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Being the ancient capital for six dynasties,Hangzhou is a ___city.

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The City of Winchester


Many visitors to Great Britain who make a point of visting the famous cultural shrines of Stratford, Oxford , Cambridge and Canterbury are less aware of the equally rewarding historical interest and the friendly individuality of the ancient capital, the city of Winchester.

This Hampshire centre of around 30,000 inhabitants has welcomed (and, on various occasions, repulsed) a succession of visitors for nearly three thousand years. Early tribes occupied it from time to time, and much later the Roman colonisers established a commercial centre with solidly-constructed straight roads radiating from it. It was Alfred the Great who, in the ninth century, made the small town the national centre of learning, though his statue dominating the main street recalls the warrior with raised cross-like sworD.Norman succeeded Sxon and soon the cathedral, one of the loveliest and richest in architectural interest in England, was being erected.A college was founded in the fourteenth century and even though a decline in the wood trade led to a period of economic stagnation, the college maintained the town's tradition of learning and is one of the most famous public schools of today.

Present-day traffic has destroyed much of the peace of the city centre. Private cars and buses which surge through the narrow streets at weekends may be supplemented on weekdays by lorries roaring on their way to Southampton. And yet away from the busier roads, the prevailing atmosphere remains one of calm meditation and contentment. From the smooth sun-flecked lawns of the Close, patterned with leaf-shadows from gently stirring foliage, rises the cathedral, its comfortable, square, late-Norman tower, its Norman transepts and severe Gothic nave suggesting that the beauty created by man, though not imperishable, may survive wars and revolutions, and represent the endurance of traditional values even in an age of undignified scurrying change.Certain houses round the Close may have provided homes for the loyal subjects of the first Queen Elizabeth when Shakespeare was learning to write. The youth Hostel, a mill standing on the city's river, is more than two hundred years olD.In well-mannered unobtrusiveness,the old buildings of the main street blend with the new, and a walk through the town centre is one of enjoyable discoveries.

The rounded hills of Southern England, among which the city is built, shelter a country-side of farms and picturesque villages, where, despite motor transport and television, many of the old rural traditions and mental attitudes are preserveD.

Winchester belongs to its surroundings: it is the appropriate centre of a region of prosperous,quiet, richly-green countryside. Lively, up-to-date and friendly, it maintains very many English traditions of fine domestic and ecclesiastical architecture, of graciousness and imperturbability, of richly inventive variety and peaceful dignity which are among the highest achievements of all those English planners and designers who created the heritage we now enjoy.

It appears that many visitors to Great Britain______.

A.find the city of Winchester very attractive

B.think Winchester comparable to other places of interest

C.are aware of the historical importance of Winchester

D.know less about Winchester than about other famous cultural shrines



The ancient silk road stated from , the ancient capital of China, and reached the Mediterranean through Central Asian countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Rome, with a total length of









The ancient Olympic Games (1) () part of a religious festival in honor (2) () the Greek god Zeus, the father of all Greek gods and goddesses. The festival and games (3) () in Olympia, a religious Sanctuary. In the ancient games, athletes received prizes worth large amounts of money. In fact the word "athlete" is an ancient Greek word, (4) () "one who competes (5) () a prize". The marathon was not an event of the ancient Olympic Games. The marathon is a modern event that was first (6) () in the Olympic Games in 1896. It was (7) () a village called Marathon (8)() the Persians (9) () by a small Greek army. The news of the victory was brought to Athens by a soldier, who ran the 26 miles from the village of Marathon to the capital. 26 miles was (10) () adopted as the distance of the modern marathon race.







(3).A、are hold


C、were held










(7).A、name for

B、named after

C、named of




(9).A、were defeated








As a world-famous ancient capital, Xi'an has been designated as the capital of _____ ancient Chinese dynasties.







The political crisis in Ukraine, where opposition protesters are burning campfires and setting up tents in the center of Kiev, is presenting a test for Russia, which gambled heavily on its neighbor's presidential election.

A defeat of the pro-Moscow candidate, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, would humiliate the Kremlin one year after another former Soviet Republic, Georgia, slipped from its influence, according to observers and political analysts.

The Ukrainian upheaval echoes what happened in Georgia, where protests over vote rigging led to the resignation of a Moscow-linked President and a landslide victory of a young, Western-educated and Western-oriented leader.

For Moscow, the stakes are even higher in Ukraine. Unlike Georgia, Ukraine shares close ethnic and linguistic ties with Russia; Kiev, Ukraine's capital, is the cradle of the Russian culture and the ancient capital of the first Russian state.

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wants to forge a closer union between three Slavic nations Russia, Ukraine, and tiny, authoritarian Belarns and Ukraine is key to the plan, Russian businesses have major interests in Ukraine, which borders Russia to the west. The Russian military also wants to have Ukraine as an ally over which it can hold sway, not as a potential NATO participant, the analysts said.

As other former republics turned away from Russia, Moscow "gets the feeling that Ukraine is its closest ally, with a symbolic significance," said Marsha Lipman of the Carnegie Moscow Center. "Russia has given itself a goal of getting a controllable Ukraine. I'm afraid it won't happen."

Putin quickly congratulated Yanukovych following Sunday's vote, which pitted the prime minister against opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko. But Western observers reported voting fraud, and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians rallied in protest.

