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Who had named the old trade route as “the Silk Road”?

A、Marco Polo.

B、A German geographer.


D、Zhang Qian.

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听力原文: Unlike Boas, who had only suggested language as a measure of culture, Sapir proposed a mutual relationship between culture and language.

When Sapir was teaching at Yale; Benjamin Lee Whorl enrolled in his class. A chemical engineers, Whorf neither sought nor obtained a higher degree in linguistics. His contribution to the science of language is nonetheless significant.

Whorf was recognized for his investigations of the Hopi language, including his authorship of a grammar and a dictionary. Even in his early publications, it is clear that he was developing the theory that the very different grammar of Hopi might indicate a different manner of conceiving and perceiving the word on the part of the native speaker of Hopi.

In 1936, he wrote his monumental work "An American Indian Model of the Universe," which explored the implications of the Hopi verb system with regard to the Hopi conception of space and time.

Whorf is probably best known for his article, "The Relation of Habitual Thought and Behavior. to Language," and for the throe articles which appeared in 1941 in the Technology Review.

In these articles, he proposed what he called the principle of "linguistic relativity," which states, at least as a hypothesis, that the grammar of a man's language influences the manner in which he understands reality and behaves with respect to it. Since the theory did not emerge until after Whorf had begun to study with Sapir, and since Sapir had most certainly shared in the development of the idea, it came to be called the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.








Caring for the old

The old do not have to look exclusively to the past.Relieved of some of life’s responsibilities and fortified by many years of experience and knowledge,they may have a much better idea of how to spend their time enjoyably than they did in their youth.And not all e11joymeat is restricted to the mental or philosophical. Healthy physical activity remains quite possible for most of us well into our later years.

Old people sometimes display surprising freedom and forthrightness in the expression of their thoughts and feelings,and an ability to transmit affection. It is as though some of the rituals which constrict us in earlier life fall away.

But a higher percentage of people suffer from emotional distress in old age than at any other time in adult life,and the gap between need and care is often filled by dubious measures,such as heavy handed prescription of medicine. For many years it was assumed that old people were not appropriate candidates for psychotherapy. But a few clinicians have risen to the challenge and discovered that individual and group psychotherapy is just as effective with the old as with the young.

It is easy to understand why an earthquake causes terror.Yet in old age there may be terror of a very private nature,a sense of disintegration sometimes stemming from inner conflicts,sometimes from a premonition of death or the fear of becoming dependent.

Dependency is a grim choice:insecurity and deprivation must be weighed against loss of autonomy and integrity. But if there is nothing shameful about the dependency of a baby or a young child,there should be nothing shameful about the dependencies natural with old age and diminishing physical resources.

The complexity and impersonality of the bureaucratic establishments, which have the means to provide help,are often threatening to old people.The younger generation today,on the other hand,will have had many decades to interact with “the system ”by the time they reach old age.

Many of us, including healthcare providers,assume that we know what old people and dying people want ,but our assumptions are often a reflections of our won thoughts and feelings based on personal interpretations of scanty bits of observation.Such assumptions are really an excuse to avoid close contact with the terminally i11.Assuming we “know” what they want, we observe ourselves from being with them,and sharing their thoughts about the end of life.

We sometimes assume,wrongly,that old people are too confused or senile to be aware of the nearness of death.In consequence.communication between a dying and others is subject to extraordinary omissions and distortions.“Protecting” the dying from knowledge of their condition often serves to protect us from the uncomfortable prospect of talking about dying and death.Evasions like this only lead to increasing isolation at a time when emotional honesty and understanding are most needed.

第 41 题 paragraph l___________.



Caring for the Old

The old do not have to look exclusively to the past. Relieved of some of life's responsibilities and fortified by many years of experience and knowledge, they may have a much better idea of how to spend their time enjoyably than they did in their youth. And not all enjoyment is restricted to the mental or philosophical. Healthy physical activity remains quite possible for most of us well into our later years.

