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When measured along a linear downward-sloping demand curve, the price elasticity:

A、remains constant and is greater than one.

B、remains constant and is less than one.

C、increases in absolute value from left to right.

D、decreases in absolute value from left to right.

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Price elasticity of demand along a linear, downward-sloping demand curve increases as price falls.


The nuclear age in which the human race is living, and may soon be dying, began for the general public with the dropping of an atom bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. But for nuclear scientists and for certain American authorities, it had been known for some time that such a weapon was possible. Work towards making it had been begun by the United States, Canada and Britain very soon after the beginning of the Second World War. The existence of possibly explosive forces in the nuclei of atoms had been known ever since the structure of atoms was discovered by Rutherford.

An atom consists of a tiny core called the "nucleus" with attendant electrons circling round it. The hydrogen atom, which is the simplest and lightest, has only one electron. Heavier atoms have more and more as they go up the scale. The first discovery that had to do with what goes on in nuclei was radioactivity, which is caused by particles being shot out of the nucleus. It was known that a great deal of energy is locked up in the nucleus, but, until just before the outbreak of the Second World War, there was no way of releasing this energy in any large quantity. A revolutionary discovery was that, in certain circumstances, mass can be transformed into energy in accordance with Einstein's formula which states that the energy generated is equal to the mass lost multiplied by the square of the velocity of light.

The A-bomb, however, used a different process, depending upon radioactivity. In this process, called "fission", a heavier atom splits into two lighter atoms. In general, in radioactive substances this fission proceeds at a constant rate which is slow where substances occurring in nature are concerned. But there is one form. of uranium called "U235" which, when it is pure, sets up a chain reaction which spreads like fire, though with enormously greater rapidity. It is this substance which was used in making the atom bomb.

The political background of the atomic scientists' work was the determination to defeat the Nazis. It was held--I think rightly--that a Nazi victory would be an appalling disaster. It was also held, in Western countries, that German scientists must be well advanced towards making an A-bomb, and that if they succeeded before the West did they would probably win the war. When the war was over, it was discovered, to the complete astonishment of both American and British scientists, that the Germans were nowhere near success, and as everybody knows, the Germans were defeated before any nuclear weapons had been made. But I do not think that nuclear scientists of the West can be blamed for thinking the work urgent and necessary. Even Einstein favored it.

When, however, the German war was finished, the great majority of those scientists who had collaborated towards making the A-bomb considered that it should not be used against the Japanese, who were already on the verge of defeat and, in any case, did not constitute such a menace to the world as Hitler. Many of them made urgent representations to the American Government advocating that, instead of using the bomb as a weapon of war, they should after a public announcement, explode it in a desert, and that future control of nuclear energy should be placed in the hands of an international authority. Seven of the most eminent of nuclear scientists drew up what is known as "The Franck Report" which they presented to the Secretary of War in June 1945. This is a very admirable and far-seeing document, and if it had won the assent of the politicians, none of our subsequent terrors would have arisen.

We may infer that the writer's attitude towards the A-bomb is that ______.

A.it is a necessary evil

B.it is a terrible threat to the whole of mankind

C.it played a vital part in defeating the Japanese

D.it was a wonderful invention



The nuclear age in which the human race is living, and may soon be dying, began for the general public with the dropping of an atom bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. But for nuclear scientists and for certain American authorities, it had been known for some time that such a weapon was possible. Work towards making it had been begun by the United States, Canada and Britain very soon after the beginning of the Second World War. The existence of possibly explosive forces in the nuclei of atoms had been known ever since the structure of atoms was discovered by Rutherford.

An atom consists of a tiny core called the "nucleus" with attendant electrons circling round it. The hydrogen atom, which is the simplest and lightest, has only one electron. Heavier atoms have more and more as they go up the scale. The first discovery that had to do with what goes on in nuclei was radioactivity, which is caused by particles being shot out of the nucleus. It was known that a great deal of energy is locked up in the nucleus, but, until just before the outbreak of the Second World War, there was no way of releasing this energy in any large quantity. A revolutionary discovery was that, in certain circumstances, mass can be transformed into energy in accordance with Einstein's formula which states that the energy generated is equal to the mass lost multiplied by the square of the velocity of light.