"If the crisis lasts, .it will become a potential source of problems for Russia's relations with the West," said Alexander Pikayev, an independent politica! analyst in Moscow "Russia will have to share responsibility for the acute political crisis."

The Kremlin had come out early and strongly for Yanukovych before the election. Putin traveled twice to Ukraine, ahead of each round of voting. To support the official purpose of his first visit, attending anniversary celebrations of Ukraine's liberation from the Nazis in World War Ⅱ, the festivities were rescheduled for 10 days earlier than the actual date.

Since the vote, the Kremlin's propaganda machine has been in full swing. Russia's Channel One television, controlled by the Kremlin like all other major networks accused the Ukrainian opposition of breaking the law by declaring Yushehenko the rightfully elected President.

In his prime-time show, television commentator Mikhail Leontyev compared the Ukrainian opposition to Middle Eastern militants. "But this is not the Gaza Strip, and the chaos cannot go on indefinitely," he said, warning that protest strikes would only hurt ordinary people.

Russian television also aired reports on the anniversary of Georgia's "Rose Revolution" on Tuesday, saying the country was steeped in misery and poverty a year after the fall of the old government. Russian independent newspapers, however, which reach only a fraction of the TV audience, wrote about a different Georgia the same day telling how happy Georgians had decorated shop windows and restaurants with roses to celebrate.

Many Russians view Ukraine's powerful opposition as a kind of force that has disappeared in Russia under the increasingly authoritarian Putin administration.

Russia has not had a seriously contested presidential election since 1996, when Boris Yeltsin narrowly defeated a Communist challenger. The political opposition here is fractured and marginalized, ousted from parliament in last year's balloting closely directed by th

A.all of the former Soviet Republics betrayed Russia except Ukraine

B.Ukraine is the key to Putin's political plan

C.Ukraine is unlike Georgia in many aspects

D.Ukraine weighs more for its close link with Russia



The political crisis in Ukraine, where opposition protesters are burning campfires and setting up tents in the center of Kiev, is presenting a test for Russia, which gambled heavily on its neighbor's presidential election.

A defeat of the pro-Moscow candidate, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, would humiliate the Kremlin one year after another former Soviet Republic, Georgia, slipped from its influence, according to observers and political analysts.

The Ukrainian upheaval echoes what happened in Georgia, where protests over vote rigging led to the resignation of a Moscow-linked President and a landslide victory of a young, Western-educated and Western-oriented leader.

For Moscow, the stakes are even higher in Ukraine. Unlike Georgia, Ukraine shares close ethnic and linguistic ties with Russia; Kiev, Ukraine's capital, is the cradle of the Russian culture and the ancient capital of the first Russian state.

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wants to forge a closer union between three Slavic nations Russia, Ukraine, and tiny, authoritarian Belarns and Ukraine is key to the plan, Russian businesses have major interests in Ukraine, which borders Russia to the west. The Russian military also wants to have Ukraine as an ally over which it can hold sway, not as a potential NATO participant, the analysts said.

As other former republics turned away from Russia, Moscow "gets the feeling that Ukraine is its closest ally, with a symbolic significance," said Marsha Lipman of the Carnegie Moscow Center. "Russia has given itself a goal of getting a controllable Ukraine. I'm afraid it won't happen."

Putin quickly congratulated Yanukovych following Sunday's vote, which pitted the prime minister against opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko. But Western observers reported voting fraud, and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians rallied in protest.

"If the crisis lasts, .it will become a potential source of problems for Russia's relations with the West," said Alexander Pikayev, an independent politica! analyst in Moscow "Russia will have to share responsibility for the acute political crisis."

The Kremlin had come out early and strongly for Yanukovych before the election. Putin traveled twice to Ukraine, ahead of each round of voting. To support the official purpose of his first visit, attending anniversary celebrations of Ukraine's liberation from the Nazis in World War Ⅱ, the festivities were rescheduled for 10 days earlier than the actual date.

Since the vote, the Kremlin's propaganda machine has been in full swing. Russia's Channel One television, controlled by the Kremlin like all other major networks accused the Ukrainian opposition of breaking the law by declaring Yushehenko the rightfully elected President.

In his prime-time show, television commentator Mikhail Leontyev compared the Ukrainian opposition to Middle Eastern militants. "But this is not the Gaza Strip, and the chaos cannot go on indefinitely," he said, warning that protest strikes would only hurt ordinary people.

Russian television also aired reports on the anniversary of Georgia's "Rose Revolution" on Tuesday, saying the country was steeped in misery and poverty a year after the fall of the old government. Russian independent newspapers, however, which reach only a fraction of the TV audience, wrote about a different Georgia the same day telling how happy Georgians had decorated shop windows and restaurants with roses to celebrate.

Many Russians view Ukraine's powerful opposition as a kind of force that has disappeared in Russia under the increasingly authoritarian Putin administration.

Russia has not had a seriously contested presidential election since 1996, when Boris Yeltsin narrowly defeated a Communist challenger. The political opposition here is fractured and marginalized, ousted from parliament in last year's balloting closely directed by th

A.all of the former Soviet Republics betrayed Russia except Ukraine

B.Ukraine is the key to Putin's political plan

C.Ukraine is unlike Georgia in many aspects

D.Ukraine weighs more for its close link with Russia

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