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This book aims to answer the question everyone’s lips: how to build broadband for public safety.

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介副词填空: Fill in the blank with one preposition or adverb to complete the sentence. This book aims to answer the question _______ everyone’s lips: how to build broadband for public safety.


改错:What is a black hole? Well, it is difficult to answer the question

What is a black hole? Well, it is difficult to answer the question,

as the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon __1__are adequate here. Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is __2__a region of space which matter has fallen and from which nothing can __3__

escape—not even light. But we can’t see a black hole. A black hole __4__exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter. It is only space—or thus we think. How can this happen? __5__

The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point; they “collapse” and sometimes a supernova occurs.

The collapse of a star may produce a “White Dwarf” of a “neutronstar”—

a star which matter is so dense that if continually shrinks by the force of __6___its own gravity. But if the star is very large, this process of shrinking may be so intense that a black hole results in. Imagine the earth reduced to the __7__size of a marble, but still having the same masses and a stronger __8__gravitational pull, and you have some ideas of the force of a black hole. __9__And no matter near the black hole is sucked in. __10__



Which statement is not suitable to answer the question about handling success?

A、To prepare specific examples of your success.

B、To reference how you assessed the factors contributing to your achievements.

C、To show your own achievements with arrogance.

D、To share how you applied this knowledge to continue your professional development and to generate positive results.



To answer the question “Why do you want this job?”, you can talk about how it fits with your values, and what you would like to learn from it.


Preparing for Tests

Ideally it should be love of learning, achievement, and self-improvement that prompts all learning. But the average student is probably motivated by a more tangible, immediate, and pressuring reason—the reqirement to take and pass tests. Few high school students are not concerned with the aptitude and achievement tests that they must take to get into college. Even students not planning to attend college will take placement, adaptability, and promotion tests if they are to succeed in their field. Promotion in the armed services does not depend on physical prowess (本领) and length of service. It depends, instead, on the ability to study and pass promotional tests. You need to understand the importance of tests, the best methods of preparation, the common sense required for both a physical and mental approach to them, how to read instructions and questions correctly, and how to answer the way the test or teacher expect you to answer. This is one of the most valuable psychological benefits that can come from your education.

Attitude towards Tests

Dr. Francis P. Robinson in his book, Effective Study, poses a question: "Did you ever thank a teacher for giving a test?" At first glance you are not likely to find much in your thinking that would help inspire a "Yes". The teacher spends a lot of time preparing the test questions. After you have taken the test, the teacher spends many hours carefully evaluating your paper. Mistakes are marked so that when your paper is retruned you can go over them and perhaps write in corrections. Then you will not make the same mistakes again.

Test as a Personal Battle

Do you, like many of your fellow students, consier the test or examinations as a personal battle which the teacher wages in an attempt to defeat you, or do you see it as a contest in which one tries to outwit the other? If this is your attitude towards tests, you probably do one of two things when the teacher returns your paper to you. One, you throw it away without bothering to do more than glance through it to see where points were taken off. Or two, without checking an imcomplete answer against the facts as studied, you approach the teacher and demand to know why points were taken off. This is the most negative of approaches. The difference in attitude can be seen in the difference between two questions: "Why did you take off points on this question?" and "What should I have included that I did not?"

Fear of Taking Tests

Another attitude that you should avoid is that of fear. Fear of taking test results in tension and disturbed thinking. These, in turn, produce blind spots (not being able to remember answers that you knew ten minutes before the test) and careless mistakes. This fear also keeps people from venturing into new areas in life. They may visualize the new method, the better tool, or the strong bridge, but they hesitate until someone else realizes their dreams,

Fear prevents success on tests and examinations because fear conditions the mind for failure. Students who are afraid start in a State of confusion and disorder. Thus they throw away the advantages they have gotten by preparation. Students who approach tests with fear are almost sways characterized by the following: (1) Their grade is considerably lower than their daily recitation grades, sometimes as much as twenty points lower. (2) They complain about the teacher—insufficient explanation, lack of detailed review, etc. (3) They find fault with the test materials—too long, not the type of questi




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