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Explain the following terms: Language Aquisition Device Critical Period Hypothesis Among t

he language acquisition theories mentioned in this chapter, which one do you think is more reasonable and convincing? Explain why?

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A.the following moment

B.the next moment

C.for a moment

D.just a moment



Of the great variety of opinions concerning"marriage for money",the following three are important with reference to the development of the importance of money. Marriages based exclusively upon economic motives have not only existed in all periods and at all stages of development,but are particularly common among primitive groups and conditions where they do not cause any offence at all. The disparagement of personal dignity that nowadays arises in every marriage that is not based on personal affection-so that a sense of decency requires the concealment of economic motives-does not exist in simpler cultures. The reason for this development is that increasing individualization makes it increasingly contradictory and discreditable to enter into purely individual relationships for other than purely individual reasons. For nowadays the choice of a partner in marriage is no longer determined by social motives(though regard for the offspring may be considered to be such a motive),in so far as society does not insist upon the couple,s equal social status-a condition,however,that provides a great deal of latitude and only rarely leads to conflicts between individual and social interests. In a quite undifferentiated society it may be relatively irrelevant who marries whom,irrelevant not only for the mutual relationship of the couple but also for the offspring. This is because where the constitutions,state of health,temperament,internal and external forms of life and orientations are largely the same within the group,the chance that the children will turn out well depends less upon whether the parents agree and complement each other than it does in highly differentiated society. It therefore seems quite natural and expedient that the choice of the partner should be determined by reasons other than purely individual affection. Yet personal attraction should be decisive in a highly individualized society where a harmonious relationship between two individuals becomes increasingly rare. The declining frequency of marriage which is to be found everywhere in highly civilized cultural cir-cum-stances is undoubtedly due,in part,to the fact that highly differentiated people in general have difficu-lty in finding a completely sympathetic complement to themselves. Yet we do not possess any other crite-rion and indication for the advisability of marriage except mutual instinctive attraction. But,happiness is a purely personal matter,decided upon entirely by the couple themselves,and there would be no com-pelling reason for the official insistence on at least pretending love may be misleading—particularly in the higher strata,whose complicated circumstances often retard the growth of the purest instincts—no matter how much other conditions may affect the final results.it remains true that,with reference to procreation,love is decidedly superior to money as a factor selection. In fact,in this respect.it is the only fight and proper thing. Marriage for money directly creates a situation of panmixia—the indiscriminate pairing regardless of individual qualities—a condition that biology has demonstrated to be the cause of the most direct and detrimental degeneration of the human species. In the case of marriage for money,the union of a couple is determined by a factor that has absolutely nothing to do with racial appropriateness—just as the regard for money often enough keeps apart a couple who really belong together—and it should be considered as a factor in degeneration to the same extent to which the undoubted differentiation of individuals makes selection by personal attraction more and more important. This case too illustrates once more that the increasing individualization within society renders money increasingly unsuitable as a mediator of purely individual relationships.

According to the text,what is said to influence matrimonial compatibility and stability in simpler cultures?

A.Personal dignity

B.Economic decline

C.Monetary considerations

D.Financial growth



The following details are true about the new device EXCEPT ______.

A.it has color.

B.it has a moving image.

C.it costs less money.



Task 1: Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Melbourne,with a population of over 3.5 million,is the second largest city in Australia. It is clean,safe,dynamic and exciting,and well known internationally for its universities and other educational institutions. The city has well-planned tree-lined beautiful parks and gardens. It has a good transport system of roads,buses,trains,and trams(电车). The La Trobe University(拉特罗布大学) campus is connected to the Central Business District by trams,express buses,and bus and train connections. Melbourne is a culturally rich city,and is home to large communities of people from all parts of Europe,the Americas,Africa,and Asia. The city is famous for its restaurants,theatres,music,opera,ballet,art,culture,and shops,and a lively and dynamic nightlife. Melbourne people are enthusiastic about sports,and the city hosts many famous international sports events. Near Melbourne there are beautiful coastlines with excellent beaches,national parks,forests,wineries(葡萄酒厂) ,winter snowfields and summer resorts. The climate is temperate and comfortable,with warm summers and cool winters. In summer,maximum daytime temperatures range from 26℃to 36℃,and in winter from 12℃ to 18℃.1]he weather in Melbourne can be variable from day to day. In 2002.Melbourne was rated the world’s best city to live in by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Melbourne is well-known in the world for its__________________.A.large population

