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作业七 文本处理问题研究 [实验内容]: 对下面这段英文...

作业七 文本处理问题研究 [实验内容]: 对下面这段英文,查找”me”,并将所有的”me”替换成“you”。 You are my guiding light You are my turning point You are the milestone of my life I have always been being myself without artificial words I have achieveed the road while I am walking with your hands I have out of abyss with your healing heart Coming to me Lighting me up Picking me up Love is around me Love has arouse me Love is mysterious 注:1.全班分为小组长负责制(每组2~3人)) 。 [实验结果上交]: 请同学们将程序源代码复制到TXT或word文档中,并将程序运行结果截屏并粘贴到源代码所在的文件后面,然后作为附件上传到:课程中心->数据结构->本次作业中。



论文排版作业 自主选题,整理一篇论文。以Word文档形式...

论文排版作业 自主选题,整理一篇论文。以Word文档形式提交,文件命名规则:学号+姓名.docx,例如:419109120101张小明.docx 一、 确定主题 结合本专业或感兴趣的领域确定主题,或选择下面列表中的推荐主题: Google大脑、虚拟现实VR、增强现实AR、物联网、云计算、无人机技术、智能机器人、自动驾驶、转基因、人工智能(AlphaGo Zero)、量子计算、5G通讯、E级超算、区块链、智能传感器、基因编辑、第三代测序、细胞重编程、3D打印、智能船舶、深海无人技术、海洋通信技术、生物医疗等。 二、 搜集资料并整理 借助各大搜索引擎和文献检索平台查阅相关主题文献资料,并整理成Word文档,总页数要求10页以上,每章不少于2页(便于奇偶页页眉设置)。文档要素要求具备以下内容: 1. 摘要(包含关键词) 2. 目录 3. 思维导图 4. 论文正文(至少含二级标题) 5. 图片 6. 表格 7. 参考文献 8. 致谢 三、 论文排版要求 1. 页面设置 纸张大小:A4 页边距:上下2.54厘米,左右3.17厘米 2. 摘要 摘要单独占一页 中文摘要标题:黑体、小二号字、加粗、居中对齐、1级大纲、段前段后12磅 中文摘要正文:中文为宋体、英文为Times New Roman、小四号字、首行缩进2字符、行距最小值20磅、两端对齐 中文关键词标题:黑体、小四号字 中文关键词:中文为宋体、英文为Times New Roman、小四号字、行距最小值20磅 页眉页脚:无页眉,页脚为大写罗马数字居中对齐 3. 目录 目录标题:黑体、小二号字、加粗、居中对齐 目录正文:中文为宋体、英文为Times New Roman、小四号字 页眉页脚:无页眉,页脚为大写罗马数字居中对齐 4. 思维导图 单独划分为一节,纸张横向使用 标题为“思维导图”,黑体、小二号字、加粗、居中对齐、1级大纲、段前段后12磅 页眉页脚:无页眉,页脚 5. 论文正文 每一章从新的一页开始,章节编号定义新的多级列表,与样式链接。 标题1:中文为黑体、英文为Times New Roman、小二号字、加粗、居中对齐、一级大纲、段前段后各12磅 标题2:中文为宋体、英文为Times New Roman、小三字、加粗、左对齐、二级大纲、段前段后各6磅、单倍行距 标题3:中文为隶书、英文为Times New Roman、四号字、加粗、左对齐、三级大纲、段前段后各6磅、单倍行距 正文:中文为宋体、英文为Times New Roman、小四号字、首行缩进2字符、行距最小值20磅、两端对齐 页眉页脚:奇偶页不同,奇数页页眉为章标题,偶数页页眉为文章标题。页脚为从1开始编号的阿拉伯数字页码,居中对齐。页眉页脚字体为宋体五号字。 6. 图表标题 图、表使用题注,中文为宋体、英文为Times New Roman、五号字、居中对齐 7. 表格内文字 中文为宋体、英文为Times New Roman、五号字 8. 参考文献 参考文献另起一页 标题:黑体、小二号字、加粗、居中对齐、1级大纲、段前段后各12磅 文献内容:格式采用GB/T 7714国家标准 编号:采用自动编号,格式是小写数字用英文方括号括起来([1]、[2]、……) 文献格式:中文为宋体、英文为Times New Roman、五号字、悬挂缩进2个字符、单倍行距 页眉页脚续前页。 9. 致谢 致谢另起一页 标题:黑体、小二号字、加粗、居中对齐、1级大纲、段前段后各12磅 正文:中文为宋体、英文为Times New Roman、小四号字、首行缩进2字符、行距最小值20磅、两端对齐 页眉页脚续前页。 四、 评分标准 评分注意:请按加分方式给分,下面各项每完成一项,加对应的分值。 编号 评分项 分值 1 思维导图1分,该页横排1分 2 2 设置多级编号,并与样式链接 1 3 设置样式并应用于文档排版 1 4 自动生成目录并按要求排版 1 5 文档中添加有表格并按要求排版 1 6 文档中添加有图片并进行图文混排 1 7 图题和图号,表题和表号按要求采用题注 1 8 图表引用使用交叉引用 1 9 页码按要求设置正确(摘要到目录为罗马数字,正文及以后为阿拉伯数字) 1 10 奇数页页眉设置正确1分,偶数页页眉设置正确1分 2 11 参考文献排版正确 2 12 参考文献在正文引用正确 1 总 分 15分



7.3 在线作业 (完成一、二、三部分) 一、拓展阅读 汉译英...