The A-bomb, however, used a different process, depending upon radioactivity. In this process, called "fission", a heavier atom splits into two lighter atoms. In general, in radioactive substances this fission proceeds at a constant rate which is slow where substances occurring in nature are concerned. But there is one form. of uranium called "U235" which, when it is pure, sets up a chain reaction which spreads like fire, though with enormously greater rapidity. It is this substance which was used in making the atom bomb.

The political background of the atomic scientists' work was the determination to defeat the Nazis. It was held--I think rightly--that a Nazi victory would be an appalling disaster. It was also held, in Western countries, that German scientists must be well advanced towards making an A-bomb, and that if they succeeded before the West did they would probably win the war. When the war was over, it was discovered, to the complete astonishment of both American and British scientists, that the Germans were nowhere near success, and as everybody knows, the Germans were defeated before any nuclear weapons had been made. But I do not think that nuclear scientists of the West can be blamed for thinking the work urgent and necessary. Even Einstein favored it.

When, however, the German war was finished, the great majority of those scientists who had collaborated towards making the A-bomb considered that it should not be used against the Japanese, who were already on the verge of defeat and, in any case, did not constitute such a menace to the world as Hitler. Many of them made urgent representations to the American Government advocating that, instead of using the bomb as a weapon of war, they should after a public announcement, explode it in a desert, and that future control of nuclear energy should be placed in the hands of an international authority. Seven of the most eminent of nuclear scientists drew up what is known as "The Franck Report" which they presented to the Secretary of War in June 1945. This is a very admirable and far-seeing document, and if it had won the assent of the politicians, none of our subsequent terrors would have arisen.

We may infer that the writer's attitude towards the A-bomb is that ______.

A.it is a necessary evil

B.it is a terrible threat to the whole of mankind

C.it played a vital part in defeating the Japanese

D.it was a wonderful invention



You are going to read a magazine article in which a father describes his relationship with his son. For questions 8-14, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Gary and Me

The restaurant owner John Moore writes about his relationship with his son Gary, the famous TV chef

I believe everyone's given a chance in life. My son, Gary, was given his chance with cooking, and my chance was to run a restaurant. When I heard about the opportunity, I rushed over to look at the place. It was in a really bad state. It was perfect for what I had in mind.

Coming into this business made me recall my childhood. I can remember my mother going out to work in a factory and me being so upset because I was left alone. With that in mind, I thought, "We want time for family life". My wife dedicated herself to looking after the children and did all my accounts while I ran the business. We lived over the restaurant in those days, and we always put a lot of emphasis on having meals together line 14 It's paid dividends with our children, Gary and Joe. They're both very confident. Also, from a very early age they would come down and talk to our regular customers. It's given both of them a great start in life.

Gary was quite a lively child when he was really small. We had a corner bath, and when he was about seven he thought he'd jump into it like a swimming pool, and he knocked himself out. When he was older, he had to work tot pocket money. He started off doing odd jobs and by the age of about ten he was m the kitchen every weekend, so be always had loads of money at school. He had discipline. He used to be up even before me it the morning. If you run a filmily business, it's for the family, and it was nice to see him helping out.

Gary wasn't very academic, but lie shone so much in the kitchen. By the age of fifteen he was as good as any of the men working there, and sometimes he was even left in charge. He would produce over a hundred meals, and from then I knew he'd go into catering because he had that flair. So when he came to me and said, "Dad, I've got to do work experience as part of my course at school", I sent him to a friend of mine who's got a restaurant.

