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Country music is an American popular-music style.In its current form, country music is

a combination of two separate musical traditions: the styles of the Southeastern states and the music of the Southwest, especially Texas.Both styles influenced and were influenced by the blues and by black rural dance music.

The first country artists to be widely known achieved popularity in the late 1920s.The music of these performers was heard throughout the south during the 1920s and ''30s on radio programs.

By the 1950s, country music had become a significant force in pop music.Regular appearances on the radio show made stars of many performers.The singer-songwriter Hank Williams wrote four million-seller songs in 1950, seven in 1951, and four more in1953.

By the 1970s, some country musicians began combining country music with electric instruments, creating a country rock sound.

(1).What does “Both styles” in Paragraph 1 refer to? ()

A.Country music style. and the musical style. of the Southeastern states.

B.The musical styles of the Southwestern states and the Southeastern states.

C.The Southwestern musical style. and Texas musical style.

D.The styles of blues and the black rural dance music

(2).Country music was not really an important pop music until ().





(3).Hank Williams () in 1951.

A.wrote seven million songs

B.sold seven million copies of his songs

C.wrote seven songs

D.sold seven million copies of his seven songs

(4).Electric instruments add to country music a style. of ().

A.rock music


C.black music

D.Southern music

(5).What do you think can be a proper title of this passage? ()

A.Hank Williams, A Great Singer and Songwriter

B.The Influence of Blues and Black Music

C.A Brief Introduction to Country Music

D.Country Music Combined With Electric Instruments

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American Indian Movement (AIM) is an organization devoted to promoting cultural awareness and political self-determination for Native Americans. AIM seeks recognition of treaty rights in accordance with agreements between Native American tribes and the United States government. The organization also supports Native American education and cultural programs. AIM is best known for its confrontational political demonstrations during the late 192s and 1970s.

AIM was founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in response to complaints by Native American residents about police brutality. Members of the organization began to monitor police behavior. As the group gained strength, they also started to lobby for improved city services for the many Native Americans living in run-down tenant apartments, and they developed survival schools where Native American youths could be taught about their culture. Over the next four years, AIM expanded throughout the country, forming 40 chapters in cities and on reservations. AIM leaders, such as Dennis Banks and Russell Means, became well- known spokesmen for Native American rights.

AIM participated in a number of high-profile demonstrations from the late 192s through the late 1970s. From November 1969 to June 1971, AIM members participated in a 19-month occupation of Alcatraz Island, site of an abandoned federal prison in San Francisco Bay. The protest was intended to draw attention to the poor conditions of Native American reservations throughout the United States. The protesters proposed establishing a center for Native American studies on the island. Another group of Native Americans, allied with AIM, occupied a surplus military facility in Davis, California, beginning in October 194. These actions resulted in the establishment of Native American-controlled D-Q University in Davis in 1971. D-Q University is named for Deganawidah, an Iroquois prophet, and Quetzelcoatl, the Aztec god of peace and civilization.

AIM staged many demonstrations to protest the U.S. government's treatment of Native Americans and the loss of their ancestral lands. In 1970 organization members participated in an occupation of a portion of Mount Rushmore National Monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Two years later, AIM members staged a Thanksgiving Day protest at Plymouth, Massachusetts, where the Pilgrims had landed in 1620, and briefly occupied a replica of the Pilgrim ship, the Mayflower.

AIM played a critical role in organizing the 1972 "Trail of Broken Treaties". Native American protesters converged on Washington, D.C., just before the presidential election in November. Marchers met with government officials at the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA. to present a 20-point program of demands. With police massed outside, marchers took over the BIA building and renamed it the "Native American Embassy". The occupation ended after authorities agreed to appoint a committee to study the demands and not to arrest the protesters.

The next major AIM action was the 1973 occupation of the town of Wounded Knee, the site of an infamous massacre of Native Americans by U.S. troops in 1890. Invited by tribal elders to protest a corrupt tribal government, AIM members and local allies took over the tiny hamlet. They were soon surrounded by agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. marshals, and the BIA police. The ensuing siege lasted for 70 days and ended in a standoff. A committee was appointed to examine the grievances that had led to the occupation, but no official action was ever taken.

