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The nerve which controls the m. of anterior group of the arm is

A.ulnar n.

B.radial n.

C.median n.

D.axillary n.

E.musculocutaneous n.

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Which is the pre-writing activityin which a student or group of students write down as many thoughts as possible on a topic without paying attention to organization, sentence structure or spelling?()


























American Indians played a central role in the war known as the American Revolution. To them, however, the dispute between the colonists and England was peripheral. For American Indians the conflict was a war for American Indian independence, and whichever side they chose, they lost it. Mary Brant was a powerful influence among the Iroquois. She was a Mohawk, the leader of the society of all Iroquois matrons, and the widow of Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Her brother, Joseph Brant, is the best-known American Indian warrior of the Revolution, yet she may have exerted even more influence in the confederacy than he did. She used her influence to keep the western tribes of Iroquois loyal to the English king, George 111. When the colonists won the war, she and her tribe had to abandon their lands and retreat to Canada. On the other side, Nancy Ward held positions of authority in the Cherokee nation. She had fought as a warrior in the war against the Creeks and as a reward for her heroism was made "Beloved Woman" of the tribe. This office made her chief of the women' s council and a member of the council of chiefs. She was friendly with the white settlers and supported the Patriots during the Revolution. Yet the Cherokees too lost their land.

What is the main point the author makes in the passage?

A.Siding with the English in the Revolution helped American Indians regain their land.

B.At the time of the Revolution, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs had little power.

C.Regardless of whom they supported in the Revolution, American Indians lost their land.

D.The outcome of the Revolution was largely determined by American Indian women.



听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in an art class. Professor Well, urn, whether we like it or not—and many may disagree with my thesis because painting, or music, or some other art is more important to them—the art of the moving image is the only art truly of our time, whether it is in the form. of film or television. The moving picture is our universal art, which comprises all others: literature and acting, stage design and music, dance and the beauty of nature, and most of all, the use of light and of color. It is always about us, because the medium is truly part of the message and the medium of the moving image is uniquely modern. Everybody can understand it, as everyone once understood religious art in church. And as people used to go to church on Sundays, anyway they still do it now, so the majority today go to the movies on weekends. But while in the past most went to church only on some days, now everybody watches moving images every day. All age groups watch moving pictures, and they watch them for many more hours than people have ever spent in churches. Children and adults watch them separately or together in many ways and for many people, it is the only experience common to parents and children. It is the only art today that appeals to all social and economic classes, in short, that appeals to everybody, as did religious art in times past. The moving picture is thus by far the most popular of our time, and it is also the most authentically American of arts. When I speak here of the moving picture as the authentic American art of our time, I do not think of art with a capital A, nor of "high" art. Putting art on a pedestal robs it of its vitality. When the great medieval and Renaissance cathedrals were erected, and decorated outside and in with art, these were popular works, which meant something to everybody. Some were great works of art, others not, but every piece was significant and all took pride in each of them. Some gain their spiritual experience from the masterpiece, but many more gain it from the mediocre works that express the same vision as the masterpiece but in a more accessible form. This is as true for church music or the church itself as for paintings and sculptures. This diversity of art objects achieves a unity, and differences in quality are important, provided they all represent, each in its own way, the overarching vision and experience of a larger, important cosmos Such a vision confers meaning and dignity on our existence, and is what forms the essence of art. So among the worst detriments to the healthy development of the art of the moving image are efforts by aesthetes and critics to isolate the art of film from popular movies and television. Nothing could be more contrary to the true spirit of art. Whenever art was vital, it was always equally popular with the ordinary man and the most refined person. Had Greek drama and comedy meant nothing to most citizens, the majority of the population would not have set all day long entranced on hard stone slabs, watching the events on the stage; nor would the entire population have conferred prizes on the winning dramatist. The medieval pageants and mystery plays out of which modern drama grew were popular entertainment, as were the plays of Shakespeare. Everybody admired Davids statue; it was simultaneously popular and great art, but one did not think of it in disparate terms. Neither should we. To live well we need both: visions that lift us up, and entertainment that is down to earth, provided both art and entertainment, each in its different form. and way, are embodiments of the same visions of man. If art does not speak to all of us, common men and elites alike, it fails to address itself to that true humanity that is common to all of us. A different art for the elites and another one for average man tears society apart; it offends what we most need; visions that bind us together in common experiences that make life worth living. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 29. What does the professor believe according to the situation in the United States? 30. What can people gain from the works of art? 31. According to the professor, what can Americans gain from moving pictures? 32. According to the professor, what is one way that confers meaning and dignity on our existence? 33. What does the professor mean when she says this? Professor Putting art on a pedestal robs it of its vitality. When the great medieval and Renaissance cathedrals were erected, and decorated outside and in with art, these were popular works, which meant something to everybody. 34. How does the professor view art?Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in an art class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What does the professor believe according to the situation in the United States?

A.Painting is the central art of our time.

B.The moving picture is the central art of our time.

C.Music is the most central art of our time.

D.Some other art is more important in our time.



passage two:questions 16~20 are based on the following passage. As soon as it was revealed that a reporter for Progressive magazine had discovered how to make a hydrogen bomb, a group of firearm (火器) fans formed the National Hydrogen Bomb Association, and they are now lobbying against any legislation to stop Americans from owning one.

“The Constitution,” said the association’s spokesman, “gives everyone the right to own arms. It doesn’t spell out what kind of arms. But since anyone can now make a hydrogen bomb, the public should be able to buy it to protect themselves.”

“Don’t you think it’s dangerous to have one in the house, particularly where there are children around?”

“The National Hydrogen Bomb Association hopes to educate people in the safe handling of this type of weapon. We are instructing owners to keep the bomb in a locked cabinet and the fuse (导火索) separately in a drawer.”

