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Setting up separate bicycle tracks is an effective way to _______ bicycle accidents and improve the safety for riders who share the road with motor vehicles.





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听力原文:W: Mr. Glieberman, do you see any change in the high rate of broken marriages?

M: The divorce rate is beginning to level off and probably will begin to drop in the next year or two, though not significantly.

W: Why is it so?

M: The tightened economy has made it more difficult for troubled couples to handle all the costs associated with setting up separate households.

W: Is there any other reason?

M:Yes. I believe there is a comeback of thought after the turbulent 60s and 70s that the family does have value. In the midst of change and family disintegration, people seem to have a greater desire now to create stability in their lives.

W: What is the divorce rate now?

M: About one in three marriages ends in divorce, a ratio far higher than it was twenty years ago when the philosophy was "we will tough it out no matter what". Society demands that for appearance's sake we stay together. Divorce no longer carries much disgrace.

W: Could you give us an example?

M: Yes. There is no way, for example, that Ronald Reagan, a divorced man, could have been elected president in 1960. And there are countless other divorced politicians who, years ago, would have been voted out of office if they had even considered a divorce, let alone gotten one. The same was true in the corporate structure where divorced people rarely moved up the executive ladder. Now corporations welcome a divorced man.

W: Why?

M: Because they can shift him around the country without worrying about relocating his family or making certain that they are happy.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. Which word best describes Mr. Glieberman's prediction of the change in the divorce rate?

20. What do people nowadays desire to do concerning their marriage?

21. Why did some people choose not to divorce 20 years ago?

22. What do we know about a divorced man in a company years ago from the conversation?








听力原文:W: Mr. Glieberman, do you see any change in high rate of broken marriages?

M: The divorce rate is beginning to level off and probably will begin to drop in the next year or two, though not significantly. The tightened economy has made it more difficult for troubled couples to handle all the costs associated with setting up separate households. Also, I believe there is a comeback of thought after the turbulent 60s and 70s that the family does have value. In the midst of change and family disintegration, people seem to have a greater desire now to create stability in their lives.

W: What is the divorce rate now?

M: About one in three marriages ends in divorce, a ratio far higher than it was twenty years ago when the philosophy was "we will tough it out no matter what." Society demands that for appearance's sake we stay together. Divorce no longer carries much disgrace. There is no way, for example, that Ronald Reagan, a divorced man, could have been elected president in 1960, And there are countless other divorced politicians who, years age, would have been voted out of office if they had even considered a divorce, let alone gotten one. The same was true in the corporate structure where divorced people rarely moved up the executive ladder. Now corporations welcome a divorced man because they can shift him around the country without worrying about relocating his family or making certain that they are happy.








听力原文: W: Mr. Glieberman, do you see any change in the high rate of broken marriages?

M: The divorce rate is beginning to level off and probably will begin to drop in the next year or two, though not significantly. The tight economy has made it more difficult for troubled couples to handle all the costs associated with setting up separate households. Also, I believe there's a comeback of thought—after the turbulent '60s and '70s--that the family does have value. In the midst of change and family disintegration, people seem to have a greater desire now to create stability in their lives.

W: What is the divorce rate now?

M: About 1 in 3 marriages ends in divorce, a ratio far higher than it was 20 years ago when the philosophy was "We'll tough it out no matter what. Society demands that, for appearances' sake, we stay together."

Divorce no longer carries much disgrace. There's no way, for example, that Ronald Reagan, a divorced man, could have been elected President in 1960. And there are countless other divorced politicians who years ago would have been voted out of office if they had even considered a divorce, let alone gotten one.

The same was true in the corporate structure, where divorced people rarely moved up the executive ladder. Now corporations welcome a divorced man, because they can shift him around the country without worrying about relocating his family or making certain that they are happy.








听力原文:W: Daddy, I have decided to give up science and go to business school.

M: Well, it is your choice as long as you pay your own way, but I should warn you that not everyone with a business degree will make a successful manager.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The man doesn't have money for his daughter's graduate studies.

B.The man doesn't think his daughter will get a business degree.

C.The man insists that his daughter should pursue her studies in science.

D.The man advises his daughter to think carefully before making her decision.



听力原文:W: Daddy, I have decided to give up science and go to business school.

M: Well, it is your choice as long as you pay your own way, but I should ware you that not everyone with a business degree will make a successful manager.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The man doesn't have money for his daughter's graduate studies.

B.The man doesn't think his daughter will get a business degree.

C.The man insists that his daughter should pursue her studies in science.

D.The man advises his daughter to think carefully before making her decision.



Who said the only way to learn about a country you can't visit is by reading a book? Dan Eckberg's television students at Hopkins High School know better. They're seeing countries and learning about cultures with the aid of electronic communications.

