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Caring For the Elderly

Caring for the elderly is not an easy task, and there are no hard and fast rules on how it should be done. Here are some tips you can apply to make life easier and happier for both yourself and the elderly person in your care.

Establish a Routine.

Organize the performance of daily activities in a routine manner, so that they are performed in the same way and at the same time every day. This routine will establish a sense of structure and increase feelings of control and safety. However, this routine can be broken with unplanned events occasionally, as elderly people may find the routine structure too boring and restrictive.

Get to Know Them.

It is important that you get to know the elderly in your care, their daily habits, likes and dislikes, etc. The better you know the person, the higher quality of care you can provide.

Treat Them with Respect.

If elderly people do not have your respect, they will feel like they are being pushed around or asked to do things that they don't want to. This can lead to a bad relationship. By treating elderly persons in your care with respect, you can develop a strong bond with them. Besides, you can talk to them like adults, show your love and respect, which will not only make them feel good, but may also gain you their respect in return.

Mental Stimulation.

It is better to try to keep them occupied with challenging games, like crosswords or chess, which will keep their minds sharp. They like to discuss world events and their life histories with you. This will give the elderly people a feeling of self-worth and make them feel needed.

Social Interaction.

Organize and encourage social interaction. Remaining connected to other people and the world is important for the elderly. It helps the elderly feel more engaged. Encourage them to talk to other residents or participate in games, discussions or day trips. Help them to develop a strong relationship with a neighbor. It is important for the elderly to talk to others and make friends.

1. The elderly people will always obey the routine structure.回答

2. We need to know the elderly people more to provide them with better care.回答

3. We needn’t respect the elderly people when caring them.回答

4. Discussion can’t make the elderly people feel needed.回答

5. It is necessary for the elderly people to make friends.回答

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更多“Caring For the Elderly”相关的问题


听力原文: When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available community services such as adult daycare centers. If the caregivers are adult children, they are more likely to use such services, especially because they often have jobs and other responsibilities. In contrast, a spouse usually the wife, is much less likely to use support services or to put the dependent person in a nursing home. Social workers discover that the wife normally tries to take care of her husband herself for as long as she can in order not to use up their life savings. Researchers have found that caring for the elderly can be a very positive experience. The elderly appreciated the care and attention they received. They were affectionate and cooperative. However, even when care-giving is satisfying, it is hard work. Social workers and experts on aging offer caregivers and potential caregivers help when arranging for the care of an elderly relative. One consideration is to ask parents what they want before they become sick or dependent. Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home and can select one in advance. On the other hand, they may want to live with their adult children. Caregivers must also learn to state their needs and opinions clearly and ask for help from others especially brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters are often willing to help, but they may not know what to do.


29. Why are adult children more likely to use community services to help care for elderly parents?

30. Why are most wives unwilling to put their dependent husbands into nursing homes?

31. According to the passage,what must caregivers learn to do?


A.They think they should follow the current trend.

B.Nursing homes are well-equipped and convenient.

C.Adult day-care centers are easily accessible.

D.They have jobs and other commitments.



听力原文: When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available community services such as adult daycare centers. If the caregivers are adult children, they are more likely to use such services, especially because they often have jobs and other responsibilities. In contrast, a spouse usually the wife, is much less likely to use support services or to put the dependent person in a nursing home. Social workers discover that the wife normally tries to take care of her husband herself for as long as she can in order not to use up their life savings. Researchers have found that caring for the elderly can be a very positive experience. The elderly appreciated the care and attention they received. They were affectionate and cooperative. However, even when care-giving is satisfying, it is hard work. Social workers and experts on aging offer caregivers and potential caregivers help when arranging for the care of an elderly relative. One consideration is to ask parents what they want before they become sick or dependent. Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home and can select one in advance. On the other hand, they may want to live with their adult children. Caregivers must also learn to state their needs and opinions clearly and ask for help from others especially brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters are often willing to help, but they may not know what to do.


29. Why are adult children more likely to use community services to help care for elderly parents?

30. Why are most wives unwilling to put their dependent husbands into nursing homes?

31. According to the passage,what must caregivers learn to do?


A.They think they should follow the current trend.

B.Nursing homes are well-equipped and convenient.

C.Adult day-care centers are easily accessible.

D.They have jobs and other commitments.



