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In documentary collection, after the goods have been shipped, the exporter presents the documents to ()

A、A. the collecting bank

B、B. the reimbursing bank

C、C. the remitting bank

D、D. the opening bank

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In documentary collection, the exporters present the documents to______after the goods have been shipped.

A.the remitting bank

B.the collecting bank

C.the reimbursing bank

D.the opening bank



One Chinese company imported a batch of goods from America on CFR Shanghai basis. Payment was made by irrevocable sight L/C. The expotter chartered a ship. After shipment, the exporter presented full set of documents in conformity with the L/C. After checking the documents, the opening bank paid the purchase price and informed the Chinese company that the documents had arrived. The Chinese company made payment and got the documents, but there was no news about the goods. Later, the Chinese company was told that the camer was a small shipping company, and it went bankrupt soon after its departure. The goods and the ship were missing. The Chinese company suffered heavy losses.

  Question: What do we learn from the case?



A.the exporter

B.the importer

C.the exporter's bank

D.the importer's bank



听力原文: Banker's acceptances are a very old form. of commercial credit. They provide, in essence, a method whereby a bank may add its good name and reputation to bills of a borrower, thereby making the bills much more marketable than it would otherwise be. Specifically, the mechanics of the operation typically, work like the following. Suppose that an American exporter sells wheat to a German importer. The terms of the sale are that the German importer will pay for the wheat ninety days after it is shipped. For a variety of reasons, however, the American firm may want its money now, and not want to wait the ninety days. If so, it may issue a draft on its bank ordering the bank to pay a stipulated sum of money to the holder of the draft ninety days from now. Along with the draft, the American exporter will send the appropriate documents showing that the wheat has actually been shipped. When the bank receives the draft, together, with the documentation, it stamps "accepted" across the face of it.

27. What are banker's acceptances?

28.Who is the drawee of the draft mentioned in the passage?

29.What should be attached to the draft when it is presented for acceptance?

30.How does the bank accept the draft?


A.They are drafts issued by a bank on another bank.

B.They are a very old form. of commercial credit.

C.They are exchange bills discounted by customers.

D.They are checks cashed through the ATMs.



write a letter to the exporter complaining about the loss suffered as a result of damaged goods and asking them to make a compensation.



Company M exported 500 M/T of Fertilizer to a fore...

Company M exported 500 M/T of Fertilizer to a foreign company, H. It was contracted to shipped the goods on or before Mar. 15 provided the Credit reached the seller no later than Feb. 28. On Feb. 20, M received the credit that was valid until Mar. 30. The goods were to be shipped on board as scheduled. However, unexpected storm made it impossible to shipped the goods on board before the contracted time. Therefore, M asked H to extend the time of shipment and the validity of the credit to Mar. 31 and April 15 respectively. With an immediate favorable reply from H, M shipped the goods on Mar. 20. When M presented the documents for negotiation, the negotiating bank refused to make payment. Q: Did the negotiating bank have the right to refuse payment? Why?



A.The German importer.

B.The American exporter.

C.The exporter's bank.

D.Any bank.



Humour is probably the hardest commodity to export. Jokes that make one country laugh out loud are likely to leave another nation confused and silent. But humour can also be very revealing, if not always funny. After all, jokes are often just another way of expressing anxieties, fears and even prejudices.

In Britain, one of the most enduring types of humour is satire. This is the art of making fun of people in positions of power--politicians, celebrities and even royalty--in order to draw attention to their faults.

While satire is not uniquely British, it does have a special appeal in Britain, and one of the best examples of this is the success of the satirical magazine Private Eye. This magazine has been poking fun at "the great and the good" in British public life for the last 35 years, and its victims admit to reading it and laughing with it.

One of the magazine's former contributors, Auberon Waugh, believes the "Eye" is successful because it repeats the best jokes over and over again. "You go back and make the same jokes with a new twist every time, so you are, by the end, talking a private language, and I think readers like that." He goes on to say that "Americans come to London and claim to enjoy Private Eye, yet they can't understand a word of it."

But it is not only Americans who have difficulties understanding the "Eye". Its esoteric sense of humour and sometimes oblique references to British news mean that only those people who closely follow the news benefit from the jokes. This is why the magazine has practically no buyers overseas even though each issue sells 180,000 copies in Britain.

The editor of the "Eye", Ian Hislop, explains how they choose their targets. "Anybody who--in the words of a very old English satirist--is guilty of vice, folly or humbug. That's them." The Royal Family is always a favourite target. One cartoon strip called "Liz" portrayed them as a rough, working class family from northern England.

Over the years Private Eye has paid the price for criticising the powerful and has been successfully sued several times. Ian Hislop says there are still "ten or 12" libel writs outstanding. But some say the magazine is not as cutting or even as funny as it used to be. They say it is too incestuous, featuring too much gossip about journalists and not enough hard-hitting satire. So are Ian Hislop and his gang in danger of becoming part of the establishment they claim to expose?

The writer believes that ______.

