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Flowcharts, or process charts, show a sequence, a procedure, or the flow of a process. Flo

wcharts show how different activities, ingredients, or procedures are interrelated. A chart should have a clear, well-defined instructional purpose. If you are developing own charts, be sure they contain the minimum of visual and verbal information needed for understanding.

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A.The building method the builders use to save energy.

B.The limit of the flow of air between inside and outside.

C.The use of man-made building materials.

D.The limit of air-flow and the man-made materials.



How is the flow rate of a hydroelectric power station quantified?

A.The depth of the water.

B.Volume over time.

C.Speed over time.

D.The width of the water.



How is the flow rate of a hydroelectric power station quantified?

A.The depth of the water.

B.Volume over time.

C.Speed over time.

D.The width of the water.



A future of temporary networks would seem to run counter to the wave of mergers sweeping the global economy. The headlines of the business press tell the story, "Compaq buys Digital"; "WorldCom buys MC1"; "Citibank merges with Travelers"; "Daimler-Benz acquires Chrysler" Yet when we look beneath the surface of all merger and acquisition activity, we see signs of a counter-phenomenon: the disintegration of the large corporation.

Twenty-five years ago, one in five US workers was employed by a Fortune 500 company. Today, the ratio has dropped to less than one in 10. Large companies are far less vertically integrated than they were in the past and rely more and more on outside suppliers to produce components and provide services. While big companies control ever larger flows of cash, they are exerting less and less direct control over actual business activity. They are, you might say, growing hollow.

Even within large corporations, decisions are increasingly being pushed to lower levels. Workers are rewarded not for efficiently carrying out orders but for figuring out what needs to be done and doing it. Many large industrial companies have broken themselves up into numerous independent units that transact business with one another almost as if they were separate companies.

What underlies this trend? The answers lie in the basic economics of organizations. Business organizations are, in essence, mechanisms for co-ordination. They exist to guide the flow of work, materials, ideas and money, and the form. they take is strongly affected by the co-ordination technologies available. When it is cheaper to conduct transactions internally, within the bounds of a corporation, organizations grow larger, but when it is cheaper to conduct them externally, with independent entities in the open market, organizations stay small or shrink.

The co-ordination technologies of the industrial era—the train and the telegraph, the car and the telephone, the mainframe. computer and the fax machine—made internal transactions not only possible but advantageous. Companies were able to manage large organizations centrally, which provided them with economies of scale in manufacturing, marketing, distribution and other activities. It made economic sense to control many different functions and businesses directly and to hire the legions of administrators and supervisors needed to manage them. Big was good.

But with the introduction of powerful personal computers and broad electronic networks— the coordination technologies of the 21st century—the economic equation changes. Because information can be shared instantly and inexpensively among many people in many locations, the value of centralized decision-making and bureaucracy decreases. Individuals can manage themselves, co-ordinating their efforts through electronic links with other independent parties. Small becomes good.

In one sense, the new co-ordination technologies enable us to return to the pre-industrial organizational model of small, autonomous businesses. But there is one crucial difference: electronic networks enable these microbusinesses to tap into the global reservoirs of information, expertise and financing that used to be available only to large companies. The small companies enjoy many of the benefits of the big without sacrificing the leanness, flexibility and creativity of the small.

In the future, as communications technologies advance and networks become more efficient, the shift to e-lancing promises to accelerate. Should this happen, the dominant business organization of the future may not be a stable, permanent corporation but rather an elastic network that might sometimes exist for no more than a day or two. We will enter the age of the temporary company.

Why does the author say "the big companies are growing hollow" ?



Fire can be thought of as any combustion process intense enough to emit light. It may be a quietly burning flame or the brilliant flash of an explosion.

A typical combustion process is the burning of gasoline in an automobile engine. The vaporized fuel is mixed with air, compressed in the engine's cylinder, and ignited by a spark. As the fuel flames up, the heat produced flows into the adjacent layer of unburned fuel and ignites it. In this way a zone of first spreads throughout the fuel mixture until the combustion wave.

The speed at which such a combustion wave travels through a fuel mixture is called the burning velocity of the mixture. The burning velocity of a gas such as methane quietly burning in air is only about one foot per second. By comparison, the burning velocity of more reactive combinations such as the rocket fuels, hydrogen and fluorine, can be hundreds of feet per second.

