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In 1987, Deng Xiaoping proposed the policy of "Reform and Opening-up". In the next few years, China's economy has deceloped at an unprecedented rate.

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(When) Edison died, it was proposed that the American people (turned off) (all power) in their homes, streets, and factories for several minutes (in honor of) this great man.


B.turned off

C.all power

D.in honor of



President Bush has proposed adding optional personal accounts as one of the central elements of a major Social Security reform. proposal. Although many details remain to be worked out, the proposal would allow individuals who choose to do so to divert part of the money they currently pay in Social Security taxes into individual investment accounts. Individuals would have a choice of fund managers, and the return that they earn from those accounts would then partially determine the Social Security benefit they receive when they retire.

Individual accounts pose a number of important and complex design and implementation issues, including how to lower the cost of administering accounts so that they do not erode the value of pensions that individuals receive when they retire, how many and what kinds of fund choices should be offered, and how to engage workers in choosing funds.

In the late 1990s, Sweden added a mandatory individual accounts tier to its public pension system. This p01icy brief examines the Swedish experience and lessons it suggests for the United States about the design and implementation challenges of individual accounts.

Sweden has one of the oldest and most comprehensive public pension systems in the world. But by the 1980s, several problems with the system were becoming evident, including current funding deficits and a very large projected funding shortfall as Sweden's population, which is among the oldest in the world, continued to age.

Between 1991 and 1998, Sweden adopted a new pension system built on three fundamental elements. A new "income pension" is intended to tie pension benefits more closely to contributions made over the entire course of an individual' s working life, while lowering the overall cost of the system; it is financed entirely by a 16 percent payroll tax. A "guarantee pension" provides minimum income support for workers with low lifetime earnings. It is financed entirely by general government revenues and is income-tested against other public pension income.

The third element is a "premium pension" financed by a 2.5 percent payroll tax. These funds are placed in an individual investment account. Individuals have a wide variety of fund choices. To lower administrative costs; and the administrative burden on employers, collection of premium pension contributions and fund choices are centrally administered by a new government agency, the Premium Pension Authority. Deposits into pension funds are made only once a year, after complete wage records for a calendar year are available from the state tax authorities. Employees choose up to five funds from a list of funds approved by the PPA. Swedes can change their fund allocations as often as they want without charge, but the system is not designed to facilitate "day trading"—switching funds often takes several days.

The new pension system's planners recognized that many workers might not make an active pension fund choice. They created a Seventh Swedish National Pension Fund to offer a default fund, called the Premium Savings Fund, for those who do not choose a fund or simply prefer to have the government invest for them.

What can you learn about Bush's proposal of adding optional personal accounts?

A.People can transfer some money from their investment accounts to the Social Security taxes

B.The return people earn from their accounts can decide their social benefit decisively

C.People can spent more on investment and meanwhile receive more benefit in the future

D.These accounts will determine how much people can receive in their lives



President Bush has proposed adding optional personal accounts as one of the central elements of a major Social Security reform. proposal. Although many details remain to be worked out, the proposal would allow individuals who choose to do so to divert part of the money they currently pay in Social Security taxes into individual investment accounts. Individuals would have a choice of fund managers, and the return that they earn from those accounts would then partially determine the Social Security benefit they receive when they retire.

Individual accounts pose a number of important and complex design and implementation issues, including how to lower the cost of administering accounts so that they do not erode the value of pensions that individuals receive when they retire, how many and what kinds of fund choices should be offered, and how to engage workers in choosing funds.

In the late 1990s, Sweden added a mandatory individual accounts tier to its public pension system. This policy brief examines the Swedish experience and lessons it suggests for the United States about the design and implementation challenges of individual accounts.

Sweden has one of the oldest and most comprehensive public pension systems in the world. But by the 1980s, several problems with the system were becoming evident, including current funding deficits and a very large projected funding shortfall as Sweden's population, which is among the oldest in the world, continued to age.

Between 1991 and 1998, Sweden adopted a new pension system built on three fundamental elements. A new "income pension" is intended to tie pension benefits more closely to contributions made over the entire course of an individual's working life, while lowering the overall cost of the system; it is financed entirely by a 16 percent payroll tax. A "guarantee pension" provides minimum income support for workers with low lifetime earnings, It is financed entirely by general government revenues and is income-tested against other public pension income.

The third element is a "premium pension" financed by a 2.5 percent payroll tax. These funds are placed in an individual investment account. Individuals have a wide variety of fund choices. To lower administrative costs, and the administrative burden on employers, collection of premium pension contributions and fund choices are centrally administered by a new government agency, the Premium Pension Authority. Deposits into pension funds are made only once a year, after complete wage records for a calendar year are available from the state tax authorities. Employees choose up to five funds from a list of funds approved by the PPA. Swedes can change their fund allocations as often as they want without charge, but the system is not designed to facilitate "day trading"—switching funds often takes several days.

The new pension system's planners recognized that many workers might not make an active pension fund choice. They created a Seventh Swedish National Pension Fund to offer a default fund, called the Premium Savings Fund, for those who do not choose a fund or simply prefer to have the government invest for them.