Caring for the old

The old do not have to look exclusively to the past.Relieved of some of life’s responsibilities and fortified by many years of experience and knowledge,they may have a much better idea of how to spend their time enjoyably than they did in their youth.And not all e11joymeat is restricted to the mental or philosophical. Healthy physical activity remains quite possible for most of us well into our later years.

Old people sometimes display surprising freedom and forthrightness in the expression of their thoughts and feelings,and an ability to transmit affection. It is as though some of the rituals which constrict us in earlier life fall away.

But a higher percentage of people suffer from emotional distress in old age than at any other time in adult life,and the gap between need and care is often filled by dubious measures,such as heavy handed prescription of medicine. For many years it was assumed that old people were not appropriate candidates for psychotherapy. But a few clinicians have risen to the challenge and discovered that individual and group psychotherapy is just as effective with the old as with the young.

It is easy to understand why an earthquake causes terror.Yet in old age there may be terror of a very private nature,a sense of disintegration sometimes stemming from inner conflicts,sometimes from a premonition of death or the fear of becoming dependent.

Dependency is a grim choice:insecurity and deprivation must be weighed against loss of autonomy and integrity. But if there is nothing shameful about the dependency of a baby or a young child,there should be nothing shameful about the dependencies natural with old age and diminishing physical resources.

The complexity and impersonality of the bureaucratic establishments, which have the means to provide help,are often threatening to old people.The younger generation today,on the other hand,will have had many decades to interact with “the system ”by the time they reach old age.

Many of us, including healthcare providers,assume that we know what old people and dying people want ,but our assumptions are often a reflections of our won thoughts and feelings based on personal interpretations of scanty bits of observation.Such assumptions are really an excuse to avoid close contact with the terminally i11.Assuming we “know” what they want, we observe ourselves from being with them,and sharing their thoughts about the end of life.

We sometimes assume,wrongly,that old people are too confused or senile to be aware of the nearness of death.In consequence.communication between a dying and others is subject to extraordinary omissions and distortions.“Protecting” the dying from knowledge of their condition often serves to protect us from the uncomfortable prospect of talking about dying and death.Evasions like this only lead to increasing isolation at a time when emotional honesty and understanding are most needed.

第 41 题 paragraph l___________.



Caring for the Old

The old do not have to look exclusively to the past. Relieved of some of life's responsibilities and fortified by many years of experience and knowledge, they may have a much better idea of how to spend their time enjoyably than they did in their youth. And not all enjoyment is restricted to the mental or philosophical. Healthy physical activity remains quite possible for most of us well into our later years.

Old people sometimes display surprising freedom and forthrightness in the expression of their thoughts and feelings, and an ability to transmit affection. It is as though some of the rituals which constrict us in earlier life fall away.

But a higher percentage of people suffer from emotional distress in old age than at any other time in adult life, and the gap between need and care is often filled by dubious measures, such as heavy-handed prescription of medicine. For many years it was assumed that old people were not appropriate candidates for psychotherapy. But a few clinicians have risen to the challenge and discovered that individual and group psychotherapy is just as effective with the old as with the young.

It is easy to understand why an earthquake causes terror. Yet in old age there may be terror of a very private nature, a sense of disintegration sometimes stemming from inner conflicts, sometimes from a premonition of death or the fear of becoming dependent.

Dependency is a grim choice: insecurity and deprivation must be weighed against loss of autonomy and integrity. But if there is nothing shameful about the dependency of a baby or a young child, there should be nothing shameful about the dependencies natural with old age and diminishing physical resources.

The complexity and impersonality of the bureaucratic establishments, which have the means to provide help, are often threatening to old people. The younger generation today, on the other hand, will have had many decades to interact with "the system" by the time they reach old age.

Many of us, including healthcare providers, assume that we know what old people and dying people want, but our assumptions are often a reflections of our won thoughts and feelings based on personal interpretations of scanty bits of observation. Such assumptions are really an excuse to avoid close contact with the terminally ill. Assuming we "know" what they want, we observe ourselves from being with them, and sharing their thoughts about the end of life.

We sometimes assume, wrongly, that old people are too confused or senile to be aware of the nearness of death. In consequence, communication between a dying and others is subject to extraordinary omissions and distortions. "Protecting" the dying from knowledge of their condition often serves to protect us from the uncomfortable prospect of talking about dying and death. Evasions like this only lead to increasing isolation at a time when emotional honesty and understanding are most needed.

