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The most effective way to deal with an episode of disorientation in flight is to()

A、keep a constant look-out for glimpses of the natural horizon outside

B、rely absolutely on the aircraft instrument

C、keep the control column central and maintain a constant power

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更多“The most effective way to deal…”相关的问题


To reset a person's biological dock, the most effective way is the use of______.


B.rewinding the clock


D.changing the temperature



Dr. Frankenstein's remarks are mentioned in the text______

A.to give an episode of the DNA technological breakthroughs.

B.to highlight the importance of a means to some everlasting ends.

C.to show how he created a new form. of life a thousand years ago.

D.to introduce the topic of moral philosophies incurred in biotechnology.



For more than thirty years scientists have been searching for signs of life on other planets. Most of these searches have been done over the radio. The hope is that someone in outer space may be trying to get in touch with us. Scientists also have sent radio and television messages, as well as messages on spaceships traveling through space, on the chance that someone may be receptive to such messages.

Scientists are using powerful radio telescopes to "listen" to signals from about 1,000 stars, all within 100 light years of the earth. In addition, they will scan the entire sky to listen for radio messages from more distant stars. Using a computer, they will be able to monitor more than eight million channels at a time. Scientists are looking for any signal that stands out from the background noise.

Of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, scientists find that five percent of the stars are like our sun. Perhaps half of them have a planet like the earth. Such a planet would be a reasonable distance from the star for the temperatures to be right for the evolution of life. Believing that there are the inhabitable (that can be lived in) planets in our galaxy, most scientists agree that chances are that one or more of these planets support some life.

However, many scientists wonder whether intelligent life exists on other planets. Some believe that thirty years of searching without any intelligent messages show that no one is out there. They say that the evolution of intelligence comparable to ours is unlikely.

(44) Other scientists believe that our search hasn't been long enough to rule out the possibility that intelligent life exists in our galaxy. Although our sun family is only about five billion years old, our galaxy is about 20 billion years old. In that time some scientists think it is likely that civilizations are much more advanced than ours. Perhaps these civilizations send us no signals; perhaps we have not recognized the signals they have sent us. If we hope to find intelligent life, these scientists believe that we have to keep looking.

To look for signals from distant stars, scientists______.

A.have sent up spaceships to other planets

B.have sent radio and television messages to outer space

C.are listening to the radio message all the year round

D.will use computers to pick up background noise



听力原文: Australian Prime Minister John Howard argued forcefully for rich nations to tear down their trade harriers as the most effective way of trans forming the fortunes of the world's poor.

Speaking ahead of summit talks with US President George W. Bush here Tuesday, Howard also said that nations must not retreat in the "war on terror" in light of the July 7 attacks in London, which he is set to visit later in the week.

In a wide-ranging speech to the US Chamber of .Commerce, the prime minister said a free trade agreement between the United States and Australia that took effect on January 1 was solid proof of the nations' "special relationship".

But Howard also had a veiled message to trading powers such as the United States and European Union as liberalization negotiations at the World Trade Organization count down to a crunch ministerial gathering of the WTO in Hong Kong in December.

"It is beyond argument that the value to developing countries of' re moving the most pernicious of the trade barriers maintained by developed countries would do infinitely more to help those countries, than would in creases in overseas aid," he said.

Howard said he sympathized with Live 8 organizer Bob Geldof and debt-relief supporters "that the world does have a moral obligation".

"But it has to be a moral obligation that is delivered calmly and with the proper understanding that vie can do a lot more by addressing trade imperfections, and we have every right to insist that standards of governance are properly delivered," he said.

it was crucial that the WTO achieve a breakthrough in its "Doha round" of talks that will climax in December,

"Because if we don't, I think there'll be a significant collapse of confidence in the capacity of the world acting multilaterally to solve some of our most deep-seated problems," the Australian leader said.

As a leading light in the "Cairns group" of agricultural exporters, Australia has been in the vanguard of calls for trade liberalization, especially in farming produce.

That has contrasted with the apparent reluctance of the United States and the European Union to go dramatically farther in reducing their own generous subsidies to their farmers.

On John Howard's agenda ,______would be his next stop.


B.Hong Kong



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