AIM began to splinter apart. The organization's national office closed in 1975, and all national officer positions were dissolved in 1979. Although AIM staged "The Longest Walk", a 1978 march from California to Washington, D)C), to protest bills introduced to the U.S. Congress that would reduce or abolish Native American treaty rights, the group foundered without natio

A.Because the Native American needed their own activity center.

B.Because of the police's bad and rude behaviour towards the Native American.

C.Because the Native American was segregated.

D.Because the American government realized the Native American's terrible living conditions.



American Indian Movement (AIM) is an organization devoted to promoting cultural awareness and political self-determination for Native Americans. AIM seeks recognition of treaty rights in accordance with agreements between Native American tribes and the United States government. The organization also supports Native American education and cultural programs. AIM is best known for its confrontational political demonstrations during the late 192s and 1970s.

AIM was founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in response to complaints by Native American residents about police brutality. Members of the organization began to monitor police behavior. As the group gained strength, they also started to lobby for improved city services for the many Native Americans living in run-down tenant apartments, and they developed survival schools where Native American youths could be taught about their culture. Over the next four years, AIM expanded throughout the country, forming 40 chapters in cities and on reservations. AIM leaders, such as Dennis Banks and Russell Means, became well-known spokesmen for Native American rights.

AIM participated in a number of high-profile demonstrations from the late 192s through the late 1970s. From November 1969 to June 1971, AIM members participated in a 19-month occupation of Alcatraz Island, site of an abandoned federal prison in San Francisco Bay. The protest was intended to draw attention to the poor conditions of Native American reservations throughout the United States. The protesters proposed establishing a center for Native American studies on the island. Another group of Native Americans, allied with AIM, occupied a surplus military facility in Davis, California, beginning in October 194. These actions resulted in the establishment of Native American-controlled D-Q University in Davis in 1971. D-Q University is named for Deganawidah, an Iroquois prophet, and Quetzelcoatl, the Aztec god of peace and civilization.

AIM staged many demonstrations to protest the U.S. government's treatment of Native Americans and the loss of their ancestral lands. In 1970 organization members participated in an occupation of a portion of Mount Rushmore National Monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Two years later, AIM members staged a Thanksgiving Day protest at Plymouth, Massachusetts, where the Pilgrims had landed in 1620, and briefly occupied a replica of the Pilgrim ship, the Mayflower.

AIM played a critical role in organizing the 1972 "Trail of Broken Treaties". Native American protesters converged on Washington, D.C., just before the presidential election in November. Marchers met with government officials at the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to present a 20-point program of demands. With police massed outside, marchers look over the BIA building and renamed it the "Native American Embassy". The occupation ended after authorities agreed to appoint a committee to study the demands and not to arrest the protesters.

The next major AIM action was the 1973 occupation of the town of Wounded Knee, the site of an infamous massacre of Native Americans by U.S. troops in 1890. Invited by tribal elders to protest a corrupt tribal government, AIM members and local allies took over the tiny hamlet. They were soon surrounded by agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. marshals, and the BIA police. The ensuing siege lasted for 70 days and ended in a standoff. A committee was appointed to examine the grievances that had led to the occupation, but no official action was ever taken.

AIM began to splinter apart. The organization's national office closed in 1975, and all national officer positions were dissolved in 1979. Although AIM staged "The Longest Walk", a 1978 march from California to Washington, D.C., to protest bills introduced to the U.S. Congress that would reduce or abolish Native American treaty rights, the group foundered without national lea

A.Because the Native American needed their own activity center.

B.Because of the police's bad and rude behaviour towards the Native American.

C.Because the Native American was segregated.

D.Because the American government realized the Native American's terrible living conditions.



