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The idea that “Couldn't get rice too clean or mince too fine for him.” comes from:





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更多“The idea that “Couldn't get ri…”相关的问题


The economists have come to the conclusion that the cause of increased food prices lies in ______.



The chickens Eijkman noticed in the hospital yard______.

A. couldn't digest the polished rice

B. proved “beri-beri” is caused by germs

C. were later cooked for the patients' food

D. were suffering from“beA-ben”



What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Americans need to save gas.

B.Gas prices continue to rise.

C.Small cars get good gas mileage.

D.Automobiles cause serious air pollution.



The chickens Eijkman noticed in the hospital yard______.

A. couldn't digest the polished rice

B. proved “beri-beri” is caused by germs

C. were later cooked for the patients' food

D. were suffering from“beA-ben”



The chickens Eijkman noticed in the hospital yard______.

A.couldn't digest the huskless rice

B.proved beriberi is transmitted by germs

C.were later cooked for the patients' food

D.were suffering from vitamin deficiency



听力原文: Nothing can buy a better night's sleep. Although it sounds silly, it was the first thing that crossed my mind when I awoke. I truly appreciated my happy rest. It was tike a gift from heaven. Interesting to think that Bill Gates, or any rich men you can mention, really couldn't have had a more satisfying and grateful night of sleep--the best that money can't buy.

That started me thinking of other pleasures that cost nothing or very little and that are often taken for granted, like a drink of cold water on a hot day when you're really thirsty, or a warm relaxing bath when you're extremely tired or mentally exhausted.

Remember your first real kiss--can you put a price tag on that? Or the companionship of a faithful and toying pet or the clean, fresh smell of mountain air? There's an old song, "the Best Things in Life Are Free."

Did you ever eat a meal that not only filled your stomach and satisfied all your tastes, but refreshed your soul? Ever spend a winter's evening in the company of good friends?

What could be better than listening to your favorite music or watching a good movie? Or sharing the beauty of a sunset with a loved one? These are quite delightful and delicate pleasures. I hope this doesn't sound too ridiculous. in today's rough, loud world. I hope the new generation can appreciate some of these things.


A.The writer enjoys sleeping very much.

B.The writer doesn't like money at all.

C.Bill Gates does not know how to enjoy himself.

D.Mental well-being is the most important thing.



The history of ice cream is amystery. No one knows exactly how and when people began to eat it. There is onestory that the Roman emperor Nero (A.D. 37—68) sent slaves to the mountains tobring back snow. The snow was served to him sweetened with honey and fruit pulp.Marco Polo (1254—1324) tasted flavored ices, too, during his famous travels inthe Far East. He brought the recipes back toItaly.

Recipesfor ices spread fromItalyto the rest of Europe in the 1500’s. The chefs of kings constantly experimentedwith new combinations to please their masters, and at some point cream andbutter were added to the recipes for ice. The new dish was called cream ice.Cream ice, molded into amusing shapes, began to be served on the tables ofkings across Europe. Louis XIV (1638—1715)surprised his court with a dessert of eggs in cups of silver and gilt. Theeggs, of course, were really cream ice.

Graduallycream ice took the name it has today. One of the earliest advertisements forice cream was put in a New Yorkpaper in 1786. The ad announced that “Ladies and gentlemen may be supplied withice- cream every day at the City Tavern by their humble servant, Joseph Crowe.”But ice cream was still not an everyday event. It was usually presented infancy shapes at the end of dinner parties. Policy Madison (1768—1849) was famous for herimaginative dinners, and she was the first to serve ice cream at the WhiteHouse. When her guests came into the dining room, they found a table coveredwith delicious dishes, and in the center of the table, a huge mound of pink icecream on a silver platter.

Icecream was such a delicacy because it was so hard to make. At first it wasbeaten and then shaken by hand in a pan of salt and ice until it became firm. Afreezer that was cranked by hand was developed around 1846. Making ice creamwas still a chore, but cranking the freezer was much easier and faster thanshaking the mixture in a pan.

“Icecream socials” became a popular way to entertain friends. Everyone helped turnthe crank of the freezer, and homemade peach or strawberry ice cream was thereward. The development of the continuous freezer in the 1920’smade the manufacture of ice cream very quick and economical. It soon was easierto buy packaged ice cream than to make it at home. Eskimo pies and popsiclesbegan to be sold at the same time.

Possiblyice cream cones began with the World’s Fair in 1893. Vendors there sold FriedIce Cream. The ice cream was covered with a fritter batter and then quicklydipped in very hot lard or olive oil. Putting the ice cream in an alreadyprepared cone was the next step. Today there are many novelty products, fromfrozen drumsticks to ice cream pies.

16.According to the passage, which of thefollowing served ice cream disguised as eggs?

A. Policy Madison

B. Joseph Crowe

C. Louis XIV

D. Marco Polo

17.Newspaper advertisements for ice cream first appeared in_________.





18.The text would most probably be found in_________.

A. a history book

B. anadvertisement

C. a cookingbook

D. an encyclopedia

19. The main purpose of the writer is to_________.

A. explain how ice cream was invented

B. tell us the history of ice cream

C. describe why ice cream is so popular

D. persuade us the difficulties involved inmaking ice cream

20.Ice cream was so delicious, the reason is that_________.

A. it was difficult tomake

B. it was easy to make

C. it was beaten andthen shaken

D. it was complicated tomake

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