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During the oxidation of glucose, a net gain of ATP only occurs under aerobic conditions.

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A new report of the United Nations shows that, if the present growth rate of 2 percent per year continues, today's world population of 5.1 billion will hit 6.4 billion by the year 2000. What's more, the great part of the growth—9 of every 10 people added to the earth's population—will be in the poor and undeveloped countries. These are the nations where providing enough food for billions of people already is proving to be a headache problem.

By the year 2000, today's "have not" nations will have a total population of 5 billion people, nearly four fifths of the world's population.

Food isn't the only problem that such a population explosion presents. The more people there are and the worse their living conditions, the greater grow the possibility of all kinds of social problems.

In 1830, world population reached 1 billion. It took only 100 more years to add another billion to world population; just 30 more to add a third billion. And it took just 15 more years to reach the 4 billion mark in 1975. Actually, the world's birth rate is falling. But so is death rate, as medical advances have made it possible for man to live longer than before. Such advances have also reduced baby death rate. Unless population growth is reduced, the world population may reach 12 billion in a century. Is the earth capable of providing a good life for so large a population?

A population explosion will lead to ______.

A.a lot of social problems

B.medical advances

C.a decrease in food production

D.a worse life in every nation with 3 billion



Job letters and resumes must attract the attention of busy readers, who may spend only 60 seconds deciding whether to consider you further. This article gives you the tools to write a successful letter and resume. "Successful," of course, means a letter and resume that will get you an interview. After that, your interpersonal skills will help you land the job. The letter and resume only aim to get you to the next step--the personal interview.Most job letters and resumes still get sent through the mail. However, a growing number of applicants ( 申请人) use the Internet to apply for jobs. For example, on-line services can place resumes into a bank used by hundreds, perhaps thousands, of companies. The resumes will be scanned with the use of software, which searches for key words that reflect abilities needed for specific jobs and then sends selected resumes to companies. Whether you use on-line techniques like e-mail and resume services or stick with the traditional approach( 方式) the same basic writing prisiples apply. Your letter, no longer than one page, should be specific about the job you seek and your main selling points. The resume--one page or two at most--should simply, specifically ,and neatly highlight(强调) your background. 根据以上内容,回答下列各题。 A successful letter and resume will help you __________ .

A.gain tools

B.get an interview

C.make decision

D.become attractive



The origins of nest-building remain obscure, but current observation of nest-building

activities provide evidence of their evolution. Clues to this evolutionary process can be

found in the activities of play and in the behavior. and movements of birds during mating,

Line such as incessant pulling at strips of vegetation or scraping of the soil. During the early

(5) days of the reproductive cycle, the birds seem only to play with the building materials. In

preparation for mating, they engage in activities that resemble nest-building, and continue

these activities throughout and even after the mating cycle. Effective attempts at construction

occur only after mating.

Although nest-building is an instinctive ability, there is considerable adaptability in

(10)both site selection and use of materials, especially with those species which build quite

elaborate constructions. Furthermore, some element of learning is often evident since

younger birds do not build as well as their practiced elders. Young ravens, for example,

first attempt to build with sticks of quite unsuitable size, while a jackdaw's first nest

includes virtually any movable object. The novelist John Steinbeck recorded the contents

(15)of a young osprey nest built in his garden, which included three shirts, a bath towel, and

one arrow.

Birds also display remarkable behavior. in collecting building materials. Crows have

been seen to tear off stout green twigs, and sparrowhawks will dive purposefully onto a

branch until it snaps and then hang upside down to break it off. Golden eagles, over

(20)generations of work, construct enormous nests. One of these, examined after it had been

dislodged by high winds, weighed almost two tons and included foundation branches

almost two meters long. The carrying capacity of the eagles, however, is only relative to

their size ant1 most birds are able to carry an extra load of just over twenty percent of their

body weight.

The word "obscure" in line 1 is closest in meaning to







According to the passage, the optical anatomy of Bythograea thermydron's acquires which of the following features as it grows from larva to an adult? Ⅰ. A higher sensitivity to longer wavelengths of light Ⅱ. An enhanced ability to form. images Ⅲ. A greater range of spectral absorbance

A.Ⅰ only

B.Ⅱ only

C.Ⅰ and Ⅱ only

D.Ⅰ and Ⅲ only

E.Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ



According to the passage, the optical anatomy of Bythograea thermydron's acquires which of the following features as it grows from larva to an adult?Ⅰ. A higher sensitivity to longer wavelengths of lightⅡ. An enhanced ability to form. imagesⅢ. A greater range of spectral absorbance

A.Ⅰ only

B.Ⅱ only

C.Ⅰ and Ⅱ only

D.Ⅰ and Ⅲ only

E.Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:M: You are not still watching television, are you?

