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The steeper the labor supply curve,

A、the higher the wage the monopsonist pays.

B、the lower the wage the monopsonist pays.

C、the smaller the difference between the wage and the marginal expenditure on labor.

D、the better off workers are.

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更多“The steeper the labor supply c…”相关的问题


如果闲暇是一种低栏商品,关于劳动供给曲线的斜率,你能得到什么结论?If leisure is an inferior good,what can you say about the slope of the labor supply curve?



A monopsonist faces an upward-sloping labor supply curve. This means that his marginal expenditures on labor are

A、greater than the wage.

B、equal to the wage plus the increase in the wage resulting from hiring one more unit of labor hired.

C、greater than the wage because hiring more workers requires to pay all workers more.

D、All of the above.



According to paragraph 7, the tremendous increase in the production of lumber was primarily due to

A.the availability of land

B.an increase in the labor supply

C.innovations in technology

D.timber industry leadership



Logistics is broader than supply chain, which is also provide service for invisible products.


The market supply curve is:

A、downward sloping and is flatter than an individual's supply curve.

B、upward sloping and is flatter than an individual's supply curve.

C、downward sloping and is steeper than an individual's supply curve.

D、upward sloping and is steeper than an individual's supply curve.



Consider a market with a downward sloping demand curve and an upward sloping supply curve. A $50 tax levied on the producer of the good will cause the market price to:

A、increase by $50

B、decrease by $50.

C、increase by less than $50.

D、increase by more than $50.



"The landscape seen from our windows is certainly charming, "said Annabel; "those cherry orchards and green meadows, and the river winding along the valley, and the church tower peeping out among the elms, they all make a most effective picture. There's something dreadfully sleepy and languorous about it, though; stagnation seems to be the dominant note. Nothing ever happens here; seedtime and harvest, an occasional outbreak of measles or a mildly destructive thunderstorm, and a little election excitement about once in five years, that is all that we have to modify the monotony of our existence. Rather dreadful, isn't it?"

"On the contrary, "said Matitda, "I find it soothing and restful; but then, you see, I've lived in countries where things do happen, ever so many at a time, when you're not ready for them happening all at once. ""That, of course, makes a difference, "said Annabel.

"I have never forgotten, "said Matilda, "the occasion when the Bishop of Bequar paid us an unexpected visit; he was on his way to lay the foundation-stone of a mission-house or something of the sort. ""I thought that out there you were always prepared for emergency guests turning up, "said Annabel.

"I was quite prepared for half a dozen Bishops, "said Matilda, "but it was rather disconcerting to find out after a little conversation that this particular one was a distant cousin of mine, belonging to a branch of the family that had quarreled bitterly and offensively with our branch about a Crown Derby dessert service; they got it, and we ought to have got it, in some legacy, or else we got it and they thought they ought to have it, I forget which; anyhow, I know they behaved disgracefully."

"It was rather trying, but you could have left your husband to do most of the entertaining. ""My husband was fifty miles up-country, talking sense, or what he imagined to be sense, to a village community that fancied one of their leading men was a were-tiger."

"A what tiger ?" "A were-tiger; you've heard of were-wolves, haven't you, a mixture of wolf and human being and demon? Well, in those parts they have were-tigers, or think they have, and I must say that in this case, so far as sworn, and uncontested evidence went, they had every ground for thinking so. However, as we gave up witchcraft prosecutions about three hundred years ago, we don't like to have other people keeping on our discarded practices; it doesn't seem respectful to our mental and moral position."

"I hope you weren't unkind to the Bishop, "said Annabel. "Well, of course he was my guest, so I had to be outwardly polite to him, but he was tactless enough to rake up the incidents of the old quarrel, and to try to make out that there was something to be said for the way his side of the family had behaved; even if there was, which I don't for a moment admit, my house was not the place in which to say it. I didn't argue the matter, but I gave my cook a holiday to go and visit his aged parents some ninety miles away. The emergency cook was not a specialist in curries, in fact, I don't think cooking in any shape or form. could have been one of his strong points. I believe he originally came to us in the guise of a gardener, but as we never pretended to have anything that could be considered a garden he was utilised as assistant goatherd, in which capacity, I understand, he gave every satisfaction. When the Bishop heard that I had sent away the cook on a special and unnecessary holiday he saw the inwardness of the manoeuvre, and from that moment we were scarcely on speaking terms. If you have ever had a Bishop with whom you were not on speaking terms staying in your house, you will appreciate the situation."

Annabel confessed that her life-story had never included such a disturbing experience.

All of the following adjectives describe Annabel's impression of the landscape EXCEPT







The price elasticity of demand measures

A、buyers’ responsiveness to a change in the price of a good.

B、the extent to which demand increases as additional buyers enter the market.

C、how much more of a good consumers will demand when incomes rise.

D、the movement along a supply curve when there is a change in demand.



A linear, upward-sloping supply curve has

A、a constant slope and a changing price elasticity of supply.

B、a changing slope and a constant price elasticity of supply.

C、both a constant slope and a constant price elasticity of supply.

D、both a changing slope and a changing price elasticity of supply.

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