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【判断题】During the past two decades, many governments have adopted free-market economic sy

stems, vastly increasing their own productive potential and creating numerous new opportunities for international trade and investment.

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【判断题】In the UK most newspapers have reduced the...

【判断题】In the UK most newspapers have reduced the newspaper to tabloid size in a bid to capture younger readers, although because “tabloid” has a connotation of “downmarket”, some of the papers refer to the new size as “compact”. The above sentence can be paraphrased as: In the UK the larger broadsheet newspaper which traditionally is designed for educated readers is contracted to smaller size. In case the low image of tabloid-sized newspapers might discourage readers, the neutral term “compact” is being used.



【简答题】Re-Entry Students Re-Entry students have a...

【简答题】Re-Entry Students Re-Entry students have a positive effect on college students, instructors, and the community. They are called “re-entry” students because they have been out of school for a period of time and have come back. Often students take college courses and then leave school for a variety of reasons: jobs, military training, family obligations, indecision about careers. No longer are college classes primarily made up of 18- to 20-year-old recent high school graduates. In many colleges, the average age of all students is approaching 30 years. Occasionally a student graduates from college for the first time at the age of 70 years or older. For younger students, re-entry students are often models of dedication and hard work. Returning men and women help set a mature tone in the classroom, and their life experiences add to the enjoyment of class discussions. Instructors often notice improved student interaction in a class with a wide variety of ages and backgrounds. Students who have had careers in the workplace, the military, or as homemakers add a wealth of information and perspective to a class. Finally, the community benefits from better-educated citizens of all ages. Private businesses and government agencies get workers with better skills and the community gets better-informed citizens and voters. When students re-enter college to improve their lives, they also improve the lives of countless others.



【填空题】Matching Paragraph Headings The reading pa...

【填空题】Matching Paragraph Headings The reading passage has seven paragraphs: A – G. Choose the most suitable paragraph headings A – G from the list of headings beneath the passage. Write the appropriate numbers (i –ix) in the text boxes below the headings. There are more paragraph headings than paragraphs so you will not use them all. Yoruba Town (Adopted from:http://www.ieltsbuddy.com/paragraph-headings.html) A. The Yoruba people of Nigeria classify their towns in two ways. Permanent towns with their own governments are called “ilu”, whereas temporary settlements, set up to support work in the country are “aba”. Although ilu tend to be larger than aba, the distinction is not one of size, some aba are large, while declining ilu can be small, but of purpose. There is no “typical” Yoruba town, but some features are common to most towns. B. In the 19th century most towns were heavily fortified and the foundations of these walls are sometimes visible. Collecting tolls to enter and exit through the walls was a major source of revenue for the old town rulers, as were market fees. The markets were generally located centrally and in small towns, while in large towns there were permanent stands made of corrugated iron or concrete. The market was usually next to the local ruler’s palace. C. The palaces were often very large. In the 1930’s, the area of Oyo’s palace covered 17 acres, and consisted of a series of courtyards surrounded by private and public rooms. After colonisation, many of the palaces were completely or partially demolished. Often the rulers built two storey houses for themselves using some of the palace grounds for government buildings. D. The town is divided into different sections. In some towns these are regular, extending out from the center of the town like spokes on a wheel, while in others, where space is limited, they are more random. The different areas are further divided into compounds called “ile”. These vary in size considerably from single dwellings to up to thirty houses. They tend to be larger in the North. Large areas are devoted to government administrative buildings. Newer developments such as industrial or commercial areas or apartment housing for civil servants tends to be build on the edge of the town. E. Houses are rectangular and either have a courtyard in the center or the rooms come off a central corridor. Most social life occurs in the courtyard. They are usually built of hardened mud and have roofs of corrugated iron or, in the countryside, thatch. Buildings of this material are easy to alter, either by knocking down rooms or adding new ones. And can be improved by coating the walls with cement. Richer people often build their houses of concrete blocks and, if they can afford to, build two storey houses. Within compounds there can be quite a mixture of building types. Younger well-educated people may have well furnished houses while their older relatives live in mud walled buildings and sleep on mats on the floor. F. The builder or the most senior man gets a room either near the entrance or, in a two storied house, next to the balcony. He usually has more than one room. Junior men get a room each and there are separate rooms for teenage boys and girls to sleep in. Younger children sleep with their mothers. Any empty room are used as storage, let out or, if they face the street, used as shops. G. Amenities vary. In some towns most of the population uses communal water taps and only the rich have piped water, in others piped water is more normal. Some areas have toilets, but bucket toilets are common with waste being collected by a “night soil man”. Access to water and electricity are key political issues. 窗体顶端 Match the correct heading to the paragraph A-G. 1- Town facilities 2-Oyo’s palace 3-Urban divisions 4-Architectural home styles 5- Types of settlements 6- Historical foundations 7 - Domestic arrangements 8- City defenses 9- Various changes 窗体底端 10- Government buildings A______B_______C________D_______ E______F_______G_________



【判断题】Companies have become aware of the need to...