American Indian Movement (AIM) is an organization devoted to promoting cultural awareness and political self determination for Native Americans. AIM seeks recognition of treaty rights in accordance with agreements between Native American tribes and the United States government. The organization also supports Native American education and cultural programs. AIM is best known for its confrontational political demonstrations during the late 192s and 1970s.

AIM was founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in response to complaints by Native American residents about police brutality. Members of the organization began to monitor police behavior. As the group gained strength, they also started to lobby for improved city services for the many Native Americans living in run-down tenant apartments, and they developed survival schools where Native American youths could be taught about their culture. Over the next four years, AIM expanded throughout the country, forming 40 chapters in cities and on reservations. AIM leaders, such as Dennis Banks and Russell Means, became well-known spokesmen for Native American rights.

AIM participated in a number of high-profile demonstrations from the late 192s through the late 1970s. From November 1969 to June 1971, AIM members participated in a 19-month occupation of Alcatraz Island, site of an abandoned federal prison in San Francisco Bay. The protest was intended to draw attention to the poor conditions of Native American reservations throughout the United States. The protesters proposed establishing a center for Native American studies on the island. Another group of Native Americans, allied with AIM, occupied a surplus military facility in Davis, California, beginning in October 194. These actions resulted in the establishment of Native American-controlled D-Q University in Davis in 1971. D-Q University is named for Deganawidah, an Iroquois prophet, and Quetzelcoatl, the Aztec god of peace and civilization.

AIM staged many demonstrations to protest the U.S. government's treatment of Native Amencans and the loss of their ancestral lands. In 1970 organization members participated in an occupation of a portion of Mount Rushmore National Monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Two years later, AIM members staged a Thanksgiving Day protest at Plymouth. Massachusetts, where the Pilgrims had landed in 1620, and briefly occupied a replica of the Pilgrim ship, the Mayflower.

AIM played a critical role in organizing the 1972 "Trail of Broken Treaties." Native American protesters converged on Washington, D)C), just before the presidential election in November. Marchers met with government officials at the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) m present a 20-point program of demands. With police massed outside, marchers took over the BIA building and renamed it the "Native American Embassy." The occupation ended after authorities agreed to appoint a committee to study the demands and not to arrest the protesters.

The next major AIM action was the 1973 occupation of the town of Wounded Knee, the site of an infamous massacre of Native Americans by U.S. troops in 1890. Invited by tribal elders to protest a corrupt tribal government, AIM members and local allies took over the tiny hamlet. They were soon surrounded by agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. marshals, and the BIA police. The ensuing siege lasted for 70 days and ended in a standoff. A committee was appointed to examine the grievances that had led to the occupation, but no official action was ever taken.

AIM began to splinter apart. The organization's national office closed in 1975, and all national officer positions were dissolved in 1979. Although AIM staged "The Longest Walk", a 1978 march from California to Washington, D)C), to protest bills introduced to the U.S. Congress that would reduce or abolish Native American. treaty rights, the group foundered without nationa

A.Because the Native American needed their own activity center.

B.Because of the police's bad and rude behaviour towards the Native American.

C.Because the Native American was segregated.

D.Because the American government realized the Native American's terrible living conditions.



Best Cities For Tech Workers

According to DataQuest's latest figures, the best jobs in technology are located in eight metropolitan areas: New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, San Diego, Houston, and Philadelphia.

DataQuest first began collecting this data five years ago. The list of top-tech cities has changed since then, but demand for tech workers has not —it has risen by twenty-five percent.

If you are pursuing a career in technology, but do not live in or near one of the top-tech cities, there are still plenty of opportunities.

Matthew Martinez, CEO of NetStaff, a high-tech staffing firm with offices around the country, said that the companies his company recruits for are always looking for more employees with tech expertise. According to Martinez, "For most areas it is currently an 'employees market,' meaning that many employees in technology are able to pick and choose their jobs, ask for better benefits, and arrange flexible work schedules."

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT one of the top-tech cities?