B.educational institutions

C.transport system

D.beautiful parks and gardens

According to the passage,Melbourne is a city where_________.A.rich people choose to live

B.the best wine is produced

C.various cultures exist

D.Asian food is popular

Melbourne people are very interested in_________.A.sports




The word temperate in the sentence “The climate is temperate…”(Line 10) ,most probably means ________.A.hot




The best title for the passage might be_________.A.An Ideal Place for Shopping

B.A City with the Best Climate

C.The World’s Best City to Live in

D.The World’s Most Beautiful City




Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

Melbourne, with a population of over 3.5 million, is the second largest city in Australia. It is clean, safe, dynamic and exciting, and well known internationally for its universities and other educational institutions. The city has well-planned tree-lined wide streets and many beautiful parks and gardens. It has a good transport system of roads, buses, trains, and trams(电车). The La Trobe University(拉特罗布大学) campus is connected to the Central Business District by trams, express buses, and bus and train connections. Melbourne is a culturally rich city, and is home to large communities of people from all parts of Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. The city is famous for its restaurants, theatres, music, opera, ballet, art, culture, and shops, and a lively and dynamic nightlife. Melbourne people are enthusiastic about sports, and the city hosts many famous international sports events. Near Melbourne there are beautiful coastlines with excellent beaches, national parks, forests, wineries(葡萄酒厂), winter snowfields and summer resorts. The climate is temperate and comfortable, with warm summers and cool winters. In summer, maximum daytime temperatures range from 26℃ to 36℃, and in winter from 12℃ to 18℃. The weather in Melbourne can be variable from day to day. In 2002, Melbourne was rated the world's best city to live in by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Melbourne is well-known in the world for its ______.

A.large population

B.educational institutions

C.transport system

D.beautiful parks and gardens



Which of the following can be a title of the passage?

A.Life of Famous African Americans.

B.Influence of Famous African Americans.

C.Political Pioneers; Icons and Intellectuals.

D.Cultural Pioneers; Icons and Intellectuals.



The relationship of a merozoite to a sporozoite is most like which of the following?

A.A mother to a daughter

B.A brother to a sister

C.One of several subsidiaries spun off from a large corporation

D.A computer program to a computer

E.Orange juice to an orange tree



Questions are based on the following passage.

England has long been the jurisdiction (辖区) of choice for wives who have the luxury of being able to choose where they divorce.English law tries to(36)lifelong need and fairness.The poorer partner(37)a wife bringing up children——can expect housing and many years of income, especially if she has(38)her career for the marriage.

A court ruling on February 23rd has nonetheless continued a recent(39)of turning the scales a little for husbands.Tracey Wright objected to her ex-husband"s bid to cut her £ 75,000 annual(40), awarded after an 11-year marriage failed in 2008. She argued that she was too busy with the two children even to look for work.She lost, on(41)Lord Justice Pitchford said Mr.Wright"s payments should drop off as he neared retirement and that his ex-wife should get a job.

The ruling is a(42)landmark chiefly because it sets out a mother"s duty at least to have to seek a job as her children grow older.As David Hodson, a specialist lawyer, notes, that principle has long applied to poor women when it comes to(43)welfare benefits.But an ex-wife will still be able to argue that no(44)work is available for her and that she needs her ex-husband"s help in order to keep up her own and her children"s living standards.Such arguments would(45)little ice in most other countries.
















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Look at the four squares,A ,B ,C , and D, which indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?

Sophisticated plumbing was needed to service bathrooms and also to heat buildings with either steam or hot water.

A Skyscrapers differed from previous tall structures with their use of technical innovations such as cast iron and the elevator. The development of cast iron technology, in which molten iron is poured into a mold, made modem plumbing possible.B Cast iron pipes, fittings, and valves could deliver pressurized water to the many floors of tall buildings and drain wastewater out. The invention of the mechanical elevator made it possible to construct even taller buildings.C Before the elevator, office buildings were rarely more than four or five stories high. In 1857, the first passenger elevator equipped with safety brakes prevented the elevator from falling to the basement when a cable broke. The elevator made the upper floors as rentable as the first floor, liberating architecture from dependence on stairways and human muscle.D

A.Square A.

B.Square B.

C.Square C.

D.Square D.

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