If the fuel flows at the same speed as the combustion wave, the result is a stationary flame, like the one in your kitchen gas burner. In the kitchen burner a jet of gas mixed with airflows from the openings in the head of the burner. If the velocity of the fuel mixture flowing from the opening is greater than its burning velocity, the flame blows out.

In jet engines speeding through the air at 500 to 600 miles per hour, the engine's flame is sometimes blown out by the blast of air entering the combustion chamber at high speeds. Jet pilots call this condition "flameout."

Combustion can sometimes occur very slowly. A familiar example of slow combustion is the drying of ordinary oil based paint. In this chemical reaction, called oxidation, the oxygen in the air reacts with the drying oil in the paint to provide a tough film. The linseed oil molecules link together, forming an insoluble coating. Another example is the hardening, and cracking of rubber with age. One way to avoid this is to incorporate certain chemicals called inhibitors into the compound.

How can the chemical reaction involved in such a quiet process as the drying of paint also produce spectacular flames and explosions? The main difference between the two is the temperature at which they occur.

At lower temperatures the reaction must take place over a long time. The heat, which is slowly produced, is dissipated to the surroundings and does not speed up the reaction. When the heat produced 'by the low temperature reaction is retained instead of being dissipated, the system breaks into flame. This is the process that accounts for a major fire hazard, spontaneous combustion, as when oily rags suddenly burst into flame.

In a flame or explosion, the reactions are extremely fast. In many chemical processes, however, such a rapid oxidation process would be extremely destructive.


A.their burning velocities differ in rate

B.oxidation is a chemical reaction while fire is a physical reactionp

C.oxidation does not create heat

D.they occur at different temperatures



回答下列各题 Women with low literacy suffer disproportionately more than men,encountering more 47 in finding awell-paying job and being twice as likely to end up in the group of lowest wageearners, a study released on Wednesday said. Analysis by the Institute for Womens Policy Research (IWPR) foundwomen at all levels of 48 tend toearn less than men, but its at the lowest literacy levels that the wage gapbetween genders is most striking. Women with low literacy are twice as 49 as men at the same skill level to be amongthe lowest earners,bringing in $300 a week or less, the report said. "Because women start off so low in terms of wages, havinghigher literacy and more skills really 50 a big difference," said Kevin Miller,a 51research associate at IWPR and co-author of the study. Women need to go 52 in their training and education level to earnthe same as men, Miller said. The 53 was based on 2009 National Assessment ofAdult Literacy surveys, the most recent data 54 ,and focused on reading skills, not writingand numeric literacy. That data was 55 from a nationally representative sample of19,714 people aged 16 and older, living in households or prisons. Data showed about one-third of American adults have low literacylevels, and more than 36 percent of men and 33 percent of women fall into that 56 , the institute said. A.pattern I.conducted B.senior J.independent C.longer K.literacy D.difficulties L.analysis E.category M.likely F.collected N.further G.positions O.makes H.available 47__________



Which two statements about Junos software packet handling are correct?()(Choose two.)

A. The Junos OS applies service ALGs only for the first packet of a flow.

B. The Junos OS uses fast-path processing only for the first packet of a flow.

C. The Junos OS performs policy lookup only for the first packet of a flow.

D. The Junos OS applies SCREEN options for both first and consecutive packets of a flow.



The Stemeresch Water Treatment Plant

It is the goal of the Stemeresch Water Treatment Plant to keep the Stemeresch River, the streams that flow into it, and our entire water supply as clean and healthy as possible. We want the people who live in San Realto Township and the visitors to this great city to enjoy all we have to offer, from parks and shopping, to golf courses and swimming pools. None of this would be possible without our water supply.

Each month, the Stemeresch Water Treatment Plant reclaims about a quarter of the water that passes through the plant(about 1.0 million gallons) and uses it to irrigate landscaping for the city's parks and recreation areas. Additionally, all so-called biosolids that are removed from the wastewater process are dried and tested to make sure they meet Class A requirements, which means the solids can be recycled as fertilizer.

The Mission of the Water Pollution Administration is to efficiently, effectively, and professionally:

collect and treat wastewater

recycle biosolids responsibly

protect the health and safety of the local community

protect the water quality of the Stemeresch River and streams

supplement the water supply with recycled water for park irrigation

promote discussion about water treatment and conservation with the public

Which of the following is a stated goal of the Stemeresch Water Treatment Plant?

A.To recycle biosolids

B.To educate the public

C.To create job opportunities

D.To test the township water supply



What are the four basic Data Flow steps of an ETL process?


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