The school system of reaching for As underlies this country's culture, which emphasises the chase for economic excellence where wealth and status are must-haves.

Such a culture is hard to change.

So when I read of how the new Remaking Singapore Committee had set one of its goals as challenging the traditional roads to success, encouraging Singaporeans to realise alternative careers in the arts, sports, research or as entrepreneurs, I had my doubts about its success in this area, if not coupled with help from parents themselves.

It is good that the government wants to do something about the country's preoccupation with material success. But it will be a losing battle if the family unit itself is not involved because I believe the committee's success is rooted in a revamp of an entire culture built from 37 years of independence.

This makeover has to start with the most basic societal unit--the family.

Parents should not drown their children in mantras of I-want-hundred-marks. Tuition lessons are not the be-all and end-all of life. And a score of 70 for a Chinese paper is definitely not the end of life.

If ever I become a parent, I will bring my children camping. I will show them that cooking food in a mess tin over a campfire is fun. I will teach them that there is nothing dirty about lying on a sleeping bag over grass.

In fact, it is educational because Orion is up there in the night sky with all the other bright stars whose shapes and patterns tell something more than a myth. For instance, they give directions to the lost traveller, I will say.

And who knows, my child may become an astronomer years down the road. All because of the nights I spent with him watching the twinkles in the sky.

That's my point. Parents should teach their children that there's more to life than studies. Better still if the nation's leaders echo that idea as well.

This way, when their children aspire to be the next Joscelin Yeo, they won't feel like they are fighting a losing battle against a society that holds doctors and lawyers in awe.

In the author's opinion, the success of the Remaking Singapore Committee depends on, more than anything else, ______.

A.young people not caring about their scores

B.change of the entire culture

C.support from the nation's leaders

D.parents changing their attitude toward wealth and status



People’s attitude ____41___ gift-giving may ___42___ from country to country , _____43___ the desire to convey a feeling of friendship is universal. Here is an example to ___44___ the differences.

Japan is a _45_ country ,. It is not _46_in Japanto offer a gift to a person who is _47_ or hasbeen helpful. When people do that, the gifts _48_ be substantial and expensive. _49_, at least in the typical Japanesestyle, it is not _50_ to attach a thank-you note or card to the gift. Japanese people may express their _51_ and friendship directly through the gift they have _52_and given to the person they love andrespect.

In _53_, you are likely to get more cards_54_ gifts in the United States. A card may come with asmall gift or no gift at all. In general,American people don&39; t_55_ very much whether the gift is expensive or not. As a matter of _56_,your gift to them would be _57_ all whether the gift is expensive or not. As a matter of _56_,your gift to them would be _57_ all the more if you made it yourself _58_buying it from a store. And the words on the card seem to be the most important thing. _59_ someonedoes not have a card on hand,, he or shewould write you a thank-you note on a piece of paper, give it to you _60_ or put it in your pigeon hole.











B.Even though







45A.Gift give


C.Give receive










48A.Is likely to

B.Tend to

C.Turn to

D.Like to


























B.care about


D.Care to









58A.Instead of



D.Despite of





60A.In person

B.In man

C.By person

D.For person




Reading is not the only way to gain knowledge of the work in the past. There is another large reservoir (知识库) which may be called experience, and the college student will find that every craftsman (工匠) has something he can teach and will generally teach gladly to any college student who does not look down upon them. But the demonstration (示范) and report of what happens, and how it happens are correct even if the reports are in completely unscientific terms (术语). Presently the college student will learn, in this case also, what to accept and what to reject.

Another source of knowledge is the vast store of traditional practices handed down from father to son, or mother to daughter, of old country customs, of folklore (风俗). All this is very difficult for a college student to examine, for much knowledge and personal experience is needed here to separate good plants from wild grass. The college student should learn to realize and remember how much of real value science has found in this wide, confused wilderness.

In the last paragraph the phrase "this wide, confused wilderness" refers to

A.personal experience

B.wild weeds among good plants

C.the information from the parents

D.the vast store of traditional practices

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