A. Knowing better how to enjoy life

B. Freedom in expression

C. Psychotherapy effective with some of the old

D. Period of greater emotional distress

E. Dependency: a grim choice

F. Guiltiness: dependency

paragraph 1 ______.



根据材料请回答 23~30

Caring for the Old

The old do not have to look exclusively(单一地)to the past.Relieved of some of life's responsibilities and fortified (被加强了的) by many years of.experience and knowledge, they may have a much better idea of how to spend their time enjoyably than they did in their youth.And not all enjoyment is restricted to the mental or philosophical.Healthy physical activity remains quite possible for most of us well into our later years.

Old people sometimes display surprising freedom and forthrightness (直截了当)in the expression of their thoughts and feelings, and an ability to transmit affection.It is as though some of the rituals which constrict(限制) us in earlier life fall away.

But a higher percentage of people suffer from emotional distress(沮丧) in old age than at any other time in adult life, and the gap between need and care is often filled by dubious measures, such as heavy-handed prescription of medicine.For many years it was assumed that old people were not appropriate candidates for psychotherapy(精神疗法).But a few clinicians(临床大夫) have risen to people the challenge and discovered that individual and group psychotherapy is just as effective with the old as with the young.

It is easy to understand why an earthquake causes terror.Yet in old age there may beterror of a very private nature, a sense of disintegration (崩溃,衰变)sometimes seeming from inner conflicts, sometimes from a premonition (预感)of death or the fear of becoming dependent.

Dependency is a grim(可怕的) choice_- insecurity(缺乏安全感) and deprivation(丧失能力) must be weighted against loss of autonomy(人身自由 ) and integrity(个体独立).But if there is nothing shameful about the dependency of a baby or a young child, there should be nothing shameful about the dependencies natural with old age and diminishing physical resources.

The complexity and impersonality of the bureaucratic (官僚主义的) establishments(官僚机构), which have the means to provide help, are often threatening to old people.The younger generation today, on the other hand, will have had many decades to interact with" the system" by the time they reach old age.

Many of us, including healthcare providers, assume that we know what old people and dying people want, but our assumption are often a reflection of our own thoughts and feelings based on personal interpretations of scanty (贫乏的)bits of observation.Such as-sumptions are really an excuse to avoid close Contact with the terminally ill(病入膏肓的人).Assuming we "know" what they want, we absolve(开脱罪责) ourselves from being with them, and sharing their thoughts about the end of life.

We sometime assume, wrongly, that old people are too confused or senile (衰老的) to be aware of the nearness of death.In consequences, communication between a dying per-son and others is subject to ordinary omission and distortions(扭曲)."Protecting" the dy-ing from knowledge of their condition often serves to protect us from the uncomfortable re-spect of talking about dying and death.Evasions like this only lead to increasing isolation at a time emotional honesty and understanding are most needed.

第 23 题 Paragraph 1________



A.providing first aid

B.providing blood

C.caring for those who are in need

D.demonstrating water safety



Cars Are Good for the Environment, Honest

Britain's motor industry is planning a major publicity campaign to counter what it sees as an official anti-car bias and to improve the environmental image of the cars, according to documents leaked to the pressure group. Friends of the Earth (FOE). 46 . 

The internal document which was produced last month by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, says that the “ultimate objective of the campaign must be to protect the longterm commercial freedom of the motor industry and the lifestyle. freedom of car users”. 

47 . European car manufacturers have already agreed with the European Commission to reduce CO2 emissions from new cars by 25 per cent to target of 140 grams per kilometre by 2008. 

However, the document also reveals that the industry is some way from meeting the target. 48 . 

To help control these emissions, the government has proposed replacing the flat rate annual tax on cars with a tax related to engine size so that owners of large gas-guzzler(耗油量大的汽车)would pay more than owners of small cars. 49 . 

Richard Barnet, the society's media manager, says:“We will work with the government to practise a practical system. ” 50 .

A The campaign will highlight the motor industry’s efforts to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)

B But the motor industry opposes taxes on persons owning cars preferring taxes on use

C The five-year campaign could cost up to £12 million

D The reason why cars are good for the environment is obvious

E But Ian Willmore of FOE says the industry “may pose as partners of the government, but its real intention is to frustrate serious attempts to reduce traffic levels”

F For example, last year's new cars exceed an average of 192 grams per kilometre — some 37 percent above the target

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