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12. The author suggests patients ________.

A、go to acquaintance doctors.

B、choose doctors with expertise they need

C、choose doctors who charge reasonably

D、have more power in choosing doctors

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What was the AIDS patients'response toward Marc's efforts to cheer them up?

A.They all appreciated his efforts.

B.They were all grateful for his efforts.

C.They all enjoyed his efforts.

D.Some of them thought his efforts were ridiculous.



Halfway through "The Rebel Sell", the authors pause to make fun of "free-range" chicken. Paying over the odds to ensure that dinner was not in a previous life, confined to tiny cages is all well and good. But "a free-range chicken is about as plausible as a sun-loving earthworm": given a choice, chickens prefer to curl up in a nice dark comer of the barn. Only about 15% of "free-range" chickens actually use the space available to them.

This is just one case in which Joseph Heath, who teaches philosophy at the University of Toronto, and Andrew Potter, a journalist and researcher based in Montreal, find fault with well-meaning but, in their view, ultimately naive consumers who hope to distance themselves from consumerism by buying their shoes from Mother Jones magazine instead of Nike. Mr. Heath and Mr. Potter argue that "the counterculture", in all its attempts to be subversive, has done nothing more than create new segments of the market, and thus ends up feeding the very monster of consumerism and conformity it hopes to destroy. In the process, they cover Marx, Freud, the experiments on obedience of Stanley Milgram, the films" Pleasantville", "The Matrix" and "American Beauty", 15th-century table manners, Norman Mailer, the Unabomber, real-estate prices in central Toronto (more than once), the voluntary-simplicity movement and the world's funniest joke.

Why range so widely? The authors' beef is with a very small group: left-wing activists who eschew smaller, potentially useful campaigns in favor of grand statements about the hopelessness of consumer culture and the dangers of" selling out". Instead of encouraging useful activities, such as pushing for new legislation, would-be leftists are left to participate in unstructured, pointless demonstrations against" globalization", or buy fair-trade coffee and free-range chicken, which only substitutes snobbery for activism. Two authors of books that railed against brands, Naomi Klein ("No Logo") and Alissa Quart ("Branded"), come in for special derision for diagnosing the problems of consumerism but refusing to offer practical solutions.

Anticipating criticism, perhaps, Messrs Heath and Potter make sure to put forth a few of their own solutions, such as the 35-hour working week and school uniforms (to keep teenagers from competing with each other to wear ever-more-expensive clothes). Increasing consumption, they argue throughout, is not imposed upon stupid workers by overbearing companies, but arises as a result of a cultural "arms race": each person buys more to keep his standard of living high relative to his neighbors', Imposing some restrictions, such as a shorter working week, might not stop the arms race, but it would at least curb its most offensive excesses. (This assumes one finds excess consumption offensive; even the authors do not seem entirely sure).

But on the way to such modest suggestions, the authors want to criticize every aspect of the counterculture, from its disdain for homogenization, franchises and brands to its political offshoots. As a result, the book wanders: chapters on uniforms and on the search for" cool" could have been cut. Moreover, the authors make the mistake of assuming that the consumers they sympathize with—the ones who buy brands and live in tract houses—know enough to separate themselves from their purchases, whereas the free-trade-coffee buyers swallow the brand messages whole, as it were.

Still, it would be a shame if the book's ramblings kept it from getting read. When it focuses on explaining how the counterculture grew out of post-World War II critiques of modern society, "The Rebel Sell" is a lively read, with enough humor to keep the more theoretical stretches of its argument interesting. At the very least, it puts its finger on a trend: there will be plenty of future critics of capitalism lining up for their free-range chicken.

The joke about "f

A.introduce the topic of anti-consumerism.

B.draw a comparison between chicken and earthworm.

C.stress the fact that chickens don't actually want much space.

D.point out that chickens, like human, should have a choice.



One of the author's patients was greatly uncertain about______.

A.his anxiety about the market

B.his easy intuitive feel for finance

C.his lack of self-confidence

D.his knowledge and skill



In order to find a way out the current dilemma for the cultural criticism, the author suggests that____.

A.we should return to the old days when the critics passed their judgments without challenges

B.pluralism should be held back, reinforcing the unchallenged authority in the literary criticism

C.democratic criticism should not be adopted because it is rather messy as proved in the Amazon system

D.we should encourage more democracy, dismiss nostalgia and cultivate an open attitude



By "meutal stammering", the author means.

A.they cannot give an exact answer to AIDS patients

B.they hesitate to tell the truth to AIDS patients who will die

C.tehy need to think about whether patients will die of AIDS

D.they have to make up excuses to comfort AIDS patients



In order to find a way out the current dilemma for the cultunal criticism, the author suggests that ______.

A.we should return to the old days when the critics passed their judgments without challenges

B.pluralism should be held back, reinforcing the unchallenged authority in the literary criticism

C.democriatic criticism should not be adopted because it is rather messy as proved in the Amazon system

D.we should encourage more democracy, dismiss nostalgia and cultivate an open attitude



The author's attitude towards patients in stare institutions cart best be described as______.

A.inflexible and insensitive

B.detached and neutral

C.understanding and sympathetic

D.knowledgeable but unsupportive



The author apparently regrets ______.

A.having to take his children to PlaySpaee

B.being first-named

C.being approached so frequently by PR agents

D.having to put on an adhesive label tag



The author criticizes women's passion with thinness______.

A.from an economic and educational perspective

B.from sociological and medical points of view

C.from a historical and religious standpoint

D.from the aspect of moral principles



The author holds an attitude of ______ towards paid leave.





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