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Syntax is the study of how words and phrases are properly formed out of elements of a language.

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There’s a simple idea that two of West Germany’s top car manufacturers are seriously studying at the moment, both out of self interest, but also out of concern for the environment.

The concept is to develop vehicles that can run on a virtually limitless element hydrogen which when burned does not produce damaging fumes, but instead a bit of water vapour. The concept can solve two problems at once. First, it is a hedge for that day in the 21 st century when hydrocarbon fuels run out, a prospect of no minor concern for the automotive industry.

Beyond that, the increasingly dire warnings by environmental scientists about the "greenhouse effect" in atomosphere caused by carbon dioxide exhausts adds urgency to the quest for a fuel that is less damaging to the environment.

Of course, there is a hitch to hydrogen, both carmakers admit: though the know - how to run vehicles on nature's lightest element is already available, hydrogen is far from being cost competitive compared to hydrocarbon fuels, and further refinements hydrogen -propulsion technology will be required. But what we are discussing today is the technology of the year 2020.

But after several year’s research Daimler and BMW engineers, in collaboration with other companies and research institutes in West Germany, independently have been tackling the technological and cost feasibility problems to be overcome in hydrogen fuel application.

In addition to the two concerns of technology and economic feasibility, the carmakers say, there is the issue of safety. The spectacular explosion of the dirigible. Hindenburg in 1937 immediately comes to mind, and skeptics wonder what the German autobahn would look like in one of the hundred - car pileups that routinely happen every winter if all the cars and tanks loaded with hydrogen.

A BMW engineer, Friedich Fickel, says that hydrogen is seen as less risky than gasoline. When leaked, hydrogen rises quickly up to the atmosphere, reducing the potential of explosion, whereas gasoline fumes linger close to the ground before dispersing. Still, both Daimler and BMW report that a considerable part of their development efforts are aimed at safe, lead - free storage of hydrogen fuel.

The related question is what is the best method of storage. By now, the tests by both carmakers have all but eliminated using hydrogen in gas form. As a gas it takes up about 14 times the space of liquid hydrogen and as much as 30 percent can be lost by leakege unless the tanks are perfectly sealed.

Two other storage methods hold more promise. One is in liquid form, and the other in the form. of metal hydrides. In the latter, hydrogen if mixed with a metal alloy, a process whereby the gas molecules are stored within the metal's molecular structure.

Which of the following is the characteristic of hydrogen?

A.It is nontoxic.

B.It has lots of vapour.

C.It doesn’t produce damaging fuels.

D.It costs less.



Mobile office is the mutual product of economic, scientific and social progress. Mobile office has become a solution that provides users with convenient, prompt, safe, reliable and reasonably priced communications and office faculty anywhere anytime via the support of mobile interconnection platform. (MIP) and its applications systems.

When you leave your office to attend meetings or travel on business, what would happen to your business routine? Of course, faxes and e-mails would be still sent to your fax machine or e-mail box, but you cannot read them and make prompt reaction timely. When your clients need you to make some urgent modifications on your work and you are neither in the office nor carrying relevant documents, what can you do? Maybe you have to say "sorry" to the clients. But, your business will be affected, the clients will be unhappy and disappointed because of your delay, and you will lose a lot of business opportunities.

In fact, very frequently, you need to check, reply, distribute, display, modify or read some materials when you are not in your office. You must get out of this dilemma. The best solution to normally handle your-business anywhere anytime and not to disappoint your clients is to let your office "move" with you. Thus, you can have convenient, prompt, safe, reliable and reasonably priced communications and office faculty anywhere anytime. With the development of communications technology, network application and wireless interconnection, mobile office has become simpler and smaller, and even can be realized via one mobile phone with data communications function. Thus, mobile office has already been put into your pocket, and office mobility has been realized. Mobile office has provided people with convenient, casual working environment, but at the same time it still has some unsatisfactory aspects such as mismatching equipment interface and inadequate battery. Nevertheless, we believe that with technical progress, people can certainly overcome all kinds of difficulties. Mobile office will make your career successful, and will realize the dream of completely free communication. Users will enjoy more colorful life and better working environment, and users' living standard, working efficiency and even enterprises' production efficiency will certainly be immensely raised.

It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A.mobile office is the only way by which people could enjoy prompt and safe working environment

B.with the development of science, mobile office comes to our life inevitably

C.people had no convenient and reliable communications and office faculty before

D.mobile interconnection platform. and its application systems is the core of mobile office



According to paragraph. 1, which of the following is true?

A.Bookstores are going out of fashion because of e-books and e-tailers.

B.Digital books are likely to sell better than paper ones before 2015 in USA.

C.Bookstores are facing an existential crisis because of insufficient time.

D.The future of Foyles has become the primary concern of everyone.



●Most computer systems are (71) to two different groups of attacks:Insider attacks and outsider attacks. A system that is known to be (72) to an outsider attack by preventing (73) from outside can still be vulnerable to the insider attacks accomplished by abusive usage of (74) users. Detecting such abusive usage as well as attacks by outsides not only provides information on damage assessment, but also helps to prevent future attacks. These attacks are usually (75) by tools referred to as Intrusion Detection Systems.

(71) A.vulnerable




(72) A.reliable




(73) A.visit




(74) A.power




(75) A.searched




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