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13) In this article, I talk about cloud computing service types and the _____ and differences between cloud and grid computing (网格计算).

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During the whole of a dull, dark and soundless day in the, autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. Thus Edgar Allan Poe opened his story of the fall of the House of Usher in 1839. In this beautifully crafted sentence he captured so much that is essential to the horror story: darkness, ominous solitude, foreboding calm, apprehension and uncertainty, and a deep feeling of melancholy that could soon turn to fear.

Many kinds of fiction are self-explanatory: mysteries, Westerns, love stories, spy thrillers, and science fiction define themselves by the terms used to name them. The horror story is less easily defined, perhaps because other types of fiction so often use the trappings of terror to enhance their plots. Charles Dickens used the vehicle of an old-fashioned ghost story to tell A Christmas Carol, but that book is not a honor story. Nor does a Grimm brothers fairy tale such as Hansen and Grate with its child-devouring witch, belong to the genre.

The nature of the horror story is. best indicated by the title of the 1980s television series Tales from the Dark Side. Human beings have always acknowledged that there is evil in the world and a dark side to human nature that cannot be explained except perhaps in religious terms. This evil may be imagined as having an almost unlimited power to inspire anxiety, fear, dread, and terror in addition to doing actual physical and mental harm.

In the tale of horror quite ordinary people are confronted by something unknown and fearful, which can be neither understood nor explained in reasonable terms. It is the emphasis on the unreasonable that lies at the heart of horror stories. This kind of literature arose in the 18th century at the start of a movement called Romanticism. The movement was a reaction against a rational, orderly world in which humanity was basically good and everything could be explained scientifically. The literary type that inspired the horror story is Gothic fiction, tales of evil, often set in sinister medieval surroundings. This original kind of horror fiction has persisted to the present.

In his novel, Edgar Allen Poe _______.

A.integrated the description of beauty into his horror story

B.used a lot of typical descriptions of horror stories

C.was universally considered as the father of horror story

D.combined a touch of sadness in his description of horror



听力原文:M: I got two letters this morning with job offers, one from the Polytechnic, and the other from the Language School in Pistoia, Italy.

W: So you are not sure which to go for?

M: That's it. Of course, the conditions of work are very different: The Polytechnic is offering two-year contract which could be renewed, but the language school is only offering a year's contract, and that's a different minus. It could be renewed, but you never know.

W: I see. So it's much less secure. But you don't need to think too much about steady jobs when you are only 23.

M: That's true.

W: What about the salaries?

M: Well, the Pistoia job pays much better in the short term. I'll be getting the equivalent of about £22,000 a year there, but only £20,000 at the Polytechnic. But then the hours are different. At the Polytechnic I'd have to do 35 hours a week, 20 teaching and 15 administration, whereas the Pistoia school is only asking for 30 hours teaching.

W: Mmm...

M: Then the type of teaching is so different. The Polytechnic is all adults and mostly preparation for exams like the Cambridge certificates. The Language School wants me to do a bit of exam preparation, but also quite a lot of work in companies and factories, and a couple of children's classes. Oh, and a bit of literature teaching.

W: Well, that sounds much more varied and interesting. And I'd imagine you would be doing quire a lot of teaching outside the school, and moving around quite a bit.

M: Yes, whereas with the Polytechnic position, I'd be stuck in the school all day.

What do we learn about the man from the conversation?

A.He wants to sign a long-term contract.

B.He is good at both language and literature.

C.He prefers teaching to administrative work.

D.He is undecided as to which job to go for.



听力原文:M: I got two letters this morning with job offers, one from the Polytechnic, and the other from the Language School in Pistoia, Italy.

W: So you are not sure which to go for?

M: That's it. Of course, the conditions of work are very different: The Polytechnic is offering two-year contract which could be renewed, but the language school is only offering a year's contract, and that's a different minus. It could be renewed, but you never know.

W: I see. So it's much less secure. But you don't need to think too much about steady jobs when you are only 23.

M: That's true.

W: What about the salaries?

M: Well, the Pistoia job pays much better in the short term. I'll be getting the equivalent of about £22,000 a year there, but only £20,000 at the Polytechnic. But then the hours are different. At the Polytechnic I'd have to do 35 hours a week, 20 teaching and 15 administration, whereas the Pistoia school is only asking for 30 hours teaching.

W: Mmm...

M: Then the type of teaching is so different. The Polytechnic is all adults and mostly preparation for exams like the Cambridge certificates. The Language School wants me to do a bit of exam preparation, but also quite a lot of work in companies and factories, and a couple of children's classes. Oh, and a bit of literature teaching.

W: Well, that sounds much more varied and interesting. And I'd imagine you would be doing quire a lot of teaching outside the school, and moving around quite a bit.

M: Yes, whereas with the Polytechnic position, I'd be stuck in the school all day.