Old people sometimes display surprising freedom and forthrightness in the expression of their thoughts and feelings, and an ability to transmit affection. It is as though some of the rituals which constrict us in earlier life fall away.

But a higher percentage of people suffer from emotional distress in old age than at any other time in adult life, and the gap between need and care is often filled by dubious measures, such as heavy-handed prescription of medicine. For many years it was assumed that old people were not appropriate candidates for psychotherapy. But a few clinicians have risen to the challenge and discovered that individual and group psychotherapy is just as effective with the old as with the young.

It is easy to understand why an earthquake causes terror. Yet in old age there may be terror of a very private nature, a sense of disintegration sometimes stemming from inner conflicts, sometimes from a premonition of death or the fear of becoming dependent.

Dependency is a grim choice: insecurity and deprivation must be weighed against loss of autonomy and integrity. But if there is nothing shameful about the dependency of a baby or a young child, there should be nothing shameful about the dependencies natural with old age and diminishing physical resources.

The complexity and impersonality of the bureaucratic establishments, which have the means to provide help, are often threatening to old people. The younger generation today, on the other hand, will have had many decades to interact with "the system" by the time they reach old age.

Many of us, including healthcare providers, assume that we know what old people and dying people want, but our assumptions are often a reflections of our won thoughts and feelings based on personal interpretations of scanty bits of observation. Such assumptions are really an excuse to avoid close contact with the terminally ill. Assuming we "know" what they want, we observe ourselves from being with them, and sharing their thoughts about the end of life.

We sometimes assume, wrongly, that old people are too confused or senile to be aware of the nearness of death. In consequence, communication between a dying and others is subject to extraordinary omissions and distortions. "Protecting" the dying from knowledge of their condition often serves to protect us from the uncomfortable prospect of talking about dying and death. Evasions like this only lead to increasing isolation at a time when emotional honesty and understanding are most needed.

A. Knowing better how to enjoy life

B. Freedom in expression

C. Psychotherapy effective with some of the old

D. Period of greater emotional distress

E. Dependency: a grim choice

F. Guiltiness: dependency

paragraph 1 ______.



根据材料请回答 23~30

Caring for the Old

The old do not have to look exclusively(单一地)to the past.Relieved of some of life's responsibilities and fortified (被加强了的) by many years of.experience and knowledge, they may have a much better idea of how to spend their time enjoyably than they did in their youth.And not all enjoyment is restricted to the mental or philosophical.Healthy physical activity remains quite possible for most of us well into our later years.

Old people sometimes display surprising freedom and forthrightness (直截了当)in the expression of their thoughts and feelings, and an ability to transmit affection.It is as though some of the rituals which constrict(限制) us in earlier life fall away.

But a higher percentage of people suffer from emotional distress(沮丧) in old age than at any other time in adult life, and the gap between need and care is often filled by dubious measures, such as heavy-handed prescription of medicine.For many years it was assumed that old people were not appropriate candidates for psychotherapy(精神疗法).But a few clinicians(临床大夫) have risen to people the challenge and discovered that individual and group psychotherapy is just as effective with the old as with the young.

It is easy to understand why an earthquake causes terror.Yet in old age there may beterror of a very private nature, a sense of disintegration (崩溃,衰变)sometimes seeming from inner conflicts, sometimes from a premonition (预感)of death or the fear of becoming dependent.

Dependency is a grim(可怕的) choice_- insecurity(缺乏安全感) and deprivation(丧失能力) must be weighted against loss of autonomy(人身自由 ) and integrity(个体独立).But if there is nothing shameful about the dependency of a baby or a young child, there should be nothing shameful about the dependencies natural with old age and diminishing physical resources.

The complexity and impersonality of the bureaucratic (官僚主义的) establishments(官僚机构), which have the means to provide help, are often threatening to old people.The younger generation today, on the other hand, will have had many decades to interact with" the system" by the time they reach old age.

