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As a whole,______ is one of the most effective and devastating criticisms and satires of a

ll aspects in the then English and European life-socially, politically, religiously, philosophically, scientif

A.Robinson Crusoe

B.The History of Tom Jones

C.Gulliver's Travels

D.Moll Flanders

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In width of scope, Yeats far exceeds any of his contemporaries. He is the only poet since the 18th century who has been a public man in his own country and the only poet since Milton who has been a public man at a time when his country was involved in a struggle for political liberty. This may not seem an important matter, but it is a question whether the kind of life lived by poets for the last two hundred years or so has not been one great reason for the drift of poetry away from the life of the community as a whole, and the loss of touch with tradition. Once the life of contemplation has been divorced from the life of action, or from real knowledge of men of action, something is lost which it is difficult to define, but which leaves poetry enfeebled and incomplete. Yeats responded with all his heart as a young man to the reality and the romance of Ireland's struggle but he lived to be completely disillusioned about the value of the Irish rebellion. He saw his dreams of liberty blotted out in horror by" the innumerable clanging wings that have put out the moon". It brought him to the final conclusion of the futility of all discipline that is not of the whole being, and of "how base at moments of excitement are minds without culture". But he remained a man to whom the life of action always meant something very real.

The title below that best expresses the main idea of this paragraph is ______.

A.The Basis of True Poetry

B.The Necessity of Culture

C.Action Versus Contemplation

D.Yeats as a Poet and Patriot



In width of scope, Yeats far exceeds any of his contemporaries. He is the only poet since the 18th century who has been a public man in his own country and the only poet since Milton who has been a public man at a time when his country was involved in a struggle for political liberty. This may not seem an important matter, but it is a question whether the kind of life lived by poets for the last two hundred years or so has not been one great reason for the drift of poetry away from the life of the community as a whole, and the loss of touch with tradition. Once the life of contemplation has been divorced from the life of action, or from real knowledge of men of action, something is lost which it is difficult to define, but which leaves poetry enfeebled and incomplete. Yeats responded with all his heart as a young man to the reality and the romance of Ireland's struggle but he lived to be completely disillusioned about the value of the Irish rebellion. He saw his dreams of liberty blotted out in horror by "the innumerable clanging wings that have put out the moon". It brought him to the final conclusion of the futility of all discipline that is not of the wlaole being, and of "how base at moments of excitement are minds without culture". But he remained a man to whom the life of action always meant something very real.

The title below that best expresses the main idea of this paragraph is ______.

A.The Basis of True Poetry

B.The Necessity of Culture

C.Action Versus Contemplation

D.Yeats as a Poet and Patriot



Of late, there have been several posts suggesting that America has no culture or that what culture it has is somehow inferior to that of other societies. Of course, it cannot be both. To suggest that America has, in some sense, an inferior culture is to grant that it has a culture.

America most definitely has culture and the culture of America is easily the most dominant of the world, whether it is McDonald's in the heart of what as once the center of the Evil Empire, or Arnold Schwarzenagger storming across German theatres, or Disneyland sending the French snobs into hysteria, American culture dominates Europe as never before. And it is not just Europe. Enter any shopping center in Asia and the odds are that the music blasting over the sound system is American pop music. Madonna look-alikes speak Mandarin Chinese.

Often, American culture is derided by the so-called "intellectuals." (And by that, I do not mean the traditional definition of those who use their intellect to make a living as, in a increasingly service economy, there are few people today who would not fit into that category but, rather, people who fancy themselves as in some way gifted to impose their views upon the rest of us, to save us from ourselves. )

What is it about American culture that annoys the "intellectuals" so much? It is precisely that which differentiates it from other cultures, particularly the cultures of Europe ("intellectuals" tending to be europhiles). Whereas European culture (and, indeed, most pre-industrial cultures) sprang from their traditions of aristocracy and the subservience of the ruling class, American culture serves the middle-class, the vulgar, if you will. Whereas European culture is concerned with what is exclusive and aloof, American culture is concerned with what is common and accessible. You don't need classes in school in rock music appreciation or the finer aspects of eating pizza.

Some have suggested that America is doomed because it has no culture. But the contrary is more likely the case. In spite of the best efforts of the multi-cultural fascists, America has yet to fulfill its manifest destiny primarily because its culture is not only dominating and assimilating immigrants from every comer of the world, it is, indeed reaching out to every comer of the world and creating a world community, a community centered on the individual, every individual not just those gifted with expensive tastes.

From the beginning of the passage we can infer that the author ______.

A.believes that America has culture despite its inferiority to others

B.agrees that America has no culture, let alone an inferior culture

C.objects to both of the views about American culture

D.tries to show objectively the two views about American culture



Of late, there have been several posts suggesting that America has no culture or that what culture it has is somehow inferior to that of other societies. Of course, it cannot be both. To suggest that America has, in some sense, an inferior culture is to grant that it has a culture.

America most definitely has culture and the culture of America is easily the most dominant of the world. Whether it is McDonald's in the heart of what was once the center of the Evil Empire, or Arnold Schwarzenagger storming across German theatres, or Disneyland sending the French snobs into hysteria, American culture dominates Europe as never before. And it is not just Europe. Enter any shopping center in Asia and the odds are that the music blasting over the sound system is American pop music. Madonna look-alikes speak Mandarin Chinese.