Using computers, satellite hookups, and telephone hotlines, Eckberg's students have already followed a team of cyclists 11,500 miles across the continent of Africa, sat atop Mount ilimanjaro, and sweltered in the Sahara Desert.

This winter they'll interact with an expedition exploring Central America in search of the classic Maya culture.

You can join them.

How? By following Eckberg and his class as they track the adventures of Dan and Steve Buettner, two world-class bicyclists from U.S.A. Starting last month these two bicyclists, joined by archaeologists and a technical support team, are interacting with students via the Internet, the worldwide computer network.

From classroom or home computer, students can make research proposals to the Buettners or the archaeologists at the various Central American locations they've been exploring as part of their Maya Quest expedition.

"We hope that someone will ask a question that can't readily be answered," says Hopkins High School student Barry Anderson. "and through the online activities, an answer will be found — a discovery!"

Having students "discover" why a civilization as advanced as the Maya collapsed in the 9th century is one key goal for the leaders of the Maya Quest expedition. The more important goal is using interactive learning to discover the cause of the decline and compare it to issues we face today — natural disasters, environmental problems, and war.

Ten lesson plans — on topics ranging from the Maya language to the Maya creation myth — have been developed for the interactive expedition.

"Through a combination of live call-in television and the Internet," says Eckberg, "we're hoping to build excitement and engagement in learning in our school."

Dan Eckberg and his students learn about Africa by______.

A.reading books.

B.watching video tapes.

C.interacting via the Internet.

D.cycling 11,500 miles.



Why is the woman going to give up swimming?



听力原文:Michael, why does a young, healthy guy like you want to give up such a great job?

Dell: I've still got the same job. We run the business together, and we're going to continue. But I thought it was appropriate to publicly recognize Kevin's achievements and capabilities. So he is the CEO now.

Rollins: People don't realize that the way Michael and I have been running the company was irrespective of rifles. We just worried about what needs to be done and who's available. When Michael talked to me about the CEO job, my first reaction was to ask, "You're not going to do anything different as part of the deal, right?" I wasn't interested in having a lot more to do. It's a big company, growing very rapidly, and it takes two of us to do it.

Dell has just come off another incredible quarter in which every single thing was at a peak — shipments, revenues, earnings per share, net income.

Rollins: Other than during the little dot-com dip around 2000, our quaterly earnings have always been records. It. was actually quite a wake-up call for us in 2000 when we stopped setting records. So we rethought where we were going.

Dell: Back to the drawing board.

Rollins: We set new strategic goals, financial goals, organizational goals, and started our change-of-culture activities, We set up a whole range of initiatives. Michael and I have changed in terms of our maturity about how to run a company this big and sustain growth -- how you become not just a great financial institution but also an organization where people develop. That's necessary to have a great company at $60 million or $70 million.

Dell: Your people want to build careers. We are starting to manage our cultural elements much in the way we manage operational excellence.

Did you have to change your own behavior?

Dell: We put a priority on it. We made examples of ourselves.

Rollins: We now have a 360-degree evaluation process. Michael and I share the 360 feedback, good and bad, with all our direct reports. They have a free shot at telling us what they don't like about us and what they think we could do better. They wanted more feedback. They wanted an opportunity to participate more in the decision-making. They wanted us to be more open. We were maybe not as friendly as we could have been in making them want to stay here socially.

Those changes have rippled through the company. How does that fie to Dell's strategy?

Rollins: Our strategy is the direct business model: bringing great value to customers through a unique and world-class supply chain, customer intimacy, and great support. It's also the bedrock for our relationships — direct communications. It's how Michael and I deal with each other. It's how we deal with our teams. It's how we expect our teams to deal with each other. It's how we expect them to deal with customers.

Dell: It's free flow of information, no intermediaries, no boundaries, fast reaction times.

So you're sure it's effective?

Dell: We'll be looking at much larger markets five to ten years from now than people can imagine today. Think about what's going on in Asia in the consumption and demand of technology. The U. S. is sort of the prototype for how the world could be massively productive using technology. But the U. S. is only 3.5 % of the world's population. The opportunity is pretty huge, as we see it.

Rollins: People usually gauge opportunity based on the static idea of what the world sells and buys today. But a few years ago people didn't think that little desktop computers would lead to the explosive use of digitization in all of entertainment. The same thing is true in the corporate world.

Dell: Small biotech startups with 15 to 20 employees call us on the phone and buy 64 servers, and all of a sudden they've got a high-performance computing cluster, and that's their production engine for research.

On the other hand, IBM has struggled to grow beyond the range of $ 80 billion to $ 90 billion in annual r

A.Harmonious and cooperative.

B.Competitive but cooperative.

C.Hostile but agreeable.

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