Gary, recently took up playing the drums and now he has his own band. Goodness knows what will happen to the cooking if the music takes off. My advice to Gary would be: if you start chasing two hams, you end up catching neither-, so chase the hare you know you're going to catch. He understood when I said to him: "Gary, if you're going to get anywhere in life, you've got to do it by the age of 30. If you haven't done it by then, it's too late." line 44

Gary went to catering college at the age of 17, and on his first day he and the other new students--they're normally complete beginners-were given what's supposed to be a morning's work. But within an hour, Gary had chopped all his vegetables, sliced all his meats. He'd prepared everything. That's my soil for you! In the end, he was helping other people out.

None of is can believe how successful Gary's TV cookery series has become. I'm extremely proud of him. I've always tried to tell him that if you want something, you've got to work jolly hard for it, because no one gives you anything. He's seen the opportunity he's been given and grabbed hold of it with both hands. You know, you talk to your children as they grow up, and if they only take in ten per cent of what you've told them, you've got to be happy with that. The things Gary says, the firings he does, I think, well, he must have listened sometimes.

How did the writer react to his own big chance?

A.He worried about the problems.

B.He saw what could be done.

C.He thought the family would suffer.

D.He wondered if he should take it.



When I was home in Britain on holiday last summer, I spent an evening looking at photos my father had taken when he stayed with us in Beijing in the spring of 1966. Of all these interesting scenes of the past, the one I exclaimed at was a photo of Chang An Jie at Tiananmen. The photo showed one car and two bicycles!

This made me reflect on the changes that have transformed Beijing since I came to the city 37 years ago. In those days, the bicycle was king. What sheer joy it was to cycle along with the hundreds (not thousands) of fellow pedallers (骑车人), never in fear of life and limb as one is now. I bought my first bike in 1963. It cost me 150 yuan-in those days three or four months' salary for the average city dweller.

Such changes! Good or bad? Today, cycling is hazardous but bikes are easily affordable. Gone are the old wooden houses I remember in south Beijing and fast disappearing are the small, overcrowded courtyard houses lacking running water, central heating and bathroom. Very many Beijingers now live in more convenient, better-equipped flats in high-rises. But these very high-rises are swallowing up the unique character of the old city of narrow hutongs, age-old siheyuan and close-knit communities.

I loved years ago to cycle to Beihai to visit my friends (I then taught at China Foreign Affairs University). In spring I rode through the blue-green wheat fields, in summer through fields of tall maize (玉米). Further west; beyond Beijing Foreign Studies University there were the vegetable fields of the Evergreen Commune (四季青公社) and the rice paddies glistening in the summer sun. But now, as Beijing stretches out further and further, west, east, north, south, there's decent housing for families, busy offices for employment and large department stores and supermarkets where, if you have the money, there's little you cannot buy.

What is the principal purpose for the author to write this article?

A.To make a comparison between the past and the present.

B.To honor her father.

C.To criticize the past.

D.To criticize the present.



听力原文: World oil demand is slowing down, led by weaker economic growth in the U.S. and China, the International Energy Agency said Wednesday. While the agency didn't say high oil prices are damping demand, weaker economic growth is projected in the world's leading economies, as the U.S. and China lose steam from earlier strength this year and Japan's rebound is cast in doubt as investors worry about inflationary pressures caused by the high cost of energy.

For the first time in more than half a year of constant upward revisions, the IEA, advisor to the world's biggest economies, didn't change its forecasts for how much more oil the world will need.

But it did increase its estimated overall demand by 750,000 barrels a day, reflecting changes to historical data stretching back 10 years. That left world oil demand in 2004 at 82.2 million b/d, up 2.53 million b/d on the year. Growth will moderate in 2005 to 2.2%, or 1.8 million b/d, at 84 million b/d.

A global slowdown is beginning to affect oil demand, according to IEA figures.

Government efforts to cool down China's overheating economy will cut oil demand growth more than half from 24.6% in the second quarter to 9% in the third, the IEA said. But uncertainty remains about the future in China where restrictions on trucking and economic growth could push down demand, while extra refining capacity could boost it.

Why do people doubt about the pickup of Japan's economy?

A.Low domestic demand.

B.High energy cost.


D.Weaker economic growth in the U.S. and China.

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