7.3 在线作业 (完成一、二、三部分) 一、拓展阅读 汉译英断句译法解析 需要断句分译的汉语句子多数是长句,或者是结构复杂的复句。这种句子往往可以根据逻辑关系译成对应的英文句子,但有时译文会显得冗长、累赘、意思表达不清楚,也不符合英文习惯。如果采用断句分译,则会使译文简洁、易懂、层次分明。断句分译尤其适用于考场应试。 以下是几种常用的简单断句译法 ①.从关联处断句 汉语长句表达并列、转折、选择或因果关系等,可译成简单句+并列连词+简单句的并列句,也可在关联处断开译成两句。 例: 传说中国古代哲学家墨子用了三年时间在潍坊制作了世界上首个风筝,‖但放飞的第一天风筝就坠落并摔坏了。(在转折关联处断句) 参考译文: It is said that Chinese philosopher Motze took three years to make the first kite right in Weifang. ‖It fell and broke, however, on its first day of flying. ②.从主语变化处断句 若汉语长句前后主语发生变化,可分开译。可在主语变化处断句,不同主语的短句可另立一句。 例: 很多人喜欢中餐,‖在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。(第一短句的主语为很多人,第二短句为烹饪,两短句描述的是两个话题,分译) 参考译文: Many people like Chinese food. ‖ In China, cooking is not only regarded as a skill but also an art. ③.从意义完整,独立处断句。 当汉语句子中包含两层或多层意思,即使主语相同,也可根据意思层次断开,后面的句子主语用代词即可。 例: 珠江是华南一大河系,‖流经广州市,‖是中国第三长的河流,仅次于长江和黄河。(原文主语“珠江”后有三个表达独立意思的谓语动词,可分开译成三句) 参考译文: The Pearl River is a major river system in south China. It flows through Guangzhou. It is the third longest river in China, only after the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. ④.从总说、分述处断句 当汉语采用“先总说、后分述”或“先分述、后总说”结构的长句,英译时一般:总说为一句、分述为一句。 例: 这是一处迷人的地方,‖有许多古桥、中式旅店和餐馆。(总说-分述) 参考译文: It is a charming place. Many ancient bridges, Chinese style hotels and restaurants dwell there. 二、对照下列句子的汉语原文和英语译文,从以下4种断句译法中选择一种作为断句依据填在句子后面的()内。 ①.从关联处断句 ②.从主语变化处断句 ③.从意义完整,独立处断句。 ④.从总说、分述处断句 1. 长江流经多种不同的生态系统,是诸多濒危物种的栖息地,灌溉了中国五分之一的土地。( ) 译文:The Yangtze River flows through a wide array of ecosystems .It is habitat to several endemic and endangered species. It drains one-fifth of the land area of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). 2. 比赛并不是唯一的活动,选手们还有机会参观了中国其他地区的著名景点和历史、名胜。( ) 译文:Competition is not the only activity. Players also have the opportunity to visit the famous and historic attractions in other parts of China. 3. 那时,黄色是专为皇帝使用的颜色,皇家宫殿全都漆成黄色,皇袍总是黄色的。( ) 译文:At that time, yellow was exclusively used for the emperor. The royal palace was painted yellow and the imperial robe was always yellow. 4. 中国结最初是由手工艺人发明的,经过数百年不断的改进,已经成为一种优雅多彩的艺术和工艺。( ) 译文:The Chinese knot was originally invented by the craftsmen. After hundreds of years of continuous improvement,it has become a kind of elegant and colorful arts and crafts. 5.虽然,过去的很多建筑随着时间的流逝而消失了,但是令人惊奇的是,仍有建筑延续了千年,仍屹立不倒。( ) 译文:Many buildings of the past have disappeared as the years went by. Yet, it is amazing that some buildings have endured for thousands of years. 三.根据提示把下列句子的红色部分译成句子的主谓部分 1. 几百年来制作出了许多不同种类的酒。(动宾译成主谓) Over the centuries , 2. 外滩两边有风格迥异的建筑。(使用There be 结构) Along the Bund, 3. 发展循环经济是解决该矛盾的一项基本方法。(主语译成动名词词组) to solve the contradiction. 4. 在中国,赠送礼物应考虑具体情况和场合。(增加泛指主语 “we”) In China, when presenting gifts. 5. 完成祖国统一是中国人们在新世纪的三大历史任务之一。(主语译成不定式) of the Chinese people in the new century.