W: I enjoy your television -- fill have to watch lots more while I'm here. The camera-work was good. It looked like the work of real experts. Er... how long has television been going in Britain?

M: Oh, since 1936.

W: Ah!

M: Only in London are at that time, though. There wasn't any television during the Second World War. It was started up again afterwards. The BBC was the organization responsible for it.

W: What do the initials BBC stand for?

M: British Broadcasting Corporation. It's a public corporation. It isn't controlled by the government, but it's not a private company either. That means that the government Can't use the BBC for propaganda purposes, and nor can private individuals or firms.

W: Is there any advertising?

M: Not on the BBC. ITV gets its money from advertising, though.


M: ITV stands for Independent Television. It was started in 1954 -- again in the London area. It covers the whole country now, though.

W: Why does everything start in London?

M: Well... it's the capital after all -- and the largest center of population by a long way. If you start up a public service... like TV... there, it gets to as many people as possible to start with.

W: What do people think of advertisements on television?

M: It depends. A lot of people think it is a good idea because it means that television can pay its way -- the ITV gets all the money from the advertisements.

W: What about the BBC?

M: You have to pay a TV license of 7 pounds a year -- that goes to the BBC. Or 12 pounds for color. A lot of people don't like to pay and wish that there were advertisements on the BBC too. On the other hand, other people hate TV advertising because they think it is an insult to their intelligence.

W: Mm. The advertisements aren't very subtle, then?

M: Well... some aren't, anyway. Lots of people go out to the kitchen to make a cup of tea when the adverts are on... or take their dog for a walk.

W: How many channels are there?

M: Three. The BBC has two. ITV has only got one. ITV doesn't think that's fair. They want another channel to make them equal with the BBC, but so far the government hasn't allowed them to have one. The BBC says that if there's to be another channel, then they Should have it, not ITV. The BBC thinks the fourth channel should be used for the Open University.

W: The Open University?

M: Oh, you must have heard about the Open University. It is a university for people who've never been to university and want a chance to go. The university uses BBC television for its lectures. They're on the radio too.

W: I see. What do you think of your television programs?

M: Well, there are some pretty awful programs on TV, but most are quite good.

W: What sort of things do you watch yourself?

M: I watch mainly news programs. And I like old films too.

W: Old films? If you watch old films, you might just as well go to the cinema.

M: Oh -- not on your life, the cinema costs money. Besides, it's a lot more troublesome going out than staying at home. And I like old films, not new ones. There are a lot of people like me too. Cinemas all over the places are being closed down all the while because of TV.

W: Mm, reasonable enough, I suppose.

M: And it's not just films that people would rather watch on TV. Fewer people go to football matches nowadays, for instance. They prefer to watch them on TV.

W: Surely it's not as good on television as it is in real life?

M: Oh, you lose a bit of the atmosphere, of course, and... you don't feel part of the occasion in the

A.The initials BBC stand for British Broadcasting Corporation.

B.It's a public corporation.

C.The government can't control it.

D.There are some adverts on it.



When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money. He may (1)_____ the repayment of the money at any time, either (2)_____ cash or by drawing a check in favor of another person. (3)_____, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor who is (4)_____ depending on whether the customer's account is (5)_____ credit or is overdrawn. But, in (6)_____ to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer (7)_____ a large number of obligations to one another. Many of these obligations can give (8)_____ to problems and complications but a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is (9)_____ against him.

The bank must (10)_____ its customer's instructions, and not those of anyone else. (11)_____, for example, a customer opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in (12)_____ of checks drawn by himself. He gives the bank (13)_____ of his signature, and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or (14)_____ to pay out a customer's money (15)_____ a check on which its customer's signature has been (16)_____ It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very (17)_____ one: the bank must recognize its customer's signature. For this reason there is no (18)_____ to the customer in the practice, (19)_____ by banks, of printing the customer's name on his checks. If this (20)_____ Forgery, it is the bank that will lose, not the customer.







When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money. He may (1)_____ the repayment of the money at any time, either (2)_____ cash or by drawing a check in favor of another person.(3)_____, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor who is (4)_____ depending on whether the customer's account is (5)_____ credit or is overdrawn. But, in (6)_____ to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer (7)_____ a large number of obligations to one another. Many of these obligations can give (8)_____ to problems and complications but a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is (9)_____ against him.