“Some people consider the hydrogen bomb a very fatal weapon which could kill somebody.”

The spokesman said, “Hydrogen bombs don’t kill people—people kill people. The bomb is for self-protection and it also has a deterrent effect. If somebody knows you have a nuclear weapon in your house, they’re going to think twice about breaking in.”

“But those who want to ban the bomb for American citizens claim that if you have one locked in the cabinet, with the fuse in a drawer, you would never be able to assemble it in time to stop an intruder (侵入者).”

“Another argument against allowing people to own a bomb is that at the moment it is very expensive to build one. So what your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns.”

第16题:According to the passage, some people started a national association so as to ________.

A.block any legislation to ban the private possession of the bomb

B.coordinate the mass production of the destructive weapon

C.instruct people how to keep the bomb safe at home

D.promote the large-scale sale of this newly invented weapon



Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

In 1750 BC, the Code of Hammurabi made it a crime punishable by death to sell anything to a child without first obtaining a power of attorney. In 2001, selling products to children has become business as usual. The average American child may view as many as 40,000 commercials annually. And commercials clearly have an effect on children and adults: otherwise, businesses would not have paid the networks $7.3 billion this year for advertising time.

Many critics now feel that commercial American television programming exists for the sole purpose of delivering a certain demographic audience to a specific group of advertisers. In other words, the programs exist for the sake of the commercials, not the other way around. Beginning in the 1960s, advertisers began to target children specifically with advertisements, reaping great financial rewards in return. By 1998, the advertising industry was spending $2 billion on advertisements targeting children, a 20-fold increase from 1990. Advertisers recognize that children and teenagers not only influence their parents' spending habits, but also have their own money to spend.

But many are starting to question whether or not it is wrong for young children to be targeted by advertisers. Young children are cognitively and psychologically defenseless against television advertising. Numerous studies have documented that young children under the age of 6 to 8 years are unable to understand the intent of advertisements and, in fact, frequently accept advertising claims as being largely true.

Advertising may also contribute to the development of skepticism among children and adolescents as they compare what they see advertised with the real item. In the late 1980s, Consumer Reports made three superb videotapes in their "Buy Me That" series, which documented how deceptive many ads for children's toys could be. For example, the disclaimers are spoken rapidly or shown in small print and are not understood by small children.

Children represent a captive audience to broadcasters and advertisers. They learn from what they view on television, in movies, in video games, and in music videos. It is now time for parents, educators, and the government to acknowledge this crucial fact and move on and to protect young people from unhealthy media influences such as overexposure to television advertising.

According to the text, selling products to children in today's society is ______.

A.a common activity


C.looked down upon

D.punishable by death



As soon as it was revealed that a reporter for Progressive magazine had discovered how to make a hydrogen bomb, a group of firearm(火器)fans formed the National Hydrogen Bomb Association, and they are now lobbying against any legislation to stop Americans from owning one.

"The Constitution," said the association's spokesman, "gives everyone the right to own arms. It doesn't spell out what kind of arms. But since anyone can now make a hydrogen bomb, the public should be able to buy it to protect themselves."

"Don't you think it's dangerous to have one in the house, particularly where there are children around?"

"The National Hydrogen Bomb Association hopes to educate people in the safe handling of this type of weapon. We are instructing owners to keep the bomb in a locked cabinet and the fuse(导火索)separately in a drawer."

"Some people consider the hydrogen bomb a very fatal weapon which could kill somebody."

The spokesman said, "Hydrogen bombs don't kill people--people kill people. The bomb is for self-protection and it also has a deterrent effect. If somebody knows you have a nuclear weapon in your house, they're going to think twice about breaking in."

"But those who want to ban the bomb for American citizens claim that if you have one locked in the cabinet, with the fuse in a drawer, you would never be able to assemble it in time to stop an intruder(侵入者).”

"Another argument against allowing people to own a bomb is that at the moment it is very expensive to build one. So what your association is hacking is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns."

According to the passage, some people started a national association so as to ______.

A.block any legislation to ban the private possession of the bomb

B.coordinate the mass production of the destructive weapon

C.instruct people how to keep the bomb safe at home

D.promote the large-scale sale of this newly invented weapon



As soon as it was revealed that a reporter for progressive magazine had discovered how to make a hydrogen bomb, a group of firearm (火器) fans formed the National Hydrogen Bomb Association, and they are now lobbying against any legislation to stop Americans from owning one.

"The Constitution," said the association's spokesman, "gives everyone the right to own arms. It doesn't spell out what kind of arms. But since anyone can now make a hydrogen bomb, the public should be able m buy it to protect themselves."

"Don't you think it's dangerous to have one in the house, particularly where there are children around?"

"The National Hydrogen Bomb Association hopes to educate people in the safe handling of this type of weapon. We axe instructing owners to keep the bomb in a locked cabinet and the fuse(导火索 ) separately in a drawer."

"Some people consider the hydrogen bomb a very fatal weapon which could kill somebody."

The spokesman said, "Hydrogen bombs don't kill people—people kill people. The bomb is for selfprotection and it also has a deterrent effect. If somebody knows you have a nuclear weapon in your house, they're going to think twice about breaking in."

"But those who want to ban the bomb for American citizens claim that if you have one locked in the cabinet, with the fuse in a drawer, you would never be able to assemble it in time to stop an intruder(侵入者)."

"Another argument against allowing people to own a bomb is that at the moment it is very expensive to build one. So what your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns."

According to the passage, some people started a national association so as to ______.

A.block any legislation to ban the private possession of the bomb

B.coordinate the mass production of the destructive weapon

C.instruct people how to keep the bomb safe at home

D.promote the largescale sale of this newly invented weapon

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