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C、1. 硼氢化钠 2. 醋酐,乙醇钠






The Evolution of the Photofit

Security technology: A new type of computerised photofit system takes a novel evolutionary approach to generating images of suspects. If you have ever tried to describe someone's face in detail, you will understand why the "photofit" composite images used by the police look so dodgy. In recent years, computerised "E-Fit" systems have helped improve the accuracy of these images by allowing witnesses to choose from a wider range of facial features. But researchers at the University of Stirling in Scotland found that, despite these improvements, people still have a hard time constructing recognisable faces--especially if there is a delay of more

The problem is that people tend to recoguise faces as whole entities, rather than as separate features. So picking from a range of eyes, noses and mouths is not necessarily the most suitable approach, says Charlie Frowd, a psychologist at the University of Stifling. Next year, however, British police are expected to begin trials of a new computerised system, called EvoFIT, developed by Dr. Frowd and his colleague Peter Hancock. It uses an evolutionary approach, known as a genetic algorithm, to "evolve" faces rather than piece them together.

"The process is entirely non-verbal and takes a fraction of the normal time," claims Dr. Frowd. A witness is shown an array of 60 different faces with random features. Having studied them closely, the witness is asked to choose the six images that most closely resemble the person they are trying to describe. These six are then used to generate another set of 60, by switching featurees between some of the images and by making random changes to others. The witness is then asked to repeat the task, whereupon a new batch of faces is generated, and so on. In evolutionary terms, this process is known as "genetic crossover and mutation", and is a powerful way to search a large number of possibilities for a particular solution. By allowing the user to steer the selection process, the program is able to generate a good likeness for the original face after just a few cycles.

In one of its early versions, EvoFIT was used by police in Northampton shire who were trying to catch a violent attacker. The attacker was never caught, but the senior investigating officer, Superintendent Paul Spick, says the witness involved found the new software much quicker and easier to use than traditional E-Fit systems. It was also more accurate: the final image caused the witness visible distress when displayed. A further important advantage of EvoFIT over traditional composites is that an image can be generated even if the witness can only provide a sketchy verbal description.

The researchers have since made a number of further improvements to their system and are now in the process of commercializing it in partnership with ABM, a British firm which supplies police forces with photofit, one of the leading computerized composite systems. The images are more realistic, and the system can generate three-quarter angle views of the face, which are easier to distinguish than direct frontal views, says Dr. Frowd.

A His team has also found that by combining the images generated by different witnesses, or even from a single witness, it is possible to get an even better likeness. B This could be particularly useful when multiple witnesses come forward and the police are unsure which of the images they produce is the most accurate. C In the latest version, witnesses are given a selection of face shapes to choose from before facial features are added. D This makes it less likely that the correct facial features will be rejected simply because they are on the wrong-shaped face.

These modifications appear to make all the difference. In recent experiments, Dr. Frowd and Dr. Hancock compared EvoFIT with the computerized systems currently in use by asking volunteers







How many photos will Jane need to get a travel card?







The photo ______ nice.


B、is looked


D、is looking



听力原文:What product image are we trying to convey to potential consumers?

(A) That our products are both environmentally friendly and convenient.

(B) All the merchandise will be marked down more than 30 percent.

(C) These photos are vivid and clear.







Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1995 in the United States.

A 19【M2】 photo shows Bill as a rapt young teenager,

watched his friend Paul Allen type at a computer terminal. 【M1】______

Allen became a co-founder of Microsoft. As for a child, Gates 【M2】______

had neat hair and an eager, pleasant smile. He entered Harvard

and dropped out to found Microsoft in 19【M9】Microsoft's first 【M3】______

product was a version of the programming language BASIC, for

the Altair 8800, arguably the world's first personal computer.

BASIC, invented by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz in 1964,

was someone else's idea. Such was the Alter. 【M4】______

By 1980, IBM had decided to build personal computers

and needed a PC operating system. So they fired Microsoft to 【M5】______

build its operating system. Microsoft bought Q-DOS from a

company called Seattle Computer Products and retailed them 【M6】______

for the PC.

The PC was released in August 1981 and was following 【M7】______

into the market by huge flocks of honking, beeping clones.

Apple released the Macintosh in 1984: a sophisticated

computer was now available to the masses. In May 1990,

Microsoft finally perfected it's own version of Apple windows 【M8】______

3.0, another huge hit.

By the early 1990s, electronic mail and the Internet were

big. Technologists forecast an Internet centered view of computing

called "mirror worlds". The World Wide Web was emerged in 【M9】______

1994, marking browsers unnecessary, and Netscape was founded 【M10】______

that same year.




When night falls in remote parts of Africa and the Indian subcontinent, hundreds of millions of people without access to electricity turn to candles or flammable and polluting kerosene lamps for illumination.

Slowly through small loans for solar powered devices, microfinance is bringing light to these rural regions where a lack of electricity has stymied economic development, literacy rates and health. A woman sews clothes on a sewing machine driven by solar energy in Ahmedabad/ Photo credit: Amit Dave/ Reuters

“Earlier, they could not do much once the sun set. Now, the sun is used differently. They have increased their productivity, improved their health and socio-economic status,” said Pinal Shah from SEWA Bank, a micro -lending institution.

Vegetable seller Ramiben Waghri took out a loan to buy a solar lantern which she uses to light up her stall at night. The lantern costs between $66-$112, about a week? s income for Waghri.

“The vegetables look better by this light, and it? s cheaper than kerosene and doesn? t smell,” said Waghri, who estimates she makes about 300 rupees ($6) more each evening with her lantern.

“If we can use the sun to save some money, why not?”

In India, solar power projects, often funded by micro credit institutions, are helping the country reduce carbon emissions and achieve its goal to double the contribution of renewable energy to 6%, or 25,000 megawatts, within the next four years.

Off-grid applications such as solar cookers and lanterns, which can provide several hours of light at night after being charged by the sun during the day, will help cut dependence on fossil fuels and reduce the fourth biggest emitter? s carbon footprint, said Pradeep Dadhich, a senior fellow at energy research institute TERI.

“They are reaching people who otherwise have limited or no access to electricity, and depend on kerosene, diesel or firewood for their energy needs,” he said.“The applications not only satisfy these needs, they also improve the quality of life and reduce the carbon footprint.”

SEWA or Self Employed Women? s Association, is among a growing number of microfinance institutions in India focused on providing affordable renewable energy sources to poor people, who otherwise would have had to stand for hours to buy kerosene for lamps, or trudge miles to collect firewood for cooking.

SKS Microfinance, India? s largest MFI, offers solar lamps to its 5 million customers, while Grameen Surya Bijlee (Rural Solar Electricity) Foundation helps fund lamps and home and street lighting systems for villagers in India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

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