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【判断题】In order to save time or total cost, or for specialized application, many devices combine input and output devices.

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听力原文: The traditional American family used to have a working father, a housewife-mother, and two or three children. But in the last 25 years, this picture has changed. Now we have many different kinds of families and living situations besides this traditional one. For example, there are many single mothers and single fathers who are raising children by themselves. There are married couples who decide that they don't want any children. Sometimes adult children who have been living alone for a long time come back and live with their parents again. You can also find groups of older people sharing a house in order to save money. And there are many other examples of new types of families in this country.

Why has the traditional family changed so much? Well, the reasons are both social and economic. First, as you know, the divorce rate is high in our culture; as a result, we have many single-parent families. Second, there is unemployment among young adults. If they cannot find a job, many times they return home and live with their parents again. But of course the most important reason for the changes in the American family is all American women are now working or looking for work. This means that more than half of all American homes do not have a full-time homemaker any more.


A.Traditional American family.

B.Modern American family.

C.Women's role in American family.

D.Changes in the American families and reasons.



People take photographs for a 【C1】______ of reasons but the most 【C2】______ is to make a record of something in order to show others and to look back on in times to come. The subject is the sole reason for taking pictures like these and aesthetic standards are not usually a consideration as long as the image is sharp and clear. 【C3】______ for those us who call ourselves photographers the situation is often 【C4】______ and the subject becomes 【C5】______ much less importance than the visual and photographic quality of the image.

I've just spent a few days in Paris and have returned home without a single picture of the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe or Notre Dame. Why? Because during the time of my visit the weather and the 【C6】______ would not have produced the sort of quality and atmosphere I wanted my photographs to have. If I'd simply wanted a visual record of these places I would have been much better 【C7】______ buying a postcard. On the other hand I did take a shot of some wet cobblestones that I'm pretty pleased with, although as a visual memento of Paris it leaves something 【C8】______ .

It's not unreasonable to ask why taking a photograph of wet cobblestones should be more 【C9】______ to me than shooting a beautiful building like Notre Dame. The answer is that the former was rich in many of the key visual elements which give an image that elusive eye-catching quality, whereas, on the day of my visit, Notre Dame was noticeably 【C10】______ them.

As a travel photographer I often find myself in beautiful places knowing that what I'm seeing and experiencing is simply not going to make a striking photograph and I 【C11】______ find that very frustrating. But it's important to be able to recognise this. It's sad when you have to make excuses for a photograph. It was stunning but the photograph just hasn't come 【C12】______ very well. It was probably not there to begin with and building a reputation as a photographer has as much to do with the photographs you don't take as it has with 【C13】______ you do.

Our vision is greatly influenced by factors which cannot be recorded on film, such as sounds, smells and even our mood. I'm sure you've taken what you thought would be great pictures 【C14】______ stimulated by an exciting event, a beautiful view, or simply when enjoying yourself, only to find that your pictures have captured nothing of what you believed to be 【C15】______ . I know I have.








In order to be qualified, the applicant should______.

A.be able to speak several languages

B.be able to work on night shifts

C.be at least 21 years old

D.work full-time



听力原文: For all its benefits, television's influence has been extremely harmful to the young. Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world; that commercials lie in order to sell products that are sometimes bad or useless. They believe and want to imitate what they see. They do believe that they will make more friends if they use a certain soap, or some other product. By the time they are out of high school, most young people have watched about 15,000 hours of television, and have seen about 18,000 killings or other acts of violence. How could they be choked to see the same in real life? All educators and psychologists agree that they "television generations" are more violent than their parents and grandparents. It is certain that television has deeply transformed our lives and our society. It is certain that, along with its benefits, it has brought enormous problems. To those problems we must soon find a solution because—whether we like it or not—television is here to stay.


A.Television's bad effects on the young.

B.Television's bad effects on society in general.

C.The history of television.

D.The good sides of television.



Artists use caricature(漫画) to distort the human

face or figure for comic affect, while at the same 【M1】______

time capturing an identifiable likeness and suggest the 【M2】______

essence of personality or character beneath the surface.

The humor lies in the fact the caricature is 【M3】______

recognizable, and yet exaggerated.

From their origin in Europe as witty sketches, 【M4】______

caricature grew through eighteenth and nineteenth 【M5】______

centuries, becoming enormously popular in United 【M6】______

States early in this century. In the 1920s and 1930s

especially, this lively form. of illustration was appeared 【M7】______

in newspapers and magazines throughout the country. The

caricaturists in this era drew their

portraits of important figures primary to entertain. In 【M8】______

spirit their work was close to the humor of the fast developing 【M9】______

comic strip and gag cartoon than to the

sting of political satire. Their subjects were more often

amusing than offended by their amiable attacks. 【M10】______




Herman Hollerith devised an electromechanical machine in order to ______.

  A.save time

  B.accept punch cards

  C.allow a current to pass through a hole

  D.produce the statistics of the population

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