the illustrators, as you can find if you trace the steps introducing a book.

After the author (who is an artist in the choice of ideas and words) has sold a manuscript. to the publisher, an editor goes over it. The work of editing involves artistic skill too, for the editor may know how to improve the author’s work by cutting and revising the manuscript. Then the editor looks over the manuscript. and decides how it may be best illustrated. The editor and a designer discuss how all the parts of the book the illustrations, words, paper, and binding--shall be put together so that the book best communicate the subject and the spirit which was intended by the author.

Illustrations are drawn which will not only emphasize without words things said in the story, but which will add information or ideas that cannot be put into words. When the illustrations and text are completely prepared they are sent to the printer who carefully, and often artistically, sets the type and prints the book.

Once the material has been printed, it is sent to the binder who makes the book into a unit for selling and reading. The binder, too, is an artist, for he makes use of special techniques to make the outside of the book attractive, as well as appropriate to the contents. Meanwhile, a sales staff is at work preparing advertisements to help sell the book.

How many steps in producing A book are mentioned in the passage?







听力原文: The United Nations has warned of a looming catastrophe in Somalia where more than 200,000 people have fled their homes to escape the fighting in the capital Mogadishu. A UN official said that most people lacked food and water and were threatened by disease.

The United Nations says at least 200,000 people have fled Mogadishu. Others say it's much more. They are leaving scattered across southern and central Somalia in appalling conditions. The fighting has made it very difficult for aid agencies to get help to those who need it. Tens of thousands are destitute, many are injured, and diseases like cholera have broken out. There are also claims that the transitional government has blocked aid from getting to some of those who need it.

How many people have fled their homes in Mogadishu?







•Read the following article about Japanese style. of management and the questions.

•For each question (15-20), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

Time clocks are banned from the premises. Managers and workers converse on a first- name basis and eat lunch together in the company cafeteria. Employees are briefed once a month by a top executive on sales and production goals and are encouraged to air their complaints. Four times a year, workers attend company-paid parties. Says Tom Zolick, 49, an assembly-line worker. "Working for Sony is like working for your family."

His expression, echoed by dozens of other American Sony workers in San Diego, is a measure of success achieved at the sprawling two-story plant, where both the Stars and Stripes and the Rising Sun fly in front of the factory's glistening white exterior. In 1981 the San Diego plant turned over 700,000 color television sets, one-third of Sony's total world production. More significantly, company officials now proudly say that the plant's productivity approaches that of its Japanese branches.

Plant manager Tery Osaka, 47, insists that there are few differences between workers in the United States and Japan. Says he. "Americans are as quality conscious as the Japanese. But the question is how to motivate them." Osaka's way is to bathe his U.S. employees in personal attention. Workers with perfect attendance records are treated to dinner once a year at a luxurious restaurant downtown. When one employee complained that a refrigerator for storing lunches was too small, it was replaced a few days later with a larger one. Vice-President Masayoshi Yamada, known as Mike around the plant, has mastered Spanish so he can talk with his many Hispanic workers. The company has installed telephone hot lines on which workers can anonymously register suggestions or complaints.

The firm strives to build strong ties with its employees in the belief that the workers will then show loyalty to the company in return. It carefully promotes from within, and most of the assembly-line supervisors are high school graduates who rose through the ranks because of their hard work and dedication to the company. During the 1973-1975 recession, when TV sales dropped and production slowed drastically, no one was fired. Instead, workers were kept busy with plant maintenance and other chores. In fact, Sony has not laid off a single employee since 1972, when plant was opened. The Japanese managers were stunned when the first employee actually quit within one year. Says John Ford, the plant's human relations expert: "They came to me and wanted to know what they had done wrong. I had to explain that quitting is just the way it is sometimes in Southern California."

This personnel policy has clearly been a success. Several attempts to unionize the work force have been defeated by margins as high as 3 to 1. Says Jan Timmerman, 22, a parts dispatcher and former member of the Retail Clerks Union. "Union pay was better, and the benefits were probably larger. But basically I'm more satisfied here."

Sony has not forced American workers to accept Japanese customs. Though the company provides lemon-colored smocks for assembly-line workers, most of them prefer to wear jeans and running shoes. The firm doesn't demand that anyone put on uniforms. A brief attempt to establish a general exercise period for San Diego workers, similar to the kind Sony's Japanese employees perform, was dropped when managers saw it was not wanted.

Inevitably, there have been minor misunderstandings because of the differences in language and customs. One worker sandblasted the numbers 1264 on a series of parts she was testing before she realized that her Japanese supervisor meant that she was to lab

A.The difference between Americans and Japanese

B.American employees working for Sony

C.How Sony established business in the United States

D.How Japanese manage their business



Text A Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to what is stated or implied in the text. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A、By dipping the chocolate in a liquid coating that hardens, one cannot make M&M's.

B、Those who give an ingenious (wrong) answer as mentioned are likely to be accepted.

C、The actual method used by Mars, Inc. is both clever and simple, and a candidate is supposed to know it.

D、The little misprinted on thousands or candies all together.



设int a = 3, b = 4, x; x = a ^ b;则x=()





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