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The boxes must be strong enough to withstand transport ____ very bad roads.





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A、The packing method is normally chosen by the seller, but the packing shall be strong enough to withstand the hazards of ocean transportation.

B、As for the packing method, normally the buyer does not make the choice, but the packing shall be strong enough to withstand the hazards of ocean transportation.

C、As for packing, buyers usually have no choice, but the packing must be strong enough to withstand all the dangers of sea transportation.

D、As for the packaging method, the buyer usually does not choose, but the packaging must be strong and able to withstand the dangers in the sea transportation process.



Heart Attack

Throughout the United States, and especially in big cities and rural areas, tens of thousands of people with hearts that should be good(51)to keep them alive die each year for lack of adequate first aid. In New York City, for example, a new study has shown that only one person in 100 outside of hospitals(52)after the heart suddenly stops pumping (怦怦跳动). In contrast, in Seattle, the survival(53)after such heart attacks is one in five.

"The difference can be traced(54)the effectiveness of the 'chain of survival'", Dr. Joseph P. Ornato said. "Each link in the(55)must be strong enough for many lives to be(56)".

The chain begins with an immediate telephone(57)for emergency help and the start within four minutes of the process needed for restarting the(58)working, by a family member or bystander (旁观者). It continues with the prompt arrival--within eight(59)ten minutes of a rescuer equipped with a 'special instrument that can shock the heart back to a normal rhythm. And it ends with the administration (给予,实施) of advanced (先进的) emergency care by nurses to maintain the heart's ability to survive until the doctors at the hospitals can take(60). When one or more links in this chain fail or function too slowly, the(61)of a victim surviving heart attack falls rapidly. Because of widespread weaknesses in the chain of(62), experts in emergency heart care estimate that 20,000 to 80,000 people(63)needlessly of heart attack each year, a number comparable to the 55,000 killed annually in automobile(64).

One expert says, "Sending an emergency vehicle to a heart attack victim(65)the special equipment is like having policemen with guns but no bullets. They may put on a good show, but they lack the weapon needed to get the job done."







The wooden cases must be secured by overall metal strapping so that they can be strong enough to stand rough handling during ( ).







根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。

Heart Attack

Throughout the United States。andespecially in big cities and rural areas.Tens of thousands of people with heartsthat should be good________(1)to keep them alive die each year for lack ofadequate first aid.in New York City, for example。a new study has shown thatonly one person in l 00 0utside of hospitals________ (2)after the heart suddenlystops pumping(怦怦跳动).In contrast,in Seattle,the survival________ (3)after suchheart attacks is one in five.

“The difference can be traced ________ (4lthe effectiveness of the chain of survival’s,Dr.Joseph P.Ornat0。said.“Each Linkin the________ (5) must be strong Enough for many lives to be________ (6)”Thechain begins with an immediate telephone________ (7) for emergency help and thestart within four minutes of the process needed for restarting the________ (8) working。bya family member or bystander(旁观者).1t continues with the prompt arrival—withineight ________ (9)ten minutes of a rescuer equipped with a special instrumentthat can shock the heart back to a normal rhythm.And it ends with the administration(给予,实施)ofadvanced(先进的)emergency care by nurses to maintain the heart’s ability tosurvive until the doctors at the hospitals can take________ (10).When one ormore links in this chain fail or function too slowly, the________(11)Of avictim surviving heart attack falls rapidly.Because of widespread weaknesses inthe chain of________(12),experts jn emergency heart care estimate that 20,00010 80,000 people________ (13)needlessly of heart attack each year, a numbercomparable to the 55,000 killed annually in automobile ________ (14).

One expert says,“Sending an emergencyvehicle to a heart attack victim ________ (15)the special equipment is likehaving policemen with guns but no bullets.They may put on a good show, but theylack the weapon needed to get the job done.”

第 51 题







Who Came First, the Chicken or the Egg{Page}

I just mailed the chicken and the egg, each in its own separate packaging, and kept careful track of when each shipment was sent from a post office in Cambridge.

Massachusetts, and when it later arrived at its intended destination in New York City.

In mailing the chicken, I was careful to adhere to the restrictions described in the American Postal Service's Domestic Mail Manual 57, as updated on April 3, 2003. This, the most recent version of the Manual states that: "Adult chickens must be sent by Express Mail. The containers used must pass the standards in International Safe Transit Association Test Procedure IA; be strong enough to endure normal handling; and ensure enough air for the chickens in transit... The number of birds must not be more than the container's limit."

I mailed the chicken in a wooden box got from a colleague who does research with birds.

Then, I mailed the egg in standard packaging obtained through an industrial su pplier. It's quite simple.

