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Please translate this passage into Chinese: Spatia...

Please translate this passage into Chinese: Spatial resolution is a measure of the smallest object that can be resolved by the sensor, or the area on the ground represented by each pixel. The finer the resolution, the lower the number. For instance, a spatial resolution of 79 meters is coarser than a spatial resolution of 10 meters. The terms large-scale imagery and small-scale imagery often refer to spatial resolution. Scale is the ratio of distance on a map as related to the true distance on the ground. Large-scale in remote sensing refers to imagery in which each pixel represents a small area on the ground, such as SPOT data, with a spatial resolution of 10 m or 20 m. Small scale refers to imagery in which each pixel represents a large area on the ground, such as Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data, with a spatial resolution of 1.1 km. This terminology is derived from the fraction used to represent the scale of the map, such as 1:50,000. Small-scale imagery is represented by a small fraction (one over a very large number). Large-scale imagery is represented by a larger fraction (one over a smaller number). Generally, anything smaller than 1:250,000 is considered small-scale imagery.

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Section A

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

The theory of social Darwinism generally claims that individuals, groups and peoples or cultures are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as are plants and animals.The theory holds that "superior" individuals or groups survived and succeeded while the inferior disappeared, with a consequent benefit to society, and that the existing order must be the natural one. Any individual, group or institution that survives the struggle to exist over a long period of time is regarded as having displayed evidence for its own "natural" superiority and legitimacy, similar to the Darwinian concept of "survival of the fittest". In history, this theory has been questioned because it could be easily used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism.



Section A

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

One of the chief concerns of wildlife management is the protection and improvement of the nature habitat so that animals have enough food and water to survive. Wildlife management involves care of the soil to produce good vegetation; it also involves care of plants, not only as a source of food, but also as protection. Animals need cover to hide from their natural enemies and to raise their young safely.

Just as crops are harvested wildlife too must sometimes be "harvested". By allowing limited hunting, good management can control certain species that threaten to overpopulate their habitat.



Section A

Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

The standardized educational or psychological test that are widely used to aid in selecting,classifying,assigning,or promoting students,employees,and military personnel have been the target of recent attacks in books,magazines,the daily press,and even in congress. The target is wrong,for in attacking the tests,critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users. The tests themselves are merely tools,with characteristics that can be measured with reasonable precision under specified conditions. Whether the results will be valuable,meaningless,or even misleading depends partly upon the tool itself but largely upon the user.



Translate the following passage into Chinese. Air Travel Many people prefer to travel by air. This is because air travel has some advantages. First, airplane is the fastest means of transport today, and it takes the least time for people to travel from one place to another, thus saving them a lot of time. Besides, air travel is very comfortable. The friendly air hostesses will look after your every need. On long flights, there are films and music to entertain you. On the other hand, traveling by air has its disadvantages. Perhaps the most obvious is the element of danger involved. We often hear of the news about hijackings and crashes. To conclude, although flying involves risk, I would say that the advantages outlined above outweigh the disadvantages. If I were asked to choose between traveling by air and traveling by train, I would choose the former. ()



Directions: Translate the underlined sentences in the following passage into Chinese.

Instead &trying to reduce the discontent felt, try to raise the level or quality of the discontent. Perhaps the most that can be hoped for is to have high-order discontent in today's society, discontent about things that really matter. 【B1】 Rather than evaluating programs in terms of how happy they make people, how satisfied those people become, programs must be evaluated in terms of the quality of the discontent they engender. For example, if consultant wants to assess, whether or not an organization is healthy, he doesn't ask, "Is there an absence of complaints, but rather, "What kinds of complaints are there?

【B2】 Instead of trying to make gradual changes in small increments, make big changes. After all, big changes are relatively easier to make than are small ones. Some people assume that the way to bring about improvement is to make the change small enough so that nobody will notice it. This approach has never worked, and one can't help but wonder why such thinking continues. Everyone knows how to resist small changes; they do it all the time. If, however, the change is big enough, resistance can't be mobilized against it. 【B3】 Management can make a sweeping organizational change, but just let a manager, try. to change someone' s desk from here to there, and see the great difficulty he encounters. All change is resisted, so the question is how can the changes be made big enough so that they have a chance of succeeding?

Buck Minster Fuller has said that instead of reforms society needs new forms; e.g., in order to reduce traffic accidents, improve automobiles and highways instead of trying to improve drivers. The same concept should be applied to human relations. There's a need to think in terms of social architecture, and to provide arrangements among people that evoke what they really want to see in themselves. 【B4】 Mankind takes great pains with physical architecture, and is beginning to concern itself with the design of systems in which the human being is a component. But most of these designs are only for safety, efficiency, or productivity. System designs are not made to affect those aspects of life people care most about such as family life, romance, and esthetic experiences. 【B5】 Social technology as well as physical technology need to be applied in making human arrangements that will transcend anything mankind has yet experienced. People need not be victimized by their environments; they can be fulfilled by them.




Please translate this sentence “Which is the transfer station?” into Chinese.


Please translate the following phrase into Chinese. domestic trade



Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

This is an exciting moment, where the torch and torch relay route will be presented to the world. The Olympic flame carried by the torch and passed around the world from the torch bearer to torch bearer will stimulate the excitement in the peoples across the globe and foucus on the attention at the coming Beijing Games.

By traveling along the historical "Silk Road", a symbol of ancient trade links between China and the rest of the world, crossing the five continents and going to new places, the Beijing 2008 Torch Relay will, as its theme says, be a "journey of harmony", bringing friendship and respect to people of different nationalities, races and creeds.




Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

"And this here old dog," he continued, touching Tally's upturned nose with his knotted fingers, "this here old dog has followed me for—for ten years; through floods and droughts, through fair times and—and hard—mostly hard; and kept me from going mad when I had no mate nor money on the lonely track; and watched over me for weeks when I was drunk- drugged and poisoned at the cursed shanties; and saved my life more'n once, and got kicks and curses very often for thanks; and forgave me for it all; and—and fought for me. He was the only living thing that stood up for me against that crawling push of curs when they set onto me at the shanty back yonder—and he left his mark on some of 'em too; and—and so did I."

He took another spell.

Then he drew in his breath, shut his teeth hard, shouldered his swag, stepped into the doorway, and faced round again.



We had great trouble ______ (translate) this poem from Chinese into English.

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