The bank must (10)_____ its customer's instructions, and not those of anyone else. (11)_____, for example, a customer opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in (12)_____ of checks drawn by himself. He gives the bank (13)_____ of his signature, and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or (14)_____ to pay out a customer's money (15)_____ a check on which its customer's signature has been (16)_____. It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very (17)_____ one: the bank must recognize its customer's signature. For this reason there is no (18)_____ to the customer in the practice, (19)_____ by banks, of printing the customer's name on his checks. If this (20)_____ forgery, it is the bank that will lose, not the customer.







About one in twenty adults in the United States cannot read English. A new federal study shows that adults made little progress in their reading skills between 1992 and 2003.

The National Assessment of Adult Literacy is the most important test of how well adult Americans can read. Researchers tested nineteen thousand people over the age of sixteen. The study represents an adult population of two hundred twenty-two million. Those who took part were tested on how well they could read and understand information used in everyday life. The study found that eleven million adults, or five percent, cannot read English. They could not answer even the easiest written questions. Four million of them most likely cannot speak English either. The study shows that more than forty percent of adults can perform. only simple reading activities. For many, even that can be difficult. Fifty-six percent of adults can perform. moderate or complex activities. Moderate can mean finding information in a book. Of that number, thirteen percent can perform. complex tasks like comparing two different newspaper commentaries(评论).

Researchers say part of the problem is that many young Americans do not read as much for pleasure anymore. Also, there are greater numbers of non-English speaking immigrants.

Reading skills can directly affect the ability to earn a living. The best readers were found to earn up to twenty-eight thousand dollars a year more than those who lacked simple reading skills.

Yet, compared to the last study in 1992, adults'reading skills were about the same or lower across every level of education. This was true even among people who have completed college. By race and ethnic group, blacks and Asians had the biggest increases in English reading skills. But levels decreased among Hispanics. Experts, say, however, that while many Hispanics are unable to read in English, they may read well in Spanish.

Overall, American adults improved the most in answering questions that involved numbers. Even so, the test found that the average adult cannot do much more than perform. simple, everyday math.

When was the article probably written?

A.Between 1992 and 2003.

B.After 1992.

C.Around 2003.

D.In 1992.



1 During the adolescence, the development of political ideology becomes apparent in the individual; ideology here is defined as the presence of roughly consistent attitudes, more or less organized in reference to a more encompassing, though perhaps tacit, set of general principles. As such, political ideology is dim or absent at the beginning of adolescence. Its acquisition by the adolescent, in even the most modest sense, requires the acquisition of relatively sophisticated cognitive skills: the ability to manage abstractness, to synthesize and generalize, to imagine the future. These are accompanied by a steady advance in the ability to understand principles.

2 The child's rapid acquisition of political knowledge also promotes the growth of political ideology during adolescence. By knowledge I mean more than the dreary "facts" such as the composition of county government that the child is exposed to in the conventional ninth-grade civics course. Nor do I mean only information on current political realities. These are facets of knowledge, but they are less critical than the adolescent's absorption, often unwitting, of a feeling for those many unspoken assumptions about the political system that comprise the common ground of understanding, for example, what the state can "appropriately" demand of its citizens, and vice versa, or the "proper" relationship of government to subsidiary social institutions, such as the schools and churches. Thus, political knowledge is the awareness of social assumptions and relationships as well as of objective facts. Much of the naivete that characterizes the younger adolescent's grasp of politics stems not from an ignorance of "facts" but from an incomplete comprehension of the common conventions of the system, of what is and not customarily done, and of how and why it is or is not done.

3 Yet I do not want to overemphasize the significance of increased political knowledge in forming adolescent ideology. Over the years I have Become progressively disenchanted about the centrality of such knowledge and have come to believe that much current work in political socialization, by relying too heavily on its apparent acquisition, has been misled about the tempo of political understanding in adolescence. Just as young children can count members in series without grasping the principle of ordination, young adolescents may have in their head many random bits of political information without a secure understanding of those concepts that would give order and meaning to the information.

4 Like magpies, children's minds pick up bits and pieces of data. If you encourage them, they will drop these at your feet—Republicans and Democrats, the tripartite division of the federal system, perhaps even the capital of Massachusetts. But until the adolescent has grasped the integumental function that concepts and principles provide, the data remain fragmented, random, disordered.

The author's primary purpose in the passage is to ____________.

A.clarify the kinds of understanding an adolescent must have in order to develop a political ideology

B.dispute the theory that a political ideology can be acquired during adolescence

C.explain why adolescents are generally uninterested in political arguments

D.suggest various means of encouraging adolescents to develop personal political ideologies

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