英文Physical Therapist,PT 的中文意思是()
















按照作业的要求,在空白处填写正确的服装细节英文单词。 例如:领子的英文是collar,请填写collar在对应的框格中。



请同学们按照科技英文的翻译方法翻译下文,翻译过程中认真学习慕课《医学英文翻译》(西安交通大学、朱元主讲)相关词语转换、定语从句、长句的翻译等内容,注意截止时间,按时上交作业。这次翻译的成绩将占本课程最终成绩的40%,希望大家能够重视! Highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes from delayed fluorescence The inherent flexibility afforded by molecular design has accelerated the development of a wide variety of organic semiconductors over the past two decades. In particular, great advances have been made in the development of materials for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), from early devices based on fluorescent molecules to those using phosphorescent molecules. In OLEDs, electrically injected charge carriers recombine to form singlet and triplet excitons in a 1:3 ratio; the use of phosphorescent metal– organic complexes exploits the normally non-radiative triplet excitons and so enhances the overall electroluminescence efficiency. Here we report a class of metal-free organic electroluminescent molecules in which the energy gap between the singlet and triplet excited states is minimized by design, thereby promoting highly efficient spin up-conversion from non-radiative triplet states to radiative singlet states while maintaining high radiative decay rates, of more than 10 decays per second. In other words, these molecules harness both singlet and triplet excitons for light emission through fluorescence decay channels, leading to an intrinsic fluorescence efficiency in excess of 90 per cent and a very high external electroluminescence efficiency, of more than 19 per cent, which is comparable to that achieved in high-efficiency phosphorescencebased OLEDs. The recombination of holes and electrons can produce light, in a process referred to as electroluminescence. Electroluminescence in organic materials was first discovered in 1953 using a cellulose film doped with acridine orange, and was developed in 1963 using an anthracenesinglecrystalconnectedtohigh-fieldcarrierinjectionelectrodes. Electrical charge carriers of both polarities were injected into the organic layers, and the subsequent carrier transport and recombination produced blue electroluminescence originating from singlet excitons; that is, fluorescence. According to spin statistics, carrier recombination is expected to produce singlet and triplet excitons in a 1:3 ratio, and this ratio has been examined for many molecular systems. The singlet excitons produced decay rapidly, yielding prompt electroluminescence (fluorescence). Two triplet excitons can combine to form a singlet exciton through triplet–triplet annihilation, which results in delayed electroluminescence (delayed fluorescence). Direct radiative decay of triplet excitons results in phosphorescence, but usually occurs only at very low temperatures in conventional organic aromatic compounds. The first demonstration of phosphorescent electroluminescence using ketocoumarin derivatives in 1990. However, the very faint electroluminescence was observed only at 77K, and with difficulty, and was assumed to be virtually useless even if included in rare-earth complexes, which should also involve both singlet and triplet excitons in electrical excitation. In 1999, efficient electrophosphorescence was first demonstrated using iridium phenylpyridine complexes that achieve an efficient radiative decay rate of ~106s-1 by taking advantage of the strong spin–orbit coupling of iridium. An internal electroluminescence efficiency of almost 100% was achieved, providing convincing evidence that OLED technology can be useful for display and lighting applications. In the work reported here, we used a novel pathway to attain the greatest possible electroluminescence efficiency from simple aromatic compounds that exhibit efficient thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) with high photoluminescence efficiency. Figure 1a shows the energy diagram of a conventional organic molecule, depicting singlet(S1) and triplet(T1) excited states and a ground state(S0). It was previously assumed that the S1 level was considerably higher in energy than the T1 level, by 0.5–1.0eV, because of the electron exchange energy between these levels. However, we found that careful design of organic molecules can lead to a small energy gap (ΔEST) between S1 and T1 levels. Correspondingly, a molecule with efficient TADF requires a very small ΔEST between its S1 and T1 excited states, which enhances T1→S1 reverse intersystem crossing (ISC). Such excited states are attainable by intramolecular charge transfer within systems containing spatially separated donor and acceptor moieties. The critical point of this molecular design is the combination of a small ΔEST, of≤100meV, with a reasonable radiative decay rate, of >106s-1, to overcome competitive non-radiative decay path ways, leading to highly luminescent TADF materials. Because these two properties conflict with each other, the overlap of the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital needs to be carefully balanced. Furthermore, to enhance the photoluminescence efficiency of a TADF material, the geometrical change in molecular conformation between its S0 and S1 states should be restrained to suppress non-radiative decay. Limited orbital overlap generally results in virtually no emission, as has been shown in benzophenone derivatives. Therefore, it was previously assumed that a high photoluminescence efficiency could never be obtained from molecules with a small ΔEST. Here we demonstrate that it is possible to realize a high photoluminescence efficiency and a small ΔEST simultaneously.



Task(单元作业) 阅读:学校邮寄给你的教材:《会计英语实...

Task(单元作业) 阅读:学校邮寄给你的教材:《会计英语实训教程》程晓东主编 航空工业出版社 Page 12 Part 2 Intensive Reading:Accounting Assumptions Task1:找出表示“公司,企业”含义的英文单词(不少于5个) Page 20 Part 2 Intensive Reading:Accounting Recognition and Measurement Principles Task2:Page 15 Ⅲ; Page 24 Ⅲ; Page 25 Ⅳ Task3:翻译下面两个句子。 1. Accounting assumptions include separate entity, going concern, accounting period, and monetary unit. 2. The accounting entity is, therefore, identified as the smallest unit of activity with a self-contained accounting system.

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