【判断题】Companies have become aware of the need to gather talent. Managing talent has become more important to a much wider range of companies than it used to be. One result has been that human resources departments have gained in status. A survey by Aon, a consultancy, identified 172 HR executives who were among the five best-paid managers in their companies. That would have been unheard of a few years ago. Companies are now beginning to gain insights into managing talent that should allow them to tackle the problem in a more organized way. The first rule is to think more carefully about critical talent. UPS, an international shipping company, reduced the turnover rate among the people who drive its trucks and deliver its packages. It found that even though it selected its drivers with great care, turnover was uncomfortably high, mainly because drivers hated the back-breaking work of loading the trucks in the morning. So the company contracted out this job to part-timers who are much easier to find than drivers. Second, it is essential to plan ahead. EDS, a giant technology company, has built a global skills inventory of its 100,000-strong workforce. The company compared the workforce’s current skills with its future needs and set about filling the gaps by encouraging workers to acquire relevant new skills. Third, companies need to be more imaginative about recruiting and retaining talent. That includes paying more attention to “passive candidates”—those who are not actively looking for a job but might be open to an approach from another company (see chart below). Popular techniques include attending conferences in order to speak to stars and buying information about competing firms (including names of key workers). The fourth rule is to create internal markets for talent. Many HR departments instinctively look outside. The typical American company spends nearly 50 times more to recruit a professional on $100,000 than it spends on his or her further training every year. Moreover, new recruits can take more than a year to learn a job. One solution is to establish an internal market, encouraging workers to apply for jobs across the company. Schlumberger encourages its employees to post detailed CVs on the company intranet; McKinsey allows consultants from all over the world to apply for any project within the company. Nevertheless, there is not a consensus on the best way to manage talent. The more valuable the talent, the more difficult it is to manage. In business, as everywhere else, world-class talent sometimes comes in unexpected guises. Ray Kroc sold milkshake machines to restaurants before starting to build McDonald’s at the age of 52. David Ogilvy was a chef, a farmer and a spy before becoming an advertising genius. Read the following passage about talent management and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). HR executives have always been among the highest wage earners.



Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that t...

Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that the skill demands of today’s jobs have outstripped the skills workers possess. Moss and Tilly counter that worker deficiencies lie less in job-specific skills than in such attributes as motivation, interpersonal skills, and appropriate work demeanor. However, Handel suggests that these perceived deficiencies are merely an age effect, arguing that workers pass through a phase of early adulthood characterized by weak attachment to their jobs. As they mature, workers grow out of casual work attitudes and adjust to the workplace norms of jobs that they are more interested in retaining. Significantly, complaints regarding younger workers have persisted for over two decades, but similar complaints regarding older workers have not grown as the earlier cohorts aged. The last sentence serves primarily to

A、suggest that worker deficiencies are likely to become more pronounced in the future

B、introduce facts that Handel may have failed to take into account

C、cite evidence supporting Handel’s argument about workers

D、show that the worker deficiencies cited by Handel are more than an age effect

E、distinguish certain skills more commonly possessed by young workers from skills more commonly found among mature workers



【判断题】From Helen, the waitress gained confidence.


One advantage market economies have over centrally-planned economies is that market economies

A、provide an equal distribution of goods and services to households.

B、establish a significant role for government in the allocation of resources.

C、solve the problem of scarcity.

D、are more efficient.



【填空题】AV Clip 14: Smoking and Social Class [图]A...

【填空题】AV Clip 14: Smoking and Social ClassAV 14 Smoking & Social Class.avi Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. The ill effects of smoking are now well documented. Smokers have high rates of heart disease, many types of cancer and great risks for (1)__________ death. But few studies have examined the (2)_________ between social class and smoking. Typically, people with more financial (3)________ enjoy better health. But the new research finds that smoking negated the benefit of social (4)_________. Doctors in Scotland tracked 15,000 middle-aged people for twenty years. They found people in higher social classes were (5)__________ less likely to smoke. However, more than four in ten still smoke regularly. But wealth offers no (6) ___________ from diseases linked to smoking. Across all classes, men and women who smoke were two or three times as likely to die from lung cancer. Non-smoking women have the greatest (7)_________ more than half still alive at the end of the study. There is also good news for those who have (8)________ the habit. The former smokers have the survival odds very close to participants who have never smoked. Answers:



【填空题】AV Clip 5: The Importance of Water Listen ...

【填空题】AV Clip 5: The Importance of Water Listen to a passage three times and while listening, you are to put the missing word in each numbered blank according to what you hear. Experts say water is important for many reasons. Between fifty-five and seventy-five percent of the body is water. Water in blood carries (1)__________ and antibodies through the body. Water in urine carries away waste materials. Water is needed for (2)_________ the body on hot days, and when we are working or exercising. Water carries body heat to the surface of the skin. There, the heat is lost through (3)____________. Health experts say adults should drink about two liters of water a day to (4)________ all the water lost in liquid wastes and perspiration. They say people should drink more than that in hot weather. Experts say it is important to drink before, during and after (5)________. They say we should drink water even before we start to feel like we need something to drink. During hot weather, cool liquids are best. Also, (6)________ sweet drinks and alcohol. We need to add that doctors also say it is possible to drink too much water. Some people, for example, do this if they exercise hard during a (7) _______ wave. Experts with the Mayo Clinic say drinking too much water can cause hyponatremia. In this condition, the level of (8) ______ in the blood falls too low. The result is that the amount of water in the body increases. This causes cells to become larger. Mayo Clinic experts say the (9)________ cells can cause a person to become sick or (10)________. They also can interfere with mental ability, make (11)________ weak and cause pain in the head. In a mild case, simply reducing fluids may be all that the person needs. But medical help is necessary if the condition is more(12) _________.

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