Often, American culture is derided by the so-called "intellectuals". (And by that, I do not mean the traditional definition of those who use their intellect to make a living as, in a increasingly service economy, there are few people today who would not fit into that category but, rather, people who fancy themselves as in some way gifted to impose their views upon the rest of us, to save us from ourselves.)

What is it about American culture that annoys the "intellectuals" so much? It is precisely that which differentiates it from other cultures, particularly the cultures of Europe ("intellectuals" tending to be europhiles). Whereas European culture (and, indeed, most pre-industrial cultures) sprang from their traditions of aristocracy and the subservience of society to the ruling class, American culture serves the middle-class, the vulgar, if you will. Whereas European culture is concerned with what is exclusive and aloof, American culture is concerned with what is common and accessible. You don't need classes in school in rock music appreciation or the finer aspects of eating pizza.

Some have suggested that America is doomed because it has no culture. But the contrary is more likely the case. In spite of the best efforts of the multi-cultural fascists, America has yet to fulfill its manifest destiny primarily because its culture is not only dominating and assimilating immigrants from every corner of the world, it is, indeed reaching out to every corner of the world and creating a world community, a community centered on the individual, every individual not just those gifted with expensive tastes.

From the beginning of the passage we can infer that the author ______.

A.believes that America has culture despite its inferiority to others

B.agrees that America has no culture, let alone an inferior culture

C.objects to both of the views about American culture

D.tries to show objectively the two views about American culture



As the Titanic was sinking and women and children climbed into lifeboats, the musicians from the ships band stood and played.They died when the ship went down.Men stood on the deck and smoked cigarettes. They died, too. This behavior. is puzzling to economists, who like to believe that people tend to act in their own self-interest. " There was no pushing," says David Savage, an economist at Queensland University in Australia who has studied witness reports from the survivors. It was"very, very orderly behavior. " Savage has compared the behavior. of the passengers on the Titanic with those on the Lusitania, another ship that also sank at about the same time. But when the Lusitania went down, the passengers panicked (恐慌). There were a lot of similarities between these two events. These two ships were both luxury ones, they had a similar number of passengers and a similar number of survivors. The biggest difference, Savage concludes, was time. The Lusitania sank in less than 20 minutes. But for the Titanic, it was two-and-a-half hours. " If youve got an event that lasts two-and-a-half hours, social order will takeover and everybody will behave in a social manner," Savage says. "If youre going down in under 17 minutes, basically its instinctual. " On the Titanic, social order ruled, and it was women and children first. On the Lusitania, instinct won out. The survivors were largely the people who could swim and get into the lifeboats. Yes, were self-interested, Savage says. But were also part of a society. Given time, social norms (规范) can beat our natural self-interest. A hundred years ago, women and children always went first. Men were stoic (坚韧的). On the Titanic, there was enough time for these norms to become forceful.

According to the author, economists were confused because______.

A.people"s behavior. was disorderly on the Titanic

B.people did not act in their own interest on the Titanic

C.most men did not act in their own interest on the Lusitania

D.women and children could not climb into the lifeboats



In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the best answer and write down on the answer sheet.

How does the developer of a large database system achieve(71)and data independence? How does the developer make certain that stored items are(72)and do not simply disappear in the immensities of the database, as if in quicksand?

One solution is to set up a(73)system, in which all data (the internal level), all records and files (the conceptual level), and all user interfaces (the external level) are controlled by one central programming group. This may seem the most useful solution. But worldwide enterprises such as the meteorological and satellite tracking networks, IBM, and General Motors gather and record information at a very large number of locations. To stay flexible and avoid top - heaviness, such an organization might want to avoid excessive centralization.

A centralized system is(74), but it may not be responsive to user needs. This is particularly true in a large organization - the worldwide meteorological network, for example, Data-gathering methods in the Himalayas, the equatorial jungles are different in very possible way. It is reasonable to believe that the best choices for the corresponding data storage and access structures ought to be just as different. A centralized database system would not(75)such differences.







听力原文:M: Well, madam, the first and the most important thing I have to tell you is that there is really nothing seriously wrong with you, physically that is. The analyst's report shows that basically you are very fit.

W: So, why is it that I'm always so nervous... tense... ready to jump on anybody-my husband, children, and colleagues?

M: I think your condition has a lot to do with your habits.

W: Habits?

M: Yes... now tell me, madam, you smoke, don't you?

W: Yes, I'm afraid I do, doctor.

M: And, very heavily, I imagine.

W: Yes, quite heavily.

M: What do you eat normally?

W: I'm a good eater. Yes, I'd say I'm a good eater. But usually, I don't eat breakfast.

M: That's bad for your health. I think you should get up early and have breakfast. And, another question, do you get up early?

W: No, I usually get up at 9:00 a. m. I get up late because I go to bed too late. I stay up late watching TV till the midnight.

M: What sport do you usually do?

W: I don't like sports. But sometimes I play cards with some friends, that may be my sport.

M: I think, madam, for your health, you'd better change your way of life.

The patient, according to the analyst's report, is

A.physically ill.

B.mentally ill.



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