I posted both the chicken and the egg at 9:40 am, on a Monday morning, from the Harvard Square post office, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The staff there told me that this was the first chicken anyone had mailed from there in recent memory, and perhaps ever. They handled both the chicken and the egg skillfully and politely.

The intended destination for both packages was the James A. Farley General Post Office, which is located in Manhattan right next to the Penn Station train terminal. I took the subway from the Harvard Square to the Boston train station, and from there boarded a train to New York City, a distance of about 320 kilometers, arriving that afternoon at Penn Station. I immediately went to the post office, to await the arrivals of the chicken and the egg.The James A. Farley General Post Office is open 24 hours a day, so I was able to wait there until both items arrived. I inquired once per hour for both the chicken and the egg.

That day, Monday, neither the chicken nor the egg arrived. The next day, Tuesday, neither the chicken nor the egg arrived.

The chicken arrived at 10:31 am, Wednesday. The staff at the post office told me that this was the first chicken anyone had mailed to the post office in recent memory, and perhaps ever. The egg arrived that same day, at 9:37pm, 11 hours after the chicken.

Based on experiment data, it's now quite clear that the chicken came first, the egg second.

第 41 题 Which of the following is Not required of a container.

A.It should be mastic of steel.

B.It should be ventilated.

C.It should be sufficiently large.

D.It should be strong.



Who Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

I just mailed the chicken and the egg, each in its own separate packaging, and kept careful track of when each shipment was sent from a post office in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and when it later arrived at its intended destination in New York City.

In mailing the chicken, I was careful to adhere to the restrictions described in the American Postal Service's Domestic Mail Manual 57, as updated on April 3, 2003. This, the most recent, version of the Manual states that: "Adult chickens must be sent by Express Mail. The containers used must pass the standards in International Safe Transit Association Test Procedure IA; be strong enough to endure normal handling; and ensure enough air for the chickens in transit. The number of birds must not be more than the container's limit."

I mailed the chicken in a wooden box got from a colleague who does research with birds.

Then, I mailed the egg in standard packaging obtained through an industrial supplier. It's quite simple.

I posted both the chicken and the egg at 9:40 am, on a Monday morning, from the Harvard Square post office, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The staff there told me that this was the first chicken anyone had mailed from there in recent memory, and perhaps ever. They handled both the chicken and the egg skillfully and politely.

The intended destination for both packages was the James A. Farley General Post Office, which is located in Manhattan right next to the Penn Station train terminal.

I took the subway from the Harvard Square to the Boston train station, and from there boarded a train to New York City, a distance of about 320 kilometers, arriving that afternoon at Penn Station. I immediately went to the post office, to await the arrivals of the chicken and the egg.

The James A. Farley General Post Office is open 24 hours a day, so I was able to wait there until both items arrived. I inquired once per hour for both the chicken and the egg.

That day, Monday, neither the chicken nor the egg arrived. The next day, Tuesday, neither the chicken nor the egg arrived.

The chicken arrived at 10;31 am, Wednesday. The staff at the post office told me that this was the first chicken anyone had mailed to the post office in recent memory, and perhaps ever. The egg arrived that same day, at 9:37 pm, 11 hours after the chicken.

Based on experiment data, it's now quite clear that the chicken came first, the egg second.

Which of the following is NOT required of a container?

A.It should be ventilated.

B.It should be made of steel.

C.It should be sufficiently large.

D.It should be strong.




Who Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

I just mailed the chicken and the egg, each in its own separate packaging, and kept careful track of when each shipment was sent from a post office in Cambridge,

Massachusetts, and when it later arrived at its intended destination in New York City.

In mailing the chicken, I was careful to adhere to the restrictions described in the American Postal Service's Domestic Mail Manual 57, as updated on April 3, 2003. This, the most recent, version of the Manual states that: "Adult chickens must be sent by Express Mail. The containers used must pass the standards in International Safe Transit Association Test Procedure IA; be strong enough to endure normal handling; and ensure enough air for the chickens in transit. The number of birds must not be more than the container's limit."

I mailed the chicken in a wooden box got from a colleague who does research with birds.

Then, I mailed the egg in standard packaging obtained through an industrial supplier. It's quite simple.

I posted both the chicken and the egg at 9:40 am, on a Monday morning, from the Harvard Square post office, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The staff there told me that this was the first chicken anyone had mailed from there in recent memory, and perhaps ever. They handled both the chicken and the egg skillfully and politely.

The intended destination for both packages was the James A. Farley General Post Office, which is located in Manhattan right next to the Penn Station train terminal.