Many of us, including healthcare providers, assume that we know what old people and dying people want, but our assumption are often a reflection of our own thoughts and feelings based on personal interpretations of scanty (贫乏的)bits of observation.Such as-sumptions are really an excuse to avoid close Contact with the terminally ill(病入膏肓的人).Assuming we "know" what they want, we absolve(开脱罪责) ourselves from being with them, and sharing their thoughts about the end of life.

We sometime assume, wrongly, that old people are too confused or senile (衰老的) to be aware of the nearness of death.In consequences, communication between a dying per-son and others is subject to ordinary omission and distortions(扭曲)."Protecting" the dy-ing from knowledge of their condition often serves to protect us from the uncomfortable re-spect of talking about dying and death.Evasions like this only lead to increasing isolation at a time emotional honesty and understanding are most needed.

第 23 题 Paragraph 1________



For many years, no one could communicate with people who had been born without hearing. These deaf people were not able to use a spoken language.

But ,beginning in the 170Os,the deaf were taught a special language. Using this language, they could share thoughts and ideas with others. The language they used was a language without sound. It was a sign language.

How did this sign language work? The deaf were taught to make certain movements using their hands, face, and bodies. These movements stood for things and ideas. People might move their forefingers across their lips. This meant," You are not telling the truth. "They might tap their chins with three fingers. This meant "my uncle".

The deaf were also taught to use a finger alphabet. They used their fingers to make the letters of the alphabet. In this way, they spelled out words. Some deaf people could spell out words at a speed of 130 words per minute.

Sign language and finger spelling are not used as much as they once were. Today, the deaf are taught to understand others by watching their lips. They are also taught how to speak.

In the 1700s, the deaf were taught ______.

A.to speak

B.sign language

C.to watch others




There 56 a king who had twelve beautiful daughters. They 57 in twelve beds all in one room and when they went to bed, the 58 were shut and locked up. 59 , every morning 60 shoes were found to be quite worn through as if they had been danced in all night. Nobody could 61 how it happened, or 62 the princesses had been. So the king made it 63 to all that if any person could discover the 64 and find out where it was that the princesses danced in the 65 , he would have the 66 he liked best to take as his wife, and would be king 67 his death. But whoever tried and did not succeed, after three days and nights, would be 68 to death. A prince from a nearby country soon came. He was well entertained, and in the evening was taken to the chamber (大房间) next 69 the one where the princesses lay in their twelve 70 . There he was to sit and 71 where they went to dance; and, in order 72 nothing could happen without him hearing it, the door of his 73 was left open. But the prince soon went to sleep; and when he 74 in the morning he found that the princesses had all been dancing, 75 the soles of their shoes were full of holes.根据以上内容,回答题。

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The finance director of AQR Co has heard that the market value of the company will increase if the weighted average cost of capital of the company is decreased. The company, which is listed on a stock exchange, has 100 million shares in issue and the current ex div ordinary share price is $2·50 per share. AQR Co also has in issue bonds with a book value of $60 million and their current ex interest market price is $104 per $100 bond. The current after-tax cost of debt of AQR Co is 7% and the tax rate is 30%.

The recent dividends per share of the company are as follows.

The finance director proposes to decrease the weighted average cost of capital of AQR Co, and hence increase its market value, by issuing $40 million of bonds at their par value of $100 per bond. These bonds would pay annual interest of 8% before tax and would be redeemed at a 5% premium to par after 10 years.


(a) Calculate the market value after-tax weighted average cost of capital of AQR Co in the following circumstances:

(i) before the new issue of bonds takes place;

(ii) after the new issue of bonds takes place. Comment on your findings. (12 marks)

(b) Identify and discuss briefly the factors that influence the market value of traded bonds. (5 marks)

(c) Discuss the director’s view that issuing traded bonds will decrease the weighted average cost of capital of AQR Co and thereby increase the market value of the company. (8 marks)

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