What can you learn about Bush's proposal of adding optional personal accounts?

A.People can transfer some money from their investment accounts to the Social Security taxes.

B.The return people earn from their accounts can decide their social benefit decisively.

C.People can spent more on investment and meanwhile receive more benefit in the future.

D.These accounts will determine how much people can receive in their lives.



Dayu proposed the concept of Jiuzhou.


Dr. Sternberg has proposed a theory of intelligence that includes such traits as how well a person plans strategies for problem-solving or handles novel situations. And a theory put forth by Howard Gardner of Harvard describes seven kinds of intelligence, including the body control displayed by athletes and dancers, musical talent, interpersonal skills such as being able to read another's feeling, as well as more academic abilities like mathematical and logical reasoning.

Much of the new work examines attitudes that allow people to make best use of whatever mental skills they may have. One such outlook is what psychologists call "self- efficacy," the belief that one has mastery over the events of one's life and can meet a given challenge.

"People's beliefs about their abilities have a profound effect on those abilities," said Albert Bandura, a psychologist at Stanford University, who has done the major research on self-efficacy. "Ability is not a fixed property; there is huge variability in how you perform. People who have a sense of self-efficacy bounce back from failure: they approach things in terms of how to handle them rather than worrying about what can go wrong. "

In the study of exceptional managers by Drs. McClelland and Klemp, for instance, the best ones displayed a strong self-confidence, seeing themselves as the most capable person for their job and as being stimulated by crises. Along similar lines, Dr. Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, has shown that people who are more optimistic do better than pessimists in a wide variety of endeavors (努力) from selling insurance to achievement in school.

Self-efficacy varies from one part of a person's life to another. A self-confident manager, for instance, may feel ineffective as a father. Dr. Bandura and other researchers have found that self-efficacy acts as a powerful force in people's choices of what they will try in life and what they avoid. Many women, they have found, have a low level of self-efficacy with regard to computers or math, and so tend to shy away from careers that depend heavily on those skills.

Some of the psychologists believe that although the practical intelligence seems to come naturally to certain people, other people can be trained to be smarter in this way, to some extent. Dr. Sternberg and Dr. McClelland, for example, have worked on developing training techniques to enhance different aspects of practical intelligence.

In the passage the author ______.

A.expounds his objections to Dr. Sternberg's theory of intelligence

B.has made a thorough analysis of the 7 kinds of intelligence described by Howard Gardner

C.has put forth the theory of self-efficacy

D.dwells on the theory of self-efficacy



It was proposed that this matter (consider) ______ at the next meeting.



A city councilman has proposed a controversial new plan to increase city revenues from the parking places downtown. He has proposed that instead of charging $1.20 per hour for parking in these spots, the city should make all parking spots five-minute loading zones, and then assess $15 parking fines on anyone who parks in the spots for more than five minutes. Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest argument that the councilman's plan will not increase the city's revenue?

A.A system that promotes parking fines will anger citizens, and they will consequently vote the councilman out of office if the plan goes through.

B.The city owns only 14 parking spots in the downtown area.

C.The costs of assessing and collecting the parking fines will surpass the revenues likely to be collected from the new plan.

D.Ray's parking garage, the only competition for the city-owned parking places downtown, charges $18 per day for its parking places.

E.It has been observed that on an average day, approximately three different cars park in each of the city-owned parking spots downtown.



The Better Electricals Group (BEG) which commenced trading during 2002 manufactures a range of high quality electrical appliances such as kettles, toasters and steam irons for domestic use which it sells to electrical stores in Voltland.

The directors consider that the existing product range could be extended to include industrial sized products such as high volume water boilers, high volume toasters and large steam irons for the hotel and catering industry. They recently commissioned a highly reputable market research organisation to undertake a market analysis which identifi ed a number of signifi cant competitors within the hotel and catering industry.

At a recent meeting of the board of directors, the marketing director proposed that BEG should make an application to gain ‘platinum status’ quality certifi cation in respect of their industrial products from the Hotel and Catering Institute of Voltland in order to gain a strong competitive position. He then stressed the need to focus on increasing the effectiveness of all operations from product design to the provision of after sales services.

An analysis of fi nancial and non-fi nancial data relating to the application for ‘platinum status’ for each of the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 is contained in the appendix.

The managing director of BEG recently returned from a seminar, the subject of which was ‘The Use of Cost Targets’. She then requested the management accountant of BEG to prepare a statement of total costs for the application for platinum status for each of years 2011, 2012 and 2013. She further asked that the statement detailed manufacturing cost targets and the costs of quality.

The management accountant produced the following statement of manufacturing cost targets and the costs of quality:


(a) Explain how the use of cost targets could be of assistance to BEG with regard to their application for platinum status. Your answer must include commentary on the items contained in the statement of manufacturing cost targets and the costs of quality prepared by the management accountant. (8 marks)

(b) Assess the forecasted performance of BEG for the period 2011 to 2013 with reference to the application for ‘platinum status’ quality certifi cation under the following headings:

(i) Financial performance and marketing;

(ii) External effectiveness; and

(iii) Internal effi ciency. (12 marks)



President Xi proposed the Belt and Road in ________.





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