I took the subway from the Harvard Square to the Boston train station, and from there boarded a train to New York City, a distance of about 320 kilometers, arriving that afternoon at Penn Station. I immediately went to the post office, to await the arrivals of the chicken and the egg.

The James A. Farley General Post Office is open 24 hours a day, so I was able to wait there until both items arrived. I inquired once per hour for both the chicken and the egg.

That day, Monday, neither the chicken nor the egg arrived. The next day, Tuesday, neither the chicken nor the egg arrived.

The chicken arrived at 10:31 am, Wednesday. The staff at the post office told me that this was the first chicken anyone had mailed to the post office in recent memory, and perhaps ever. The egg arrived that same day, at 9:37pm, 11 hours after the chicken.

Based on experiment data, it's now quite clear that the chicken came first, the egg second.

41 Which of the following is NOT required of a container?

A.It should be ventilated.

B.It should be made of steel.

C.It should be sufficiently large.

D.It should be strong.



第三篇 Who Came First,the Chicken or the Egg? I just mailed the chicken and the egg, each in its own separate packaging, and kept careful track of when each shipment was sent from a post office in Cambridge,

Massachusetts, and when it later arrived at its intended destination in New York City. In mailing the chicken, I was careful to adhere to the restrictions described in the American Postal Service's Domestic Mail Manual 57, as updated on April 3, 2003. This, the most recent, version of the Manual states that: "Adult chickens must be sent by Express Mail. The containers used must pass the standards in International Safe Transit Association Test Procedure IA; be strong enough to endure normal handling; and ensure enough air for the chickens in transit. The number of birds must not be more than the container's limit."

I mailed the chicken in a wooden box got from a colleague who does research with birds.

Then, I mailed the egg in standard packaging obtained through an industrial supplier. It's quite simple. I posted both the chicken and the egg at 9:40 am, on a Monday morning, from the Harvard Square post office, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The staff there told me that this was the first chicken anyone had mailed from there in recent memory, and perhaps ever. They handled both the chicken and the egg skillfully and politely. The intended destination for both packages was the James A. Farley General Post Office, which is located in Manhattan right next to the Penn Station train terminal. I took the subway from the Harvard Square to the Boston train station, and from there boarded a train to New York City, a distance of about 320 kilometers, arriving that afternoon at Penn Station. I immediately went to the post office, to await the arrivals of the chicken and the egg. The James A. Farley General Post Office is open 24 hours a day, so I was able to wait there until both items arrived. I inquired once per hour for both the chicken and the egg. That day, Monday, neither the chicken nor the egg arrived. The next day, Tuesday, neither the chicken nor the egg arrived. The chicken arrived at 10:31 am, Wednesday. The staff at the post office told me that this was the first chicken anyone had mailed to the post office in recent memory, and perhaps ever. The egg arrived that same day, at 9:37pm, 11 hours after the chicken.

Based on experiment data, it's now quite clear that the chicken came first, the egg second.

第41题:Which of the following is NOT required of a container?

A.It should be ventilated.

B.It should be made of steel.

C.It should be sufficiently large.

D.It should be strong.



An adult giraffe's head is about six feet above its heart. This means that to pump enough blood up to the brain the circulatory system must be strong enough to keep the blood at very high pressure.

Biologists have known for some time that giraffes solve this problem by having unusually high blood pressure, about double that of human beings. But an international team of biologists began to wonder about this. If giraffes have such high blood pressure, they should have a terrible problem with swelling in their legs and feet. Why don't giraffes have swollen feet?

Giraffes should have another problem, too. Every time they bend heads down to drink, the blood should rush to their heads and have a hard time flowing back up (when the head is down)to the heart. How come giraffes don't black out when they drink?

The answer to the swollen feet problem, the researchers found, is that giraffes have what the researchers call a "natural anti-gravity suit". It turns out that the skin and other tissues in their legs and feet are much stiffer and tougher than those of other animals. As a result, the blood vessels in the leg cannot swell. Therefore, the blood has nowhere to go but back to the heart.

What about blood rushing to the head whenever the giraffe bends down to drink? The researchers found that the giraffe's jugular vein, which carries blood from the head back to the heart, has lots of one-way valves in it. In the giraffe's neck, there are lots of muscles that flex and relax repeatedly as the animal moves its head and sucks up drinking water. By squeezing the valved jugular vein, they keep blood moving back to the heart even while the animal is drinking.

Giraffes do not have swollen legs because______.

A.their legs and feet have strong skin and muscles

B.their blood vessels are stiff and tough legs

C.they wear a kind of special suit

D.there are lots of one-way valves in the veins of their legs

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