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Writing task: Write a summary of the article "What's the Purpose of college: A job or an Education?" Your writing should be no less than 250 words.

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【简答题】Read the articles below and, in a paragrap...

【简答题】Read the articles below and, in a paragraph of not more than 250 words, answer the question: how many languages are there in the world? There is no agreed total for the number of languages spoken in the world today. Most reference books give a figure of 4,000 to 5,000, but estimates have varied from 3,000 to 10,000. To see why there is such uncertainty, we need to consider the many problems facing those who wish to obtain accurate information, and also the reasons (linguistic, historical and cultural) which preclude a simple answer to the question "What counts as a language?" (Written by David Crystal, on page 284 of The Cambridge encyclopaedia of language. It was published by Cambridge University Press, in Cambridge, UK, in 1987). All speakers of English can talk to each other and pretty much understand each other. Yet no two speakers speak exactly alike. Some differences are due to age, sex, state of health, size, personality, emotional state and personal idiosyncrasies. That each person speaks somewhat differently from all others is shown by our ability to recognise acquaintances by hearing them talk. The unique characteristics of the language of an individual speaker are referred to as the speaker's idiolect. English may then be said to consist of 400,000,000 idiolects, or the number equal to the number of native speakers. Beyond these individual differences, the language of a group of people may show regular variations from that used by other groups of speakers of that language. When the English spoken by speakers in different geographical regions and from different social groups shows systematic differences, the groups are said to speak different dialects of the same language. The dialects of a single language may thus be defined as mutually intelligible forms of that language which differ in systematic ways from each other (From: An introduction to language, by Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman. The book was written in 1983 and was published by Holt-Saunders in New York. The extract comes from page 245.) A further point that has become clear as a result of the investigation of regional dialects is the impossibility of drawing a sharp line of demarcation between dialects of the same neighbouring languages. In those areas of the world where there have been frequent changes of political boundaries or where the principal lines of trade and communication cross political boundaries, what is generally regarded as a dialect of one language may shade more or less imperceptibly into a dialect of another? For example, there are dialects spoken on both sides of the Dutch-German border which are equally close to (or equally remote from) both standard Dutch and standard German. If we feel that they must be dialects of either the one or the other language, we are victims of the traditional view of the relationship between language and dialect. It may be added that judgements on questions of this kind are only too frequently influenced by political or nationalist prejudices. (From John Lyons: Introduction to theoretical linguistics, published in 1968 by Cambridge University Press in Cambridge. The extract can be found on page 35.) The often-quoted dictum, "a language is a dialect with an army and a navy", attests the importance of political power and the recognised sovereignty of a nation-state in the recognition of a variety as a language rather than a dialect (From: The Oxford companion to the English language, 1992, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, by Tom McArthur, page 291.) It should also be made clear here that, mutual unintelligibility is not evidence that the "native" language or mother tongue of two speakers is not the same. For, as in the case of Mandarin, Chung King and Cantonese dialects of Chinese, and many dialects of Arabic, it is entirely possible that people can be native speakers of the same language and yet not understand each other. (From: An introduction to language and communication, page 137. This book was published in 1994 by MTI Publications. It was published in Cambridge, UK and was written by Ashley James, Jane Richards and Harry Roberts.)



Read the article “Pillsbury’s Haagen-Dazs”, then w...

Read the article “Pillsbury’s Haagen-Dazs”, then watch the video, listen to the lecture and answer the following questions. 1. Marketing’s role has changed over time. According to the lecture, what’s the role of marketing in the era of Marketing Company? 2. Do you think marketing and selling are the same thing? Why? 3. What’s SWOT analysis? Please explain briefly. 4. Does Haagen-Dazs concern pursuing long-term customer satisfaction? Could you cite evidence from the article “Pillsbury’s Haagen-Dazs”?



What we can learn from the article. (More than one correct answer.)

A.Cultures never change.

B.Cultures shift, incrementally and constantly, in response to external and internal changes.

C.Culture is a form. of protection that has evolved from situational pressures.

D.Culture can’t prevent “wrong thinking” and “wrong people” from entering the organization in the first place.



?Read the article below about international marketing plan in Canada.

?For each question 31—40, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

Successful Exporting From Canada Starts with a Marketing Plan

Businesses all OVER Canada have the potential to successfully export their products or services. Every entrepreneur, regardless (31) business size or offering, can potentially increase sales, compete in diverse markets and reach a global audience (32) his or her particular skills and expertise. One of the key components (33) export success is an international marketing plan. The best place to start the international marketing plan is with the business. Take a fresh look at (34) the business is about: what products or services does it offer? Why is it unique and what value does it offer customers? What are (35) current strengths and weaknesses (financial, human, technological, cultural and operational resources, for example) and (36) will these affect its ability to compete in a foreign market?

Once this self-analysis is completed, the reasons for exporting need to be addressed. Such simple questions (37) "why do we want to export?" are not necessarily simple to answer but the responses are important. A business must have a clear objective of (38) it wishes to undertake the challenge of exporting. It also helps a business establish the degree (39) which exporting influences the business direction and strategy.

In some cases, exporting may play an important yet secondary role based on the objectives of the business. In (40) instances, a business may find that its future is built upon exporting and this element of the business will become the primary focus. These decisions are simplified by conducting thorough market research.




What’s the purpose of the program?



To complete Assignment 1, you must complete the fo...

To complete Assignment 1, you must complete the following tasks. A. Provide concise responses to each of the following tasks. The relevant section of the textbook by Weaver and Lawton is given in each task. You will also find relevant information in the Required Readings Part 1 document. 1. According to Weaver and Lawton (p. 26), how do stayovers differ from excursionists? 2. According to Weaver and Lawton (pp. 35-36), what role do transit regions play in the tourism system? B. Provide concise responses to each of the following tasks. The relevant section of Cohen’s article is given in each task. You will find a summary of Cohen’s article in Required Readings Part 1. 3. According to Cohen’s conceptual definition of ‘tourist’ (1974, pp. 531-532, 536-537), what is the essential difference between a tourist and a refugee? How does a holiday-house owner differ from a tourist, according to Cohen’s conceptual definition (1974, pp. 532 and 540)? 4. Give an example from Cohen to show how he distinguishes between instrumental purpose and non-instrumental purpose (p. 532 and 540-544). What does he mean when he writes that the purpose of tourism is ‘socially defined’ (p. 541)? C. Provide concise responses to each of the following tasks. The relevant sections of Smith’s article and Leiper’s article are given in each relevant task. You will find a summary of the articles by Smith and Leiper in Required Readings Part 1. 5. Why did Smith describe tourism as a retail service industry (1988, p. 183)? According to Smith how do ‘pure tourism services’ differ from ‘mixed tourism services’ (1988, p. 184)?



What's the full name of LoL?

A、Lough out Loud

B、League of Legends

C、Length of Lead

D、Llittle old Lady

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