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——What about yesterday's dragon dance? ——Oh,it's_____one I've ever seen.

A、the most wonderful

B、a more wonderful

C、more wonderful

D、a most wonderful

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更多“——What about yesterday's drago…”相关的问题


听力原文:M: I don't know, Janet, not matter what I do, I just can't seem to find a job. I've been on interviews, I've called people, I've gone through thousands of these want ads. It's hopeless. I'm just ready to give up.

W: Look, don't give up. No matter how long it takes, just hang in there. Keep at it! Keep going on interviews and you'll be hired sooner or later.

M: Well, it looks like later.

W: John, look here. There's a part-time position for tour leader or tour guide. It sounds like just the kind of job you've been looking for. See, I told you not to give up!

M: Are you pulling my leg? Are you suggesting I be a tour guide? What do I know about that?

W: Listen, I'll read it to you "Part-time tour guide. Explore Tours is looking for a bilingual tour guide for escorting tour groups through Western China. Flexible working schedule. No experience necessary. Call 642-6161." See, no experience necessary. Give it a shot!

M: What did you say that number was again.?

W: 642-6161.

M: I'll call them right now. If I get hired for this job, you'll be enjoying a wonderful evening dinner at La Grand Chow! All on me!

The man's effort to find a position does not include _____.

A.putting up ads on newspapers

B.calling various employers

C.going through interviews

D.reading thousands of want ads



听力原文:M: I don't know, Janet, not matter what I do, I just can't seem to find a job. I've been on interviews, I've called people, I've gone through thousands of these want ads. It's hopeless. I'm just ready to give up.

W: Look, don't give up. No matter how long it takes, just hang in there. Keep at it! Keep going on inter- views and you'll be hired sooner or later.

M: Well, it looks like later.

W: John, look here. There's a part time position for tour leader or tour guide. It sounds like just the kind of job you've been looking for. See, I told you not to give up!

M:Are you pulling my leg? Are you suggesting I be a tour guide? What do I know about that?

W: Listen, I'll read it to you "Part-time tour guide. Explore Tours is looking for a bilingual tour guide for escorting tour groups through Western China. Flexible working schedule. No experience necessary. Call 642-6161. "See, no experience necessary. Give it a shot!

M: What did you say that number was again?

W: 642-6161.

M: I'll call them right now. If I get hired for this job, you'll be enjoying a wonderful evening dinner at La Grand Chow! All on me!

The man's effort to find a position does not include_______.

A.putting up ads on newspapers

B.calling various employers

C.going through interviews

D.reading thousands of want ads



听力原文:M: Don't worry about the meter. It's broken. I'll charge you a flat three dollars for the ride.

W: If the traffic is this bad every day, it's worth twice as much.

Q: What's the man's occupation?


A.Taxi driver.

B.Traffic officer.


D.Ticket salesman.



——what a hard problem! ——Ask Mary.Maybe she has ____ with a good idear about it.

A、come up

B、ended up

C、met up

D、kept up



听力原文:M: Don't worry about the meter ma'am. It's broken. I'll charge you a flat five dollars for the ride.

W: If the traffic is this bad everyday, it's worth twice as much.

Q: What's the man's occupation?


A.A cab driver.

B.A repairman.

C.A traffic officer.

D.An automobile salesman.



听力原文:M: What a queer-tasting thing! What's the green stuff?

W: Oh, it's called curry. It's the delicious seasoning I had last night at the seafood banquet held in Tom Markham's new house.

Q: What are they talking about in the conversation?


A.A kind of feeling.

B.A kind of seasoning.

C.The seafood banquet.

D.Tom Markham's new house.



听力原文:W: First of all, I'd like you to tell me a bit about what you've been doing.

M: Well, I left school after I'd done my A-levels. Well, I really wanted to study Art. But a friend of my father's offered me a job — he's an accountant in the city.

W: I see. In your application, you say that you only spent nine months with this firm of accountants. Why was that?

M: Well, to be quite honest, I didn't like it — so I got a place at the Art College a year ago.

W: What do you do in your spare time?

M: I like jazz and folk music; I go to the theater occasionally and act a bit myself. I read quite a lot, and I've dune a bit of photography. Also, I've traveled a lot — hitchhiked all over Europe.

W: Very interesting, Mr. Plant. I think that's all I wanted to ask about your background.

What are the two speakers doing?

A.They are having a friendly chat.

B.One is interviewing the other.

C.They are talking about each other's family.



听力原文:W: Mike! Look at the floor!

M: What's wrong with it?

W: What's wrong with it! It's filthy!

M: Oh

W: It's filthy because you never wipe your shoes.

M: Sorry, love.

W: what are you looking for now?

M: My cigarettes.

W: Well; they are not here. They are in the dustbin.

M: In the dustbin! Why?

W: Because there's cigarette ash on every carpet in the house.

M: I don't drop ash on the carpets.

W: Oh yes, you do. I know because I clean them. Anyway, cigarettes are a waste of money.

M: Maybe they are, but I earn the money! I work eight hours a day. Remember?

W: Well, what about my money then?

M: What do you mean by "your money"? You don't go out to work, do you?

W: No, I don't' go out to work. I work fifteen hours a day ... Here.

M: Oh, I see so housework is different, is it? Housework doesn't matter. Well you do it then.

W: Hey, wait a minute, love...


A.The floor is dirty with dust from shoes.

B.The floor is covered with cigarette ash.

C.The floor is covered with books,

D.The floor is a mess with clothes.



听力原文:W: Hi, Bill, how is it going?

M: Oh, hi, Jan. I'm OK. How about you?

W: You can probably tell just by looking at me. I'm really busy. Hey, what are you reading?

M: A pretty interesting article. My biology professor assigned it, and I thought I just look it over. But I got really involved in it. It's about endangered species.

W: That sounds pretty interesting. I'm getting frustrated with the two research papers I'm struggling with.

M: Oh?

W: And can you believe they are both due on the same day?

M: That's tough.

W: I'll get through it. So what's this you are reading?

M: Well, it's basically about the choices conservationists are faced with. You know, these days when funding so hard to come by.

W: Wait a minute. Is the focus on biology or economics?

M: Both. Conservationists don't have enough funding to save every endangered species in the world, so they have to decide based on what would be lost if a species became extinct.

W: Can you give me an example of what you mean?

M: Take for instance, two animals, the spotted awl and the tailed toad. The article says the toad is unique. It has no relatives. But there are a lot of varieties of awls.

W: So, if that toad became extinct, we'd lose an important link in the chain of revolution, right?

M: Exactly. But that isn't so for the awl. So for conservationists, it might be clear choice of which animal to save.

W: I see. I am glad I don't have to make that kind of decision. Aren't you?


A.Current issues in economics

B.Choices faced by conservationists

C.A recent biology lecture

D.Topics for a research paper

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