A.humour is the greatest barrier between nations

B.jokes reveal national prejudices

C.humour is language specific

D.jokes may dispel fears and anxieties



Our company exports a lot of goods to Japan by CIF Tokyo. On April 20, an irrevocable letter of credit at sight was opened by the Bank of Tokyo, Japan. The amount of the L/C is US$50,000 and the shipment date is May. It is also stipulated in the L/C that the Bank of China at the place of seller is the advising bank and the negotiating bank. After receiving the L/C, the Bank of China notified the exporting company on April 22. But on April 30, before goods will shipped, our export company learned that Japanese importers were on the verge of bankruptcy due to financial problems. Q: What should we do in this case ()



Procedures of Marine Insurance

  Usually insurance is arranged by the exporter ( under CIF terms etc. ) or the importer (under FOB, CFR terms etc.) approaching an insurance company which has a department specializing in cargo insurance. They may start by inquiring and choosing the right coverage and then negotiate insurance premium rates. Sometimes, brokers may be utilized whose assistance can be of enormous benefit as they are highly skilled specialists and can obtain sound and reliable coverage, together with competitive premium rates. In export trade, who will effect insurance depends on the particular trade terms adopted. Under CIF terms, it is the seller who arranges insurance with an insurance company. Under the terms as FOB, CFR, the buyer effects insurance, but he may ask the seller to arrange insurance on behalf of the buyer. An insurance policy is issued when goods are insured, but it is also usual for certificate of insurance to be issued for documentary purposes. An insurance policy is acrually a contract, serving as evidence of the arrangement between the insurer and the person taking out insurance. It forms part of the shipping documents.

  In completing the insurance contract-the insurance policy-either party, buyer or seller, will undergo different steps, they are :

  1. To apply for marine insurance

  In some countries, the first step the insured party should take is to apply for insurance from a certain insurance company. The applicant should fill in the special form-the proposal form, which gives all the details concerning ownership, value, time span insurance will be for, risks and coverages, etc.

  2. To determine the insurance value of the goods to be insured

  Cenerally speaking, the value to be insured is based on the value of the commercial invoice; the need for maintaining adequate insurance has already been stressed. The recommended minimum amount is the total CIF value plus 10% for other fees and normal margin of profit. Probably the best way of determining needed insurance is to estimate the market value of the goods at the port of destination and to obtain coverage for that amount. Other methods of arriving at a valuation of goods may also be agreed,as determination of the value to be insured varies from country to country.

  3. To determine the insurance average and coverage

  Determining the right coverage sometimes can be easy, and sometimes difficult. The decision can be made only on the basis of the following factors : the nature of the product; packing considerations such as difference of air and sea transport; shipping route and ports consideration such as any transshipment on the way to the final port, etc. Based on the above factors , the insured may consider the averages and coverages. The average is closely linked with the goods and the goods,in return, are related with the coverage.

  4. To determine insurance premium rates

  The rates charged by the insurance company depend on many factors. The important determinants include the type of coverage desired, shipping routes, types of conveyances, duration of the voyage , and nature of the goods. Also important is each individual shipper's past loss experiences. Af'ter a period of favorable experience, rates may be lowered. Conversely,a shipper with a bad loss record may find his premiums increased. Generally, the greater the risks that the consignment is exposed to,the higher the premium will be. Premium for sending goods through the Persian Gulf,where the area is at a war, are much higher than sending oil through the Suez Canal. More exactly, the factors determining the insurance premium rates include the carrying vessel, nature of' the packing used, type of merchandise involved, nature of transit and related warehouse accommodation, previous experiences , the extent of cover needed and the volume of cargo involved.

  5. To sign an insurance policy

  Before filling in and signing an insurance policy, it is important to know what an insurance policy is and the kind of insurance policies. The most common policies being used now in the world today are msurance policy, insurance certificate and open policy , etc.

  6. To lodge an insurance claim

  Whenever an actual loss occurs ,it is important that the one having an interest in the goods can get fair, efficient, and rapid adjustment of his claims. A basic prerequisite for having a claim recognized by the insurance company is that the one making the claim has an insurable interest in the goods. Susceptibility to financial loss by the claim, if the shipment is lost or damaged,is sufficient to demonstrate an insurable interest. Claims can be made by the shipper,the buyer or even a carrier that has first lien on goods for unpaid freight charges. The one who registers a claim is not so easy. It needs patience, evidence and knowledge.

  Most insurance company policies require that immediate notice be given to the nearest branch or agency in the event of damage giving rise to claim under a policy on goods. When notified of damage, the company's agent appoints a suitable surveyor to inspect the goods and to report on the nature and extent of damage. A common practice is for a report or certificate of loss incorporating the surveyor's findings to be issued to the consignees , the latter paying the fee. This certificate of loss is included with the claim papers and, if the loss is recoverable under the insurance cover,the fee is refunded to the claimants.

  In some circumstances , the claim pap ers are returned to the place where the insurance was effected and subsequently to the underwriters. However, especially where goods are sold on CIF terms and the policy is assigned to the consignees;arrangements are made for any claims to be paid at destination. In such cases, the consignees approach the agents named in the policy for payment of their claims. Of course, the claims procedure will vary by circumstances but undoubtedly a quicker settlement should be secured in the event of loss or damage.

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