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(0:00-2:38) Even if the speaker could go back into government, she didn't want to. What was the reason mentioned in the speech?

A、She was not qualified enough

B、She didn't want to miss the last five years that my sons were at home

C、She didn't realize what was really important to her

D、Her husband didn’t want to join her in Washington

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It sounded like a wicked idea. Even if the local supermarket was only two blocks away. Just think I could just switch on my PC and do my weekly shopping, then go back to bed and watch Richard and Judy while waiting for the delivery van to turn up. Trouble was, it didn't quite work out like that...

10:53 a.m.

Logged on to the site of A Certain Well Known Food Retailer Who Shall Remain Nameless. Immediately, I am presented with a bewildering selection of comestibles and consumables, all just a mouse-click away from my virtual shopping basket. Get in! This is cool

11:02 a.m.

Realise that I am actually missing the human contact. It's always fun watching someone making a life-or-death decision over what colour of bog roll to purchase. Or sniggering at the shell-suited fatties loading up their trolleys with 10kg bags of frozen chips, 48 packs of BSE-burgers and crates of cheap lager. Not to mention the obvious charms of that pert young checkout girl.

11:09 a.m.

Gina is really getting on my tits. She is the "virtual shop assistant" who seems to pop up on my screen every thirty seconds, flashing her 100-megawatt grin and offering totally useless advice.

11:13 a.m.

I can feel my enthusiasm rapidly away as I'm confronted with yet another daunting selection of foodstuffs. I honestly had no idea that there were so many different types of cheese to choose from.

11:21 a.m.

Is it really strictly necessary to show a full screen, three dimensional image of a tin of sodding baked beans? It took ages to download. The realisation dawns on me that in the same space of time I could have gone out to the corner shop, bought the sodding beans, heated them up, toasted some bread, eaten it and done the washing up. It's a disturbing thought.

11:46 a.m.

I finally complete my shopping and log off, but not before leaving my suggestion in the site's guest book that Gina is terminated immediately with extreme prejudice. It's actually taken me longer that if I had done it in the real world. No matter the fact that it will soon be delivered directly to my doorstep will more than make up for that.

11:49 a.m.

Back in bed. I'm trying to rest, but every time I close my eyes, I see a grainy image of a wedge of Wensleydale. Feel slightly nauseous.

12:16 p.m.

No sign of the delivery van yet.

12:55 p.m.

Still hasn't turned up.

1:39 p.m.

Getting a bit fed with waiting.

2:01 p.m.

I can feel malnutrition gnawing at my insides, so I decide to grab a sandwich from the corner shop. Unfortunately, I'm stuck behind some doddery old gent who's picking up six back issues of Incontinence magazine, and insists on paying for them with 2p pieces from an old sweetie jar.

2:08 p.m.

The delivery van called while I was in Mr. Singh's. The driver has left a postcard saying he can either return at 4:30, or instead I can collect my shopping from their collection depot. My brain is numb with hunger. I decide on the second option.

2:35 p.m.

The depot turns out to be on the other side of town, so I have to get there by bus. I pick up my four carrier bags, and stagger back to the bus stop, the cheese-wire-like handles of the bags digging deep into my flesh.

4:27 p.m.

I eventually get home precisely three minutes before the deliveryman was due to call back. I have blisters the size of 50p pieces on my hands, I've coughed up £1.95 on bus fares, and I've spent a great total of two hours and thirty-nine minutes doing my shopping. And I still forgot to get the milk.

The author of the passage will, most probably in the future, ______.

A.continue to have fun shopping online

B.quit shopping online

C.shop online as well as go shopping in stores

D.ask for delivery service



What can we do if the other person doesn’t want to offer their hand?

A、Bow to replace handshake

B、Remind him/her to shake hands

C、Catch his/her hand initially

D、Be upset and don’t say anything



听力原文: In ancient times, many people believed tile earth was a flat disc. Well over 2,000 years ago, rite ancient Greek philosophers were able to put forward two good arguments proving that it was not. Direct observations of heavenly bodies was the basis of both these arguments. First, the Greeks knew that during eclipses of the moon, file earth was between the sun and the moon, and they saw that during these eclipses, the earth's shadow on the moon was always round, they realized that this could be true only if the earth was spherical. If tile earth were a flat disc, then its shadow during eclipses would not be a perfect circle, it would be stretched out into a long ellipse. Tile second argument was based on what the Greeks saw during their travels. They noticed that the North Star, or Polaris, appeared lower in the sky when they traveled south, in more northern regions, the North Star appeared to them to be much higher in file sky. By the way, it was also from this difference in the apparent position of the North Star that the Greeks first calculated the approximate distance around the circumference of the earth, a figure recorded in ancient documents says 400,000 stadia, that's the plural of the word stadium. Today, it's not known exactly what length one stadium represents, but let's say, it was about 200 meters, the length of many athletic stadiums. This would hake the Greek' s estimate about twice the figure accepted today, a very good estimate for those writing so long before even the first telescope was invented.


A.How ancient philosophers measured the distance between heavenly bodies.

B.How ancient philosophers explained the cause of an eclipse of the Moon.

C.Why ancient philosophers thought the Earth was a sphere.

D.Why ancient philosophers thought the Earth moved around the Sun.



What does the comment by employees of The Washington Post suggest?

A.She didn't do much contribution to the world.

B.Her life is worthy.

C.If there is not Catherine, the world will appear differently.

D.If there is not Catherine, the world will be the same.



听力原文: In ancient times, many people believed the earth was a flat disc. Well over 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosophers were able to put forward two good arguments proving that it was not. Direct observations of heavenly bodies was the basis of both these arguments. First, the Greeks knew that during eclipses of the moon, the earth was between the sun and the moon, and they saw that during these eclipses, the earth's shadow on the moon was always round, they realized that this could be true only ff the earth was spherical. If the earth were a flat disc, then its shadow during eclipses would not be a perfect circle, it would be stretched out into a long ellipse. The second argument was based on what the Greeks saw during their travels. They noticed that the Noah Star, or Polaris, appeared lower in the sky when they traveled south, in more northernly regions, the North Star appeared to them to be much higher in the sky. By the way, it was also from this difference in the apparent position of the Noah Star that the Greeks first calculate the approximate distance around the circumference of the earth, a figure recorded in ancient documents says 400, 000 stadia, that's the plural of the word stadium. Today, it's not known exactly what length one stadium represents, but let's say it was about 200 meters. It's a very good estimate for those writing se long before even the first telescope was invented.

According to the speaker, what were the beliefs of the Greek philosophers based upon?

A.How the natural world was described in Greek mythology.

B.What they observed directly.

C.The writings of philosophers from other societies.

D.Measurements made with scientific instruments.



听力原文:W: Can I see the island today?

M: You could if this fog would clear up.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The woman can see the island.

B.It's too foggy to see the island now.

C.It's clear where the lawn has been raked.

D.He doesn't want to see the island.

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