What do we learn about the man from the conversation?

A.He wants to sign a long-term contract.

B.He is good at both language and literature.

C.He prefers teaching to administrative work.

D.He is undecided as to which job to go for.



The switchboards for a.csystems differ from the d.cswitch gear in that the open type panels are generally_____ and the dead-front switch gear is the common rule.



C.no permissible

D.not permissible



What does the professor mainly discuss in this lecture?

A.Various types of helpful symbiotic relationships.

B.Difficulties in classifying relationships between species.

C.Different types of relationships between species.

D.The erroneous popular understanding of symbiosis.



—Look at the sentences below and the following introduction about the types of ownership.

—Which type of ownership does each sentence 1—7 refer to?

—For each sentence 1—7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

—You will need to use some of the letters more than once.



On the whole, this is not a popular form. of business organization, but it is often used by people in the professions, like doctors, dentists or lawyers, to expand their business. Greater efficiency is possible because people in this sort of association can spend their time doing what they are best at. If one person is sick, then the remaining partner(s) can carry on the work. The main disadvantage is that even with this form. of ownership, the amount of money available to the business may be limited. If people quarrel or disagree over decision making there can be problems and serious delays.


Public (Plc) Companies

These are the largest businesses in the private sector. There is no limit to the number of people holding shares in it and many of the larger companies have their shares listed on the stock exchange. The advantage of big businesses like this is that they find it easier to raise money as banks consider them a 'good risk'. There are strict laws governing the setting-up of this kind of business and each year the company has to publish its accounts. The larger such businesses grow, the more difficult it is to control them. Workers in such businesses may feel that management doesn't understand their problems.


Private (Ltd) Companies

Such businesses are net allowed to sell shares to the public. They must consist of at least two members, but there is no upper limit to the numbers who own the company. The larger size makes it possible for such companies to borrow more money from the banks or from issuing additional shares to its members. The advantage is that such a business is able to offer its members limited liability (responsibility) for debts and losses. Many companies of this type exist in England, Europe and the U. S.


Sole Proprietorships

Sole proprietorships, the most common business form, consist of one person doing business with no legal charter. While they offer the owner great freedom and are easy to form, they also present grave financial risks. General partnerships are merely proprietorships with multiple ewers.

There is no limit to the number of people holding shares in it.



Problem in this exercise assume that the logic blo...

Problem in this exercise assume that the logic blocks used to implement a processor’s complete datapath have the following latencies:“Register read” is the time needed after the rising clock edge for the new register value to appear on the output. This value applies to the PC only. “Register setup” is the amount of time a register’s data input must be stable before the rising edge of the clock. This value applies to both the PC and Register File. Q1: What is the latency of an R-type instruction? ____ ps ( number only )



In this exercise, you are required to use support ...

In this exercise, you are required to use support vector machines (SVMs) to prediction incident duration. By this assignment on SVMs, you can get deep understanding of how to use SVMs. The data comes from the national incident management center for towing operations. These data were provided by towing officers, police and Rijkswaterstaat road-inspectors who perform incident handling. The data was collected from 1st May to 13th September 2005 on the region of Utrecht. You can find 1853 registrations of incident in total in the incidentduration.csv. Test_set.csv extract 50% of data and is used to test SVM, while train_set.csv contains the remaining and is used to train SVM. Attributes includes as follows: 1. Incident type (Stopped vehicle, lost load, accident); 2. Kind of vehicles involved (passenger cars, trucks, N/A); 3. Police required (yes, no) 4. Track research (yes, no) 5. Ambulance required (yes, no) 6. Fire brigades required (yes, no) 7. Repair service required (yes, no) 8. Tow truck required (yes, no) 9. Road inspector (yes, no) 10. Lane closer (yes, no) 11. Road repair required (yes, no) 12. Fluid to be cleaned (yes, no) 13. Damage of road equipment (yes, no) 14. Number of vehicles (Involved Single, two, more) 15. Type bergings task (onb, CMI, CMV) 16. By the week (workdays, weekend) 17. Start and end time (during peek hour, off peek hour) 18. Duration (short, long) Build prediction models with SVM to complete the following tasks. A. Use train_set.csv as train data set to build a model, and test on test_set.csv. Report the accuracy of train model and test model you get. (Suggestions: In data preprocess, you can deal with independent variables which are nominal variables by using one-hot representation, so that the corresponding value of each feature is guaranteed to be 0 or 1. It is easy to implement with get_dummies(data) function in the pandas package.) B. Use incidentduration.csv to build a model using 10-fold cross validation. Report the accuracy of train model and test model you get. C. Build a prediction model again after Feature Reduction (Keep 80% variance). Report the accuracy of train model and test model you get. D: Which model gives the highest accuracy on the test set? Why? Give you explanation.

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